To Find a Viking Treasure (Norse Series Book 2) (22 page)

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Authors: Gina Conkle

Tags: #Romance, #Viking, #Ancient World, #Historical, #Historical Romance

BOOK: To Find a Viking Treasure (Norse Series Book 2)
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She winced.

“What’s wrong?” Helena leaned in, wiping a cool cloth to her head.

Sestra shook her head, a bare nudge since she didn’t want to move. The world around her lurched, and she set her hand on the plank beside her. Seagulls flew overhead.


“Yes. We’re on a fishing boat headed for Gotland. We’re almost there.”

She burrowed deeper in the sleeping fur. Briny air filled her lungs. Slapping sounds touched her ear, water tapping the side of the boat.

Helena kept up her tender ministration, wiping her cheeks and forehead. “You are the bravest woman I know. Your advice saved my life.”

Her brows knit. Flashes of the past jarred her aching head…of them sitting in Cherbourg, waiting as slaves to be purchased. Helena, at least, became treasured wife of a chieftain.

“Don’t you remember?” Helena asked. “‘Those that fight don’t live long.’ You were right. I didn’t fight the path laid before me. I embraced it.” Dark blue eyes sparkled. “With some troubles along the way.”

She rested on the fur. When she was better, she’d ask about Brandr. For now, her weak body gave over to Helena’s care.

The damp cloth stopped. “I hope you’ll forgive me for not telling you this before, but I bought you from Lady Henrikkson. She’d just sent you to help Mardred.” Helena’s face clouded. “I was on my way to the meet Hakan at Halsten and Mardred’s farm when the Aland warriors attacked. He didn’t know I’d bought you.”

Her eyes flew open. Helena leaned close, her long chestnut locks flowing unbound. Helena put the water pouch to Sestra’s lips. The cool, healing trickle felt good.

“I did it to set you free.”

Her tongue flicked over dry lips, wetting them with the water. “Free?”

“Yes. You’re welcome to live on Hakan’s Gotland ringed fort…as a freewoman.”

“Let me see,” she said her voice a hoarse croak. “I offer advice; you buy me to set me free.” She laughed softly. “Not a balanced trade.”

“Then you’re not angry with me for not telling you when I saw you at Mardred’s farm?”

“When the Aland warrior held a knife to your neck? You had other things on your mind, such as your tied up husband.”

“You are getting better.” Helena laughed. “You’re humor’s back.   

“On second thought, my advice landed you a husband. A privileged one at that.”

“Men are not all there is to life.” Helena’s dimple showed in at the corner of her mouth. “But they are a welcome boon. Perhaps, you will find a husband soon?”

She tugged the fur up higher. Her heart was too raw. The organ pumped her blood, its steady rhythm going strong in her chest. Yet, she’d swear that part of her chest wound up into a tight, fierce ball, refusing to uncoil.

“Men will flock to you, Sestra. They always do. You can have your pick of them in Gotland.”


She wanted the man who made a fine shelter out of sticks in a forest. The rough-hewn Viking who whispered tender Persian words when he ravaged her body. The man who read the ground, the trees, and water the way scribes read parchment.

“Did he survive his wounds?” She curled her hands in his fur. “And did he make it safely out of Uppsala?”

“He did.” Helena smiled and pushed off her seat. She balanced a hand on the ship’s rail, crouching on the balls of her feet. “Since you’re feeling better, why don’t you ask him about his wounds?”

“He’s an angry beast most of the time.”

“It takes a strong woman to tame a man like him.”

“I’m not sure…” She fidgeted, longing for the comfort of sleep. “I will bide my time before I see him on Gotland.”

Helena rose to her feet. “You don’t have to wait for Gotland. He’s here.”

She gasped.

Helena stepped over a chest, saying loud enough for all to hear, “He’s been waiting to talk to you.”

Sunlight blinded her eyes again but with Helena out of the way, black wool outlined broad shoulders rowing in long, gingered strokes. She blinked and shaded her eyes. One tarnished silver eye looked back at her. The other eye was swollen shut and purple. Strips of Brandr’s shredded tunic fluttered in the breeze.

Eight men rowed the fishing boat. With no mast, the vessel wasn’t meant to cross from Uppsala to Gotland, but these were desperate times. Brandr’s one-eyed gaze latched onto her. Tenderness glowed from his eye as did wariness. His Adam’s apple bobbled in his throat as he rose from his seat. Stepping with care, he came to her side, folding his big body close to hers.

One rough hand stroked red curls flying across her face. He brushed them back only to have errant sea breezes blow them right back. His patient hand stroked her skin. She could be a treasured piece of finery.

“I promise I won’t break,” she teased.

“You nearly did.” Voice breaking, his good eye flinched.

“I’m glad you’re alive.” Her arm reached out from the hudfat. She sought any part of him to touch and got his boot-covered calf.

“Thanks to you.” His thumb grazed the fat freckle at the side of her mouth.

They stayed that way, him caressing her face and her stroking his boot. Simple things made this dear: sun shining on his black hair, the well-traveled iron amulet swinging over her head, and the fact that he could move at all after the abuse he took.

Her Viking bahadur’s face showed awe. Regret. Sorrow. He wanted to speak. She knew it in her bones, but a man like Brandr needed time. When he shared his thoughts they were more precious than silver.

His words would come. She’d wait.

The man-sized tunic she wore rode up under her chin, and she wriggled awkwardly, tugging it down.

“Problem with your clothes?” Brandr’s brilliant smile broke wide.

A hiccup of laughter rolled through her. She cupped his jaw, covered with dried blood and new black whiskers. “Is that something you can help with?”

Pain flashed over his features. “Is that something you
me to help with?”

“Yes. For the rest of my life,” she whispered.

“I’d rather keep you naked in my sleeping fur.”

“You’re talking to a free woman now. No man will get me in his sleeping furs unless I say so.”

 His dry chuckle was a beautiful sound. Brandr’s good eye softened at the corner. “You are the bravest woman I know. You’ve saved my life. Twice.”

“It was the least I could do since you saved mine once.” She tried to keep her words light and playful, but she turned her face, gulping back the grief.

“Sestra,” he murmured. “I love you. I was wrong.”

She stared at the wood planks inches from her nose. “Wrong to want something better?”

are my something better,” he said fiercely. “You are.”

“What about all your fine forests?”

“Nothing compares to you. Nothing. Be my wife and we’ll find our way together.”

She caressed his whiskers, coaxing him close. “Two former slaves forging their way in the world.” His cut mouth hovered over hers. “Sounds dangerous.”

He kissed her softly and spoke against her lips, “
Doost-et daaram,
my flame-haired
. You are my greatest treasure.”

Author Notes


This is modern day Sweden. In the Viking Age, Svea was comprised of the island of Aland, Uppsala and surrounding areas, and the rich island of Gotland.


Uppsala in AD 1022.
 This was a fascinating year. My
Norse series
is built around historical events of that time, in particular, the exile of King Olof Skotkonung. Good King Olof reigned from 1008 – 1022 and by all accounts was a strong, fair ruler. His bloodless exile really did happen – by his own fully bearded 14 year old son, Anund Jakob (and for the reasons in this book). Olof tried to do away with the 9
year custom of sacrifice, but the people of Uppsala refused. Olof and Jakob were real Vikings. Gorm is pure fiction.


Fyris River.
The Fyris River borders one side of Uppsala, but in Viking times was called the Sala River. You can see how Uppsala’s name evolved. The river was changed to Fyris in the 1600s. I went with the modern name in case you want to look things up on a map.


This outpost south of Uppsala is real. However, it died out around AD 960. For fictional reasons, I kept it around a few more decades in this series.


Lake Ekoln.
Uppsala is inland with Lake Ekoln the largest body of water it’s Viking Age harbor. There are smaller islands within the vast lake, which gave rise to the fictitious island in this story.


Tyrian Purple/Tyrian Red.
This was the most highly prized dye in the world. Used for dying royal robes and clothes of the uber-wealthy, people paid dearly for vials of Tyrian. Its value held strong from antiquity through early Middle Ages. A merchant who sold it was called a “seller of purple.” Why Tyrian Red and Tyrian Purple? Tyrian refers to someone from the city of Tyre. The colors came from how the biochemical reacted to certain fabrics (some it turned deep purple and with others a rich, black-red). The dye comes the keyhole limpet (a marine gastropod for the science-minded, a sea snail in layman’s terms). 


Birka and Tyrian Purple feature prominently in another Viking series in the works, The Forgotten Sons. For more Norse series world, check out my website and click on the “Book Worlds” tab.


Catch the first book in the series,
Norse Jewel

Coming soon, the third book in the series,
To Heal a Viking Heart
, the tale of the Black Wolf and Gisla, Uppsala’s healer.

Last in the series is
To Save a Viking Warrior
, the tale of Katla and Tyrgve

Discover More by Gina Conkle


Want to know how the Norse series began? Get the romance and adventure in Norse Jewel, book 1 in the series.



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Coming soon, more of the Norse series world...

To Heal a Viking Heart (Norse series, book 3) ~
The romantic adventures of the Black Wolf and Gisla Uppsala's healer


To Save a Viking Warrior (Norse series, book 4) ~
The romantic adventures of Tryg and Katla



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Check out Gina Conkle's Georgian Romance series below...


Midnight Meetings Series (Georgian Romance)

Meet the Earl at Midnight

The Lady Meets Her Match


About the Author

A love of history, books, and romance is the perfect recipe for a historical romance writer. Gina’s passion for castles and old places (the older and moldier the better!) means interesting family vacations. Good thing her husband and two sons share similar passions, except for romance…that’s where she gets the eye roll. When not visiting interesting places, she can be found in southern California delving into the latest adventures of organic gardening and serving as chief taxi driver

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Author Notes

Discover More by Gina Conkle

About the Author

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