Tied to a Boss

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Authors: J.L Rose

BOOK: Tied to a Boss
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Written by J L Rose

Cover design: Davida Baldwin

Typist: Michelle Enos

ISBN: 978-1-943686-62-9


Copyright ©2015 Good2Go Publishing

Published 2016 by Good2Go Publishing

7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339



[email protected]




All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission, except for brief quotations to books and critical reviews. This story is a work of fiction. Characters, businesses, places, and events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.





Tied to a Bos


Written by J. L Rose




With immense gratitude first to my Heavenly Father for being the blessing that He is in my life. To the number one girl in my life, Mom (Ludie Rose), you will forever be my joy and happiness. I love you, woman! Pop’s you know I ain’t forget about you. I’m still trying to make you proud of me. I hope this is a start. Meka (Me-Me) Jones, my baby big sister. You know you’ll forever be my boo. Larry and Kim, what it do, y’all! To my heart, even though I was a butt when we was together, Suzy, I love you girl! I swear the next time I’ma do things right. And last but most definitely not least to the whole Bryant family. I love y’all. Y’all who I didn’t mention … keep waiting on it. Smile!


Hold up! I can’t forget who made this whole thing possible. My new team Good2go Publishing and everyone who had a hand putting this book together. Ray, thanks man. I’m gone for real this time y’all.





Staring out of the Burger King window, looking just past the parking lot, she listened into the conversation between the girls. Alinna looked at her Gucci watch for the sixth time in the past thirty minutes growing more and more agitated while waiting on Big Worm’s greasy fat ass. “Fuck this,” Alinna said as she stood up out of her seat. Talking to her girls who were also at the table, she said, “We’re out of here. Let’s go.” Heading for the side door, Alinna pushed the glass door open forcefully with Vanessa, Amber, and Harmony following closely behind.

In the parking lot heading towards her Lexus L.S 350c, Amber called out to her. Alinna looked back to her girls only to see Amber peering toward the entrance of the parking lot. “This fat motherfucker wanna finally show up?” Alinna said to herself. Staring at the Ford Expedition that was pulling inside the parking lot, she instantly recognized it as Big Worm’s truck.

“So what we doing?” Vanessa asked her girl, carefully studying Alinna’s face. She didn’t bother to answer the question and started toward the Expedition. Big Worm’s fat ass was pouring out of the truck. With some distance between them, she asked, “Who’s all those other niggas Big Worm brought? I thought it was supposed to be just him?”

As they neared the Expedition, Vanessa said, “Just keep your eyes open,” to confirm that Harmony’s suspicions were warranted. Cutting her eyes to Amber, Vanessa looked at the light-skinned girl that Alinna had brought to the team, realizing that the younger girl was focused on was happening.

“What’s up se…” Big Worm started.

“What the fuck took you so long, you fat muthafucker?” Alinna asked, cutting off Big Worm. Big Worm’s face went from a smile to having a unit on it. She continued, “And who the fuck are these clowns you brought with you?”

“Yo Worm, who does this bitch think she is talking…”

“What the fuck you said, nigga?” Vanessa spoke up, reaching for her waist as she stared at the man.

“Whoa, everybody just relax,” Big Worm said, holding up both hands. “Let’s just handle business.”

“Where the fuck is my money?” Alinna asked, staring hard at Big Worm.

“Baby girl listen, I wanna holla at you ...”

Immediately cutting him off, she said, “Motherfucker, if you stand there and say I’ve been waiting at this damn place for longer than I needed to, before you to tell me some bullshit about not having my money, I promise you it’s going to get real ugly for your greasy ass.” She wasn’t going to hear any of his excuses.

The tone of her voice acted as a signal, as Big Worm looked around his eyes caught all three of Alinna’s crazy ass girls pulling their burners. His eyes moved to Vanessa who was moving in, shifting a Desert Eagle to her right hand. “Alinna, come on shorty. This is me here,” Big Worm pleaded. “I got your money, relax.”

“Just show me my money, soft ass nigga,” Alinna replied. Her eyes were locked on Big Worm, staring hard into his eyes.



Two Weeks Later


Fingers printed, pictures taken, and then escorted across the lobby to booking at the county jail, Dante found himself being lead over to a steel holding cell. “What’s up with the phone?” Dante asked the female correctional officer who was unlocking the holding cell door. Running her eyes quickly over the freshly booked inmate from top to bottom, her eyes met his light green hazel eyes that stared right back. His six-piece gold bottom grill gave off a sexy vibe along with the one he naturally gave off. The officer looked back over to the wall where the three phones were, and seeing they were all being used, she turned back to him.

“Blackwell, give me a minute. I’m going to get you on a phone.”

Nodding his head, Dante turned and entered the holding cell instantly catching the smell of piss and must. Hearing the cell door close behind him as he stood looking around the packed holding area, the odor grew stronger. Dante was just about to find a wall to lean against when he heard, “Here you go, playboy.”

Looking over to his left, a dark-skinned heavyset man with thick nappy dreads was sitting against the wall on the concrete slab, which he was apparently using as a bench. Nodding to the heavyset man, Dante walked over and had a seat where the man had scooted over to make room for him to sit. Ignoring the looks he was getting, Dante laid his back against the wall behind him catching himself. Remembering the stagnant smell in his nose, he quickly picked his head up. “Where I know you from dude?” homeboy beside him asked.

“Believe me dude, you don’t know me,” Dante replied, which only kept the fat man staring at him.

“Yeah I know you playboy,” he reassured him nodding his head and keeping his scowling smile up. “I remember where I know you from. You were at Club Bass with this big big-as-a-house-looking motherfucka. You got into it with that clown ass nigga, Prince. A woman told me you were one of them stickup boys.” Not bothering to respond Dante turned his attention forward only to hear the fat man continue on. “They call me Big Worm. You ever get at that clown Prince for tryna shine up the club the other night?”

“Look Big Wave, or Worm, no disrespect, but I really don’t know you and I’m not discussing my…”

Cutting him off, Big Worm said, “What would you say if I told you I could help you get at that bitch nigga Prince?” Big Worm proceeded. “But, I’ma need you to do a little something for me in return.” Big Worm still maintained his scowl of a smile.

He began to speak again but this time was interrupted by Dante, “Understand something before you say anything else. If you plan on fucking with me, make sure we completely understand each other.”

“Relax killa; everything is good on this end,” Big Worm said smiling.

* * *

Three hours later, Dante walked out of the county jail after being bailed out on a first-degree misdemeanor that he got after getting pulled over with an ounce of weed. Dante walked to the sidewalk from the exit door to the jail and looked up the street when he heard a car horn blow behind him.

Turning his head behind him and looking down the street, Dante stood watching the metallic black and chrome Chevy Avalanche slowly drive to a stop in the middle of the street in front of him. “What’s up fam?” Dre called out from the driver side of the truck. Dante could hear the click sound from the vehicle doors unlocking as he walked up.

Opening the front passenger door, Dante climbed into the truck. “What’s good bra, you good?” Dre asked his best friend who was more like his brother.

“Shit good,” Dante answered as Dre pulled off from the front of the jail. “Yo, this nigga Tony T told me to tell you to get at him once got out, and that clown Vegas said he will check you out later on tonight. He said he’s got some business that we’re handling ourselves tonight.”

“Nah, fuck all that. I got some business that we need to handle first.”

“What’s up fam?” Dre asked. Looking at Dante and smirking. Dante began to tell Dre about Big Worm. He told him about Prince and how the fat man in the holding cell broke down some information about Prince to him. Just before that, the fat man made a call and bonded Dante out. “Fam, come on, that bitch nigga that was at the club popping that gangster shit with his boys?” Dre said trying to confirm his recollection of this “Prince” dude. Dre continued, “The one that had all those thirsty bitches around him?” From the head nod that Dante gave him confirming his memory of Prince, Dre focused back on the road only to ask, “What time we hitten that fuck boy?”

“Homeboy gets home around ten so he’s already at the crib, but were hitten him up when he leaves to go to his spot down south. The muthafucker Big Worm say’s that every Friday morning around 4:00 a.m., Prince leaves the crib with two duffel bags and two gunmen.”

“So we’re pulling an all-nighter?” Dre asked.

“Pretty much,” Dante answered, and then added, “But first, I need something to fuckin eat.”

* * *

“So what is this dude talking about, Alinna?” Vanessa asked her girl, looking from the road over to Alinna in the passenger side of the new Lexus truck she had just bought. “Kenny K got the re-up work or he doesn’t?”

“His ass still with that little boy shit,” Alinna replied. “He’s talking about just coming to the spot and then his ass hung up in my face.”

“It’s time to leave that dude, Alinna – or kill his ass rather,” Vanessa said, glancing over her.

“We can’t do anything until we find a better connect first,” Alinna told her girl. “Once we do find a new connect though I’ma make sure Kenny K’s ass feels it for playing these stupid games with me.”

Still heated and thinking about the bullshit with Kenny K, Vanessa pulled the Lexus in front of the trap house that Kenny K told her to meet him. Seeing his Benz E63 parked out front of the yard alongside a Chevy Impala, Alinna waited until Vanessa parked the Lexus and they both climbed out. Walking through the yard heading towards the front door, the door slowly opened, Alinna heard the comment Vanessa mumbled as Kenny K stood at the front door watching them approach the front porch.

“What took you so long?” Kenny K asked, staring directly at Alinna as her and her sidekick stopped in front of him.

“I was driving,” Vanessa said, staring hatefully at Kenny K who completely ignored her and continued to stare at Alinna as if Vanessa was not even there. “Look we’re here now you got the weed or what? I’ve got business I got too handle,” Alinna told him making sure to get straight to the point. “You got my money?” Kenny K replied.

“You got the work?” Vanessa asked, speaking up once more.

Cutting his eyes over to the sidekick Kenny K said, “You need to learn when to open your mouth, or I might just put something in it, bitch.” He grabbed Vanessa’s arm, and just as Vanessa flinched forward, two of Kenny K’s boy’s appeared behind him, staring out past Kenny K and straight at the girls.

“What’s up? You got the work or not?” Alinna interrupted to offset the drama.

“I got three of them. Now, where’s my money?” Kenny K asked, shifting his eye back toward Alinna.

“What happened to the five we’ve been buying?” Alinna questioned.

“I said I got three of them,” Kenny K repeated, and then added, “You either want three or you and this tall he-she bitch you got here can get the fuck off my off my shit. Decide now.”

Slowly shaking her head as she locked eyes with Kenny K, Alinna responded. “Where’s the shit, Kenny?”

* * *

Seeing Prince and two more of his boy’s enter the trap house, Dante and Dre calmly walked the two blocks up from where the Ford Explorer was parked. Walking through the front yard of the house that Prince had been using as a trap house, Dante kept up his pace as Dre jogged towards the front door of the trap house. He pulled out a pair of Glock .40’s just as Dre slammed his size 13 into the front door sending it flying open against the wall so hard that the doorknob broke through the sheet rock embedding itself. Dante calmly stepped past Dre with his muscular 6’5” and 260-pound frame. They stepped inside the front door of the trap house and swung both of his glock’s to the right.

Boom! Boom! Boom
Letting both hammers ring out catching one of the two gunmen that entered the trap house with Prince, homeboy was just hopping up from the couch where he was sitting, swinging his left arm towards the other dude who was leaned back against the sofa seat caught off guard. Just before one of the two rounds of the .40-cal blew through, his surprised expression and his face were wiped clean off.

Hearing the cannon-like explosion coming from his left and shifting his eyes to the direction of the sound, another explosion from Dre’s .45 automatic sung out through the house. Dante looked back at the bodies on the couch and then turned and started after Dre who moved towards the frame of the bedroom door. “Let me in, braw,” Dante urged. As big as he was, his wide body blocked the entire doorway. Dante stepped inside the bedroom after Dre calmly and smoothly slid to his right of the doorway inside the bedroom.

Seeing Prince’s expression change as soon as he saw hi, Dante flashed a smirk a sarcastic smile. “My nigga … Prince, we meet again.”

“Man, come on, let’s not,” Prince said fearing the worst from Dante.

“Looks like I am right on time,” Dante interrupted, looking over to the two black leather bags that Prince had entered with. There was also a grey gym bag sitting atop a king sized bed that was free from sheets and blankets. Walking past Prince and completely ignoring the other two guys that were by him, recognizing one as the gunmen that came with Prince to the trap house, Dante stopped in front of the foldout table, tucking his left hand burner inside the front of his jeans, then reaching out opening a bag, and then the other two. Smirking when he saw that the contents of the gym bag was money and the other two contained three bricks of coke, and finally the last contained multiple pounds of weed. “Prince, you must have known this were coming. Good looking out with these gifts,” Dante said cheerfully.

“Just go ahead and …” Prince started, but he was interrupted again by Dante.

“Braw go ahead and handle that for me,” he said, gesturing to Dre. Meanwhile he slid his burner from inside his jeans and reached for the bag with the money inside. Just as Dre’s .45 rang out inside the bedroom, ignoring the bodies that flew past where he was standing, they dropped to the floor. Prince laid there with the whole left side of his face missing.

* * *

Three minutes later, seated inside the passenger seat of the Ford Explorer as Dre drove away from the trap house, Dante ignored the sound of sirens heard somewhere in the distance. He sat listening to his phone ringing as he called the number Big Worm gave him to call once Prince had been taken care of.

“This Worm. Who dis?” Big Worm answered on the second ring.

“This me, where we meeting?”

A few quiet moments passed before Big Worm replied. “This Dante right?”

“Where are we meeting?” Dante asked.

“Damn you already handled that, my nigga?”

“You plan on telling me where to meet you at or you changed your mind about the deal?” Dante said, now getting irritated with him.

“Nah, meet me at Royal Caste off 79
and 27
. I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” Dante hung up the phone.

“What we doing, fam?” Dre asked

“We’re meeting him at Royal Castle,” Dante said, pulling out one of the vanilla Black and Mild’s.

“We really doing the whole deal, or we doing us?” Dre asked.

Getting the tip of the Black lit, Dante took a pull from the cigar while he answered. “We will see how fat boy acts. It’s up to him.”

* * *

Still heated about the whole bullshit with Kenny K who was now seated at the table inside the bedroom apartment that she and her girls rented as their stash house, Alinna ignored the conversations with her girls, as they broke down the two pounds of the weed they had just picked up from Kenny K, bagging it up into ounces.

Getting up from the table and walking back up the hallway into the bathroom, he wanted to get away from her girls who were talking about Kenny K. Alinna was getting more agitated with every word they said. She closed the door and looked into the mirror, holding onto the edge of the sink. “Shit, fuck, shit!” Shaking her head, Alinna took a deep breath and then released it when Vanessa stuck her head into the bathroom door.

“Are you okay, yo?” Vanessa asked. She was a big girl stepping into the bathroom at 6’2” 165 pounds, thick and curvy, but a muscular frame, joining Alinna inside the bathroom. Taking the joint that Vanessa had brought in with her, Alinna took a deep pull and held the smoke in her lungs. While releasing the smoke after holding it for as long as she could, she said, “I want to kill that muthafucker, Nessa, for real.”

“Just say the word; I will happily get rid of his ass,” Vanessa told Alinna, almost happily. Shaking her head on the account of how easy it was to get Vanessa on board, she looked back at her friend with a smile.

Alinna then quickly turned serious and said, “We will deal with Kenny K first then plan on how we’re gonna deal with this weed connect problem we got.”

* * *

Reaching over and tapping Dante on the shoulder to get his attention while sleeping in the car with his eyes closed, Dre nodded toward the diner parking lot towards an Expedition that was pulling in. “Ain’t that homies ride?” Seeing the truck, Dante sat watching it closely as it pulled into an empty space in the lot. They watched Big Worm poor himself out as the truck was quickly put in park and the door opened. The other doors then opened revealing two more guys who climbed from the truck.

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