ToLoveaCougar (2 page)

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Authors: Marisa Chenery

BOOK: ToLoveaCougar
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Becoming all professional doctor, Caleb said, “Sometimes a patient has to get worse before he gets better. I’ll continue with this new serum I’ve come up with and monitor your father. If in a couple days he doesn’t show any sign of improvement, I’ll switch back to the old one until I can mix up something new.”

Blaise hated the fact his father had to be used as a guinea pig, but there was no other way. It wasn’t as if they could take him to a hospital. Because he was a cougar shifter, if the regular doctors took blood, the results would come back showing the differences in their chemical makeup. Plus, his dad’s illness being the one and only case in their kind, this was all new territory for Caleb.

Still worried over his father, Blaise said a quick goodbye to Caleb before leaving the room. He continued downstairs and then out the front door. He wasn’t going to be the one to tell his mother about this new symptom. Caleb could do that.

Blaise drove to downtown Anchorage with no set destination in mind at first. He pushed thoughts of his father’s condition to the back of his mind. He was on a hunt for the human female who could potentially be his mate.

He lifted his hand and stroked the gold cougar head pendant he wore around his neck from a gold chain. All male cougar shifters were given one once they reached adolescence. It had a bit of magic embedded inside. When a female was meant to be his mate, the ruby eyes in the male cougar’s pendant would glow. It wasn’t something that happened with a first meeting, or even the first time the couple had sex. It sometimes took months before the eyes revealed the truth. Once it happened it was the female’s decision to accept the necklace as hers, which would create the mating bond, joining the mated pair’s souls.

If the female didn’t take the necklace after the eyes started to glow, the male ended up walking a fine line. He’d be unable to eat or sleep, basically only able to think about having sex with his newfound mate to hopefully tie her emotionally closer with each bout of lovemaking. His condition would be caused by an increase in testosterone.

Blaise hoped he’d never get to that point once he found his mate, though the chances were good it could happen if she ended up being human. She wouldn’t have grown up knowing what a male’s pendant meant to her, or that she was to claim it, and him, as her own. He was more than willing to take that chance. If it happened, it happened, and he’d deal with it when the time came.

Since it was too early to do the bar scene, Blaise decided the next best place to meet women was where they liked to go shopping—a mall. With that decision made, he headed for the Anchorage 5th Avenue Mall, which was right in the city’s downtown core.

Once he arrived at his destination, Blaise parked his sports car in the garage and headed into the mall. It being a Saturday, it was more than a little busy. He didn’t mind. It meant there would be a better chance to meet potential women to ask out. Now he just had to determine where he wanted to begin his hunt.

Blaise just starting walking, going with the flow of people, hoping his gaze found a likely target. Much to his chagrin, going by those around him, a lot of the females were mothers with young kids, senior citizens or teenagers. Not exactly what he was looking for.

His steps slowed once a women’s lingerie store came into view. Now that was a place that could have a lot of potential. The only thing holding him back was whether he’d be considered a sicko for trying to pick up a woman there. But then again, when had anything like that ever stopped him?

He headed straight for the store and walked right inside. A quick look around and Blaise found he was the only male present. He noticed there was a small section of the store that was dedicated to men’s underwear and sleepwear. He couldn’t see a lot of guys actually deciding to come to a place like this to shop for those kinds of things for themselves. Unless the store thought the women would buy the items for their boyfriends or husbands.

Blaise walked farther into the world of women’s intimates and spotted a raven-haired beauty standing in front of a display of panties. He’d always found himself attracted to women with dark hair since cougar shifters ranged from blond to light brown.

His prey chosen, Blaise stepped out of the middle of the walkway to observe her before he made his move. She wasn’t far enough away for him not to be able to see the color of her eyes with his keen eyesight. They were a gorgeous blue, almost the color of sapphires. As he watched, she flipped her long hair over her shoulder, appearing unimpressed with what she looked at.

She lifted her head and her gaze settled on him. She put down the pair of panties she’d been looking at, then walked around the table before heading in his direction. Blaise stayed where he was to see what she’d do. He was more than willing to let her approach him first.

Chapter Two


Harley couldn’t tear her gaze off the hottie who stood in the middle of a women’s lingerie store, and from the looks of it, alone. Up until now she’d been only browsing for herself, but a new idea came to mind that involved Mr. Handsome. It wasn’t something she normally did, but she found this male specimen well worth the chance of having this backfire on her. For all she knew, he could have a girlfriend and she could just happen to be in one of the change rooms at the moment.

She walked up to him and said with a smile, “I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor.”

He grinned back. “And what would that be?”

Harley ran her gaze over him, loving the look of his long, tawny-blond hair that was more controlled than shaggy. His light-brown eyes, which were pretty darn close to gold, held humor in them. She also liked how tall he was. He had to be at least six foot two. At five foot seven herself, she liked men with a little height to them.

“Well,” she said. “Would you be against trying on some of the things in the men’s section for me? My sister is getting married in a couple of weeks and I’m having a bridal shower for her. I want to get something for her to give to her fiancé. He’s close to the same size as you.”

That was utter bullshit. Harley’s older sister Mel was getting married in two weeks all right, but her fiancé Sean was barely five foot eight and was a skinny, nerdy computer programmer. But Mel loved him with all her heart and soul, as Sean loved Mel.

“I guess I can do that,” Mr. Gorgeous replied.


Before he could change his mind, Harley grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the men’s section. She bypassed the sleepwear and went straight for the underwear. She stopped at a table that had assorted thongs displayed. Harley selected a black nylon one with metallic gold hearts on it.

She turned toward him and held it out. “This one. What’s your name?”

“It’s Blaise.” He looked down at the thong and then back up at her again. “You’re sure this is the one you want me to try on?”

“I’m Harley, and yes. It’s a bit of a gag gift as well, but I want to make sure it’s not too…constricting. I want my sister’s future hubby to be able to wear it at least for a little while without it interfering with his…ability, if you know what I mean.”

Blaise burst out laughing. “I understand. But there’s one small problem.”

“What? Are you uncomfortable trying on a thong?”

“That’s not it. You see, I’m the type of guy who prefers to go commando. I doubt the store would appreciate me trying on any underwear like that without at least buying it afterward.”

Harley swallowed as her mouth went suddenly dry at the thought of Blaise being naked under the slightly formfitting jeans he wore. She shouldn’t have looked, but she couldn’t help herself. She dropped her gaze to his fly, checking out how large the bulge was behind it. It appeared to be a good size.

Not wanting to be caught gawking at his crotch, Harley quickly yanked her gaze back up to Blaise’s face. “I’ll buy it for you.”


“You try it on, then I’ll buy it for you.”

“That would mean you’d have to buy two.”

She shrugged. “So be it. I don’t mind.”

Blaise took the thong from her. He returned it to the spot where she’d gotten it, then selected the same one but without the hearts. “If I’m going to have to keep it, then I want one without the metallic gold. Not exactly my style.”

“You’ll do it then?”

“Yes. Who am I to turn down a beautiful woman?”

Blaise headed for the single changing area in the men’s section. It was in the corner with only a heavy black drape to close it off from the rest of the store. He stepped into it and tugged the curtain around the rod until he was hidden from sight. Harley stayed just outside it. She listened to the rustle of clothing on the other side. Seconds later he called her name.

“I’m right here,” she said.

“Okay. As far as your concerns go, none of that is going to be a problem.”

“All right, but can I see what it looks like on you?” It was pushing it, asking Blaise to model it for her, but if she were really lucky, he’d do just that. “You don’t have to come out here. You can open the curtain a bit and I can take a quick peek.”

He did as she said, stuck his hand out and tugged her inside before he quickly shut the curtain again. Harley would have protested, knowing full well if they got caught they would be kicked out of the store, but seeing Blaise in nothing but the thong left her speechless. She couldn’t stop herself from running her gaze over his body. His chest was well-padded with muscle that was cut, as were his six-pack abs. His legs were just as muscular.

She stopped at the front of the thong and licked her lips. Oh man, Blaise’s body was definitely well-proportioned. There was no hiding the size of his cock in that poor excuse for men’s underwear.

Harley quickly pulled her wits about her, then said, “The front looks really good. How about the back?”

Blaise turned away from her. Harley started at his wide back, which tapered to a narrow waist. A little lower and she stared at the finest butt she’d ever seen. It looked hard enough to bounce a quarter off it.

“Liking what you see?” he asked.

Harley tore her gaze off his butt and found him looking over his shoulder at her. “Yeah.” That single word came out breathy.

He gave her a wicked grin. “I bet you want to give it a good smack. Go ahead. I dare you. I might even like it.”

God help her, but she really did want to. Her fingers itched, that was how badly she wanted to learn that muscular ass with her hands. And she could test its firmness with a few well-placed taps.

“Is everything all right in there?” a salesgirl asked.

Harley jumped, the spell of lust that had come over her breaking in an instant. “Yes, we’re fine.”

“Then I’m going to have to ask you to leave the changing area. We don’t allow men and women in there together.”

“I’m coming out now.”

Harley gave Blaise one last wistful look before she slipped through the curtain, trying not to reveal too much of him to the salesgirl as she did so. She smiled at the other woman as she yanked the drape closed behind her.

The saleswoman gave Harley a knowing smile and leaned in closer to say quietly so only the two of them could hear, “If I had one of those, I’d be right in there with him as well. The only problem is if my manager realized I knew about it and didn’t say anything, I’d be in trouble. I do have to say, though, you’re a lucky lady.” She gave Harley a wink and walked away.

In less than a minute, Blaise yanked open the curtain and stepped out of the changing area. His gorgeous body once again clothed. For the first time, Harley noticed the gold cougar head pendant he wore around his neck. Its ruby eyes flashed in the store’s bright lights as he stepped closer.

“Do you need me to try on anything else?” Blaise asked, his deep voice rolling over her and making her shiver inside.

“No, I think I found my gag gift.” She went over to the table of thongs, picked up a thong with the metallic gold hearts a size smaller, then walked back over to him. She held out her other hand. “I’ll pay for that now.”

Blaise handed over the thong he held. It was still warm from his body. Harley turned, then headed for the counter where the till was. He followed behind her. The same salesgirl who had spoken to her was behind it.

She smiled at Harley, her gaze flitting to Blaise briefly. “Did you find everything you wanted?”

Harley nodded. “Yes.”

She paid for her purchases before both she and Blaise headed for the store’s entrance. He walked at her side and took her hand in his, linking their fingers. Harley looked at him.

Blaise bent his head closer to hers. “Well, since I belong to you, I’d better act like it.”

Harley smiled. “Very true.” She was surprised Blaise had heard what the saleswoman said to her. She’d barely spoken above a whisper and he’d been in the changing area at the time.

They strode out into the mall and walked a few stores down before Blaise pulled Harley to a stop off to the side out of the way of other shoppers. Still holding her hand, he turned to face her.

“You’ve seen me in nothing but underwear. Is there a chance I can see you like that as well?”

“I think so. Are you going to ask me out on a date first?”

“Of course. I have a family dinner to go to this evening, so how about tomorrow evening?”

“Or we could go to the food court here right now and grab something to eat. I’m not busy.”

Blaise smiled. “Sure. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s the company I’m with who matters.”

“Then it’s a date.”

He stepped to her side again and got them moving in the direction of the escalator. The mall had five levels and the food court was on the very top one. They were now on the third.

As they walked onto the first escalator, Harley looked at Blaise. This trip to the mall had turned out a lot better than she’d hoped when she’d set out for it, thinking to help pass the hours on a Saturday. She now had a date with a hot hunk, and she’d already seen him in nothing but a thong.


Blaise looked at Harley out of the corner of his eye as they rode the first escalator up to the food court level. He couldn’t believe his luck. The first human female who caught his interest, and she’d accepted a date with him.

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