To Have (The Dumont Diaries) (7 page)

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Authors: Alessandra Torre

BOOK: To Have (The Dumont Diaries)
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When Nathan Dumont, heir to Dumont Shipping, steps onto the scene with a new wife, the media sits up and takes notice. But nothing can be found on the new Mrs. Dumont. No family history, private school chums, or expensively hidden skeletons in couture closets. It is as if she has materialized out of thin air, and wearing Chanel.

Life in a fairytale sucks. Even if it does come complete with eight inches of wontleavemealone steel. But when that glorious package is attached to a man that won’t give me a second glance, much less a piece of his heart, what good is a wedding ring and boatloads of cash?

To make matters worse, I am slowly stumbling along and finding red flags. Flags that make me think there is more to this fairytale than meets the eye. In fact, I’m not so sure it’s a fairytale at all. It looks to be much, much worse.



This Agreement is made in connection with an action for Marriage between NATHAN BANE DUMONT, referred to as “Husband” herein, and CANDANCE DEANNA TAPERS, referred to as “Wife” herein, who are sworn and agree as follows:

, the parties hereto intend for this Agreement to become effective upon their marriage pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, including any Uniform Premarital Agreement Act, or other applicable laws, adopted by the State of Florida.

, Husband has sought after and requested the marriage to the above named Wife, and this Agreement is intended to be guidelines for the Marriage, and introduced into evidence in such action, to be incorporated and referred to in the event of a Final Judgment of Dissolution;

, the parties wish to settle between themselves, now and forever, their respective rights, duties, and obligations regarding the Marriage and all that it encompasses;

, the Wife has waived the opportunity to retain her own lawyer and receive independent legal advice regarding the terms of this Agreement;

, each party has read this Agreement and understands its terms and consequences, and each party believes that this Agreement is fair, just, and reasonable.

Each party agrees and affirms the following:

THAT the parties did execute the Agreement voluntarily;

THAT this Agreement was not unconscionable when it was executed;

THAT both parties were provided prior to execution of the Agreement a fair and reasonable disclosure of the financial obligations of the other party; and

THAT he or she did have, or reasonably could have had, an adequate knowledge of the property or financial obligations of the other party.

in consideration of the upcoming marriage, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:


Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Wife will have free will and may exercise her own decisions, except in the event that such decisions negatively affect Husband’s social standing, finances, business relationships, personal relationships, or overall welfare. In such aforementioned circumstances, Wife will yield to Husband’s decisions and obey him, despite her personal opinions on said subject.

The Wife will be restricted from contact with any past relationships, regardless of gender and familial relation, with the exception of Wife’s father, Harold Tapers. Wife will be allowed weekly visits with Harold Tapers, and will have use of Husband’s private plane and pilot to conduct these visits.

Wife will not be given any cash, but will be assigned two (2) credit cards for her personal shopping and travel needs. She will be allowed the purchase of one new car every two years, but current car must be traded in on the new vehicle purchase, and new vehicle purchase price will not exceed eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00) before taxes and fees.

Wife will be allowed to have hobbies, given that those hobbies do not take her away from the Home at times deemed to be inconvenient by Husband. Wife will be allowed to have friends, but they must be preapproved by Husband, social standing being of primary importance in the Marriage. If friendships become unpleasing to Husband, they will be terminated by Wife.

Wife agrees to terminate all ties with previous occupation, residence, and lifestyle. She will consent to a Legal Name Change and will keep all details of her prior lifestyle Confidential, including to members of the Press.


Wife will submit to Husband in all matters sexual. She will not have the right of dictation of sexual positions, fortification locations, or durations. Husband agrees that Sexual Expectations will be limited to one (1) Sexual Penetration Act per day, with the understanding that Wife can initiate additional Sexual Acts if she chooses. Husband is not required to perform Sex Acts with Wife.

Wife will not be required to engage in Anal Sex, but is expected to approach Husband’s sexual requests with an open mind.

Loyalty is expected from the Wife in all manners of the relationship, including, but not limited to sexual activities. In no situation is the Wife allowed to engage in sexual activity with anyone other than the Husband, unless specifically directed to by said Husband. Likewise, Husband agrees not to engage in sexual activity with anyone other than Wife, unless express permission is given by said Wife.

Wife is to keep all aspects of Husband’s financial and personal life confidential. Any information that Wife is privy to is considered to be confidential information.


Husband agrees to pay for any and all medical bills pertaining to Mr. Tapers, hereafter referred to as Father, for the duration of the Marriage, in addition to accepting financial obligation for said Father’s living expenses.

Husband agrees to accept financial obligation for Wife’s current financial debts during the duration of the Marriage. Minimum payments plus ten percent will be paid on a monthly basis on all revolving debt, including any outstanding student loans.


Unless a particular piece of property is explicitly documented as being owned by Wife in this document, all property is considered to be property of the Husband, including:

any property owned by a party at the date of execution of this Agreement; and
any property acquired by a party through an inheritance; and
any property acquired by a party during the duration of the Marriage

In the event of the parties separating, or upon the death of a party, any jointly-acquired or jointly-held property will be deemed to be owned by the Husband, regardless of the initial or ongoing proportion of each party’s investment, unless the parties otherwise agree in writing.

Nothing in this agreement will prevent or invalidate any gift, or transfer for value, from one party to the other of present or future property provided such gift or transfer is evidenced in writing signed by both parties.

Unless a party can reasonably show that he or she solely owns a piece of property, where either party commingles jointly owned property with separate property, any commingled property shall be presumed to be owned by Husband unless otherwise signified by both parties in writing.


Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, such debts as are listed in
Schedule “A1”
attached hereto will be and remain the debts of the party described in the said schedule and the other party will have no financial obligations with respect to paying back the debts.

Unless a particular debt is documented as being owed by both parties, the following types of debts will not be deemed as shared debts:

any debts already owing by one party at the date of execution of this Agreement.

Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, such debts as are listed in
Schedule “A”
attached hereto will be and remain the debts of both parties, unless the parties otherwise agree in writing.


The parties agree that Wife will maintain a strict regime of Birth Control Pills. If and when Husband and Wife decide to have children, an Amendment to this Marriage Agreement will be agreed upon. Wife agrees that if, in the case of an Unplanned Pregnancy, she will not Terminate the unborn child unless she has written approval from Husband.

The parties further acknowledge that in the event of a separation, any rights and obligations of the parties relating to the children of the parties, including the issues of child support, custody and access, will be governed by Federal laws and/or the laws of the State of Florida.

The parties recognize the authority of the court to determine what arrangements are in the best interests of the children, and understand that court orders may affect the arrangement of the parties as stated in this Agreement.


Wife is entering into this agreement in the possession of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). Such property is listed in
Marital Prenuptial Agreement
and will be and remains the property of the Wife described in the said agreement and the Husband will have no right to or interest in such present property.

Wife will receive no form of alimony or spousal support upon the event of dissolution of the Marriage. Wife understands and agrees, and waives any right to future litigation on such support.

The parties realize that their respective financial circumstances may be altered in the future by changes in their health, the cost of living, their employment, their marital status, the breakdown of their relationship, or otherwise. No such changes shall give either party the right to seek additional support under any legislation, Federal or State. It is understood by each party that this Agreement represents a final disposition of all maintenance and support issues between them.


So long as the parties are together at the time of death of one of the parties, the parties desire to grant each other the following specific rights and release each other from all other claims and rights they may afterwards acquire as a result of their cohabitation:

rights to death or survivor benefits under any government or employer pension plan, whether by way of present or future legislation, Federal or State, or under the law of any jurisdiction.

Nothing in this Agreement limits or affects either party’s right to make specific or general gifts or bequests to the other party pursuant to any will or testamentary disposition in effect at the time of death of the deceased party.


Notwithstanding that the parties acknowledge and agree that their circumstances at the execution of this Agreement may change for many reasons, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the passage of years, it is nonetheless their intention to be bound strictly by the terms of this Agreement at all times.


This Agreement creates a fiduciary relationship between the parties in which each party agrees to act with the utmost of good faith and fair dealing toward the other in all aspects of this Agreement.

Wife agrees to keep all aspects of this agreement confidential.


The parties agree to provide and execute such further documentation as may be reasonably required to give full force and effect to each term of this Agreement. Such documentation will be prepared and executed prior to the event of Marriage.


This Agreement will be binding upon and will apply to the benefit of the parties, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns.


The laws of the State of Florida will govern the interpretation of this agreement, and the status, ownership, and division of property between the parties wherever either or both of them may from time to time reside.


This Agreement may only be terminated or amended by the parties in writing signed by both Husband and Wife.

the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first written above.


In the presence of:


Nathan Bane Dumont


Witness Printed Name: _____________


Candance Deanna Tapers


Witness Printed Name: _____________

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