Touch of Eden (4 page)

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Authors: Jessie M.

BOOK: Touch of Eden
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I try not to think about complications at work. It's not going to spoil my mood. I'll think about that tomorrow when I drop her off home. I expect I'll be up early, it's kind of a shame she's got to go to work.




I get back at eight after dropping Jodie off at her place with a hot goodbye kiss she won't forget any time soon. I said I'd call her, took her number... and I will, today in fact. I'm not a bastard. In fact I sent her a text as soon as she left the car. “Have a nice day gorgeous.”

Fuck how the hell is Eden going to take this?
I am in deep shit, I am sure she's going to find out somehow, just by looking in my eyes. I go inside my stable in fear of her supervisory wrath. I'll ask Jodie not to speak to me in the gym... that's what I'll do. Keep it all on the quiet while it lasts. And keep everything crossed.

It probably won't last long anyway, my interest usually wanes pretty fast once I've been there. At the moment she rocks my boat. She's
cute and sweet, so very hot and the sexiest little thing, but that's where it stops. I don't want a full on relationship with her. Or anyone. She knows it's just sex between us, well she should do. There hasn't been much in the way of conversation otherwise. I'll give her a call later today, be cool, say I'll see her in Raquels next week. A completely amazing night of sex doesn't mean commitment. If she doesn't know that already, she'll have to learn that's the way I am.

I know I'm coldly detached about sex in the emotional sense. It's a physical need I have, that's all. Most men are the same, I'm sure. I'm lucky I can choose gorgeous women like Jodie to have detached sex with. Not that they're always as gorgeous as her, most are just desperate to fuck me. I'm not always that fussy, to be honest.

I'm lazing around back in my highly sex-fragranced bed at a little before 9am when my phone rings.

I check the caller... and jump in surprise... it's Eden.
Oh shit no, she knows already. Somehow, she really can read my mind, even at a distance...

Hi honey, what's up?” I try to sound sleepy, unconcerned, innocent. It's difficult.

Josh, you've got to do me a big favour. My mum's gone walkabout, I've been looking for her for an hour already, and I'm supposed to be doing an induction with a client near Sudbury this morning. Can you do it for me? It's not that far from you. I'll owe you big time...”

I breathe a huge sigh of relief as my mind whirs into action. This favour will be held in reserve, to play down my Jojo misdeed, should Eden ever find out. I am quick to agree to her request. “Your mum comes first, don't you worry honey. I'll take the client, it's no trouble at all. Give me the details?” I grab a pen and paper and write it down, repeating it back to her. “Keira Charlton, Buxlow Manor, Colchester Road, Sudbury, right...” She then supplies the postcode and phone number. “Okay... At 10am. Got all that. Just a normal induction, right?”

As far as I know. Thanks so much Josh. Really.” And she clicks off.

I drag myself out of my sublime sex pit, shower and get my beloved gym gear on. I make more of an effort as I am visiting a client. I don't do many of these field visits. They're Eden's job. She has a company car for doing this stuff. I take a look in my gym holdall and I actually have an induction form in there. It needs an iron as it's a little creased. I sort it out quickly and put it on a clipboard so it looks professional. Eden is always professional. I get in my car and set off at 9.45, it's a short drive and I can wait the odd five minutes outside 'Buxlow Manor' so I'm nice and punctual.

I find the gate and drive up, leaving the car to announce my arrival in the intercom. I press the button. Twice. On the third attempt someone answers. It sounds like an older woman.

Hello, I have an appointment with Keira Charlton at ten for a gym induction.”

Ah, I remember summat 'bout that. I'll open the gate fer yer.”

I get back in the car and drive in as the gate opens. Well, I thought my 'estate' was a good size, but this is in a different league. I pass by two tennis courts, massive gardens with gardener at work, a huge swimming pool in the distance and what looks like a set of functioning stables.
Very nice. One day maybe....
I swing around to the front of the house and park up next to a silver grey Porsche with a personalised number plate ARK2.

I take a look at the impressive building in front of me. It's an ancient stone pile complete with ivy, porticoed entrance and three floors of leaded windows...
Can I really see battlements up there around the roof line? Fuck, I bloody can...
This is a really huge old mega-money house. I'm not that interested in historical things, until cash comes into it. And this is serious cash, really serious. As I leave the car and start to walk towards the door a pair of fearsome black Dobermans with spiked red collars appear in front of me. They seem intent on checking me out, sniffing at me and growling with displeasure at my invading stranger scent.

Nice doggies.” I say nervously edging back towards my car. I don't think nice doggy will deter these beasts from going for my jugular. Better be real careful here. A large middle aged woman comes out of the door and saves my neck and butt from being ripped to kingdom come.

Jasper, Sparta, c'mere boys. “ She calls the dogs away, sending them off to defend other parts of their territory. “'Ow do... If yer follow me I'll show yer in.” She announces in a strong Suffolk accent. I don't think this is Keira somehow. She doesn't look or sound like a Keira to me. I follow her through the entrance and along a corridor into a gym room. It's small but well fitted out. I'm wondering why Keira needs a gym induction when she obviously has a gym of her own. “I'll get Miss Keira for yer then, just a tick...” And she goes off to find her. I wander around looking at the equipment. The weights are all set very high. At a male level. I start to adjust them to female lighter weights when the door opens and in walks Miss Keira.

I'm not sure what I am thinking at this moment, but my jaw must surely be on the floor. It seems she is having difficulties as well, for some reason. It's not just the Josh effect either, there's a very odd look on her face. Dear God, that face. The eyes. The lips. The hair. The fucking glorious body. I'm so in love, in the physical sense of course. I've honestly never seen such a beautiful girl in my life. She's the type of woman that makes men drool. Absolutely everything is perfect. Every last detail. Slender, large breasted, long legs... She walks forward towards me like a graceful white clad gazelle. Her large brown doe eyes meet mine and she opens her mouth to speak.

are my personal trainer?” It's a question, not a statement.

I am indeed, Joshua Courtauld, pleased to meet you Miss Charlton.” I recover my professional manner as best as I can, holding out my hand. She places her small cool manicured hand in mine and I shake it quickly. It burns into my hand's memory.

I'm surprised Andrew has allowed
to come. He asked for a female instructor.”

You would have had one, had it not been for a domestic incident that kept Miss Saunders from her work today. I'm afraid you'll have to make do with me.”

Oh, I see and I'm sure you are an excellent instructor, Joshua.” She smiles a little revealing a row of polished white beauties.
Mind on the job, Josh.

Can we run through a few questions first? Just health and medical things.” We spend five minutes making sure she has no heart problems or anything else that is likely to cause her to die on me... “So, what are you looking for from me exactly? From what I can see you don't look like you need to lose weight, you look fit and toned. Why do you need an induction with a personal trainer Keira, if I may call you that?” I can be so professionally charming when I try.

Yes, Keira's fine. It was Andrew's idea. He wants me to keep fit and in shape.” The odd look is back, a fearful type of look. I press her a little.

And who is this Andrew who thinks you might get out of shape, can I ask?”

He's my... ummm, partner. This is his house.” I notice the hesitant way she says partner.
Very strange.

I see. So he has 'insisted' you keep trim for him, has he?”

Insisted is exactly the right word, yes.”
She's having a laugh, surely?

Okay. Well I can set you up with a plan. I'll write it down for you in a moment. But really, tell him from me, there's nothing vaguely out of shape or anywhere near it. He's worrying about nothing.”

I do swim a lot. And jog around the grounds with the dogs. Sometimes I ride the horses off the estate in the woods behind.”

Well it sounds like you're active enough anyway. It's a lovely place. It must be great living here.”

Not really.”

Oh, and why's that?”

I don't go out. It feels like a prison to me.”

What do you mean exactly?”

I'm not allowed out on my own, unless Carter comes with me. He's Andrew's minder. I have to have permission first. Mostly people come here. Like you have today.”

I'm getting bad vibes about all this Keira. Are you telling me Andrew keeps you here against your will in some way?”

I really don't know why I'm telling you this and I know I shouldn't be, but yes, s
omething like that.”

How long has this been going on?”

Three years.”

Do you want to leave here, now I mean?”

Yes, but I can't”

Why not?”

He controls me.”

Like how?”

I can't say. I don't want to cause trouble.”

Look, I can take you to the police station and you can explain it all to them.”

No, they can't help.”

Then you can come with me and I'll find somewhere for you to stay”

Where can I go? He'll find me, I know he will. He can find anyone, anywhere.”

You can stay with me, I have a spare room.”

I don't think so Joshua, that's very kind of you, but it's not appropriate, is it?”

I assure you I can be very appropriate when I try. But why are you so scared of him anyway? Tell him to get lost.”

I can't do that
. He's not a good man.”

What do you mean?”

He has a dark side and he's not into legal things.”

And e
xactly what type of illegal things are we talking about...?”

Smuggling drugs mainly.”

Keira, let me get this straight. For some strange reason, you, a seemingly sweet and very lovely girl, have taken up with a big time drug lord with a dark side who is keeping you prisoner somehow and you are doing what... fucking him?” Her eyes start to fill with tears. I've pushed it way too far now. I feel bad about the blunt way I put it and give her a quick spontaneous hug.
Not a good move at all.

She hugs me back tightly. Her divinely beautiful face looks up into mine, those large brown eyes begging me for something. They're full of desperation and need. I feel so protective, and yet, at the same time I feel faint with sexual longing. This can't be happening... me, babe magnet Joshua Courtauld, feeling faint and overcome from one little hug. I can't help it... I'm trying so hard not to, it's so unprofessional, but I'm about to brush my lips against hers. She moves away suddenly before I can do it and looks down, a high flush appearing on her cheeks.

You'd better go now. Andrew will be back soon and I don't think he'll be happy to see you.”

I can't leave you here. Not now I know. How can I?”

You've no choice. I'm a prisoner. It's my life.”

Give me your phone number at least.”

He checks my phone all the time and the numbers on the phone bill.”

I'll call you from the gym, that'll look official.”

I get her phone number and put it in mine. This needs careful thought.
Why the fuck can't she leave?

Look, I'll write out your plan. For appearances sake.” Two minutes later I place it in her hands. “Don't worry, we'll sort it out between us. Give me a week to come up with something.”
What the hell am I doing? Fucking with a drug lord's moll, that's what... Josh you are going to regret this, very badly.

She walks behind me showing me out of the main door. “Thank you for coming anyway Joshua. It's been so nice talking to you, I don't get to see many people these days. I'll open the gate.” Then she's gone. The door closing behind me.

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