Ties (27 page)

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Authors: Steph Campbell,Liz Reinhardt

Tags: #Coming of Age, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Genre Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Ties
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“New London!” I squeal, jumping into his arms. “I grew up a few miles away from it! Ryan! It’s super competitive to get into the Guard.” I put my hands on his face and shake my head at his satisfied grin. “Congratulations!”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” He picks me up in his arms and kisses me, first close-mouthed because we’re laughing so hard, then slipping his tongue along the seam of my lips and licking at me.

It’s been months and I’m starved for him.

But this feels so fast.

“Ryan, wait,” I gasp, pulling away from him. “Wait. Um, this is great news. Maybe we should…go out somewhere public to celebrate.”

He puts me down suddenly, his eyes wide. “Oh. Is there...” He clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair, cropped military short. “Is there someone else?”

“No.” The question is so stupid, I laugh. How could there be anyone but him? “It’s just...maybe we should slow down.”

He grabs me close and whirls me around. “Hattie, I’ve been waiting to hear from the Guard since September. I started driving here the day I got my letter.”

I chew on my bottom lip. “Is this...did you do this because of me? For me?” I ask.

“Sweetheart, do you have any idea how tough the Guard is? I’ve tripled my training schedule just to get ready for boot camp. This is hard, scary shit. I decided to do it because I wanted to work in the water, I wanted the adrenaline rush, but I wanted to do something truly meaningful.” He kisses me again, groaning against my neck.

“So you would have done this whether you met me or not?” I double check.

“Nope,” he says immediately. When I give him a questioning look, he explains. “I would never have pushed myself to win. I would never have questioned myself. I would never have gotten a St. Michael necklace and started an internet search that changed my entire career path.”

“Oh.” I smile and he smiles back, but his is all wicked triumph.

“Funny, isn’t it, how you can have this path charted and be so sure it’s what you’ve got to follow, then you look back and laugh your ass off at how wrong it was for you all along?”

I smirk, but don’t have any witty comeback. Damnit, he’s right.

He walks us over to the couch and presses me down onto it. “So, you were talking about a celebration?” he murmurs, kissing down my neck, but getting blocked by my heavy winter sweater and turtleneck.

I tug my sweater off and wrap my arms around him. “What are you thinking?” I ask, trying to keep my head. It’s not easy with the man I love tugging at my clothes. 

“What can I do to convince you to stay with me all night?” Ryan’s voice rasps against my ears.

I let my eyes drift up. I try to concentrate on the slated white boards of the ceiling. I try swallowing the moan that threatens to escape my lips. I try to focus on anything other than the hot press of Ryan’s lips on my throat.

I fail at this one simple task.

“I think you’re doing it,” I whisper.

“Hattie, I’ve missed you so damn much,” he says, and I know where he’s going, but I jump in before he can finish.

I’ve been enough of a coward. He’s been braver than I could have imagined, and he’s only going to get more spectacular. I know that. If I want to bring my A game to this relationship, I’m going to have to start right now.

I press my lips to his and we start to tear at each other’s clothes. I pull back, panting, and say it. I finally say the words I’ve needed to say to him for so long.

“Ryan Byrne, I love you.”

He sucks his breath in hard, closes his eyes, and shakes his head. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say those words. I love you.”

It’s not the last time we say it. And, just like I promised, I stay with him all night. But this time I know I’m tied to this man, heart and soul, for every day and night from now on.








Liz grew up on the East Coast, and Steph on the West Coast—and somehow they both ended up making their homes with their husbands and children in small, Southern towns. 

Liz loves Raisinettes, even if they aren't really candy, the Oxford comma, movies that are hilarious or feature zombies, any and all books, but especially romance (the smarter and hotter, the better), the sound of her daughter's incessantly wise and entertaining chatter, and watching her husband work on cars in the driveway.

You can read her blog at elizabethreinhardt.blogspot.com, like her on Facebook, or email her at [email protected].

              Steph has one husband, four children, and a serious nail polish obsession. When she isn't reading, writing or wiping someone's nose, you can usually find her baking something.

You can find Steph on Facebook, @stephcampbell_ on Twitter, stephcampbell.blogspot.

More books by Liz Reinhardt & Steph Campbell:

LENGTHS (Lengths series #1)

DEPTHS (Lengths series #2)

LIMITS (Lengths series #3)


Books by Liz Reinhardt:








Books by Steph Campbell:




MY HEART FOR YOURS (With jolene perry)



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