Torn Asunder (8 page)

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Authors: Ann Cristy

BOOK: Torn Asunder
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had no memory of getting on the plane after her watery farewells with Amy.
Jaime had a grim faced look when he kissed her good bye, surprising Cle by
kissing her on the lips.

her life she had wanted to go to
She and Dev had talked of taking a trip to the enchanted islands one day. It
was an effort to smile when a young man draped a lei about her neck. She felt a
stirring of interest when she looked at
Diamond Head
against the skyline but she wasn't unhappy that she only had an hour layover.
She took little interest after that, deciding to force herself to work so that
she would be ready with some new sketches to show Max Brainerd.

landed at
in the early evening. Cle was unprepared for the daylight, expecting darkness
and coolness. She had forgotten that in
it would be like late spring back home, that the approaching Christmas season
signaled days on the beach to Australians not days on the ski slopes as it
would to a New Yorker.

Brainerd met her himself, surprising her. She studied the medium build, sandy
haired man in front of her and thought how much like Jaime he looked. She felt
the first real smile on her face for days.

cocked his head, his bushy eyebrows cafe au lait colored and mobile. "I
know. People used to think we were brothers when we studied together in  

. Of course I'm
much more talented than Jaime, but he's quite good."


my dear, I have a lovely flat for you not too far from the salon. It's the top
floor of an old warehouse on a street of lovely little shops. The second floor is
the storage area. The third floor is your flat. There is a private elevator
that leads from the street and it's quite spacious. A friend of mine owns the
building and renovated the top floor for his own use but now his work takes him
for... whatever is wrong, my dear. You've gone white on me. Are you ill? Jet

really. Maybe a bit of jet lag." Cle smiled weakly, wondering if the word
would ever stop
lacerating her.

was glad for the spectacular view as they drove into the city. "Are all
sundowns so splendid?" she whispered to Max, afraid to break the
kaleidoscope spell cast by the lowering sun.

for tourists, my dear." Max chuckled.

was so busy rubbernecking that she didn't even notice the direction they took.
For her the trip was all too fast. The wonderful city bathed in orchid twilight
seemed to have the look of the enchanted
Oz. Cle
had a sudden curl of hope inside.

was delighted with the apartment. It was spacious and had a rough hewn elegance
that was both masculine and tasteful. It was nothing like the sophisticated
decor of Dev's apartment. Much of the wall space was covered by honey colored
paneling. The drapes were swagged back sheers in gold and barely covered the
panoramic glass windows that looked out over a park like area. She turned back
to a smiling Max. "It's lovely and so homey. I never expected a

is one big park.
It's a beautiful city and I think you'll be happy here. Is there anything I can
do to get you settled?"

shook her head, smiling, all at once wanting to curl into a bed and sleep.
Sleep! She hadn't slept in so long but tonight she was sure she was going to do
just that. "I'll be fine. I'll just unpack an overnight bag for now."

nodded his head. "I'm glad you're here, Cle. Jaime praised you to the
skies. I'm surprised he allowed you to come he's so fond of you."

let go an inaudible sigh. Jaime hadn't told him about Dev. She was grateful.
"Jaime is a good friend and a wonderful teacher. I just hope that I can be
of some use to you."

I think you can. I'm anxious to see your sketches." He paused for a
moment, a slight frown on his face. "Would you like to take tomorrow off
and begin the next day?"

I'd like to get started right away. If you could give me directions to the

shall pick you up myself. Say, eight thirty?"

Max left she roamed the apartment, liking it more and more. She was delighted
with the luxury of two bedrooms. She would be able to use one as a workroom.
She walked from there back into the room Max called the lounge. It was a huge
square room that had a large dining alcove two steps up from one side, and long
angled windows all along the side that had the effect of skylights. The random
width floors had rich looking Chinese carpets on them in jewel tones of blue
and pearl that were a wild but pleasing contrast to the honey paneling. There
was a stone fireplace with twin overstuffed couches in blue nubby cloth facing
each other over a round honey colored wood table. She wandered from there to
the very modern kitchen where again the honey colored paneling was repeated.

sighed with satisfaction and ambled to the bathroom that opened off the master
bedroom. She liked the brown and cream marble decor of the bath and sunk into
the salted depths of the tub to wash the grime and aches from her body. For one
stark moment she had a wish for an inner massage that would take away the pain
of wanting Dev.

the first time in many days she hit the pillow and slept at the same time. She
didn't waken until a persistent sound in her ear disturbed her. She blinked at
the strange surroundings trying to orient herself. It was a few moments before
she realized that the phone was ringing next to the bed. "Yes?"

laughter was friendly. "It's Max, Cle. It's seven o'clock. Let me pick you
up early and we'll have breakfast. Is that all right with you?"

.ah. That sounds good. Give me twenty minutes and I'll meet you at the
door." Cle tried to stifle a yawn, blinking her eyes to keep them open.

I'll be standing next to the elevator timing you."

could hear Max's laughter as she dropped the phone onto its cradle and streaked
for the bathroom, filling her arms with hose and lingerie along the way. She
promised herself that she would unpack fully that evening, frowning at the open
suitcase with its trailing contents.

elevator doors opened as her watch told her she had one minute to spare.

lounging Max Brainerd looked at her openmouthed. "A punctual woman! God, I
thought they were extinct."

funny." She gave him a haughty glare. "I'll have you know that I have
less trouble with women being tardy than I do men."

my dear. My clients—all females, mind—are invariably late," Max said, his
voice a bit pompous.

I'll bet that you still keep them waiting," Cle shot at him, willing to
wager he had the same attitude as Jaime.

hesitation made Cle snort in satisfaction.

dear, would you have me, the great Max Brainerd, cool my heels for a pack of brainless
women?" He'd escorted her to his car and held open the passenger door for

held his eye. "Is that why they pick your salon, because they're
stupid?" She slid into the car.

that way they're smart." Max gave an exaggerated sigh before going round
to slip beneath the wheel. "Why didn't my friend Jaime tell me that you
had a biting tongue?"

laughed then looked straight ahead, through the windshield as they pulled into
the traffic. "I had a friend who once said that..." Cle caught herself
in horror realizing she was going to repeat something Dev had said to her
about being "beauty with a viper's tongue."

is it, Cle? You've turned pasty white. Are you ill? What were you saying about
your friend?" Max fired the questions like missiles, his head going from
Cle to watching the traffic in a rapid swiveling motion.

not ill. I was just going to say that this person thought I had a quick tongue,
too." She looked out the window on her side hardly seeing the people
bustling to work. Dev. Would she never get him out of her mind?

made a big effort to listen and respond to Max as he led her into a caf6 type
restaurant and proceeded to order for her an American breakfast of eggs,
sausage, and toast and oatmeal and kippers for himself. Cle was delighted when
they were served a delicious coffee instead of the tea she had expected.

would have eaten the kippers and oatmeal, you know," she said, smiling.

was just thinking how nice eggs and sausage sounded." Max made a face at
her when she laughed.

said that you have some fabulous silks that you use. Do you get them from
Cle sipped her coffee with relish, finding it strong and delicious.

is too expensive. We have a silk industry here in
and we get some of our silks from the less industrialized countries in
. As you no doubt know, our country has all the
climes, from cold to tropical, so we use the woolens too for which we are very
famous, but we also can grow the mulberry tree with some success so the
silkworm is made quite happy." Max waxed enthusiastic when he discussed
the fabrics of his country and, when he realized that Cle was deeply interested,
his talk became more detailed.

Max and Cle were shocked when they noticed that it was almost eight thirty.
They hurried to the salon. Her introduction to the staff at Max's, for that was
the name of his establishment, was eased by Max himself, who introduced her to
his personal staff. Then he left her in the capable hands of Alistair Nivens
who showed her the workrooms, the vault, and introduced her to the modistes
and the mannequins.

days sped by and to Cle's relief there were long periods when Dev's face was
not in front of her.

friendly Australians made her first weeks not only pleasant but interesting. As
Christmas approached, she had many invitations to dinner and to beach parties.
Alistair Nivens had a beach house and it was decided that Max and Cle would
spend the two day holiday with him and his wife and a few friends.

evening in her apartment she was poring over some sketches when the phone rang.
She jumped, staring at it from her place on the pouch. She lifted the receiver
on the fourth ring and heard the operator inquire if she were Cle Orwell.
"Jaime? Jaime, is that you? Lord, why did you call person to person? It
must be costing a mint."

it is costing, darling, but I wanted to make sure that I reached you!"
Jaime launched into a monologue, full of anecdotes about happenings at the

It was as though he were calling from the corner drugstore.

could feel the tension of the last weeks break away in chunks as Jaime
described how Amy had stuck out her tongue at a customer who had made the incautious
remark about Amy being rather good looking for a black girl.

damn near lost a million dollar account but I couldn't be angry at Amy. I would
have done it myself if I had heard it."

Jaime, it's so good to hear your voice. Please give my love to Amy and Suzy and
the staff."

will, dear." There was a long pause. "Cle, Carstairs has been here
maxi times and he has murder in his eyes."

limbs felt as though they were melting wax. Lucky Jaime! He had seen Dev. Poor
Jaime! Dev could be the very devil when fury rode him. "I... I hope he
isn't making you too uncomfortable, Jaime."

he wants to kill me, and I think he would except that he considers me his only
link to you." There was irritated awe in Jaime's voice. "I never
thought I would see that arctic facade of his lordship crack... but, damn it, I
sure have. He wants you back, Cle. That I know."

sure of it." Cle could feel her smile tipping to one side. "Dev would
never allow himself to be dumped. He can dump, but no one can do it to him. He
must be livid."

darling. Smoke curls out of his ears and nose. I never believed in the Nether
World until I watched 'is Lordship inquire about you. If I didn't know the
breed better, I would say he was desperate." Jaime coughed once. "But
don't worry, darling, he has gotten nothing from me nor will he. Now for some
good news. I have decided to take a little time off from the slush and cold and
fly to
to visit you and Max. Oh, not to fear I will let the cat out of the bag to
Carstairs. I had my travel agent book me through from
. If anyone checks, I've gone north
into ski country. Good, huh?"

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