To the scaffold (55 page)

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Authors: Carolly Erickson

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gambling, 31,49, 137, 143, 145 Gamin (master-locksmith), 183,

323-324 garde bourgeoise, see National Guard Girondins, 304

Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 17, 98 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 348» grain:

foreign, 204, 252

free market in, 129

looting of, 222

shortage of, 129-130, 197, 203-204,

220, 238 Grammont, Comtesse de, 65 Grand Commun of Versailles, 119 Great Gallery of Schonbrunn, 23 Greer, Donald, 367;; Gr^try, Andr6 Ernest Modeste, 178 Gu6m^n6e, Madame de, 115, 152,

154, 155, 158, 159, 166, 352» Gu^m^n^e, Prince de, 158-159 Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace, 305-306 guillotine, 305-306, 324, 327-329,

332-333, 345, 367n Gustavus III, King of Sweden, 82,

162, 186, 296, 300, 301

hair, hairdressing, 39-40, 68, 98-99,

112, 119, 131, 175, 176, 199,

243 hangings, 258, 269 hats, 97-98, 148, 176, 303, 305 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 17 H6bert, Jacques Ren6, 340, 343 H^nin, Princesse d', 110 Henri IV, King of France, 134 Herbert, Lord, 191

Hesse-Darmstadt, Landgravine of, 311 H^z^cques, Felix, Comte d', 105-107,

239, 246, 249-250, 267, 289,

362«, 363n, 364» History of the Rebellion and Civil Wan in

England (Earl of Clarendon),

261 Hofburg, court at, 18, 22, 24, 25 horseback riding, 14, 81, 124, 127, 186 H6tel des Invalides, 222 H6tel de Ville, 153, 156, 224, 231,

239, 314, 316 H6tel-Dieu, 202, 358«-359« housing, in Vienna, 24-25 Huart, Monsieur, 110 Hume, David, 114

imposters and tricksters, at Bourbon court, 120-123, 169-172

incest, 259, 343

informers, see spies and informers

Inisdal, Comte d', 363»

inoculation, smallpox, 93, 98

"Instructions to my children both for their spiritual and temporal lives" (Francis of Lorraine), 49

Isabella of Parma, 33-34

Italy, 18

Jacobins, 258-259, 277, 289, 293-294,

299, 303, 314, 318, 324 Jarjayes, General de, 330, 331 Jeanne de Saint-R^my (Comtesse de la

Motte-Valois), 169-172 Johanna, Archduchess of Austria, 16,

17, 34, 36 Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 15, 16, 17, 27, 51, 146, 148, 163 Antoinette's correspondence with,

197-198, 36}n-364n death of, 276, 363» in France, 136-145, 271


Frederick the Great and, 65-66

French Revolution and, 238, 248

marriages of, 33-34, 36, 136-137

Mercy and, 177

mother's problems with, 78-79

personality of, 136-137

theater box of, 37-38 Josepha, Archduchess of Austria, 16,

17, 36 Josepha of Bavaria, 34, 36, 137 Joyeuse EntriCy 87-92

Karl, Archduke of Austria, 16, 17, 34 Kaunitz, Count Wenzel Anton von,

19, 37, 43, 61 Khevenhiiller, Count Johann Josef, 12,

14,25 Klinckowstrom, Baron, 355» Knights of the Dagger, 277, 318 Korff, Baroness de, 275, 284

labor and childbirth, 11-12, 14-15,

120 of Antoinette, 150-153, 155-156,

163, 176 of Maria Theresa, 11-12, 14-15,

28, 151 of Marie Theresa of Savoy, 134-135 royal family and courtiers'

attendance during, 134-135 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph, Marquis de,

227, 248, 258, 266, 267, 272,

273, 306, 311 Antoinette's alleged affair with, 277 in "City of Paris" delegation, 235,

236 escape attempt and, 281, 282, 284,

289 National Guard and, 231, 236,

239-242, 244, 277, 278-279,

281, 282, 294 waning influence of, 279, 294 Lamballe, Louis-Alexandre, Prince de,

77 Lamballe, Marie-Th^r^se, Princesse

de, 77, 100, 102, 108, 111, 121,

154, 174, 320 assault on Tuileries and, 317, 319 death of, 321 financial rewards of, 167 at roval birth, 151, 152

Lambesc, Prince de, 107, 221 Lamorlifere, Rosalie, 334-335, 337,

338, 340-341, 344, 367n land tax, 184, 185 Laporte, Intendant of the Civil List,

298, 299 La Tour du Pin, Henriette-Lucy

Dillon, Comtesse de, 109-113, 119, 181, 191, 213, 347» on French Revolution, 232-233, 235, 236, 360«-361», 362» La Tour du Pin de Gouvemet, Comte

de, 109-110, 35Iw Launay, Jordan, Marquis de, 223-224 Lauzun, Armand-Louis, Due de, 125,

306, 352» Legislative Assembly, 295, 298, 299-300, 302, 304, 307, 309-314, 320, 321 and assaults on Tuileries, 309, 310,

316-317 see also National Assembly Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, 16, 33, 34-35, 168 French Revolution and, 276, 277,

296, 297, 298, 304, 305 Joseph's correspondence with, 139-140, 142-143, 144 Lerchenfeld, Countess, 37, 39, 44, 49 Maria Theresa's instructions to, 17-18 lesbianism, 34, 142, 166 kttres de cachety 358 liberty, 31, 193, 206, 234, 238-239, 260, 304 French tradition of, 75-76 library, at Versailles, 182-183 Ligne, Charles-Joseph, Prince de, 103,

125-126, 143 loans, 163 Calonne's raising of, 184 of courtiers, 158-159 Necker's raising of, 157, 201, 252 Lom6nie de Brienne, Cardinal, 185, 190, 192, 193, 195 discrediting of, 199, 200 resignation of, 200-201 Louis VII, King of France, 131 Louis XIV, King of France, 182 Louis XV, King of France, 19, 33, 37, 46, 51, 53-55, 58-61, 94, 347», 348»


Louis XV, King of France {cont.) Antoinette's relationship with, 65^

66, 70, 84, 94 appearance of, 5 3 death of, 92-95 as father, 55, 66, 69 health problems of, 76, 82, 92-95 informers of, 60, 61 Louis XVI and, 42, 53, 59, 60, 69 Marie Josephine of Savoy and, 77 mistresses of, 42, 54, 57, 63-70,

81-84, 120-121, 168 parlements and, IS-16 personality of, 53-55 Rohan compared with, 168 Louis, Dauphin of France (son of

Louis XV), 42, 55, 347« Louis XVI, King of France, 84-92,

100-103, 142-150,216-222,

226-255, 260-264, 270-302 abdication recommended for, 252 accident of, 209 Antoinette's disagreements with,

228, 244 Antoinette's first meeting with,

52-53 Antoinette's relationship with, 48,

53, 59-62, 68, 69, 75, 79-80,

85, 86, 97, 102, 103, 125,

137-140, 142, 150, 152-155 anxiety and nervousness of, 53, 56,

57, 280 appearance of, 42, 43, 46, 56, 84,

85,91, 132, 143, 181, 315, 323,

357« assassination plots and, 299,

311-312 assaults on the Tuileries and,

307-311, 315-320 attempt to find mistress for, 138 as "baker," 243-244 Calonne's reforms and, 184-185,

195 in Champ de Mars celebrations,

266-267 childishness of, 143-144, 196-197 Civil Constitution and, 270 common sense of, 130, 240 compassion of, 116, 204, 347« confidence of, 147, 220 constitution and, 294-295, 308, 309 construction work of, 85-86, 103,

129, 182, 183

coronation of, 131-134, 353» courage of, 242, 308, 322 dignity of, 91, 144, 278, 324 eccentricities of, 42-43, 55, 60, 85,

143-144, 182,210, 261 education of, 96, 182 Elisabeth's relationship with,

271-272 escape plans and, 226-229, 237,

240, 248, 272-273, 275, 276,

281-292, 301-302, 304, 311,

323, 341-342, 363n, 364», 365w Estates General and, 207-213,

216-219 execution of, 324-330, 366w as father, 155, 197-198, 215-216,

260-261 finances and, 128-130, 132,

180-181, 184-185, 187, 188,

190-193, 199-201 first weeks as King, 95-97 at Fontainebleau, 179-181, 183, 184 health problems of, 278 Holy Week sufferings of, 278-280 honesty of, 301 hunting skills of, 42, 62, 68, 85,

108, 118, 129, 178, 180, 182,

187, 196, 239, 255, 260, 360« "illegal" act of, 194, 197 isolation of, 209-210 Joseph and, 139-140 ztjoyeuse Entree presentation, 87-92 L^slative Assembly and, 299-300,

307, 316, 320 locksmith's betrayal of, 323-324 loutishness of, 42, 43, 46, 58, 85,

347w marriage consummated by, 145 marriage of, 37, 42, 43-44, 46-62 Mirabeau and, 263 mocking accounts of, 175 mourning of, 216 myopia of, 111, 181, 183 nonjuring priest incident and,

278-279 in Normandy, 181 passivity of, 188, 200, 218, 228,

233,260-261,271-272, 316,

322 political crisis and, 190, 192-195,

238, 360n political organizations banned by,

190, 192


portraits of, 46, 47

possessiveness of p>ower and, 96-97

privacy of, 182-183

Rohan and, 171, 172

at Royal Session, 193-194, 358w

sexual problems of, 42, 59-62, 69,

78,80, 125, 138-140 sibling rivalry of, 66^ 86, 124, 126,

189 speeches of, 210-211, 231, 261, 266 in Sunday morning audiences, 111 surgery of, 145 in the Temple, 320-324, 326 timidity of, 42, 53, 55, 56, 57, 61,

69, 78, 86, 140, 160, 181 inTuileries, 245-251, 254-255,


295-302, 307-313 Turgotand, 128-130, 132, 261 weakness of, 128-129, 147, 149,

160, 185, 188, 196, 261 will of, 231 Louis XIX, see AngoulSme, Louis-

Antoine, Due d' Louis-Charles, Due de Normandie,

215, 241-244, 255, 261,

342-344, 356» and assaults on Tuileries, 309, 310,

317, 319 birth of, 163, 164 escaf>e plans and, 274, 276,

282-291, 330, 331 governess and servants of, 229-230 health of, 174, 331 mother separated from, 335-336 Louise, Infanta of Spain, 34-35 Louise (daughter of Louis XV), 66 Louveciennes, 64, 141 Luckner, Nicolas, 306-307 Lyon, 269

madmen and idiots, at Versailles,

116-117 Mailly, Madame de, 108 Mandat, Marquis de, 314, 315 manners and etiquette, 17, 18, 25, 40, 105, 216 Antoinette's breaches of, 52, 72-74 French Revolution and, 208,

235-236, 246 spectacles and, 181, 183 Marat, Jean Paul, 269 Marck, Comte de la, 254, 256, 263

Marck, Comtesse de la, 86

Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria,

11-38, 51,65,70, 137, 355» aging of, 78, 145-146 Antoinette compared with, 211, 264 Antoinette's correspondence with,

62, 65, 68, 73-74, 77-79, 84,

90,91, 124, 133-134, 135,

139, 145, 147, 148, 154, 168,

350» Antoinette's defiance of, 77 Antoinette's fear of, 77, 79 Antoinette's marriage and, 33, 37,

40, 45, 46, 48, 59, 60, 145 appearance of, 13, 41 childbirths of, 11-12, 14-15, 28,

151 courage of, 20 death of, 154 depressions of, 31, 35 determination of, 12-13, 19-20,

28 efficiency of, 11-12, 15, 35, 154 government tasks of, 11-13, 15,

18-20, 31,87, 147, 154, 355» health problems of, 41, 79 husband's relationship with, 13-14,

27-29, 35, 46 Joseph's relationship with, 78-79,

137 Mercy's correspondence with, 61,

67,71,72,73,75,85, 115, 125,

137, 147, 148-149, 151,201,

296, 311, 348», 350«-351w as moralist, 29-33, 45, 48, 168 as mother, 16-18, 20, 32-38, 45,

48, 59, 77-80 on Rohan, 168-169 vindictiveness of, 28-31 vitality of, 14, 35 Maria Theresa, Queen of France, 236,

361» Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

(Maria Antonia Josephina

Johanna): aging of, 177, 210, 215, 276, 293,

295, 300, 329 alleged lovers of, 125-127, 142, 175,

277 anger of, 235-236, 244, 272, 290,

291, 310-311 anxiety of, 71, 79, 197-198, 211,

233, 248, 276, 280, 293, 300


Marie Antoinette (cont.) appearance of, 15, 20, 33, 37-40,

45-46, 53,64-65,78,91-92,

160, 177, 178, 210,211,212,

235, 274, 276, 293, 299,

300-301, 329, 334 assassination attempts against, 241,

252, 268 and assaults on Tuileries, 307-311,

315-320 SiS rAutrkbienne, 148, 163, 168, 175 as "baker's wife," 243-244 birth of, 11-12, 14-16,28 candor of, 138, 139 charm of, 39, 47-48, 61, 62, 69, 70,

80, 142, 352»-353« "City of Paris" snubbed by,

235-236 courage of, 151, 188, 235, 242, 248,

250,256,296, 300-301, 312 cows of, 163-164, 178, 205 curiosity of, 46, 52, 59 daily routines of, 68-69, 84-85, 97,

99-102 dependence and passivity of, 87, 127 depression of, 148, 329 despair of, 80, 178-179, 180,

188-189, 248 dignity of, 244, 246, 319, 335, 342 dissipation of, 127, 142-143, 153,

154, 175 dogsof, 49, 72-73, 81, 115, 320 dowry of, 43 economies of, 190 education of, 17, 44-45, 68, 80, 84,

189, 347«-348« escape plans and, 248, 254-255,

272-276, 281-292, 300-302, 311,

329-331,339-342, 363«,364» Estates General and, 209-214 execution of, 344-345 fears of, 87, 140 flaws of, 39-40, 44, 45 gaiety and merrymaking of, 67, 71,

74-75, 87, 101, 142, 143 gambling of, 137, 143, 145 generosity of, 68, 130, 143, 165-166 gossip about, 59-60, 61, 80, 96,

102, 126-127, 137, 142, 145,

146, 150, 153, 164-165, 166,

169, 171-172, 175, 186-189,

215, 277, 353w

graciousness of, 40-41, 74, 91, 180,

215,235 grand toilette of, 100, 110-111 health problems of, 177, 255, 276,

335, 341, 367» Holy Week sufferings of, 278-280 horseback riding of, 81, 124, 127,

186, 189 imprisonment and trial of, 333-344 insomnia of, 293, 298, 299, 341 isolation of, 160, 161, 177-178,

228-229, 254 it Joyeuse Entree prescntdition, 87-92 kindness of, 68, 165-166, 180 lesbianism attributed to, 142, 166 lover of, 160-162, 175, 186-187,

247, 355«-356w, 361/1 as Madame Deficit, 164, 175, 192 marriage of, see Louis XVI marriage plans and preparations of,

37-41, 43-48 menstruation of, 46, 80, 124, 146,

335, 350w modesty of, 99, 337, 344 as mother, 153, 154, 173-174, 176,

177, 187-188, 189, 197-198,

214-216,276, 310, 311, 331,

335-336, 343 mourning of, 187-188, 216, 228,

329, 331, 363» musical abilities of, 178 nobleness and majesty of, 41, 160 obsessive spending of, 127-128,

129, 159, 163-165, 171, 175,

357« older women snubbed by, 96 optimism of, 133-134 pain of, 124-125, 134-135, 138 parents' instructions to, 48, 49 physical and mental growth of,

80-81, 84-85, 127 poise of, 41, 47-48, 61 political role assumed by, 147-149,


350»-351» portraits of, 121, 160 power of, 57, 65, 87, 95-96, 142 pregnancies and childbirths of,

146-156, 163, 164, 171, 173,

175, 176 privacy of, 99, 102-103, 186,

234-235, 297


reform attempted by, 144-145 at remise ceremony, 52, 348» resistance of, 73-74 responsibilities of, 58, 147, 148 in Rohan scandal, 168-173, 175,

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