To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (24 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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            Misty’s eyes were red-rimmed behind her sunglasses. Domenico had not come to her room last night and she didn’t know if she was okay with it. She was beginning to understand just how manipulative Domenico could be. Could she really marry him? The answer eluded her, and even the serene quiet of the rooftop area failed to soothe her today. It was her last day of work at Lyccan Hall, but because of yesterday’s fiasco, people had become extremely skittish around her, fearful that she would remember how they had treated her and tattle to Domenico about it.


            Finally, Mr. Cavalier had asked if she wanted to take a break from work. Misty understood what he was really asking. He wanted her out of the way so that his office would return to normal, and that was why she had been at the rooftop since ten in the morning – and with a few more hours to kill before the workday officially ended.


            “May I join you?”


            Her eyes widened. “Y-you!”


            It was Jayme Cavalier again. It felt like déjà vu, meeting him on the rooftop once more. He was wearing a shirt and jeans this time, and he looked very relaxed with his twinkling eyes and carefree smile.


            “I know I haven’t properly introduced myself, but surely you’d have remembered my name after my gallant rescue?” He gestured at the extra space of the bench she was sitting on. “May I?”


            She reddened. “O-oh, yes, sorry.”


            She noticed how the few other employees in the area stared at Jayme as he gracefully took a seat. It made her look at him properly, and she realized with a surprise that he really was handsome.


            “You’re waiting for Domenico?”


            She shook her head quickly, staying silent. She did not believe in sharing her problems with other people, and she certainly didn’t think it would be a good idea to talk about Domenico with another man.


            Jayme smiled. “Amazing. You can resist the urge to complain about men.”


            That made her laugh.


            “There. That’s better.” He leaned against the bench. “Would you like some coffee?”


            She blinked. “Coffee?”


            “Yes, coffee.”


            “Um…I don’t really feel like going out.”


            “But you do want to drink coffee?”


            His insistence made her smile. “Yes, but --”


            “What kind?”


            “A mocha frappe?”


            Jayme took out his phone and dialed a number. “Two mocha frappes, rooftop. Thanks.”


            She was grinning when he finished the call. “You,” she said good-naturedly, “are such a showoff.”


            “I know.”


            They were quiet again and Jayme only spoke after a man in a blue-and-white uniform had swiftly and silently handed them their mocha frappes before leaving just as quickly and unobtrusively.


            “Blue and white are the colors of your pack, then?” she asked.


            Instead of answering that, he asked his own question. “Are you really marrying Moretti?”


She choked on her coffee.


            “Should I take that as a no?” he teased.


Misty smiled but shook her head. “It’s a ‘yes’. I’m still marrying Domenico.” Now was not the time to express her doubts.


            “I see.” His lips twisted. “I was hoping you’d say no.”


            Her eyes widened.


            “We Lyccans aren’t the type to beat around the bush.” He stared at her directly. “I find you interesting. Attractive. I hope you’ll reconsider your decision.”


            “I’m…I’m speechless and, um, honored?” She was stumbling all over her words, mostly because she never thought someone like Jayme Cavalier would be attracted to her – if he really was that.


            “I can prove I’m attracted to you if you want,” Jayme offered wickedly when he saw the wariness in her eyes.


            She choked again. “No, no need!”


            Jayme burst into laughter. “Ah, well. It was worth a try. Friends then?”


            Misty looked at his hand doubtfully.


            “Come on. I won’t bite.” He grinned wolfishly. “Not unless you want me to.”


            Another laugh escaped her and she took his hand gingerly for a really quick shake.


            Misty felt much better when she got back home, recalling fondly the many stories Jayme had shared about Lyccan society. Although Jayme had the same striking looks that Domenico had, they were still polar opposites. Jayme was a lot less complicated and more open about what he thought and felt.


            Her smile faded when she saw Domenico standing alone in the expansive foyer of his home, her family nowhere in sight.


            “Where have you been?”


            Ignoring that, she called out her siblings’ names one by one but none of them answered. “Where’s everyone?” she demanded, whirling back around to face Domenico. It was already eight in the evening. All of their classes should have ended already.


            Domenico gritted his teeth at the way Misty avoided his question. “I had Matteo drive them to the mall. A shopping trip to ensure that they do not witness our discussion. Now answer me,” he continued. “Where have you been?”




            Domenico couldn’t believe how calm she was. How dare she come into his home smelling of another man’s scent! That Cavalier pup had been with her throughout the day. He had seen it with his own eyes, having been informed by the bodyguards he had assigned to follow Misty without her knowledge. It had taken every inch of his control not to go to them and drag Misty away.


            “With who?”


            She stared at him for a moment. “I think you already know, so why bother to ask?”


            Domenico exhaled in frustration. He wasn’t used to Misty being like this. He liked her shy, sweet, or cute. “Don’t play this game with me, Misty, or you won’t like the consequences.”


            “But I’m not playing any g-games!” The tears that stung her eyes caught Misty by surprise. She turned away, but it was too late.


            Domenico didn’t miss the tears and with a groan, he crossed the room and pulled her forcibly into his arms, unmindful of her struggles. He kept on hugging her until she finally subsided, crying in his chest.


            “I hate that you lied to me,” she sobbed. “You made it seem like you didn’t care that people would think I was just your mistress --”


            “I’m sorry,” Domenico said raggedly. “I was a bastard for doing that. I never thought she would dare to make your life hell. All I wanted to know was who would actually be on your side. I won’t do it again, Misty. I promise you that.”


Misty nodded against his chest, to show that she understood and forgave him for it.


            He added reluctantly, “I also have to admit that I didn’t want you to know I had an affair with her.”


            “Why didn’t you?”


            “Because you wouldn’t understand,” he said quietly.


            She didn’t pretend to misunderstand what he was saying. “Why
you choose to have an affair with Rebecca, Domenico?”


            “You know the answer to that as well.”


            Her shoulders slumped. “It served your purposes to have an affair with her.”


            He nodded. “I used her.”


            Domenico waited for her judgment. Was she disgusted now that she knew how different the two of them were and how ruthless he could be?


When she opened her mouth, he held his breath. “Domenico, can you just promise not to lie to me again?” Her voice shook unexpectedly at the end.


With a groan, he cupped her face and took her lips in a hard kiss, hoping it would help vanquish the pain Domenico knew was still scarring her heart. He hated the fact that she was hurting and it was because of him. She loved him. She deserved to be treated better.


            He pulled away and looked straight into her eyes as he said, “I won’t lie to you again.” It was a lie. Domenico was going to do every damn thing possible to make sure she wouldn’t ever find out. There were things he had to keep from her, things that would endanger her if she knew, things that she was better left not knowing.


            Misty tiptoed and kissed him full on the mouth, surprising both of them.


. He had forgotten how wonderful it felt to have her in his arms. He tightened his hold around her. He didn’t want to ever let go of this woman. He would never do anything to endanger their relationship again, Domenico promised himself while returning and deepening the kiss. She was beyond everything he had expected. He didn’t deserve a sweet thing like her, but she was his already and he would not relinquish her for anything else.


            “I don’t want us fighting,” she whispered when she pulled away, tears choking her voice.


            “Same here, darling.”


            “I want to marry you,” she nodded vigorously.


            He smiled at the fierceness of her voice. “Same here, darling.”


            She smiled against his neck. “You want to marry yourself.”


            He smiled against her hair. “You know that’s lame, right?”


            “But admit it, I made you smile.”


            “Yes.” He kissed her hair, her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, and lastly, he pressed a tender kiss on her lips. “You did.” And so she would, he knew, for the rest of their lives.


            And before Misty knew it, her wedding day had come.


            Kevin walked her down the aisle, both of them nervous but trying hard not to show it. The Morettis’ private chapel was even grander than Florida’s oldest church, and the walk down the aisle was so long Misty was slightly huffing by the time Kevin gave her one last hug before turning her over to Domenico.


            Mark had outdone himself. He had styled and curled her hair such that it fell against her back in huge gentle curls while he also gave her bangs to frame her face. Finally, he placed a handmade band on her head, one where gemstones of every color of the rainbow were artfully put together to create a row of flowers.

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