
Read Touch Online

Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Touch
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The Dining Club
Part Five
Marina Anderson

New York   Boston

Chapter One

Because she’d already been so skillfully aroused, Grace didn’t take as much notice of the meal and her surroundings as usual this time. Her mind was far away, wondering what lay ahead of her, dreading and yet needing whatever the trial had in store for her.

She sipped at her champagne, and ate what was put in front of her, but her thoughts were only on the evening, and the choice of dessert cards that would soon be put before her. Laura, who was the third person at their table, ate little and said even less.

Throughout the meal, David kept touching Grace lightly on the knee, and several times he whispered in her ear, reminding her of what had happened in their room earlier. Each time he did this he would finish by swirling his tongue inside her ear, which he knew she loved, diabolically increasing her body’s sexual tension.

This time it was Andrew who brought the cards to their table, and as her eyes met his and he smiled at her, Grace was surprised to realize that she hoped he would be involved in whatever she chose.

There were three choices for her: “Dangerous Damson Delight,” “Masked Maple Mousse” or “Playful Profiteroles.” Immediately she knew that she didn’t want the Dangerous Damson Delight, and remembering how she’d felt when she’d been blindfolded she didn’t think she’d enjoy the Masked Maple Mousse either. On the other hand Playful Profiteroles sounded as though it would offer all kinds of pleasures, even though she was well aware that this was a trial, and the playfulness might not all be to her liking.

“Playful Profiteroles, I think,” she said slowly.

Andrew smiled at her. “An excellent choice,” he said, his dark brown eyes meeting hers. “I hope you enjoy it.”

“I’m sure we’ll all enjoy it,” said David softly after Andrew had left them.

All around them people were getting up from their tables, but Grace noticed that the woman at table four seemed reluctant to follow her partner out of the room. David saw Grace watching the other woman. “She’s nearly completed the course,” he explained. “Tonight is very important to her and her partner.”

Realizing that if she passed tonight’s trial, then that would be her next month, Grace’s heart went out to the young woman. “I hope she succeeds.”

“I doubt if she will. I heard she struggled last time,” he replied.

“That would be so sad, to fail at the last hurdle.”

“Most people do, but I want you to concentrate on this one. We’re upstairs tonight.”

With those ominous words resounding in her head she followed him out of the dining room and up the main staircase, but they turned left instead of to the right, which was the way to their suite.

The corridor was a long one. At the far end he opened a thick white-paneled door and then with a firm hand in the small of her back he guided her in.

This room was almost as dark as the basement had been, but unlike that room it was vast with a very high, arched ceiling decorated with Victorian cornices. There was a beautiful Italian fireplace on the one side of the room. On the other side were two beds, piled high with cushions and pillows, positioned close to each other. Above the beds a large, gold mirror, surrounded by subdued lighting, was set into the ceiling.

“Time to start playing,” said David, the excitement obvious in his voice as he crossed the room and stood by Amber’s side. Grace looked at the two of them, standing so closely together and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the blonde was her enemy, and determined to make her fail. This realization helped to strengthen Grace’s resolve to succeed at all costs.

Laura, who had come up from the dining room with them, now stepped into the middle of the room and slowly stripped off her dress to reveal skimpy black and red underwear beneath it. Her large breasts were almost spilling out of the black and red bra, and the miniscule knickers were so tight that they emphasized the slight swelling of her pubic mound.

“Isn’t she gorgeous,” said Andrew, who was standing by one of the beds. “Would you like to touch her before we begin our games with you? She likes to be touched.”

Grace swallowed hard. “I’m not sure.”

“You don’t have to, but she’d appreciate it, wouldn’t you, Laura.”

Laura nodded, and sensing that this was actually the start of the trial, Grace went up to her and lightly stroked the concave stomach with the tips of her fingers for a few seconds, causing the other girl to catch her breath with excitement.

“Excellent,” said Andrew. “Now, is Amy ready?”

A door on the left-hand side of the room opened and Amy walked in. For a moment Grace couldn’t make out what she was wearing, but then realized it was a black- and coffee-colored bra with a long strip of black lace down the front. It had cutout side panels and a band of lacy material round the tops of her thighs, but as she walked slowly to the center of the room it was clear that there were no matching panties.

“That outfit really suits you, Amy,” said Amber, guiding Laura’s twin to one of the beds. “Apron outfits are so sexy, and make it easy for us all to pleasure you.”

“How does it make you feel?” David asked Amy.

“Very sexy,” replied Amy enthusiastically.

“Time to do something about your outfit, Grace,” interjected Andrew as he approached her. Swiftly he removed her dress, and then handed her a set of underwear.

She was nervous, but now her nervousness had a tinge of excitement. She could see how sexy Amy looked, and wondered how it must feel to be dressed in that way.

Aware that they were all watching her she tried not to show her embarrassment. Light from the one window emphasized her nakedness, and for a moment she longed for the darkness of the basement room. Quickly putting on the underwear she found that the cups of her bra were open fronted. The matching cream and black crotchless thong for some reason made her feel even more vulnerable than when she’d been totally naked, vulnerable yet sensual too.

Dressed as required, her legs trembling with a mixture of excited anticipation and fear, she mutely let Amber lead her to one of the beds. As the other woman’s hand touched her shoulder Grace was surprised to realize that she was now even more determined not to let Amber win. Whatever the trial turned out to be, she had to succeed.

“Lie down,” Amber said softly, “and David will explain the trial to you.” Her gentle tone increased Grace’s briefly subdued trepidation, because she knew how false it was, and understood that it didn’t bode well for what she was about to hear.

“This evening I’m sure you’ll be delighted to hear that you can both let your pleasure spill as often as you like,” said David. “The only element of competition is a simple one. The first person to be exhausted, and say that they don’t want any more orgasms will be the loser. If Grace loses, then she will fail the trial. Before we begin, do either of you have any questions?”

There was total silence in the room and Grace’s heart sank as she realized exactly what he was saying. She and Amy were going to be brought to the peak of pleasure time after time until one of them couldn’t go on any longer. This meant that the ability to slow down each orgasm, delay every climax, was vital. However, with the way her body had been teased and aroused already that day, Grace knew that her first orgasm would be very quick, putting her at an immediate disadvantage. Also, she was in no doubt that Amy had taken part in this particular trial many times, and had been carefully chosen as her opponent.

“Why is it called ‘Playful Profiteroles’?” she queried, trying to keep her voice from trembling.

“We’ll be using some exciting toys on you both during the evening, and I know you’ll get a great deal of pleasure from them,” replied David.

“Extreme pleasure,” added Amber, and Grace could hear the excitement in the other woman’s voice.

“Amber and Laura will be in charge of the pleasure to begin with,” added David, walking round until he was standing by Grace’s head. “Amber will be working on you, darling,” he added.

Putting out a hand he lightly caressed her left nipple, which was exposed due to the open-fronted bra. “So exquisite,” he murmured to himself, as she tried to ignore the sensations his touch was causing her. “Remember failure tonight means you can never return for the final test, and we’ll never see each other again. Don’t let me down, my darling,” he whispered in her ear. She shivered at his words.

With one final tweak of the increasingly sensitive nipple he moved away, leaving Grace confused by his motives for so cruelly arousing her in advance of the trial while urging her not to fail.

Amber now took David’s place at her side and looking down at Grace she smiled. It was not a reassuring smile. Gently she touched the younger woman between her thighs, two fingers sliding inside the opening of the crotchless thong.

“My goodness, you’re already very wet,” she commented. “Clearly you’re eager for a climax, so I’ll try to make this nice and quick for you.”

Quick was exactly what Grace knew she didn’t need if she were to have any hope of winning the trial, but as Amber’s lubricated fingers moved slowly up and down the soft, damp tissue beneath her outer sex lips in a slow, steady rhythm, Grace started to make tiny mewing sounds of pleasure.

She heard Amber laugh, and now the blonde woman’s other hand was at the base of Grace’s gently rounded belly. She pressed the heel of her hand firmly against the soft skin above the pubic bone, while letting her fingers splay out and down so that she could trap Grace’s swollen clitoris between the resulting V.

Grace could feel her breasts swelling and despite herself her hips moved urgently on the soft cushions beneath her. Her body craved this orgasm and no matter how hard she tried to control herself the need for release grew and grew.

A hot, liquid sensation filled the base of her belly, and immediately Amber’s fingers pressed down harder against the area surrounding the clitoris while at the same time increasing the pace of her other two fingers moving up and down the damp inner channel.

Still Grace tried to delay the moment of orgasm, struggling not to let herself climax. She thought she was succeeding but then felt a pair of strong male hands beneath her thighs, lifting her up slightly, and she guessed that David, who knew her body so well, had joined in to make it even more difficult for her.

Amber’s fingers stopped their movement, allowing the newcomer to lightly skim his tongue along the frantic, pulsating flesh. When he swirled it around the edges of her swollen, needy clitoris Grace couldn’t hold out any longer. With a scream of delight she let the pleasure flood through her, sobbing with the pleasure of such long-delayed release.

Her body continued to shudder for several seconds, until finally the spasm was over and she fell back against the bed, well aware that next to her Amy, although whimpering with excitement, had not yet had her first orgasm.

“Andrew has a clever tongue,” said Amber, looking down at Grace. “You’ll need a few minutes to recover, so I’ll leave you for a moment while I find a toy for you.”

Only then did Grace realize it wasn’t David who had finally caused her body to spasm in such ecstasy. For a moment she lay quietly, but when she realized that Amy was making tiny sounds of excitement and gasping for breath as her twin worked on her, Grace discovered the sound of the other girl’s rising excitement was arousing her once more.

She felt deeply ashamed. She’d never had another woman touch her intimately before, and now that it was happening, combined with the sounds of another woman reaching orgasm so near her, her body was excited by it. Not only that, she was enjoying it.

Putting her hands over her ears she tried to blot out the excited cries coming from Amy, but Andrew was immediately at her side, pulling her hands down. “That’s not allowed. You’re meant to feed off each other’s excitement.”

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