Top Secret Spy Fantasies (4 page)

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Authors: Holly Sinclair

BOOK: Top Secret Spy Fantasies
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The Break In


cover for her husband, Tom, breaking into an exclusive club to follow a lead,
Sophie must distract a wary guard any way she can.


not often, but occasionally we get clients who want to come in as a pair.
Usually they already have an open relationship and they want to share each
other, or watch each other, in a high-intensity situation. They’re a lot of fun
to set up, and the footage I get to watch after, of people who are passionate
with each other, getting passionate
others, is always satisfying.
It’s made me wonder if there isn’t some way I can film them after they get home
when they really get out the rest of the build-up they’ve had from their


and Tom stood at the end of a dark alleyway. From inside the building next to
them, a low, driving bass line was continuous to the point of distraction, and
then of becoming white noise, easily dismissed and almost non-existent.


and Sophie were both wearing ear buds which would let them communicate with
each other, a nice touch, they thought, and something the agency had known they
would appreciate.


we need to get me in there, and there’s one guard,” Tom said quietly.


know, I know, and we both know what I’m going to do!”


much time do you think you can get me?” Tom asked.


unless he comes awfully fast, I think I can drag things out as long as you
like. What do you think you will need?” Sophie questioned.


may not know until I get in there. I need a code word from you, too, so I know
the coast is clear. What would be subtle?” 


if I know I have him on the line I can say…uh…I didn’t expect this.”


grinned, his teeth flashing in the dark. “I can’t imagine what circumstances
you’d have to say that under.”


smiled back at him. She was already tingling with excitement. After all, she
was going first.


ready?” he asked.


response she turned away from him and walked up the alley, her footsteps loud
with the striking of her stiletto heels. She wore a tiny red dress, her ample
breasts pouring out the top, barely restrained by a bra and the dress itself
which hugged the curves of her hips and just barely covered the roundness of
her ass. It was pretty much a perfect dress, Tom thought, especially for this
kind of occasion. He wondered if he could get her to keep it on when they got
home. The idea of her, one leg up high on something, exposing herself while he
took her from behind was very distracting.


looked over her shoulder as she reached a point where the alley widened into a
loading dock. Tom gave her a wave and she continued on.


was always listed on the call sheets for gigs as “Bruiser.” He was always a
tough guy, sometimes Russian, sometimes Italian, but always muscle, and more
often than not he got some actual sex out of it. It was especially great that
the agency maintained a front as an actual entertainment company, so every time
Larry did a gig, he also got a résumé credit as an extra.
a featured role in a short film.
Sometimes a guest
star on a failed TV pilot.
For a struggling actor, it was way better
than doing dishes.


tried not to show up expecting or wanting to get laid every time, but Larry was
very hopeful when he saw Sophie walk out of the alley. Her dress almost left
her body was like something out of a


walked, no, swayed up to Larry and looked at him over those amazing tits with
her big brown eyes and said, “Can ah get in here?”


voice was all Deep South now, oozing like molasses, an accent noticeably absent
when she’d spoken to her husband, Tom, who was listening on the earpiece,
grinning at her acting skills.


is closed,” Larry said in his best Russian tough guy accent. He had a lot of
character notes he’d made about just how he’d play Bruiser tonight, but they
all went out the window when he saw Sophie.


can’t just let a little thing like me in?” she pleaded.


of trusting his voice, Larry just crossed his arms and shook his head.


damn,” she said, and turned away.


heart fell. He’d hoped there would be more to it than that.


she walked on by, he noticed, for the first time, that she had a tiny clutch
purse that she dug into and a dark stick of makeup popped out of the bag and
rolled away.


Sophie said into the near-dark. Instead of bending at the knees, like any sane
woman on stilettos would have, she bent over directly from the waist,
pretending to look into the darkness for her eyeliner.


she did, she gave Larry an all-access view to her delectable ass. The skirt of
the tiny red dress rode up past the swell of her cheeks and he could see a
flash of pink. If it hadn’t been do shadowy, he would swear that he was able to
see her asshole.


, he told himself, trying to keep his eyes from
popping out of his head.


thought Sophie, as she sighed and straightened up.


turned and walked back to Larry.


so sorry,” she said in her honeyed voice, “I dropped
makeup and I can’t see it anywhere. Could you help me
look for it?”


resisted with everything he had, not sure if it was his part of the game to
cave in or not. But Bruiser wouldn’t go that
he’d decided that long ago.


simply shook his head again and tried to look annoyed. Once again, she turned


she thought, and this go round she went further. She returned to the same point
on the pavement where she’d “lost” her makeup, and now gingerly, got down on
her hands and knees. She then leaned forward onto her elbows as if she were
examining the ground very closely.


, thought Larry,
I’m only human!
Her dress
was halfway up her ass now, and she was completely on display, nothing between
her and the night air.


dropped his faux gun onto the ground, took two steps, and dropped to his own
knees. He didn’t know if she heard him, but she hadn’t moved, so he dove right
in. He had two options before him, so he took the chance of going for his
favorite first.


was certainly surprised, but also pleased, as she loved some anal attention,
and never felt like she got enough. Her delivery of “I didn’t expect this,” was
shockingly genuine, and suspiciously absent of a Southern accent. It did the
trick however. Tom heard the code and made his way down the alley.


also didn’t expect to see the guard with his head at the bottom edge of his
wife’s outrageous dress, clearly pouring his every effort into her body, via
his tongue. Larry smiled and marveled at how easy that had been. Sophie, bless
her, tipped him a wink over her shoulder, and then rolled her eyes in pleasure.
Tom sneaked up too, and then into the club’s back door, which was more
appropriate that he realized.


was stretched out like a cat, her arms fully out in front of her, pushing back
into Larry’s face as he rimmed her asshole. As she pushed against him, his
tongue began probing her pucker, flicking the opening and she moaned as he did
so. He took that as a sign of encouragement and he began to expand his scope,
switching from her tight asshole to her delicious pussy, and then back again.
He found himself on his back between her legs, while she finally rode his face
to a climax.


without bidding, she slid down and began to undo his pants while he lay on the
ground. He let out a moan that he didn’t know he could make. He’d gotten laid
on this job before, but this!


struggled for a moment with his belt, and then instead of undoing his zipper,
slid his pants down over his hips, all the way down to his knees. She then
propped his knees up into the air and before she even started with his dick,
much to his astonishment, returned the rim job favor.


lay back and just let it happen, completely oblivious to the cold pavement
beneath his bare ass.


head was swimming when she finally came up and began to ravish his cock. She
started with long, slow licks until he was sure he would turn her over and just
fuck her face. But first she took him in her mouth, slowly, an inch at a time,
until he thought he might just pass out from pure pleasure.


dick tingled when it finally popped from her lips and this time he took control.
He knew she had ideas about what would come next, but instead he rose up and
pushed her against the wall, grabbing her wrists from behind, forcing her hands
against the wall and spreading her legs apart. He bent down to let his tongue
slide in her ass once more for good measure,
placed the head of his cock there.


find out soon enough if she liked it in the ass as much as he was thinking she
might. Instead she reached back and put her hand on him, holding him still as
she began to push herself back against him.


took everything he had to not just come right then and there, with her tight
ass sliding back toward him, her heated panting letting him know she was
enjoying this just as much as he
her wantonness,
the spontaneity with which this situation had occurred.


, give it to me. Give me all of it,” Sophie said, her
fingernails clawing at the wall as she thrust back with her hips.


reached back and grabbed her cheeks, prying them open so she could take more of
him and also so he could get a better view. Larry, incredulous to the fact that
he had somehow managed to not yet come, grabbed her wrists, held them tightly
there, and began to pound her ass. If that was what she wanted, by God, he was
going to give it to her.


stop,” she said, “Oh God, oh GODDD!”


hips were shaking against him and he could feel her contracting. The
mind-blowing stimulation overpowered him and he could feel he was almost done


then, she spun around and quickly dropped to her knees in front of him, tearing
the front of her dress to expose her tits to the night, practically chanting at


big boy, give it to me, do it right here,
want all


was all she could get out before trying to catch his seed in her mouth and on
her supple tits. She moaned as it hit her and allowed what landed in her mouth
to dribble down into her cleavage. Then she took him in her mouth again,
draining him of every remaining drop.


sat back on her heels and looked up at him, smiling with satisfaction.

Intelligence Gathering


Sophie distracts the guard outside, Tom goes looking for information inside the
club and finds it in a confrontation with a difficult woman.


slowly eased the door closed behind him. The thumping was much louder in here
now, of course, but the noise would help cover his presence. The door he was
supposed to find was the second on the left…


moved down the hall and found that the first door on the left was ajar. He
pushed his head in just to be careful, and found a small viewing booth with
what appeared to be a panel of one-way glass so the resident of the room could
keep an eye on what was happening on the other side.


the other side, at the moment, appeared to be a bedroom appointed like Tom’s
idea of a harem, complete with drapes, luxurious padded furniture, and a knot
of…at least three people, it was hard to tell with all the limbs. And that was
the room where he was supposed to be. He found the view fascinating and saw
that there was a camera aimed into the room as well. Someone liked to watch.


the far side of the viewing room was another door, which opened suddenly.
Standing in the doorway was a severe-looking woman in a black leather corset
and boots and little else.


on earth are you doing in here,” she asked in a Russian accent that managed to
be both intimidating and sexy as hell.


put his spy face on as quickly as he could. They were only roles after all.


suspect I’m here to see you, Natasha,” he said, putting a bit of Bond into his


that what you think?”


private room watching others frolic seems like an ideal place for the woman who
finds so little pleasure in sex herself. We’ve heard you have an offer,” he
said, “I’m here to take you up on it.”


looked at him and then began to laugh.


my offer, such an urban legend in the spy community. Yes, I find little pleasure
in the experiences I have with others, so I watch. So what? You think you can
do better than all the other men who have tried?”


knowing this was a game and not real life, might never have tried his idea
otherwise, but he’d thought of it as soon as he’d heard about Natasha’s


stepped to Natasha, reached behind her to close the door and pushed her against
it, his hand at her throat.


think you don’t like what people bring to you on a silver platter. But maybe
you’ll be different if you have no choice but to
take it
,” he said.


opened her mouth to argue and he clapped his other hand over it. Her nose
hissed as she tried to keep breathing and her hands flapped toward his face,
but he raised his shoulders to defend himself, hunching closer to her. He
squeezed the hand at her throat, not hard yet, but threatening, and the
movement slowed, then stopped. Finally, he removed the hand from her mouth.


think it is so easy, pig, that other men have not tried, that you must just
take me like an animal and that is all it takes for you to earn all my secrets.
Better men have failed!”


he said calmly, “Other men have failed. Not better men.”


he kissed her. The kiss took Natasha (actually named Elsie, also an actress
with a healthy imagination and unbridled enjoyment of kink) very much by
surprise. Other men have tried to get the top hand early on. This was her
favorite persona just to see what they would attempt, but no one had ever quite
taken this direct and assertive a path before. She suspected he might just pull
it off.
Not bad
, she thought.


took his hand from her throat and turned her around, pressing her face into the
glass to watch the orgy on the other side. He pulled her arms behind her and
grasped them between his legs, and she could feel the heat and hardness of his
cock against one of her fingers.


you touch yourself while you watch them?” he asked her.


, she thought,
character decision.


of your damn business!” she cried back.


managed to pin both of her arms behind her with just his right hand, using his
left to run his fingers over her practically naked pussy. He moved higher,
clasping at her leather-covered breasts, and then finally landing on her throat
again, pulling her up on her toes, arching her back so he could speak into her


I’m supposed to get you off, then of course it’s my business. I’ll do it
without your cooperation, but I’m afraid if I do this my way I might do some
things that you won’t like.”


struggled again and was shocked when he released her arms. Immediately though
an arm snaked over her shoulder and she was tight against him again. She
couldn’t find anywhere to hit him, and she wasn’t sure what part of the fear
was her role and what part was herself. Either way, she was deeper into a scene
than she ever had been. She brought her legs up to push away from the glass,
but he dropped back instead, bumping into the back wall of the small room. He
then rode her down, slid his back against the wall, pulled her to the floor and
forced her to her knees. She rested in a sprawled slump.


me,” he said.


frantically, she replied, “I only like it when girls are on top. I notice the
way their breasts bounce. I touch my own breasts then.”


as her character and astonishing herself in the process, she added, “When a
girl looks afraid, sometimes I come while I have fingers inside myself.”


girl,” he said, and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. It seemed condescending
and preposterous, but it worked.


you want to keep watching them?” he asked from behind her.


nodded and then said yes, so he helped her to her feet and moved back to the
glass, keeping himself closely behind her. He took one of her arms and pinned
it behind her body, holding it there as leverage. He put his hand on her free
arm, the right one, and lowered it down in front of her pussy.


it,” he said, and she did, but not with any interest, a minimum of cooperation.


leaned his weight against her, pressing her to the glass, and he raised his own
right hand to her throat.


is it that you like about watching them?” he asked her.


it all the
You can see them and they can’t
see you? Are you afraid of them? Or do you like to pretend you’re them,
experiencing what you won’t dare to experience yourself.”  She moaned and
he took that as a positive response.


why you like seeing breasts bounce, that’s why you like seeing girls scared.
You picture those as your breasts, while you ride a man like a steed, but you
also know that you’re so afraid of the situation, if you were in there, you
would look terrified.”


had slid the front of her panties aside and was masturbating in earnest
eyes staring at those on the other side of the glass,
hanging on Tom’s every word.


put yourself in there every minute don’t you? While a girl’s being eaten out,
you’re her, when she’s taking it really deep, it’s your pussy that’s getting
fucked hard. Do you pretend it’s your ass, too?”


ground back against Tom’s crotch while flicking a finger back and forth across
her clit. She moaned.
This guy is good
, she thought, and she wasn’t sure
if she meant as a lover or as a player of the game.


didn’t matter. It was hard to make Natasha come in this scenario, and while the
truth for the actress was similar, it wasn’t
bad, and she knew this
spy would have her where he wanted her very, very soon.


reached around her and grabbed her right hand, pulling it back and clamping it
together with her other trapped arm. His free right hand snaked around her body
and she felt it, more than she saw it, poised over her cunt.


you want your hand back?” he asked.


God, yes,” she said, working very hard to maintain her accent and character.




want to come.”


felt his hand lay flat over her pussy as he began to tease her lips.


you come if I do this?”


she grunted honestly, thrusting forward now, trying to get more of him.


let go of her trapped arms and reached up to grab her throat with his left
hand. He pushed her against the glass and her arms instinctively came up to
cushion the blow. He pressed her there tighter and began to explore her pussy,
playing with it more, toying with her lips, almost sliding inside her.


began to eagerly hump forward.


she said, amazed at the tone in her voice and how badly she only really just
now realized she wanted to come.


what, Natasha?”


make me come!”


tightened his grip on her throat and slid two fingers into her, hooking up
inside her. She could feel his hard cock against her lower back and she began
to pant. He could feel her wetness on his fingers, inviting him deeper.


she gasped, “More.”


what?” he said, his tone of voice almost as excited as hers.


inside me.
No fingers.


was finished teasing her then. He pulled slightly back and began to fumble with
his pants. She turned and helped him, not kissing him, their eyes on each other
as belt, button and fly finally got out of the way. His pants went down and
without saying a
she turned and braced herself
against the glass. He lined himself up, took a firm hold of her hips, and
thrust his cock into her waiting pussy.


it wasn’t for the soundproof walls, the people in the next room would have
certainly heard the dual cries of Tom and Natasha. She reached down and
fingered her clit while he penetrated into her as deep as he could. Once he had
established a rhythm, he slowed down, alternating deeper and shallower strokes.


don’t have to pretend you’re getting fucked now, do you? Now you’ve got a cock
of your very own, inside you, right now, and you’re still playing with
yourself, just like you’re playing the voyeur. But you don’t want to just watch
now, do you?”


she gasped, “I want it all.”


you sure?” he asked.


yes, I want everything.”


warning he pulled out of her, and before she knew what was happening she was in
his arms, being carried out of the door. He took her to the room next door and
plopped her down on the floor.


people on the bed untangled, and he saw several breasts, two erect cocks, and
at least three faces staring back at him.


this is Natasha. We’re all going to fuck her until she screams. And then we’re
fuck her some more.”


actress playing Natasha wasn’t sure if she was excited for her character or
just because she was going to come like crazy soon, but either way it didn’t
matter. Whoever this spy guy was, who knows what he might be in real life,
sure was one hell of an actor.


it turned out, while all of this excitement was happening inside the club, poor
Sophie was left out in the cold long after she’d run out of things to do with

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