To Love and Cherish (13 page)

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Authors: Diana Palmer

BOOK: To Love and Cherish
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She looked into his eyes with her whole heart in hers. “I ran because I loved you so much,” she admitted jerkily. “And I knew it was always going to be one-sided….”

He pressed a gentle finger across her trembling lips. “One-sided,
Shelby?” he asked gently. “Let me show you how one-sided it is with us.”

He drew her up against him and eased her mouth under his, cherishing it so tenderly that she couldn't stem the tears that fell like liquid pearls from her eyes.

“You see?” he whispered softly. “I love you until I ache all over with it. I want children with you. I want everything with you, Shelby, good times and bad. But not if you're going to spend all those years running from my temper.”

She smiled up at him. “But now I know what to do about it, don't I?” she whispered, drawing his head down to hers.

“It'll take more than this sometimes,” he murmured against her ardent mouth.

“Then you'll have to marry me and
teach me what else to do, won't you?” she asked impishly.

“Be sure, Shelby,” he said gently, and his dark eyes were serious. “Forever is a hell of a long time.”

She nodded. “Maybe it will be long enough,” she murmured.

He wrapped her up in his hard arms and held her close against him. She buried her face in his warm throat and closed her eyes. Heaven could wait, she thought contentedly. This was paradise enough for one lifetime.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4369-3


First published in North America as a MacFadden Romance by Kim Publishing Corporation.

Copyright © 1979 by Diana Palmer.

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