Time for Love (23 page)

Read Time for Love Online

Authors: Emma Kaye

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #English, #Time Travel, #Regency

BOOK: Time for Love
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After dinner, Alex selected a book from Lord Downing’s library as the family got ready to go out. She stared at the shelves, her mind refusing to focus and settle on a book. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth as she yawned. Who knew shopping could be so exhausting.

The night was much too young to just go to bed though. Having worked as a bartender for so long, she rarely got to sleep before three or four in the morning and hadn’t managed to kick the habit except when completely worn out on
The Reliant

She came across a copy of Jane Austen’s
Pride and Prejudice
and pulled it gently from the shelf, reverently stroking the spine. To think, this wasn’t one of a gazillion reprints. She held her breath and prepared to open its crisp new pages, but a knock at the open door interrupted her.

She looked up to see the butler waiting for her acknowledgement.

“A young lady has come to call and wishes to speak with you, my lady.” He held out the tray in his hand for her to see.

A card, slightly larger than a modern business card, revealed the name—“Lady Meghan Somerville.”
Oh, no. Nicholas’s mother. It must be. What in the world is she doing here?

“Shall I tell her you are not at home to visitors at the moment?” the butler, Preston, if she remembered correctly, asked.

“No, that’s okay. Do the Creswells bring visitors in here or…?”

“I shall show her to the drawing room. Shall I send for some tea?”

“That would be great. Thanks, Preston.”

The butler returned her nervous smile fleetingly as he left.

The precious Jane Austen book remained clutched tightly in her hands as Alex checked her hair in a mirror hanging next to the door. Dressed in another borrowed gown, she admired the way the fabric flowed gently from the high empire waist to the floor. Never having worn such fancy clothing in her life, she had to admit she liked the way she looked. She felt almost graceful, at least while she stood still and couldn’t trip over the long skirts. Would she ever get used to the damn things?

This dress was in Mary’s favorite shade of light pink, a row of lace around the hem was matched by a little lace collar contraption that covered her chest up to her neck and tied tightly under the dress below her breasts. Overall, she thought she looked nice, even if the color was a bit childish. Lady Downey had nixed all her requests for a basic black dress, insisting that since she was not in mourning, black would be completely inappropriate. Apparently, the slimming effects of black were not yet known in the regency.

After sneaking a quick peek at the front door to make sure the coast was clear, she started up the stairs, and only realized she still held
Pride and Prejudice
when she was half-way there.

She faltered a second, wondering if she should return it to the library but decided against it. After all, if conversation failed…she had read the book for a literature class in college not that long ago. She could probably hold her own in a discussion. Of course, maybe his mother hadn’t even read it. It may be a classic in her time, but now, it’s just another book.

Bringing her attention back to the moment, she entered the drawing room to see a beautiful young woman standing next to the window, looking down on the street below. She quickly adjusted her thinking. The woman was young. She couldn’t possibly be Nicholas’s mom. She had been expecting his mother but found herself facing his sister instead. Her relief was short lived.

Alex cleared her throat and smiled as Meghan turned to face her. “I’m Alex. Preston said you wanted to see me?”

Meghan curtsied briefly, “So you are the—bird of paradise—whom my brother is making a cake of himself over.”

Alex stumbled out of her attempted curtsey, a little flustered at her clumsiness and the fact she had no idea what Meghan just said. She stared a moment before saying, “Excuse me?”

In an extremely haughty voice, Meghan stared down her nose at Alex and said, “I may be unrehearsed in the use of such language, but I do believe I have managed to use the term accurately.”

“I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you said. I’ve never heard the term
bird of paradise
before. Unless you’re talking about a Hawaiian flower—and I somehow doubt it. What does it mean?”

Meghan’s face turned beet red, and she stammered, “Why it…it refers to someone…someone like you.” She took a deep breath. “Someone of loose morals. A harlot,” she finished in a rush.

Alex’s muscles clenched, and she drew herself up straight. She hadn’t expected Nicholas’s family to love her, but she hadn’t anticipated an outright attack either. “Well, Nicholas didn’t mention his sister was such a bitch,” she snapped back.

Meghan gasped. “How dare you!”

“You come here and call me a whore; you don’t think that’s a tad uncalled for?”
I will never understand these people.
Seriously, the nerve of the bitch, she calls me a whore and then gets all indignant when I respond in kind

Meghan sank down onto the sofa and put her hand over her eyes. “Oh my. I am all at sixes and sevens. This has not gone at all as I planned.”

What in the world?
“Are you all right?” she asked, a little concerned now. The girl looked like she might faint. Nicholas acted like his sister walked on water. She could just imagine telling him the girl had collapsed after a mere five minutes in her company.
Just great

Alex strained to hear the feebly muttered, “I am fine, thank you.” Meghan stared at her hands clasped tightly in her lap and said quietly, “Please, I must beg you will forget I ever called. It was uncommonly rude of me.”

Alex stared at her. “Why did you come exactly? I thought you were going to a play with Nicholas and your mother this evening. You just wanted to get your insults in without him around to see?”

Meghan finally looked up at her. “I slipped out,” she admitted, albeit reluctantly. “I simply desired to keep you away from my dear brother. He has not been in society much of late and does not realize how a union with one such as you would negatively affect our entire family. It would be a dreadful scandal.”

Alex snorted. “You say that as if you thought I would say
thank you
for informing me and simply walk away.”
This girl is seriously delusional.

“I must admit, I did indeed imagine something of that nature would occur.” She returned to staring at her hands. “However, I have made a complete bumblebroth of the entire situation.”

Alex tried to hold back a laugh, but it burst forth anyway, and she sank down next to Meghan on the sofa, tears streaming from her eyes while Meghan stared at her as if she were insane. She slowly brought herself under control, wiping at her cheeks. “I’m sorry. This is all just so crazy.”

Meghan stood up stiffly, making Alex wonder if she actually had a wooden rod stuck up her a—her back.

“I am pleased to have provided you with such amusement. I shall see myself out.”

Still chuckling slightly, Alex grabbed her arm. “No, please. Don’t go. I’m not really laughing
you. I’m new here and everything seems so…unreal, sometimes. I think if I didn’t laugh I would scream.” She waited until Meghan’s arm relaxed slightly, and then let go. “Preston sent for some tea. Won’t you please stay? We can start all over again.”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

From that point on, Meghan apologized repeatedly and launched into a long-winded explanation centering on her half-brother Lucius Somerville, the recently deceased Marquess of Oakleigh, who had apparently been such a tyrant Meghan had been practically locked in her room from the day their father died. She uttered expressions like
ape leader
with such a look of horror Alex knew this was a fate to be avoided like the plague.

When she finally realized Meghan was afraid she would never get married, Alex almost laughed. Until she thought about what that would mean for a woman of this century. Without any money of her own and no marketable skills, she would be forced to live off the generosity of her brother for the rest of her life. And while Alex was sure Nicholas wouldn’t mind and would probably give Meghan anything she wanted, Alex could definitely see why she would prefer to get married and have a life of her own.

So instead of laughing, she reassured Meghan she had no intention of actually marrying Nicholas. Meghan said goodbye shortly after and left Alex with the feeling there was more to Meghan’s animosity than she let on.

She was also more disappointed than she would have expected. Even though she had told Meghan the truth and had no intention of marrying Nicholas, it was depressing to realize that—even if she wanted to—she wouldn’t be a welcome addition to that family.

Alex sat for a long while, listening to the clip-clop of horses’ hooves and the rattling of carriages riding past in the street. She shivered and moved closer to the fire. How had she managed to make such a mess of everything?

Here she was living
the dream
, the one she’d had her entire life. The dream every orphan cherishes—where it turns out you’re not really an orphan after all. A mistake had been made and a warm, rich, perfect family claims you as their own. Of course,
dream was a bit wacky, what with the time travel and all, but that hardly mattered. What did matter was that it was all a lie, based on the hopes and fears of a family that had already suffered so much and sooner or later, she was going to add to their suffering. Would they ever forgive her after she left? She had known them for such a short time, but she already cared about them.

What would they do when she disappeared—from their point of view—again? And what about Nicholas? Oh, God. Nicholas. What would
do? What would


Lost in her thoughts, she looked up in surprise when the door opened and Nicholas came in, followed closely by Preston.

“Really, my lord, you must not. It would be more proper for you to wait in the hall until I can be reassured that my lady is able to receive visitors.” Preston appeared flustered for the first time since Alex had entered the house. “I must apologize, my lady, I was unable to restrain his lordship.”

Nicholas just grinned. “Don’t worry yourself. It would take more than one man to keep me away from Alex.” He tried to gesture Preston out of the room, but the butler refused to move and looked to Alex for guidance.

“Shall I summon some footmen to oust this scoundrel from the house, my lady?” He had regained his composure.

Alex fought back a grin and replied, “No thank you, Preston. I’ll be fine.”

“Very good. I shall inform the master that the gentleman is visiting.”

“No need for that. I wanted a few minutes alone with Alex.”

Preston left the room but made a point of opening the door as wide as it could go. He then made his way up the stairs, obviously on his way to inform Lord Downing Nicholas was here.

“Well, I don’t think you’ve got much time.” Alex let loose with a quiet chuckle. “Preston doesn’t seem to approve.”

Nicholas gathered her in his arms, stealing her breath away. “Then I had better be quick.” And his mouth descended on hers in a blistering kiss that for all its brevity left Alex weak at the knees.

Her hand trembled as she lifted it to her lips after Nicholas released her. “What was that all about?” she asked, breathlessly.

“I missed you.” He watched her with a look in his eyes that told her how much he wanted her. Right now, right there. But he restrained himself. They both knew they would not be alone much longer.

Sure enough, a second later, Lady Downing came rushing into the room, her hand held out to Nicholas. “Lord Oakleigh, you should be ashamed of yourself! Had we known you were to visit us this evening, Lord Downing and I would have been here to receive you properly.”

Nicholas took the offered hand and kissed the back lightly. “I am afraid I was rather impulsive in my desire to see Alex this evening. I beg you will forgive me?”

Lady Downing melted at his words. She looked fondly between Alex and Nicholas. “I suppose I can allow for a young lover’s feelings. I was young once myself.” She smiled at Alex. “As you are engaged, I see no harm in allowing you a few moments of privacy. However”—and her gaze became stern—“the door will remain open, and Lord Downing and I will be right across the corridor.” With that warning, she left them alone.

Nicholas took Alex’s hand in his and brought her to the sofa, pulling her gently to sit at his side. “Please, I would speak with you a moment.”

“Sure.” Alex shifted to face him, moving further away in the process and placing her hands in her lap. She needed at least a little distance in order to think straight. She couldn’t get the thought out of her head she would have to leave soon and would never see him again.
Could he hear her heart creaking with the strain?

“My sister informed me of her visit here tonight. She would not reveal all of your conversation, but I did manage to find out you said you will not marry me.” He frowned, and Alex thought he was angry with her, but he continued, “I was not pleased with her interference. I hope she did not say anything to upset you?”

“No, it was nothing. She just wanted to meet me, I guess,” Alex lied.

Nicholas raised an eyebrow and peered at her. “I have a feeling there is more to it than that, but we shan’t discuss it at the moment.” His expression softened as he smiled and gathered her hand in his. “It has occurred to me that I may have never
you to marry me. Assumed, demanded…”

“Ignored altogether?” Alex interjected.

“Ignored altogether.” Nicholas brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers, one by one. “I have been terribly remiss.” Kiss. “Please accept my apologies.” Kiss. “And know that I will endeavor to never again ignore your desires.” Kiss. “My life will, in fact”—kiss—“be devoted to fulfilling your each and every desire.” Kiss. “Will you marry me?”

The tears came to her eyes, and she pulled her hand from his grasp. “No.” She turned away to avoid watching his face.


Alex winced at the coldness of his voice. At least he was finally hearing her.

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