To Honor You Call Us (47 page)

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Authors: Harvey G. Phillips,H. Paul Honsinger

Tags: #Science Fiction

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“I appreciate your loyalty.”

“Any time, sir.  Far better to hang together—”

“Than to hang separately.” 

Indeed, living long enough just to get past the Pfelung defenses, much less dealing with the coming Krag attack, was by no means certain.  Already, as the
streaked into the outskirts of their system and penetrated their defensive sensor net, the Pfelung were warning him off, telling him in great detail that he was violating their sovereign territorial space and that if he did not turn about and leave he would be intercepted and destroyed, all the while shutting their ears, or whatever they used to hear with, to anything the

“Mr. Kasparov, some information on what is going on in that system would be very helpful about now,” Max prompted.

“Sorry, sir, we have every sensor on active scan, maximum intensity, focused on the area in question, but at this speed the sensor beams aren’t moving much faster than we are.  It will be some time before we begin to get anything approaching a useful return.”  Max couldn’t fault the man.  Sensor beams travelled at a finite speed, which differed from one sensor type to another, but most travelled in the 2300 c range; accordingly, since the ship was itself travelling at 2200 c, it obviously took several minutes for the sensor beam to travel the distance from the ship to the object being scanned, be reflected, and make the return trip.  There was no overcoming the immutable mathematics of time, speed, and distance.

“Receiving the transponder codes listed in the freighter’s data base,” Comms chimed in.  As each ship continually broadcast its transponder ID, the signal was there to be picked up as soon as the
was in range.  “Eight of the ten expected freighters are already in place at the freight facility, one is in the traffic pattern to enter it, and one is about a tenth of an AU out, just getting inserted into the traffic pattern.  The last ship is still at least two hours from being docked with the other ships, maybe as long as four or five depending on the Pfelung traffic control system.”

“Tactical, how are we doing?”

“Fair to middlin’ sir.  At least for now.”  Bartoli was from Mobile, Alabama.  “At this speed, we have already blown past the Pfelung system perimeter defense.  We’re moving so fast that by the time they detected us the interception geometry was hopeless for them.  They are far behind us, now.  They have two Cruisers about 25 AU from the primary that are moving to intercept—they won’t be able to catch us.  But, we will pass through the outer weapons range of one in just over a minute and of the other one about two minutes after that.  Again, given our present speed, and the firing angles, it would be almost impossible to get a hit on us.  After that, it gets more interesting.  We will have to reduce speed, and they have other ships moving into position that will have a much more favorable interception geometry.”

“Understood.  Comms, any luck opening a direct channel to that pulse cannon battery?

“Negative, Skipper.  Cold shoulder all the way.  Oh, and sir, one of the Marine sentries is on the comm saying that the doctor wishes permission to enter CIC.”  That’s odd. 

“Permission granted.”  Max decided that, if he lived through this battle, he would give the doctor CIC Access Status.  One of the Marines opened the hatch to admit the doctor.  Just as the hatch was about to close, Clouseau darted in, zoomed past the doctor’s feet, and scampered onto the command island where he stood, apparently waiting for something.  “Come on in, Doctor.  If you would like to have a seat, use the Commodore’s Station.”

“Thank you.”  In answer to the unspoken question.  “When I was playacting the part of the Cutter Captain, I got to like knowing what was going on.  None of the Casualty Station consoles tie into any of the tactical displays.”  He took a seat at the Commodore’s Station.  Clouseau immediately leaped in his lap and sat up, watching that station’s display with apparent attentive interest.  The doctor spoke to the animal, “I gather you like to be where the action is, just as I do.  How unfortunate that I do not like cats.”  Clouseau curled up on the doctor’s lap, still keeping his eyes on the display, while the doctor absently stroked his fur.  Clouseau began purring.

“Both of you are welcome in CIC, of course,” Max said.  “XO, I think it’s time for you to get on your way.”
“Aye sir.  And, Skipper, good luck to you.”

“Thanks, XO, to us all.”  They shook hands, and the XO strode out of CIC.  “Weapons, confirm missile tube load out.”

“Sir, current missile tube load out is:  Raven in tube one, missile is unarmed, warhead is unarmed; Raven in tube two, missile is unarmed, warhead is unarmed; Talon in Tube three, missile is unarmed, warhead is unarmed.”

“Very well.  Weapons Officer, this is a Nuclear Weapons Arming Order.  Arm missile and warhead in tube one; arm missile and warhead in tube two.  Do not, repeat do not, set target at this time.”

“Nuclear Weapons Arming Order confirmed and logged.  Missile and warhead in tube one armed.  Missile and warhead in tube two armed.  Targets not set at this time.”

“Sir, we are coming in missile range of the first Pfelung cruiser.”  Short pause.  “He has fired a superluminal anti-ship missile.”  Pause.  “Missile has gone to active homing mode.”  Yet another pause.  “Missile is locked onto us and is homing.  Based on the active homing pulse characteristics, am classifying this missile as code name: ‘Minnow.’  Interception geometry is poor and it is overtaking us very slowly.  Point defense batteries locking on.  Firing.  Missile destroyed.”  CIC was virtually silent for about half a minute.  “Coming into range of the second cruiser.  Second cruiser firing.  Missile is superluminal and has gone to active homing.  Locked and tracking.  Classifying as Minnow.  Point defense batteries locking on.  Firing.  Miss.  Missile still tracking.  Point defense batteries reengaging.  Miss.  Point Defense second layer engaging—rail gun going to continuous firing.  Missile range now ten thousand meters.  Nine thousand.  Eight thousand.  Seven thousand.  Six thousand.  Five thousand.  Four thousand.  Hit.  Missile destroyed.”  Short pause.  “I don’t think we’ll be so lucky next time, sir.  There is a screen of eight cruisers and twelve destroyers, in what looks like the Pfelung version of a Zhou Matrix, right in our path and about sixteen AU from our destination.  With their superluminal missiles and with the other missile installations and pulse cannon battle stations they’ve got in this part of the system, there is no way around them, sir, not and still get where we’re going in enough time to do any good.”

“Then, we’ll have to go through them,” Max said, his fists clinched with determination.  “Alert all decks, prepare to accept incoming fire.  We’ll pass through the screen and then see what we can do about those freighters.  Comms, keep broadcasting the same message.  Maybe someone will get the idea that we are not trying to hurt them and maybe that will convince them not to shoot.”  And maybe Santa Claus will come by in his sleigh and act as a missile decoy.   

WHAM.  A bone-jarring shock shook the ship. 

“Stealthed mine,” said Tactical.  “Intel
that the Pfelung are in the process of developing them but they’re
to not be deployed yet.”  He sounded annoyed, as though Intel had let him down, personally. 

WHAM WHAM.  “It appears that their information is not entirely up to date,” Max observed.  “Damage?”

“Damage to several of the amidships sensor arrays, antennas, and fairings—complete list on your DC sub-display in about two minutes, Skipper.”  DC had the answer right away.  Minor damage.  The way things were going, that wouldn’t last long.

WHAM.  One of the Environmental Consoles went dark.  In less than ten seconds, one man and a Mid had the access panel open and were pulling the overloaded module. 

“Captain,” Bartoli said formally, “based on my assessment of the number and location of the Pfelung defending vessels and the known capability of their missiles, if each ship fires a full salvo, and if our countermeasures and point defense systems perform as predicted, they will be overwhelmed.  Our likelihood of survival is very low.”

“Very low?  Be more specific.  How low?  Give me an approximate percent.”

“An approximate percent chance of survival?  Zero.”

“How much are you rounding that off?”

“In approximate percent?  Zero.”  Smart ass.  Max got the point, though.

“How long until they launch?”  Heads turned.  The question came from the doctor.

Max nodded to Bartoli, giving him leave to answer.  “Just over a minute.”

Sahin thought about something for about half a second.  Making up his mind, he squinted at the unfamiliar Commodore’s Console, managed to configure it to allow him to key in message text, and started typing furiously.  He said to Comms, “Two days ago, I saved four images to my personal database.  My password is “Harun1453.”  You need to broadcast this message and those images to those ships, on every frequency and band and whatever else you can.” 

Max didn’t have time to ask what the text was.  Max didn’t have time to ask what the images were.  Max didn’t have time to ask the doctor to explain.  If the doctor’s idea, whatever it may be, was going to be implemented in time to do any good, Max had to give the order in the next two or three seconds.  He had to make the call:  run the gauntlet of Pfelung warships or trust his life, his ship, and the lives of 215 men to a Hail Mary pass being thrown by a man Max had known for only twenty-two days. 

Easy call.  “Comms.  Do it.”

Ensign Chin’s fingers flew over his console, capturing the text message, accessing and capturing the image files, bundling them in a message packet, and broadcasting them by every means the

“Pfelung missile targeting scanners engaging and locking.  They are preparing to fire.”  Tactical was a veritable fountain of good news, today. 

It was only after the message and images were sent that Max and Comms and the other CIC officers whose consoles had access to outgoing signals saw exactly what kind of pass the doctor had thrown.  The message read:  “DO NOT FIRE STOP THIS SHIP CARRIES PRICELESS PFELUNG VITREUM SCULPTURAL VASE KNOWN AS BIRTH OF THE WATERS STOP SEE ATTACHED IMAGES STOP DESTRUCTION OF THIS VESSEL WILL DESTROY IRREPLACEABLE PART OF PFELUNG ARTISTIC HERITAGE STOP PLEASE LISTEN TO US STOP WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMIES STOP MESSAGE ENDS”  Four images of the piece were attached.

“Sir, the Cruisers just shut down their targeting scanners.”  Well, maybe Tactical did have good news every now and then.

“Skipper, incoming from the Pfelung force commander,” Comms said.  “Text only.”

“Let’s see it.”


“Comms,” said Max, “send ‘Doctor Ibrahim Sahin.’”

“Sending.”  Ten second pause.  “Receiving.”


“Quick, Chin, send the earlier message again.  Tack on the tactical projection of the expected Krag attack we prepared for the follow up message.  And tell the Hangar Deck to launch the Cutter.”

“Cutter away,” Tactical announced.  The Cutter was launched with the XO and ten men aboard.  It immediately set course for the last of the ten freighters.  The idea was for the Cutter crew to board and take the last freighter, then use the freighter’s comm equipment and codes to attempt to spoof the other freighters into not doing what they planned to do.

“Maneuvering, reduce to fifteen c and steer for jump point Charlie.”  That was the jump point that led in the direction of Krag space.  The one the Krag would come through.  “Put us fifty thousand kills away from the jump point and from the cargo facility.” 

Maneuvering confirmed the order and the ship began to slow. 

“Incoming message.”


“Damnit,” said Max.  “We’ve got to neutralize those freighters.  If they figure out that we’re onto them, I’m sure there’s a Krag paying close attention on one of those ships or somewhere in the system with a remote triggering device who—”

Max never got to finish his sentence, as what the closely attentive Krag would do manifested itself in the most obvious manner.  All ten of the freighters mentioned in the captured Krag data exploded in the blue-white glare of matter/anti-matter annihilation.  Max had never seen an anti-matter explosion, as anti-matter weapons had never been used by any power in Known Space.  Until now.

The explosion instantly vaporized all the affected ships, as well as vaporizing much of the cargo transshipment facility and about half of the thirty or so ships docked there while turning the rest into sharp-edged shreds of metal debris, some the size of ground cars and weighing almost three tons, embedded in the shock wave.  Travelling at an appreciable fraction of lightspeed, the shock wave and debris reached the pulse cannon battery covering jump point Charlie a quarter of a second later.  Unfortunately, as its designers had thought the battery would face attack only from the direction of the jump point, the side facing the depot was unarmored.  The debris tore through the battery’s rear hull in a dozen places like a shotgun blast through cardboard, destroying the advanced fusion reactors that provided plasma for the pulse cannons.  Unleashed from magnetic confinement in the reactors’ cores, superheated plasma flashed out in all directions consuming virtually everything it touched.  When the fireball faded, all that was left of the “impregnable” battle station was the five point three meter thick, heavily armored, and ultimately useless glacis plate which formed the Battery’s hull on the side that had once faced the jump point.  Like the British fortifications at Singapore, when the enemy came, the battle station’s defenses were facing in the wrong direction.

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