Trail of Bones: A Young Adult Fantasy Novel (37 page)

Read Trail of Bones: A Young Adult Fantasy Novel Online

Authors: Chris Salisbury

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Trail of Bones: A Young Adult Fantasy Novel
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“If one was to go to Thornmount, how would he travel?” asked the cat.

Magnus sniffed the air and then answered. “Follow the benches of the Mountains of Badek to the West, then along the banks of the River of Ash. Then North through the forest to the rocks of Thornmount,” said the wolf, and then he tilted his head. “Why?”

“I think I’ll start the search for my family there,” the panther said. “It’s as good a place as any.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Navarro.

Both Magnus and Kelor looked back at Navarro.

“Don’t you have a royal court or a king’s table to attend to?” asked Kelor.

“Yes. And songs of heroes and fair maidens to write?” added Magnus.

“Sure, but I kinda like your idea,” answered the bard. He smiled at the blank stares from the wolf and cat.

“Truth is… you’re the only friends I got,” said the human. “Besides, you need me,” he added with a wink.

“I don’t,” answered Kelor. Magnus and Kelor started walking west.

Navarro jogged to catch up. “Oh ya? Tell me what happens when the two of you come upon a village or town. Think the locals are gonna welcome a Shade Wolf and a giant panther with open arms? Don’t think so.”

“He’s got a point,” said Magnus as he looked at Kelor.

“Good luck getting home when an army of angry villagers armed with pitchforks come after ya,” Navarro said.

Kelor sighed. “Ok fine. You can come. But don’t touch me. Ever. I hate that!”

Navarro grinned from as he walked in between the wolf and the panther. “Actually, I was hoping you could give me a ride, Kelor. Ya know, for awhile. For saving your life, maybe.”

“Try it; see what happens,” said Kelor and then the cat opened his jaws wide and licked his fangs with his tongue.

“Never mind. I think I’ll stretch my legs a bit,” said Navarro. “Ya, I think I’m just fine.”

“That’s what I thought,” said Kelor.

“A wise choice,” added Magnus as he looked at his friend.

The trio embarked on their journey just as Magnus described. They sang songs as the peaks of Badek towered above. They caught fish in the River of Ash and listened to Navarro’s tales and legends as they rested during the night. They kept moving West until the tall trees of the Mythik Forest came into view.

“What is it, Magnus? Slow down!” shouted Kelor as he chased the wolf.

Navarro did his best to keep up, but fell far behind the pair.

Magnus raced to the top of a ridge, and stared at the deep brush of the forest lying ahead. “We’re not far now,” said the wolf. He inhaled a deep breath to take in all the scents and odors. “Home” said Magnus as he darted into the forest.

The wolf had only run a short distance before he froze. Magnus was scanning the forest, examining every tree, every bush, and every blade of grass… as if looking for something. He smelled the ground and then the air.

Kelor trotted up and stood next to his friend. He started to speak, but stopped when he realized something was troubling the wolf.

Navarro came crashing through the brush, panting and heaving to catch his breath. “What’s his problem?” the bard asked.

A dark object appeared on the top of the next ridge.

Magnus took a few steps forward and then froze again.

The object came into view revealing the shape of a wolf. Its fur was as dark as Magnus. In fact, it looked almost exactly like Magnus.

“Father!” shouted Magnus.

The wolf turned and looked straight at the three of them. Its eyes went from a dark brown to a bright electric-blue.

Ataris howled as his body jerked and convulsed as ribbons of blue energy slowly consumed him.

The End

Look for the exciting journey to continue in Hunt for the Sacred Fang (Trail of Bones, Book 2)


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