Tobias (A CURSED BOYS NOVEL Book 1) (4 page)

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I lay awake in my bed for hours. For some reason I just couldn’t fall asleep. The events of today kept replaying in my mind. Tristan is sleeping with Amelia who was Tobias’s wife. I just didn’t understand how Tobias was ok with it. What really confused me, though, is how Tristan could actually do something like that to his own brother.

 In the week I’ve been in the house, Tristan is the only one who has kept me company. After the first day, Tobias disappeared to God only knows where, and Amelia was more likely to poison my drink when I wasn’t looking as opposed to hanging out with me.

 Since coming to this town I’ve kept to myself and avoided people at all costs. At least here at the house I didn’t have to worry about people trying to invade my privacy or getting to know me.

Everyone has a story.
That’s what my mom used to say. She told me to keep from judging people because everyone has a story that makes them who they are. My story started out great but after my mom’s death it became hell.

  I left behind everything when I ran away. My life, my friends, and even my little sister Jennica. Of all the things I regret, leaving her is the one thing I regret the most. I left her behind to face everything that I was running from. I left her alone to deal with my father.

  Thinking of her only made my heart ache. I needed something to distract me from the pain and the guilt. Sleep was eluding me anyway so I might as well stop trying. The house was dark at night. Being so far in the middle of the woods made it pitch black unless you turned a light on. Best part about it was the view of the stars.

 The first night I was finally allowed outside of the house, I laid under the night sky for hours admiring the beauty that lit up the sky. Everything was so clear it was like I was on another planet altogether. Tristan told me it was because we were so far from the city and town that there were no lights to dim out the stars. It was completely breath taking.

  Tonight would be the perfect night to lie under the stars except the sky had clouded over a few hours after Tobias left me sitting outside. I didn’t understand him. One minute he seemed like a total hard ass, and the next it’s like I can catch a glimpse of another part of him. A softer side that is less guarded. That wasn’t the only thing I caught a glimpse of, that man had no shame. His body was exquisite, and the tattoo that stretched across the right side of his torso was the kind of thing that would make a woman want to lick his body. .

 I used to wonder why he was such an ass. After finding out about Amelia and Tristan though it kind of makes sense. I think he’s just closed himself off to the world because he’s afraid of getting hurt again.

  Speaking of Tristan and Amelia, I could hear them from outside her room. They were going at it like a couple of horny teenagers. It was unbelievable how they could care so little about how their late night escapades might be affecting Tobias.

  I was disgusted by the new side of Tristan I never would have thought he had, the side that could betray his own brother. Tristan seemed like such a sweetheart. Now I don’t even know what to think. Amelia’s always seemed like a bitch from the start and my opinion about that hasn’t altered in the slightest.

 One good thing I can say about Tristan though is that he kept the cupboards and fridge well stocked with food. No amount of morally questionable sexcapades could change that.

  “You could probably see better if you turned on a light.”

Tobias’s voice made me jump and drop a glass bowl I had just taken out of the cupboard.

 “Shit! I’m sorry.” His apology was a surprise. Somehow I’ve never pictured the words
I’m sorry
coming out of Tobias’s mouth.

 Before I could even move Tobias had picked me up and placed me on the countertop of the island in the middle of their kitchen. I couldn’t see anything other than a shadow by my feet. Was he picking up glass in the dark?

 “You’re going to cut yourself. Who the hell cleans up glass in the dark? Let me help you.”

 “Don’t move.”

That was more of a command than a request.

 “At least turn on the light.”

 “Oh, now you’re worried about the lights.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

 I watched his shadowy figure cross the room and dump the glass into the garbage bin before turning on the light switch. My hand automatically flew up to protect my eyes.

 “Ow, sure go ahead and blind me.”

 “Don’t be such a cry baby.” He laughed but dimmed the lights anyways.

 “Sure, this coming from someone who hates sunlight.”

 He shrugged before grabbing a broom and dust pan to finish with the smaller pieces. I watched his body as he moved, each muscle flexing with ease as he bent down to clean up my mess.

  “I’m sorry I broke your bowl.”

 “It’s just a bowl.”

 Once he was done he pulled out another bowl from the cupboard and placed it in my hands.

  “Careful with this one butterfingers.”

 I mocked being offended and smacked him in the chest.

 “Don’t make fun of me, Jerk.”

He gave me a devilish smile that set my whole body on fire.

  “Oh kinky, do it again.”

Oh my god.
My jaw dropped. Was he always like this? Glaring at him I hit him again only this time it was harder.

 “Easy there killer.” He said while rubbing his chest, acting like he was wounded. “You might hurt yourself.”

  I wanted to punch him but with my luck I
end up hurting myself instead of him. He laughed and held his hands up in a surrendering motion. Something about him was different. He was actually relaxed and somewhat fun to be around.

  “Hey Tobias, can I ask you a question?” I avoided looking at him when I asked. I didn’t want to watch the easy going man from a minute ago slip away to the guarded hard ass he usually is.

  “You just did.”

  “That doesn’t count. I mean a real question.”

I risked a glance at him and thankfully his playful side hadn’t disappeared.

 “Sure, you can ask me anything your little heart desires cupcake. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to answer it.”

Fair enough.

 “What did you mean earlier when you were talking about ‘the curse’?”

 Silence. That was all I got from him. There was an instant tension in the room and it made me a little uncomfortable. My back was towards him but I could feel his eyes on me. I don’t know why but knowing he was behind me, watching me, made my heart race.

  “Tobias?” I turned around to get some kind of answer out of him but he was gone.

 The room suddenly felt empty. I was alone and Tobias had taken off to God only knows where. I sighed and looked back at the empty bowl in my hands. Suddenly I wasn’t very hungry anymore. I put the bowl back into the cupboard and turned off the lights.

 I would make Tobias talk to me one way or another; but, that would have to wait for another day. I needed to try and get some sleep. My body and mind were both worn out and every time I’m around Tobias my body feels like it was jump started with an electric shock. It was exhausting.



  A week later I woke up to the smell of bacon. That was weird. Usually I’m the one doing the cooking. Tristan can’t cook to save his life and Amelia never wakes up before noon. I grabbed a hair tie from my side table and tied my hair up in a messy bun before leaving the room and heading downstairs. The boys were nice enough to pick up my stuff from the hotel I was staying at. Security must suck in this town if some random guy can just walk into a hotel and ask to be let into someone else’s room to get their things.

  I found Tobias in the kitchen wearing an apron that says ‘Kiss me I’m sexy’ and cutting up some fruit while listening to Bon Jovi. I stood in the doorway watching in amusement as he danced on the spot while singing along.

 I crossed the room and took a seat on the opposite side of the island. I leaned on the counter top and smiled at him.

  “You seem rather cheery this morning.” I said as I stole one of the grapes he had already plucked and put in a bowl.

  “Bon Jovi. He always puts me in a good mood.”

 “Then maybe we should play his music more often. I like this side of you. It’s less dark and brooding.”

 “I like being dark and brooding.”

 “And that is why you don’t have any friends.”

He cocked an eyebrow and looked at me.

 “Who said I don’t have any friends?”

  “I do. You don’t have any friends.” Tristan came into the room in nothing but a pair of shorts. How did I not notice his tattoos last week when he pulled off his hulk moment and ripped his shirt? Oh right, I was too busy eye fucking Tobias from across the yard to notice Tristan.

 He had a claw mark tattoo that extended from his shoulder all the way across his chest reaching the top of his abdomen. It was huge, and looked amazing on his body. He even had a trail of stars that lead from his hip to his crotch. No wonder Amelia jumped his bones every night. The guy was hot.

 “I do too have friends. They just have enough sense to not want to come anywhere near you.” Tobias’s voice brought me back to reality.

 Tristan and Tobias picked on each other a lot, but they seemed really close. It was amazing how well they got along considering Tristan was banging his brother’s ex-wife.

 “So twinkle toes, why are you cooking? You never cook.” Tristan reached for the bowl of grapes in front of Tobias only to have his hand smacked by the flat side of a knife.

 Tristan didn’t even so much as flinch or care that his brother could have just cut him. It wasn’t even a soft tap either. If the knife had been turned even slightly Tristan would have needed stitches.

 “It’s cupcakes birthday.”

What the fuck?
How did he even know that? I didn’t even know that. I had completely managed to lose track of time.

  “Well damn, Happy Birthday blueberry!”

 Tristan’s large arms wrapped around me from behind and pulled me into a bear hug that was way too tight. If he held me any longer I’d have probably passed out from a lack of oxygen.

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