Time and Trouble (8 page)

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Authors: Gillian Roberts

Tags: #Mystery

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Emma was on to the Social Security records.

We can find out if she

s dead,

she said.

That would save time.

No Audrey of Billie

s vintage was on the list.


s see if she

s married. Or has a license for a business.

Under her birth name, right?

Billie asked.

As a starter

until we find a husband

s name.

They didn

t. They discussed the chance that Audrey had moved away and married years earlier.

You remember her parents


Billie shrugged and shook her head.


m surprised I remember Audrey.

Remember whereabouts in Framingham they lived? We could check property records. There

s a chance they

re still there and we

d have a contact with which to find her. There

s also the high school

s alumni association. The reunion committee tracks most grads down.

Audrey had apparently not married, at least not in Massachusetts. But she was, as they backtracked, registered to vote in the next town over. And, once they

d checked licensing, Audrey fleshed out into the owner and proprietor of Audrey

s WeCare Pet-Care, Inc.


d bet that

s your girl,

Emma said.

We can find out more, but the thing is


ve done it, located her. You found somebody. So maybe we should look at somebody else, start somewhere else. Suppose we didn

t know the high school, or year of birth. Maybe we know something else, like what she does or where she does it. See how you can go about it differently. Give me a new nominee.

Billie looked around Emma

s office, as if seeking inspiration.

Him, then,

she said.

Talkman, the guy I wasn

t listening to. We know his job and that he does it and lives in the Bay Area.

Emma sighed. She

d asked for it.

In Marin, actually. You

d think his views would violate zoning laws, wouldn

t you? Don

t get me started on what used to be a good radio station. Let

s get some background. We can start with what we know

last name is Marshall and he moved here from Nevada five years ago. Trying to give you a sense of the scope of this, the possibilities. We don

t really need to know about him, so I

m going to move fast. Next time, we

ll take it step by step, when it

s for an actual case. But let

s do a search for his name and

She meandered through driving records.


re not public records in California, but I have an account, so once you get a license number, we could find it out. In other states, there

s no hassle. You pay a fee, you get your guy

s name. The good news is we know he

s from Nevada. The bad news is, if you were really looking for the guy, Nevada addresses wouldn

t help you find him

cause he

s not there anymore. But old addresses can be a lead, or a suggestion that somebody wasn

t where he says he was, for example. Or where he used to live. And see, look here

his birth date, height, weight. Who knows what could be useful?

the birth date can help get other records, sometimes.

She could feel small gusts of air when Billie remembered to exhale after a long spell of holding her breath. She felt like a performer boosted by applause and heard a new enthusiasm in her voice.

Lots of data depends on the state. For example, marriage records are not public in New York City, but here they are, and presumably in Nevada. Let

s look.

Which they did, accompanied by Billie

s soft puffs of breath and they found seven Marshalls, most of whom were too old, too young, or female. Harley was their man, they decided.

So you see,

Emma said,

the records keep feeding into each other. Here

s Harley

s marriage license. Married Genia Ann Christophe. Wonder if he stayed married? Should have, he

s such an advocate of the

nu cleer


She moved to divorce records, searched, shrugged.

Practices what he preaches,

she said, not at all pleased at learning that.

Or he divorced her in California,

Billie softly suggested.

Emma swiveled around in her chair. She tended to forget what the girl looked like when not facing her, imagined her a faceless marshmallow. And then the girl would say something intelligent and Emma would be surprised by the precise features and the cleverness in the eyes.

Could be,

she said.

Divorce records can be good

find out lots of things. Not about him, per se, but they can include things like allegations of abuse, or third parties involved, or a sense of what happened to the assets. Lots of stuff. They

re filed by county.

Meanwhile, she moved through voter registration files.

To know their politics?

Billie asked.

Emma thought she was joking, but didn

t turn around to verify it.

More like addresses, Social Security number.

She loved shifting around the databases. Snooping at its easiest, a boon to her aging bones.

You still have to get your ass in gear and go outside, however.

She wasn

t sure if she meant that remark for Billie or herself.

Amazing the things you find. People put phone numbers on pet licenses which are public records. Your friend Audrey could help you there with her client list. You can check for ownership of assets

tell you something about somebody. Automobiles, trucks, RVs, airplanes

who knows? Then there

s property records, there

s licensing records if the guy

s, say, a carpet cleaner or a beautician


She swiveled around again and faced Billie, who seemed delighted by the potential in the box.


s do somebody else. He wasn

t a great choice,

she said.


s face fell.

Not your fault!

If she was going to have to watch every damned word
… “

s a public figure. We should look at somebody harder to find, way less known, at least to us.

Like who?

Billie now sounded like a student afraid she

ll be called on.

Emma sat back in her chair and steepled her fingers under her chin. Then she smiled and sat up straighter.


how about you?

she said and felt a thrill when Billie

s neon eyes opened wide with undisguised fear.


ll be all over the place

birth, marriage, divorce, property files, neighborhood-worth rating

Billie said.

Why? I mean, I know about me. I know all about me.


Emma purred as she swiveled back to face the computer.

But I don


She didn

t turn around to delight in the younger woman

s discomfort. She wasn

t a sadist.


She thought that maybe she hated them. All of them.


d expected them to welcome her, make her a part of their group, so she

d have a new, better family. Instead, they looked at her as if she were an alien.

It wasn

t really new or better here, except for being with Luke. They wouldn

t even let her be Gwyneth, and that had been the point of it, that she could stop being Penny and become somebody new. Start over.

Look here,

Kathryn purred at Luke. Kathryn had invented that voice, probably practiced that throaty purr until it sounded sexy no matter what words floated in it.


s more about it in the paper.

She made the news sound like a secret for their ears alone.

Penny kept her back to all of them and looked out the window of the kitchen

s Dutch door. She liked this part of Marin, the valley between the Bay and the ocean. You couldn

t see the edges of land, the way you could in other parts of the county. She felt safe here in the soft foothills of Mount Tam. Cradled. In the distance, silhouetted against the sinking sun, a dog barked at a horse grazing on a green hillside. The way Luke

s house was situated at the back of its lot, you didn

t really see its neighbors. She could look out and see a barely touched slice of landscape and pretend the world was all new and she was the first person to see these soft hills, that she was nestled and protected in a green palm of land. Except that when she heard their cold voices and saw their icy eyes, she knew she wasn

t safe anywhere.

Penny heard the newspaper rustle.


ve found another one,

Kathryn said in a whisper, like a lover.

Penny sighed and turned, saw Luke raise his eyebrows. Kathryn, her big boobs practically on him as she leaned his way, pointed at the newspaper.

Did she think he was illiterate? It was enough to make a person gag, the way she pressed her pudgy finger on the newsprint, like it was something she

d prepared. She acted like he was a superhero for finding bones in a meadow. Which, of course, he hadn

t really done. Or known he

d done. Penny was the one who

d understood what they were, but she couldn

t be mad at Luke about that

he was doing as she

d asked, keeping her out of it.

Big, sloppy Kathryn drooled over him. If she knew what a fool she looked like

Penny had half a mind to tell her.

Half a mind. That

s the kind of thing her mother said. Stupid. On the other hand, Kathryn did seem to have just half a mind.

And why did she act like Luke was up for grabs? He

d brought Penny here to live with him. Sure, the half a mind Kathryn had was stuck in the Middle Ages, but even back then, wasn

t three considered a crowd?

Actually, nobody noticed her, even if the rest didn

t make moony eyes at Luke. They didn

t make any eyes at Penny. They pretended she wasn

t there. There was Gary, the gigantic computer genius who looked like a scarecrow, and Alicia, a CPA who was too serious and acted like she was in charge, and Toto. She didn

t know Toto

s real name or what he did. He was cute and funny, always cracking jokes, but not with her.

Their big ideals of chivalry. And kindness. They said they tried to bring those ideals into their mundane lives, but that obviously didn

t extend to
mundane life.

They acted like she was something ugly they should look away from, like it bothered them she was here, that she was a problem, not a person. They were too polite to say those words, but they made sure she knew it all the same.


d asked them to call her Gwyneth, but they refused. She hadn

t researched it, they said, and before she could officially use it, she had to prove it was used in the period and place she chose, and she hadn

t even picked a country or time. Besides, they didn

t use those names here in the mundane world. They sounded like kindergarten teachers. The name she

d eventually take

if, indeed, Gwyneth was a European name before the seventeenth century

would be for her Medieval life, and did she understand the difference between the two? They were all members of the group

except for her, of course

and they lived together, too, because they liked each other, but this wasn

t the Middle Ages. This wasn

t a reenactment. This wasn

t their other personae.

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