Tortured Beginning (8 page)

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Authors: V. M. Holk

BOOK: Tortured Beginning
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As I run upstairs, I see him move my afghan to the side and sit down. I run into my bathroom, look at myself and could die. My hair is sticking up all over the place and you can see a line of dried drool on the side of my cheek. I mean seriously, kill me now.

I fix myself up as best as I can, making sure to brush my teeth. I rip off my sweatpants and tank top. I put a pair of my best jeans, that make my ass look great. Not knowing what top to wear, I decide to wear one that Anne gave me, a black form fitting sweater.  When I look at myself in the mirror, I look pretty damn hot, if I may say so myself. I chuckle and realize I have been up here to long.

I hurry downstairs to still see him sitting on the couch, flicking through the channels on the TV. He looks good in my house, I have only seen him dressed in a suit. He looks even better in a casual pair of jeans and what looked like an Irish grey sweater, with a black shirt under it. I was never attracted to a man that dressed so nice. Usually I don't like it, but on him I couldn't get enough.

I had been standing on the last step for awhile, staring at him. When he turns to me and smiles. I smile back, walked into the living room.

I clear my throat, "Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, tea, water, wine or beer?"

"A beer would be great."

I nod and head to the kitchen, when I realize he is right behind me. I go to the refrigerator and look to see what I have. I like to drink a variety of things, depending on my mood. I turn to him, with the frig still open.

"Would you like, a Bud Light, a Killians, or a Molson Canadian?"

"Wow, you have quite the variety. I would love a Killians thanks," he smiles at me and shakes his heading.

"Yeah I know. I'm Canadian and you know how we like our beer." I take out a Killians for him and a Molson for me. I hand it to him and our fingers touch lightly. I smile and look away from him, knowing that I am blushing. That damn dream I was having, keeps playing through my head. "Do you mind if we sit out on my patio? I want to have a smoke, and I don't like to in the house, if I can help it."

"Yeah, sure."

He follows me outside, I turn on the lights before I sit down. I have strings of white lights, along and wrapped around the legs of the fabric gazebo, that covers my table and chairs. It lights up the patio nicely and looks beautiful. We both take a seat and light a cigarette.

"Your yard is beautiful," he replies as he takes out his notepad and pen. He sets it next to his beer on the table.

"Thanks. I can't take all the credit. Most of this was done by my mother and my friend, Anne."

He nods his head and continues to smoke. Oh how I would love to taste those lips. I shake myself, what am I thinking about. I can't understand what is happening to me. I have never reacted to anyone like this, not Ben and not even Nico. My relationship with Nico is completely sexual. That man is so damn sexy and mind blowing in bed. I can tell he is having feelings for me, I am not going there with him or anybody.

"Well, Jaylah. Why don't you tell me what happened today."

Lost in thought, I didn't hear what he said. "What?"

"Tell me what happened, today."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry."

We smile at each other, I fidget with my beer and tear at the label. I tell him what happened between Ben and I. Trevan writes everything down as I talk. He listens intently, not interrupting or asking any questions, until I finish.

"How many times have you seen his car parked down the street?"

"I'm not really sure, a few times." I finish my beer and get up to get another. "Do you want another beer?"

"Sure," he smiles at me.

I go into the kitchen and take a deep breath. I hadn't realized how shook up I was over Ben. I open the frig and grab two more beers. I walk back outside and set his beer down next to him on the table.

"Is there anything else you can think of?"

He is still looking down at his notes, and his brow is furrowed in concentration. I hadn't realized how beautiful his hair was, it's auburn with natural gold highlights in it. Some women would die to have hair like that.

I rake my brain to think of anything else, I might have forgotten. "Oh, I almost forgot. Ben texted me, my number is unlisted and I never gave it to him."

"What did he say?"

I wave my hand, "Something about me looking beautiful and that he would talk to me soon."

He nods, as he writes this down as well. I take a long drink of my beer, not liking to think about Ben. I light another cigarette and look up to see Trevan looking at me. I look away wondering if he was feeling the same pull between us.

"So your Canadian," he says with a snicker.

"Yes, why do you say it like that?"

"I'm Irish, I was just thinking who could out drink who?"

We both start laughing and it instantly lightens the mood.

"Well maybe one day we will have to see," I wink at him.

He laughs some more, "Your on." He looks around, almost uncomfortable. "Well let me check the house and I can leave you be for the night."

I feel such disappointment when he says that, and only nod in response. We stand up, I grab the empty beer bottles and we walk back into the house. I show him where the alarm system is next to the front door, and he checks all the windows and locks.

"Everything looks good." I nod, again not wanting him to leave. But not knowing what to say to have him stay. "If anything else happens, call me, okay?"

"Okay," I reply as we walk to the door. He turns to me and looks into my eyes, he reaches up and brushes the side of my face with his knuckles. I catch my breath, when he quickly drops his hand.

He clears his throat, "I will talk to later, Jaylah. Good night."

He opens the door and starts walking to his car. "Good night and thank you, Trevan." He turns to me and smiles.




I wake up with a smile on my face. I had another wonderful dream about Trevan, this time we did more than kiss. I hear my phone beep as I get up to get ready for work. I grab it as I go into the bathroom and look to see that it's a text.


unknown      4:31am

good morning, beautiful  xoxo


I feel the blood rush from my face, why is he doing this to me. I can't stand this anymore, so I send a text back to him.


Jaylah       4:32am

stop texting me and plz just leave me alone


unknown    4:32am

now, now - I Luv u


Jaylah      4:33am

I don't Luv u - leave me alone!!


unknown     4:33am

don't piss me off Jay - already know u had a man there last nite!


Jaylah     4:34am

stop watching me!!!


unknown   4:34am

always watching....tty SOON


With shaking hands I throw my phone on the counter. So much for my good morning. I strip off my clothes and get into the shower. As I'm cleaning myself, I try to figure out what to do about Ben. I suppose I should let Trevan know about the texts and that brings a smile to my face. I can't believe I am having these feelings for a man like him. He is so not my type, but with these dreams and seeing him yesterday, I could get use to it. He looked good enough to eat, and I wanted him to touch me more.

I get ready for work and put a reminder on my phone to call Trevan. I make sure to set my alarm as I leave the house. I lock the door behind me and walk to my car. As I am about to get in, I see Ben's car down the street again. I quickly get in my car and drive to work, not looking behind me.

I run into work, thanking god that Anne is already here and the door is unlocked. I slam the door and lock it behind me, feeling relief as soon as I hear it click. I can hear Anne in the kitchen, already starting on the baking.

I drop my purse on the desk in the office, and make my way to the kitchen. I take a deep breath and plaster a smile on my face, like I have done so many times before. Nobody needs to know what is going on, so I hide my fear deep inside me.

I smile widely, "Good Morning."

"Good Morning," she replies. Anne looks up at me and her smile fades, "You okay?"

"Of course," I reply with as much lightness, I can muster. "So tell me what happened with Wyatt."

Changing the subject to Wyatt, worked perfectly. As soon as I mentioned his name, she smiled widely and started to blush. Sometimes I forget how much Anne knows me, I can't always hide my feelings from her, like I can other people.

As we are baking, Anne is telling me about her weekend. I am only half listening, because my thoughts keep going to Ben. What am I going to do?

I hand the latte to the customer, as I hear my phone ding. I take it out of my pocket to see the reminder to call Trevan. It's been such a slow morning, that I think I will actually go to the station to see him.

Anne is cleaning off some tables, I walk over to her.

"Hey, I have an errand to run. Kayla will be here in about an hour, do you mind if I leave?"

She looks at me with a concerned look, "Sure. You know you can tell me what's going on."

"Nothing is going on," I smile at her.

"Okay. But know that I will get it out of you sooner or later." She walks over to me and gives me a hug. "I love you."

"Love you too, see ya later bitch." We both start laughing, and I head to the office for my purse.

I sigh as I get into my car, sometimes it sucks to have someone know you so well. I won't be able to hide what's going on with Ben from her much longer. I pull out of the parking lot and turn onto Main Street.

I look into my rearview mirror, and my heart drops. There is Ben waving at me, so now he is following me every where. I'm thankful the police station is not that far away. As I pull into the parking lot of the station, I see Ben drive by and wave.  "Are you fucking kidding me," I say to him. I start shaking my head, it's not like he can hear me.

I find a spot in front and park my car. I sit there for a few minutes, trying to collect my thoughts and calm my nerves. Suddenly there is a knock on my window, next to me. I jump and feel like my heart stopped. I look over to see that Trevan is looking in at me. I smile despite how I feel.

He opens my door and crouches down to me, "Are you okay?"

All I can do is shake my head. He grabs me gently and embraces me. I wrap my arms around him and cry silently into his shoulder. I hadn't realized how upset I really was. Hating myself for being weak, I push away from him and wipe the tears violently from my face.

"Hey, it's alright to let it out," he says softly, as he brushes my hair off my face.

I look into his eyes, not sure what to do now. I clear my throat, "I need to talk to you."

"I figured that's why you were here. Come on, we'll go inside and you can tell me what happened."

He grabs my hand and helps me out of my car. We walk into the station. Trevan leads the way into the back. It's your typical police station with a bunch of desks, some with officers talking to people and some working on computers. Most of the desks are empty, but cluttered with paper work and coffee cups.

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