touch (24 page)

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Authors: Melissa Haag

BOOK: touch
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“You never sleep?”

“Not since finding you.  Before that I did, but never for
very long.  I don’t need sleep like you do.”

I stuck my hands in my pocket and tried to suppress a shiver
from standing in the cold.  Leaning against him when we rode kept me warmer
than I’d realized.

“Then I guess I’ll see you inside.”

He nodded with a small smile, and I let myself in.  I
wondered if my mom knew he hung around after I fell asleep.

Hanging up my things, I saw her curled on the couch.  Aunt
Danielle opened her eyes from her chair and winked at me before closing them
again.  I had the feeling that, if mom hadn’t caught him, she didn’t know. 
Aunt Danielle seemed to be on Morik’s side.

I leaned over mom and gently shook her arm.  “I’m home,” I

She opened her eyes and nodded tiredly before getting up and
going to her own room.  Relieved that we didn’t need to fight again, I called
good night to Aunt Danielle before moving to my own room.

Grabbing my things, I quickly changed in the bathroom before
tiptoeing back to my room.  Morik stood by the bed the covers already pulled

When he saw me, he started chanting.  I stopped in front of
him and put my hand over his mouth.  As soon as the words stopped, the building
lethargy faded.

Removing my hand, I flicked the hat off his head with a
grin.  He watched me, curious.  I plucked the glasses away from his face and
set them on the desk.  He arched a brow at me as I crawled under the covers and
then patted the top of the blankets.

“Try and get some sleep,” I whispered.  If he stayed in the
house the whole night anyway, there was no reason he couldn’t catch a little
sleep.  It just seemed unnatural that he wouldn’t need a little after going so
long without.

He moved to the door.  I thought he might leave and felt
disappointment.  Instead, he turned off the light.

In the dark, I listened to him remove his shoes and jacket
before lying next to me.  After spending so much time together, it felt
comforting.  I rolled on my side toward him and lay my head on his shoulder not
asking permission or worrying if he’d mind.  His warmth lulled me to sleep as
fast as his chant would have.

*    *    *    *

Relaxed and warm, I didn’t want to wake up when the sun hit
my eyes.  My head still lay on Morik, only it’d migrated to his chest.  His
steady heartbeat drummed under my ear.  I’d tossed one arm over his waist while
the other remained pinned by my side.  His arm wrapped around me and I could
feel his fingers lightly running through the ends of my hair.

Something gave away that I was awake because he said good

“I don’t want to get up yet,” I grumped, too comfortable to

His laughter rumbled in my ear.  “You’ll be late again.”

We’d left his motorcycle behind, which meant I’d be
walking.  I sighed and lifted my head to look at the clock.  My internal clock
must still be set to seven.  I’d have to hurry.  I looked at Morik and lost my
train of thought.  Black flooded his eyes again expanding beyond the irises,
having completely consumed the ochre.

“It’s kind of scary when they do that,” I commented moving
to free my pinned arm so I could prop myself up.

“Sorry,” he rumbled closing his eyes.

“It’s okay.  I don’t mind.”  I reached out with my free hand
and brushed his cheek.  His eyes opened unchanged.  “It catches me by
surprise.  I haven’t figured out what causes it.”

He quietly watched me for a moment.  “You do.”

I didn’t say anything.  We were getting into that confusing
territory again.  Was he attracted to me?  Did he want more than a friend? 
Starting the day very similar to the day before, I chickened out and crawled
over him grabbing what I needed to get ready.

When I tossed my pajamas back into my bedroom, my bed was
made, and he was missing.  I found him sitting at the kitchen table waiting for
me.  Gran sat next to him sipping a cup of coffee.

“Sorry I didn’t say where I was going yesterday,” I
apologized to her.

“Don’t worry about it.  Danielle told me you were with
Morik.”  She smiled at Morik.  Apparently, mom was the only one with a chip
regarding him.  I wasn’t sure about Aunt Grace’s opinion since I didn’t see her
enough to know.  “Where is everyone?”

“Left early for work.”  Gran picked up her coffee and moved
to the living room to turn on their morning talk show.  “Better get going or
you’ll be late.”

Tomorrow, the first day of winter break, I promised myself
I’d sleep in.  Staying up later than I was used to was taking its toll.

When I put on my jacket, I was surprised to feel gloves in
the pockets since I’d left them at his house.  Morik opened the door, and I
spotted the motorcycle parked out front.

“How did that get here?”

“I got it while you were changing,” he explained holding the
door for me.

It must be nice to pop in and out of places at will.

When I got to school, Beatriz waited for us.  “Are you ready
for tomorrow night?” she asked with a grin.

I looked toward Morik not sure if he’d decided yet if he’d

He nodded his head.  “What time do you want us there?”

“Does noon work for you guys?”

It was his turn to look at me.  After how mad mom had been,
I knew I should talk to her first.  “I’ll call you tonight after I check with
my mom.”

School flew.  Before I knew it, I again settled on the back
of his bike heading home.  No detours unlike yesterday.

We worked on the earrings until mom and Aunt Grace got
home.  After dinner, when everyone thought Morik left, I went back to my room
to finish them.  Morik helped me wrap them so they’d be ready for Saturday
night when we exchanged gifts.  I still didn’t have anything to give Morik.

“Did you sleep at all last night?” I asked after changing in
the bathroom.  He waited for me beside the bed, but didn’t begin the chant.

“It was very comfortable,” he replied pulling back the

I slid into bed, not commenting on his evasive answer.  The
blankets were already warm.

“You’re welcome to lay down any time.”  I grinned up at
him.  “I don’t mind the extra heat.”

He returned my smile and pulled the covers up repeating last
night’s routine.

Snuggling against his side, I fell asleep.  At some point
during the night, I got too warm and kicked off the blankets.  I felt him shift
so I could free my legs and then floated back to sleep.

Chapter 13

When the light hit my eyes, I groaned and turned my head
burrowing into Morik’s shirt.  His fingers threaded through my hair in slow
gentle strokes teasing me from my slightly surly mood.  I wanted to sleep in

Sighing, I enjoyed the heat of his skin against my palm and
pressed closer.  Then I froze.  Skin?  More awake, I concentrated before
opening my eyes.

I lay against his side with only a thin blanket tossed over
us.  My hand had found a way under his shirt to his skin.  And, at some point
during the night, I had casually tossed one of my legs over his thighs.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, untangling myself and sitting up
abruptly.  The hand he used to thread through my hair fell to the bed.  “I
didn’t mean to practically lay on you.  I must have gotten cold after kicking
off the covers.”

“I didn’t mind.”

Black pools stared back at me.  I couldn’t tell the
direction of his gaze when they solidified to one color like that, but I felt
pretty sure he focused on me.  I had pushed up his shirt leaving his stomach
exposed.  My eyes drifted to his skin.  I couldn’t help it.  I liked the warm
color of it and the texture.

Realizing I stared, I looked away awkwardly.  He’d told me
he wouldn’t draw any lines for me, but I didn’t want to do things that would
make him feel uncomfortable either.  He wasn’t a toy to be played with.

“I’m going to get ready,” I said softly and scrambled off
the bed climbing over his legs.

I stopped at the door, my arms full of clothes and looked
back at him unsure of what I was getting ready for.  “What are we doing today?”

He lay still watching me.  At least, I thought he was. 
“Your Grandmother came in a few minutes ago.”  He sat up pulling the blanket
half covering him off the bed with him.  “She covered us up and asked if we’d
go shopping with her.”  He folded the blanket in his arms looking relaxed as he
waited for me to open the door.

I looked down at his bare feet.  Even with black nails, the
sight of him standing barefoot in my bedroom started butterflies fluttering in
my stomach.

“Do you mind going shopping?” I asked trying to ignore my
reaction to him.  He stayed where he was and shook his head indicating he
didn’t.  “Okay.”

Leaving him in my room, I took my time in the bathroom.  It
wasn’t often I had the time to shower in the morning.  It gave me time to
think.  I liked sleeping next to Morik.  Maybe a little too much.  Would I like
doing that for the rest of my life?  Would he?  My fascination with him
continued to grow each day.  Thinking of the party tonight, I knew I wouldn’t
be looking anymore.  It was time I set us all free.  I wanted Morik as my
choice, but didn’t know how to make it official.  Some part of me wasn’t in
agreement with the rest.  Was it my heart or my head?  Maybe a little of both.

Though I knew his loneliness inspired the original deal, I
wanted him to have a choice too.  I wanted him to want to be with me not out of
desperation, but because he didn’t want anyone else.  That part really worried
me.  What if I was the wrong choice for him?  Once I chose, him would I still
be able to talk to my family or other humans or would the rules preventing him
from interacting apply to me as well?

I had so much I needed to ask him, but it all started with
what I meant to him.  And that would be the hardest question to ask.  Would his
answer change my decision?  Selfishly, I didn’t think so.  I’d take Morik over
anyone else just because I didn’t want a death on my shoulders, but still
worried about sacrificing his happiness.

After taking some time to apply a little makeup, I stepped
out of the bathroom in search of Morik and Gran.  The aroma of frying bacon
greeted me.

It wasn’t often Gran made a big breakfast, but when she did,
it was hard to miss.  She went old school in the kitchen, frying the bacon and
then using the grease to fry the diced potatoes with chopped onions.  When
those finished, she set it in the oven and used a little of the grease she’d
set aside to cook the eggs, which she scrambled.  Plated, the potatoes went on
the bottom of the pile, topped with the eggs, shredded cheese and then crumbled
bacon.  My mouth watered.

Inner turmoil forgotten, I followed my nose.  Instead of
Gran at the stove, Morik stood scooting bacon around the pan with a fork
carefully avoiding the popping grease.  He’d changed clothes while I’d gotten
ready, but left off the hat and glasses.  Gran sat at the table a cup of coffee
cradled in her hands giving him pointers.

I crossed the tile and stood near Morik’s shoulder to peek
at the browning bacon in the pan.  My stomach rumbled, and he looked back at me. 
His eyes were normal again.  Well, what I thought might be normal for him... 
Silver with stands of brown swirling in their depths.  Without a word, he
handed me a piece of cooling bacon from the plate beside the stove.

“Thanks,” I said breaking a piece of bacon off to pop into
my mouth.

“You’re welcome.”  He smiled at me before turning his
attention back to the bacon.

I sat next to Gran so I could face the stove and watch

“Did you know he’s never had bacon?” she demanded of me as
if I were the one responsible for his food options.  “Or meatloaf.”  She turned
her focus back on Morik.  “What about a casserole?  Ever had any type of

I caught the quick quirk of his lips before he answered that
he hadn’t.  He found Gran and her questions amusing.

Gran pushed a pad of paper and pen toward me.

“Write that down Tess.  We need to get him some variety.” 
She tapped the paper in front of me with an authoritative finger.  I dutifully
made note of the ingredients we’d need and kept my worry about the cost to
myself.  “Morik, set aside a little bit of the grease before you add those

I looked up in time to see Morik set aside the bowl of dice
potatoes he’d been about to dump into the hot grease-filled pan.  Without
switching off the burner, he used a spoon to scoop out some of the grease.

“Be careful adding the potatoes,” I said as he lifted the
bowl and dumped the cool wet potatoes into the grease.  It popped and sizzled. 
A large glob of grease flew from the pan and landed on the side of his face and

I didn’t think, just flew out of the chair grabbing the
towel from the drying rack.  He calmly put the lid on the pan as I gently
turned his face toward me with the tips of my fingers.

Grimacing as I saw a shiny spot on his cheek and a little on
his ear, I carefully blotted them away.  Neither place turned red nor began to
welt.  I reached out and touched his cheek.  It remained his normal warm

Puzzled, I shifted my attention to his ear and I carefully
ran my finger along the outer shell.  He made a pained grunting noise and I
quickly pulled my hand away.

“I’m so sorry.  I’ll get you some ice.”

He caught me before I could move away.  I looked up worried
about him.  His eyes had gone black again, confusing me.

“I’m going to brush my hair,” Gran said from behind me
pulling my attention from Morik.

“I’ll help you,” Aunt Danielle said moving to join Gran.  I
thought it odd for Aunt Danielle to offer, but didn’t comment.

Once they left the room, I looked at Morik, confused.  “Did
I do something wrong?”

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