To Tame a Dragon (18 page)

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Authors: Megan Bryce

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: To Tame a Dragon
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“Do you think she’s marrying Robin to get
even with us? I wouldn’t want him hurt.”

“A woman marries for many reasons, as you
well know. Whether she truly loves him yet doesn’t matter. She
will in time. Robin is very hard not to love.”

Robin helped Clarice and then his mother into
the carriage and they departed. Amelia found her husband in bed
already, his leg bothering him from so much movement. He held a
drink in his hand and shook off her offer of laudanum.

“A fine port will do me for tonight. Come and
snuggle with me.”

She laughed and joined him on the bed. “It
did not go so horribly, did it?”

“I am as alive and whole as I started the
evening. I consider that a success.”

“Me, too.”

He kissed her. “Do I get my reward now?”

“Perhaps tomorrow. I can tell your leg is
hurting you.”

“You are too observant by half.”

She yawned. “It is a curse you must bear.”

“Only one of many.”

She snuggled down next to him, smiling. “Indeed.”

The wedding of Clarice Underwood to Robin
Delaney, Earl of Beckham was the event of the season,
trumping even Lord Nighting’s rather rushed ceremony. It had
been timed to occur after most had departed London to minimize
the scandal, but nearly everyone had stayed to watch and
whisper. Even the highest ranking members of the
were turned away at the door and forced to wait outside.

Clarice’s brothers kept rushing in announcing
yet another name that had been rejected at the door, giddy with

“Lord and Lady Montague!”


“I would have sold my sister for one of their

“And here we are rejecting

And then they would giggle.

Clarice herself felt ill. She sat in a little
room with her parents beaming and her brothers giggling and
thought she just might faint. Today was her wedding day. To a
man who was brother to the woman who had saved Clarice’s
reputation yet stolen her original fiancé who was best friend of
the man she was marrying. It gave her a headache thinking of it.

Amelia had planned the wedding—neither Clarice
nor Robin had been able to stop her—and she sat
front row

Whether Clarice’s nervous stomach came from all the
people attending her wedding, or from one person in particular,
she couldn’t quite decide.

And now she would be related to him!

The rector appeared flushed and agitated at
so many people come to see a wedding, of all things.

Clarice took a deep breath, following her
brothers to the front of the church. Robin stood at her arrival
and Clarice’s nervous stomach calmed. He smiled at her and she
smiled back.

Not once did she even think to look at the
couple sitting in the pews behind her.

After the ceremony Amelia kissed her on the
cheek and Jameson bowed to her, then quickly kissed her cheek
before stepping back out of kicking distance.

Clarice looked between Lord Nighting and her
husband. She smiled at the man who had very nearly ruined her
life and reputation, then turned to cling to her new husband’s

Her grandmother had been right. Sometimes
things do happen for the best.


ady Beckham, your granddaughter is the
splitting image of Amelia, isn’t she?”

Lady Beckham turned to take in the sight of
Charlotte carrying a large bucket, one could only hope it
contained water, towards her younger brother.

“In looks. However her temperament and
tendency towards mischief comes from her father.”

“And none could mistake that blonde, curly
hair on Rodger.”

Lady Beckham sighed. “He looks like an angel,
and a more stubborn child I’ve not met since his mother.”

Lady Beckham and her companion smiled at each
other. “Isn’t it a comfort to know that children grow up and get
their comeuppance?” They chuckled.

Jameson rounded the corner of the barn
carrying a large bucket in each hand and Lady Beckham sighed at
the mischievous grin that matched the one on his daughter’s

“Then again, some comeuppances aren’t as
readily grasped as others.”

Amelia rounded the barn with a squealing,
kicking baby in her arms. “That’s far enough, Charlotte. Right
there by Rodger. Jameson, you’re sloshing yours all over.”

Lady Beckham called, “Let me take the baby,
Amelia. Whatever your brood has planned won’t be good for him.”

Amelia changed course to kiss her mother’s
cheek, but shook her head. “He’ll never forgive us if he’s the
only one not soaked at the end of the day.”

Lady Beckham looked to her companion and they
nodded in agreement.

“I believe I’ll watch from the observatory.”

“A fine idea. I’ll help you in.”

Amelia laughed and headed for Jameson. He
scowled at her, nodding at the retreating ladies. “I had plans
for an accidental dousing. Lady Beckham’s companion told me I
was starting to gain weight in my middle.”

“My dear, you are still quite dashing despite
the spread.”

He gasped, then shot her a look. “Charlotte,
your mother is in dire need of a splashing.”

Amelia eyed her daughter, then glanced at her
son. “Rodger, attack!”

Lady Beckham smiled through the window as she
watched her grandchildren flinging water everywhere, and when
Jameson grabbed his wife and bent her backwards to kiss her,
Lady Beckham distracted her companion with a game of piquet.


To Tame A Dragon
The Reluctant Bride Collection, Book Two
Copyright © 2012 by Megan Bryce

[email protected]

To my husband-
because a silent partner
deserves credit somewhere

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