Timebends (110 page)

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Authors: Arthur Miller

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Peter Wood's
American Clock
in Britain's 1986 National Theatre production: Judith Coke, Barry James, and Adam Norton.

Vanessa Redgrave and Melanie Mayron in
Playing for Time,
my 1980 teleplay based on Fania Fenelon's memoir of the Auschwitz women's orchestra. A stage version followed.

Lincoln Center, 1987: Kenneth McMillan and James Tolkan; Gregory Mosher directed.

With Alan Ayckbourn, who directed
A View from the Bridge
at the National in 1987, and Michael Gambon, who played Eddie Carbone.

Roger Allam, Jane Lapotaire, and John Shrapnel in the RSC's
Archbishop's Ceiling,
1986; Nick Hamm directed.

A Note on the Author

was born in Manhattan, New York City in 1915. After graduating from the University of Michigan, he beganwork with the Federal Theatre Project. His many award-winning stage plays include
The Man Who Had All The Luck
All My Sons
Death of a Salesman
An Enemy of the People
(1950), adapted from Ibsen;
The Crucible
(1953), made into a film in 1996;
A Memory of Two Mondays
A View From the Bridge
(presented as a double-bill in 1955);
After the Fall
Incident at Vichy
The Price
The Creation of the World,
Other Business
The American Clock
The Archbishop's Ceiling
(1977); the double-bill
Danger: Memory!
The Ride Down Mount Morgan
Broken Glass
Mr Peter's Connections
Resurrection Blues
(2002), and
Finishing the Picture
(2004). His prose writing includes
a novel (1945);
The Misfits,
first published in 1957 as a short story and made into a film and published as a novel in 1961; a collections of shortstories,
I Don't Need You Any More
(1967); and three works of non-fiction,
In Russia
Chinese Encounters
(1979); and
'Salesman' in Beijing
(1984), an account of directing his best-known play in China. He died in February 2005 aged 89.

By the Same Author

Presence • Focus • Jane's Blanket

Finishing the Picture • Resurrection Blues • Mr. Peters' Connections
Broken Glass • The Ride Down Mt. Morgan • Playing for Time
The American Clock • The Archbishop's Ceiling
The Creation of the World and Other Business • The Price
Incident at Vichy • After the Fall
A View From the Bridge • The Crucible • An Enemy of the People
Death of a Salesman • All My Sons
The Man Who Had All the Luck • The Golden Years

The Last Yankee
Danger: Memory!: I Can't Remember Anything/Clara
Two Way Mirror: Elegy for a Lady/Some Kind of Love Story
Fame/The Reason Why • A Memory of Two Mondays
A View From the Bridge

The Crucible • Everybody Wins • The Misfits

On Politics and the Art of Acting
Echoes Down the Corridor: Collected Essays 1944-2000
The Theater Essays of Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller: Collected Plays 1944-1961 • The Portable Arthur
Arthur Miller's Collected Plays, Volumes I and II

Salesman in Beijing
(with Inge Morath)
Chinese Encounters
(with Inge Morath)
In the Country
(with Inge Morath)
In Russia
(with Inge Morath)
• Situation Normal




Collected Stories




In his plays Arthur Miller took on the big themes of his day, putting stories of the Depression, wartime deceit and the McCarthy era on stage with an energy and passion not seen before and rarely since. In these stories he turns his attention to more intimate themes, yet still brings to bear the profound insight, humanity, empathy and wit of his plays. Including the early ‘I Don't Need You Anymore', the original story of ‘The Misfits' on which the film was based, and the beautiful late story ‘Presence', this collection offers a fresh perspective on the great writer and his work.


‘These stories are not just good, but good in a way that may well come as a revelation to Miller fans . . . A fascinating and salutary companion piece to his stirring public utterances'****



‘Reveals a maturing talent that never stopped growing and evolving'



‘‘An essential addition to the body of Arthur Miller's work, but it is more than that: it is an arresting self-portrait, unmediated by directors, actors, gossip columnists or biographers. The only thing wrong with it is that there isn't more of it''



First published in Great Britain 1987 by Methuen London

This electronic edition published in 2012 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Copyright © 1987, 1995 Arthur Miller
Foreword © Richard Eyre 2005
Afterword © Christopher Bigsby 2005

The right of Arthur Miller to be identified as the author of this
work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act, 1988

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the Publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc,
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London WCIB 3DP

All rights reserved
You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

eISBN 978 1 4088 3632 3 (e-book)

Bloomsbury Publishing, London, New Delhi, New York and Sydney

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