Tonight You Belong to Me (3 page)

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Authors: Cate Masters

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Crime Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #A 1 Night Stand Story

BOOK: Tonight You Belong to Me
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Shamed burned in her belly. She couldn’t look at any of them. “Of his success. We moved here six months ago, ready to take on Las Vegas. The manager hardly let me finish my audition, saying he only wanted Danny. Then he hired Lace to sing with him instead. My heart broke. I had to work as a magician’s assistant. The slimy jerk let his hands roam fast and loose.” An involuntary shudder passed through her at the memory.

“He what?” Danny wobbled. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Burden him with her problems? No. “We needed the money. And now you threw it all away on this ridiculous date.” Paying for what he already had. The notion made not a lick of sense to her.

“You are such an ass.” The tall man hit him. “Makes it easier to do this.”

His eyes rolled back, and his cough sounded bad enough to uproot a lung.

Jilly stood. “That’s enough. You need to stop now.” Good golly, Miss Molly, why did she have to be so weak in the knees around him? It softened her brain to mush, and she never could think straight. Another reason she should dump him, but he looked so adorable with his hair mussed, his lips swollen from being beaten by those thugs.

The short man peered past Danny’s head. “Do you have a sack of cash sitting idle?”

Holy Moses
. “No, but you’re hurting him. Just leave.”

“That’s the idea, doll face.” The tall one clucked his tongue.

One thing she couldn’t abide is a bully. Their mistake was turning their back on her. She’d always thought she’d go out with a bang, but not like this. She grabbed the revolver from the taller man’s belt.



Chapter Three



Pain seared through Danny’s head, blurring his vision. When Jilly reached over easy as pie and took the handgun, he thought he couldn’t possibly be seeing straight. But he was. Fear and shock stiffened his limbs.

The tall guy laughed and held out his hand. “Give it back, doll face, and I’ll go easy on you.”

“Jilly, no.” Danny struggled against the viselike grip on his arms. What the hell was she doing? He never meant for her to get mixed up in this, let alone jump in like freaking Annie Oakley.

She widened her stance inch by inch. “Touch me and I’ll have a hissy fit with a tail on it.”

He snorted. Oh yeah, he could vouch how terrible those fits could be.

The tall guy reached over. “Come on, doll face.”

A startling sound, something akin to a door slamming, froze him.

The man’s gruff yelp as he leapt back, waving his hands, helped convince Danny that Jilly had pulled the trigger.

Realizing the other guy’s grasp had loosened, he jerked to the side. His pride at freeing himself died when he saw her level the gun at the thug just as he lunged at her.

She aimed at the shorter man. “Keep coming, and you’re gonna be screwed, blued, and tattooed.” Elbows locked, hands gripping the gun like a pro, she dropped her arms and fired. The shot whizzed past the guy’s leg. He lurched backward, staring down. “These slacks are brand new! You blew a hole clean through.”

Slowly straightening, she waved the gun toward the first guy, who snarled, hunched over, but ready to attack again. “Better your slacks than you.”

Danny eased beside her. “Please, Jilly. No more.” He meant his smooth tone to calm her, but it did nothing for his frayed nerves.

She shot him a hard look. “I didn’t start this war.”

“No. I did. I made this entire mess. And I have to clean it up.” With shaking hands, he reached for the gun. “Take off. Get out of here.”

Concern warmed her features. “No, I’m not leaving you. You’re hurt.”

“I can take care of this.” He hoped. He hated guns, and hadn’t held anything more powerful than a cap gun when he was twelve.

He mistook her crooked smile for surrender.

“Honey,” she said, “they’ll eat you up and spit you back out. Let’s both go. Now. As far away as possible.”

“Go where?” Nowhere would be far enough away. They’d track him. He couldn’t live like that, always waiting for the sting of a bullet.

Desperation shone in her beautiful green eyes. “Away. Anywhere.”

He cupped her face. He couldn’t love her any more than he did this moment. “No. Not when things are finally going right.”

Her wide eyes accused him of insanity. “You call this right?”

A hard knock sounded at the door. “Security. Open up, please.”

He whispered, “Hide the gun. Quick, under the mattress.”

Her mouth tightened. She glared at the men. “Don’t get any funny ideas.”

He released a breath as she did what he asked, straightened her dress and her hair then strode to the door. “Evening, gents.” The three hotel security officers surged inside, scanning the room.

He forced a smile onto his swollen lips. “Evening, officers. Is there a problem?”

She returned to him, silently questioning what the hell he was doing.

He winked a bloody eye to signal it would work out fine if she’d play along.

The two thugs braced their backs, warily eyeing him.

The lead officer advanced. “We had a report of gunshots.”

He rubbed Jilly’s back. “Really? I didn’t hear anything. Did you, babe?”

Smile wobbling, she shook her head.

“What about you?” The officer glanced pointedly at the thugs.

“We were having such a good time, I didn’t hear nothin’.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Unless someone heard us roughhousing, and mistook it for a gunshot?”

Danny blurted, “Yes, that must be it. Sorry, we were a bit loud.”

The officer cocked a brow. “So you’re saying there’s no problem here?”

He pressed his lips together. “None.” He hoped his voice didn’t shake as much as his knees.

“How do you explain your wounds?”

He hoped Jilly could help him cover the bruises before the show. “We got carried away wrestling. You know, guy stuff.” Guy stuff? It sounded ridiculous even to him.

The officer studied the two men. “You corroborate this story?”

Their heads bobbed. “Absolutely, yes.”

Raising his hands, the officer asked, “No one wants to press any charges?”

Danny and the two thugs blurted, “No.” Jilly clutched Danny’s shirt tighter, and he drew her closer.

For a tense moment, the security team kept them fixed in their sights. The lead officer nodded and backed away. “Sorry to have bothered you. Be more careful next time.”

The three left as quickly as they’d come.

Jilly tensed in Danny’s embrace, and he gave her a light squeeze of encouragement. He’d lay odds she was thinking about the gun, gauging who could get to it first.

He heaved a breath. Moment of truth for Kenton’s men. “So. Are we good?”

The tall man propped an elbow on the bed and struggled to a stand. “No. You still owe Mr. Kenton.”

At least the guy hadn’t lunged for the gun. A small ray of sunshine in this otherwise dismal night. “I know. I swear, he’ll get everything tomorrow night.”

The two exchanged a look, whether silent acknowledgement to leave, or to continue kicking his ass, he couldn’t tell. Until the tall one nudged the other man. “Get your gun. Let’s go.”

After feeling under the mattress and retrieving his weapon, the man sneered, “We’ll be in touch.”

“I’m counting on it.” He held in the breath he wanted to exhale, but feared he might deflate before the men fully exited.

The two swaggered out. As soon as the latch clicked into place and signaled their departure, Jilly ran to the door and shoved the dead bolt across, locked the knob and secured the chain. She turned toward him, a frail little girl where the fierce warrior had stood.

Barely audible, she said, “We should have gone while we had the chance.”

We? His heart roared into overdrive. “I can fix this, Jilly. But not by running away.”

Fists balled, she stalked toward him, green eyes glittering. “I hate this city! We can’t stay here now.”

She said
we. Joy made him forget the pain slicing his muscles. “I have to make this right. But I need you with me.”

Her bottom lip curled down. “What, do they need a bar server during your act?”

He tried not to smile. “No. I need my partner on opening night.”

Still pouting, she fingered the buttons on his shirt. “You have your partner. Lace. Remember?”

“I want you, Jilly.” If he didn’t hurt all over, he’d show her how much.

She plopped onto the bed. “I can’t.”

He sat beside her, slinking his arm around her waist. “I think your Momma would say, ‘can’t never could.’”

She nudged her shoulder into his chest. “My Momma would’ve whooped my hide for staying in Sin City this long.”

He had to make her trust him. “Look, Jilly, I should have insisted the club hire you in the first place. If they won’t have us both, I won’t play. But if you leave, babe, I might as well let them throw my carcass in the desert to rot, because success wouldn’t mean a thing without you.”

“Really baby?” Sexy and sweet, she stared up at him.

“I would’ve bought you an engagement ring. Sorry I blew it on 1Night Stand, but I had to get you back.”

“You were really going to buy me a ring?” Her lips touched his tenderly then she winced in sympathy at his swollen mouth. “I guess I can stick around awhile. To make sure you don’t fall flat on your ass.”

Her smile wound around his heart, warming it, bringing it back to life. “Where did you learn your Supergirl moves? I’m amazed.”

“I have three brothers, remember? I can shoot a row of tin cans off a fence rail faster than any of them.” She sighed. “Besides, those goons interrupted us before you could finish.” She sashayed to the bathroom.

“Incredible. You’re full of surprises.”
Mental note: always make sure Jilly climaxes during lovemaking
. He found himself grinning. No problem there.

A cabinet door creaked. Bottles clinked on shelves. Hands full with cotton balls and bandages, she returned and set them on the night stand before selecting several tiny bottles of alcohol from the mini-bar.

“Yes, I am.” She unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. “Now let’s take a look at you.” Grasping his shoulders, she lowered him to the bed. Wetting a cotton ball with vodka, she bent to apply it to his cuts.

No wounded man had a more luscious nurse. Her scent mixed with his sweat, sent shock waves to his cock. Likewise her shapely legs, which in those heels went on forever. Or until the edge of the little blue dress, so thin her hip bones made silken ridges that invited his kiss. He ran his hands from her calves to her thighs and peered up at her. “Shouldn’t you take off your dress? You don’t want to ruin it.”

Eyes flaring wide to search his at close range, she paused her hand, then slowly straightened. “You’re right.” One leg straight, the other swaying, she reached behind and unzipped, then slipped the dress over her head.

At eye level with black lace panties, he snapped his mouth shut so he wouldn’t drool. He grabbed her hips to steady himself. Thumbs working inward, he let his lips move across the lace. “So you never came earlier?” He ended with a hot breath and chanced a look up.

“No.” She caught her lip between her teeth, hair spilling around her face in tawny waves.

“I could help.” Oh so gently, he grazed his teeth through the fabric and over her clit, then flicked his tongue across it. Its hardness spurred his cock to attention.

Her breath hitched. “You’re sure you won’t hurt yourself?”

He shrugged. “I already hurt.” He dragged the black lace lower, trailing his tongue after. “I want to make you come.”
Again and again

She closed her eyes and sucked air through her teeth. “Yes.”

After he tugged her panties below her knees, she stepped out of them. His knees easily pried her legs apart. The way she trembled, she’d need his support. “I’m going to give you the tongue lashing of your life.”

“You better.”

He heard the smile as she spoke. The easy teasing, like it used to be between them. She’d come back. And he wouldn’t let her go again. Once he was through with her, he hoped she wouldn’t want anyone else. He sure as hell didn’t.

Drawing a steadying breath, he savored the moment and nuzzled his head against her belly. The tension in her hands as she stroked his hair signaled her demand for completion. All too happy to comply, he let his fingers do what his cock ached to. Moving with slow, rhythmic slides, he inserted one deep inside, pressing up as he drew it out. Leg muscles taut, she arched her back, matching the rhythm. Not breaking the stride, he used two stiff fingers. She moaned and clutched his head. His tongue met his fingers and flicked upward. Her legs trembled as she rocked her hips and whimpered, “Oh, baby.”

Hearing her use the endearment sent his blood surging straight to the head of his erection. “Jilly. Come for me.” He suckled her clit.

“Danny!” She bucked against him.

Relentless, he sucked and twisted his fingers inside her until her knees buckled and she doubled over. He eased her down on the bed and climbed atop her. “Jilly.” His erection grazed her thigh. He wanted so much to bury it in her, but hesitated.

Her hands around his penis sent prickles of excitement through him that collected in his cock and built to a pressure point when she ripped open another condom and sheathed him in it. Heat blazed in her eyes as she guided him. He thrust inside without waiting for her to move her hands. Her thighs clenched his, and desire blotted out everything but their slick skin slapping in perfect time, their soft breaths making a beautiful music only they could hear. Tremors racked him, and he thought he’d never stop shuddering. Then pain seared his skull.

“Ah shit, I think my head’s going to explode.” He palmed his forehead.

“Poor baby, I’ll take care of you.”

Through the blinding pain, he laughed. “You will?”

She swung up and kneeled over him, nipples teasing his chest. “’Course, sweetie. It’s the least I can do after you did double duty.”

“You came again?” A first. But he’d have to remember the technique so he could give her double pleasure again.

“Oh, yes.” She kissed his nose. “I’ll get you a cold cloth and some pain reliever.”

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