To Lose a Battle (95 page)

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Authors: Alistair Horne

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Chapter 5
War begins: Chastenet (3), Fabre-Luce, Shirer (1), Seydewitz, Klein, Harsch, Barlone, Maurois, Pertinax. The ‘Saar Offensive’ and Poland: Allied periodicals, Gamelin iii, Goutard, Rowe, Lerecouvreux, Prételat, Rodolphe, Minart, Spears i, Chastenet (3), Guderian (2), Balbaud, Liss, Lossberg, Blumentritt. The Phoney War: Fabre-Luce, Waterfield, Pertinax, Boothe, Sumner Welles (
Time for Decision
), Beauvoir, Koestler. Life at the front, French Army morale: French periodicals (see Bibliography, Part II), Fabre-Luce, Pertinax, Barlone, Spears i, Jamet, Sarraz-Bournet, Koestler, Barlone, Lerecouvreux. Impact of Nazi and Communist propaganda: Chastenet (3), Fabre-Luce, Conrad, Greenwall, Spears i, Rossi, Bois, Koestler, Ehrenburg, Pertinax, Bardies, Walter.

Chapter 6
Gamelin: Menu, Spears i, Romains, Maurois, Bardies, Bardoux, Gamelin i & ii, Pertinax, de Gaulle (2), Minart, Baudouin. French command and Georges: Goutard, Minart, Roton, Beaufre, Spears i, Sarraz-Bournet, Gauché, Weygand (1), Pertinax, Bardies. Gamelin’s strategy: Doumenc, Gamelin i & iii, Roton, French periodicals, Jacobsen (1), Ellis, Goutard, Lyet, Reynaud (1), Minart, Draper, Prioux. The ‘Mechclen Incident’: Jacobsen (2), Koeltz. French neglect of Polish lessons: Armengaud, Gauché. Finland and other distractions: Taylor (1), Koestler, Bois, Clark, Gamelin iii, Bardoux, Bois, Ironside, Weygand (1), Pertinax, Beaufre, Fabre-Luce.

Chapter 7
Fall Gelb:
Jacobsen (1) & (2), Koeltz, Warlimont, Ellis, Westphal, Manstein, Goerlitz (1), Liss, Telford Taylor, Haupt, Blumentritt, Heusinger, Guderian (2). Halder and the ‘Resistance’: Krausnick
Schicksalfragen der Gegenwart
), O’Neill, Prittie, Görlitz (1), Sendtner (
Vollmacht des Gewissens
Von Hassell Diaries
, Namier. Manstein and his plan: Blumentritt, Westphal, Manstein, O’Neill, Liddell Hart (2), Koeltz, Jacobsen (2). Finalizing
plan: Jacobsen (2), Koeltz, Liss, Warlimont, Telford Taylor, Guderian (2), Lossberg, Abshagen.

Chapter 8
Norway: Moulton, Reynaud (1), Churchill i, Koeltz, Telford Taylor, Taylor (1), Lossberg. Allied Government crises: Gamelin iii, Boothe, Bois, Fabre-Luce, Baudouin, Chastenet (3), Pertinax, Churchill i. Daladier, Reynaud and Hélène de Portes: Bois, Pertinax, Fabre-Luce, Maurois, Spears i & ii, Harold Nicolson (
ii), Baudouin, Chastenet (3), Sheean, Boothe. Strength of opposing forces by May 1940: Goutard, Jacobsen (2), Menu, Conquet, Lyet, Tissier, Bauer, Guderian (2), Roton, Bardies, d’Astier, Gamelin i, Lee. French line-up on the Meuse: Ruby, Menu, Goutard, Allard, Prételat, Gamelin i. French military unpreparedness: Lerecouvreux, Goutard, Maurois, Menu, Grandsard, Ruby, Conquet, French periodicals, Doumenc, Draper, Bauer, Allard, Gauché, Bernard, Beaufre, Prételat. Allied reconnaissance and German deception: Accart, Salesse, Bauer, Liss, Gauché, Lossberg, Jacobsen (2), Abshagen, Bartz (
Die Tragödie der Deutschen Abwehr
), Leverkuehn. Last days in France and Germany: Boothe, Fabre-Luce, Bardoux, Gontaut-Biron, de Beauvoir,
Von Hassell Diaries
, Seydewitz, Shirer (1), Warlimont, Halder, German periodicals, Sendtner.

Part Two

Chapter 9
Beginning of German offensive 10 May: Stackelberg, Kielmansegg, Flack, Reile, Sponeck, Spaeter, Osterkamp, Bekker, Draper, Liddell Hart (2). German advance into Ardennes: Stoves, Spaeter, Starcke, Halder, Manteuffel, Lerecouvreux. German ‘special operations’, ‘Brandenburgers’, and Eben Emacl: Leverkuehn, Abshagen, Bucheit, Jong, Haupt, Strohmeyer, Hartog, Lossberg, Bekker, Telford Taylor, Purnell’s
History of the Second World War.
Allies move into Belgium: Ironside, Minart, Reynaud (1), Boothe, Baudouin, Chastenet (3), Prioux, Bryant, Menu, Kosak, Gontaut-Biron, Ruby, Lerecouvreux.

Chapter 10
Fighting in Ardennes, 11 May: Manteuffel, Kosak, French periodicals, Stoves, Halder, Goutaut-Biron, Guderian (3), Mende. Allied progress in northern Belgium: Lyet, Bardies, Middleton, Roton. French High Command reactions: Draper, Roton, Minart, Goutard, Gamelin i, Weygand (1).

Chapter 11
War in Holland and northern Belgium, 12 May: Picht, Ironside, Draper, Benoist-Méchin. Guderian crosses Semois: Weiss, Stoves, Christophe, Lerecouvreux, Conrad. Corap withdrawn from Ardennes: Kosak, Manteuffel, French periodicals. Rommel crosses at Houx: French periodicals, Manteuffel, Tschimpke, Lyet. Huntziger prepares for Guderian’s attack at Sedan: Conrad. Lyet, Minart, d’Astier, Gamelin i.

Chapter 12
Rommel, background: Young, Rommel, Lossberg, Mellenthin. Corap: Chastenet (3), Allard, Draper, Maurois. Rommel’s bridgehead at Dinant: in addition to Rommel himself, Manteuffel, Draper, Borchert, Young, Tschimpke, Minart. Guderian’s preparations at Sedan: Spaeter, Stoves, Christophe, Liddell Hart (2), and here as well as later Grandsard, Ruby, Menu, Goutard. Luftwaffe bombing at Sedan: Lee, Telford Taylor, Bekker, Richards & Saunders, Goutard, Salesse, d’Astier, Stoves, Guderian (2), German periodicals. The crossings at Sedan:
Sieg im West
(film), Draper, German periodicals, Guderian (2) & (3), Wittek, Haupt, Spaeter, Mellenthin, Stoves, Weiss, Christophe. The French view: in addition to Roton, Goutard, Menu, Ruby, Grandsard, also Lerecouvreux, Gamelin i & iii, Conrad, French periodicals, Bardies, Draper, Doumenc. French High Command reactions: Minart, Baudouin, Gamelin i & iii, Beaufre, Ironside.

Chapter 13
Rommel consolidates his bridgehead: Manteuffel, Tschimpke, Young, Bardies, Allard, Draper, Minart, German periodicals, Wittek. First French counter-attacks at Sedan: Spaeter, Mellenthin, Stoves, Guderian (3), German and French periodicals. Guderian decides to swing westwards: Guderian (2), Halder, Stoves. Allied air attack on Sedan bridges: Richards & Saunders, Haupt, d’Astier, Paquier (1) Kielmansegg, Bekker, Ellis, Tessier, Guderian (3). French 3rd Armoured Division at Stonne: Spaeter, Serre, Lerecouvreux, Roton, French periodicals, Waterfield.
Guderian and Kleist at odds: Guderian (2), Halder, German War Diaries. Holland capitulates: Draper, Bekker, Telford Taylor, Sponeck. French High Command reactions: Bardies, Minart, Menu, Spears i, Gamelin i, Reynaud (1), Ironside, Werth.

Chapter 14
The French 1st Armoured Division and Rommel’s break-out: Serre, d’Astier, Starcke, French periodicals, Bardies, Tschimpke, Borchert, German periodicals, Manteuffel, personal correspondence. Reinhardt breaks out at Monthermé: German periodicals, Guderian (3), Stackelberg. Fighting at Stonne: Spaeter, Wittek, Lemelsen (
Die 29 Infanterie-Division
), French periodicals, Serre. 1st Panzer breaks out at Sedan: Guderian (3), Kielmansegg, Stoves, Lemelsen (op. cit.), Draper, French periodicals, Doumenc, Bardies. R.A.F. begin bombing Ruhr, Reynaud asks for more fighters: Paquier (1), Richards & Saunders, Ellis, d’Astier, Müller, Webster, Narracott, Bräck, Churchill ii, Douglas. Kleist’s ‘Halt Order’ of 15 May to Guderian: Guderian, Goerlitz (1), Goutard (1), personal correspondence, French periodicals, Halder.

Chapter 15
French High Command actions, 10–15 May: Gamelin i & iii, Bois, Baudouin, Beaufre, Minart, Menu, Bardies, French periodicals, Goutard, Bardoux, Ironside, Churchill ii, Reynaud (1), Lyet, Draper, Hartog, Pertinax. Reynaud and Churchill, 15–16 May: Bois, Baudouin, Benoist-Méchin, Reynaud (1), Ironside, Churchill ii, Gamelin iii. French Government actions of 16 May: Baudouin, Herriot, Reynaud (1), Draper, Bois, Monzie, Gamelin iii. French censorship: Shecan, Boothe, Chastenet (3), Vasselle (1), Koestler, Waterfield, Bois, Werth. First panic in Paris: Sheean, Mendès-France, Bardoux, Hartog, Werth, Bois, Herriot, Benoist-Méchin. Churchill in Paris, 16 May: Benoist-Méchin, Churchill ii, Spears i, Chautemps, Baudouin, Reynaud (1), Ironside, General Ismay (
), Ellis, Douglas, Müller, Taylor (1), Richards. French High Command decisions, 16 May: Mellenthin, Minart, Roton, Doumenc, Lyet, French periodicals, Bardies. Guderian’s breakthrough, 16 May: Gontaut-Biron, Lerecouvreux, Ruby, Kielmansegg, Stoves, Spaeter. French 2nd Armoured Division’s operations: Serre, Voisin, French periodicals, personal correspondence, Bardies, Roton, Doumenc. Rommel’s ‘Avesnes Raid’: principally Rommel, and Doumenc, Rocolle, Menu, Roton, Borchert, Goutard, German periodicals, Manteuffel.

Chapter 16
The German High Command, 10–17 May: Murawski, Wehrmacht communiqués, Shirer (1), P. C. Ettighoffer (
44 Tage und Nächte
), Halder, Warlimont, Goutard, Heusinger, Jacobsen (1), German periodicals, Ellis, Guderian (2), Haupt, Telford Taylor, personal correspondence, Blumentritt, Mellenthin, Manteuffel, Kielmansegg. De Gaulle’s first counter-attack: Serre, de Gaulle (2) Tournoux, d’Astier, Gontaut-Biron, Voisin, Stoves, Kielmansegg, French and German periodicals, Mengin, Bardies, Roton, Bauer. Panzers consolidate: Doumenc, Manteuffel, Kosak, Prioux, Stackelberg, Guderian (2), Haupt, Lemelsen (
Die 29 Infanterie-Division
). Waning Allied air effort, effect on land forces: Webster & Frankland, d’Astier, Richards & Saunders, Narracott, Balbaud, Paquier (1). Retreat from northern Belgium: Prioux, Ellis, Balbaud, Bryant, Jacobsen (1). French High Command and Government actions: French periodicals, Weygand (1) & (2), Gamelin iii, Minart, Doumenc, Baudouin, Bardoux, Roton.

Chapter 17
Panzers advance again: Stoves, Churchill ii, Draper, Jacobsen (1), Christophe, Manteuffel, Starcke, Haupt, Halder, Murawski, Wehrmacht communiqués. End of Ninth Army and capture of Giraud: Vasselle (1), Habe, Draper, Doumenc, Guderian (2), Ellis, Minart, Middleton, Roton. Fugitives and refugees: Accart, Sarraz-Bournet, Muray, Mendès-France, Bardoux, Jong, Kosak, Koestler, Waterfield, Maurois, Carron, Beauvoir, Chambrun, Bryant, Kielmansegg, Boothe, Chastenet (3), Bardies, Chautemps, St.-Exupéry. The ‘Fifth Column’: Barlone, Jong, Waterfield, Habe, Vilfroy (
The War in the West
), Werth, German archives, Tissier, Spears ii, Conrad, Pertinax, Reile, Telford Taylor, Menu, Ruby, Lerecouvreux, Reynaud (1), Rauschning, Shirer (1), Beaufre, personal correspondence, Bayet, Koestler, Gamelin iii, French periodicals. French High Command recognizes German objective: Minart, Roton, French periodicals, Baudouin, Weygand (1), Voisin, personal correspondence, Baudouin, Gamelin iii, Reynaud (1), Bardoux, Spears i, Ironside, Benoist-Méchin. Operations on 19 May: French and German periodicals, Kielmansegg, d’Astier, de Gaulle (2), Salesse, Voisin, Halder, Gontaut-Biron, Vasselle (1), Wittek, Ellis, Stoves. Fighting on Maginot Line: Prételat, Rowe, Picht, Benoist-Méchin. Withdrawal from northern Belgium and rumours of British evacuation intent: Ellis, Roton, Prioux, Reynaud (1), French periodicals, Barlone, Draper, Lyet, Richards & Saunders,
Ironside, Detrez & Chatelle (
Tragédies en Flandres
), Churchill ii, Benoist-Méchin. ‘Instruction No. 12’ and end of Gamelin: Minart, French and German periodicals, Roton, Reynaud (1), Gamclin i & iii, Beaufre. Weygand takes over: Lévy, Reynaud (1), Spears i & ii, Greenwall, Werth, Beaufre, Jamet, Bois, Waterfield, Weygand (1) & (2), Baudouin, Minart. Germans reach Channel: Manteuffel, d’Astier, Kielmansegg, Stoves, Draper, Bryant, Shirer (1), Telford Taylor, Guderian (3), Lyet.

Chapter 18
German ‘pause’ of 21 May: Halder, Goutard (1), Telford Taylor, Guderian (2). Allied High Command, Ironside’s plan: Reynoud (1), Lyet, Baudouin, Detrez & Chatelle (
Tragédies en Flandres
), Benoist-Méchin, Chambrun, Ellis, Ironside, Weygand (1), French periodicals, Müller, Churchill ii, Gort’s dispatches. Gort, background: Draper, Thompson, Spears i, Ellis, Maurois, Bryant. The Arras attack: Detrez & Chatelle (op. cit.), d’Astier, Bardies, Bryant, Chambrun, Draper, Ellis, Prioux, Roton, Weygand (2), Telford Taylor, Goutard, Guderian (2), Churchill ii, Gort dispatches, Reynaud (1), Jacobsen (1), Flack, Halder, Mellenthin, Haupt, Manteuffel, Rommel, Starcke,
Sieg im West
, German archives, personal correspondence. Weygand’s visit to Ypres: Baudouin, Churchill ii, Weygand (1) & (2), Reynaud (1), French periodicals, Bardies, Ellis, Lyet, Benoist-Méchin, Beaufre, Goutard (1), Bauer, Hartog. Reynaud and Churchill in Paris, 22 May: Bois, Bardoux, Werth, Goutard, Baudouin, Draper, Roton, Weygand (1), Reynaud (1), Churchill ii, Ellis, General Ismay (
), Ironside. German operations, 22 May: Christophe, Shirer (1), Mende, Stoves, Manteuffel, Ellis. French counter-strokes, 22 May: Detrez & Chatelle (op. cit.), d’Astier, Bekker, Prioux, Ellis, Lyet, Roton, Weygand (2), Goutard (1), Gort dispatches, Bardies, Vasselle (2). Gort withdraws: Ellis, Churchill ii, Gort dispatches, Weygand (1), French periodicals, Draper, Richards, Detrez & Chatelle (op. cit.), Bryant, Prioux, Weygand (2), Telford Taylor, Bardies, Reynáud (1), Ironside.

Chapter 19
The German ‘Halt Qrder’ of 24 May: Taylor (1), Ellis, Halder, Rommel, Telford Taylor, German periodicals, Guderian (2), Fechner, Haupt, Goutard (1), Bekker, Blumentritt, Warlimont, Heusinger, Benoist-Méchin, Churchill ii. Growing French despair, rancour among Allies: Werth, Jamet, Bardoux, Spears i, Koestler,
Picht, Sheean, Waterfield, Telford Taylor, Prioux, Draper, Boothe, Baudouin, Benoist-Méchin. Weygand, beginnings of ‘separate peace’ lobby: Waterfield, Telford Taylor, Draper, Baudouin, Benoist-Méchin, Müller, Chautemps, Spears i, Reynaud (1). French Cabinet session of 25 May: Müller, Baudouin, Spears i, Reynaud (1), Benoist-Méchin. Footnote on air strengths: Bauer, Baudouin, Jacobsen (1), Ellis, Paquier (1), Richards & Saunders. French attacks from south, fading of Weygand plan: Goutard, Vasselle (1) & (2), Benoist-Méchin, Weygand (2), Reynaud (1), Baudouin, Draper, Churchill ii. Dunkirk: Jacobsen (1) & (2), Bekker, Spears i, Draper, Lyet, Ellis, Weygand (1), Ironside, Richards & Saunders, Gort dispatches, d’Astier, Goutard, Benoist-Méchin, Churchill ii.

Chapter 20
‘Operation Red’ begins: Draper, d’Astier, Weygand (1), Warlimont, Spears ii, Goutard, Richards, Churchill ii, Halder, Reynaud (1), Telford Taylor,
Sieg im West
, Manteuffel, Rommel, Guderian (2), Benoist-Méchin. Paris falls: Draper, Shirer (1), Werth, Telford Taylor, Ehrenburg, Waterfield, Maurois, Fabre-Luce, Benoist-Méchin, Halder. Italy attacks: Reynaud (1), Benoist-Méchin, Goutard, Richards & Saunders. Last resistances: Draper, Spears i & ii, Chastenet (3), Benoist-Méchin, Beaufre. Political struggle between ‘softs’ and. ‘hards’: Spears i & ii, Churchill ii, Benoist-Méchin, Bois, Koestler, Lévy, Weygand (1), Reynaud (1), Baudouin, Benoist-Méchin, Maurois. Reynaud at breaking-point, his plea to America: Spears ii, Bois, Benoist-Méchin, Baudouin, Boothe, personal correspondence, Reynaud (1), Churchill ii. Reynaud resigns: Reynaud (1), Spears ii, Benoist-Méchin, Churchill ii, Baudouin, Shirer (1), Chastenet (3).

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