Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3) (20 page)

BOOK: Three Wishes (Dreams Come True #3)
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“Morning, gorgeous.” Then he leaned down and planted a kiss on the tip of my nose.”

I scrunched it up and grinned. “My nose? Really?”

“Hey, I didn’t want to offend.” Then he threw back the covers and hopped out of bed. “Need help? We have to be at Gymboree in two hours and the kids were up giggling until at least one in the morning.” He laughed and rolled his eyes. “I’d say the first sleepover was a success.”

I frowned, filled with concern. “Oh no. She’ll be exhausted and susceptible to every germ.” I moved to get out of bed and prepare for the day.

“Babe, she’s going to start immunotherapy tomorrow and she’ll be laying around the hospital the whole time. A little fun is good for her.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

I scowled. “If Ollie refuses treatment, she could get sick and…” I couldn’t even complete the sentence.

He leaned low to look me in the eyes. “Give her something to live for, Charlie. Give her a reason to fight.” Ben hugged me tightly. “You can’t lock her in a plastic bubble and expect her to want to stick around.”

My chin dropped to my chest. “I just want her safe and healthy.”

Gently, he nudged my chin up. “I do too. Let’s make this birthday special. Then we’re going to have an awesome late lunch all together before Gabriel and his family return to Montreal.”

I pushed my shoulders back and took a deep breath. “Okay. I can do that.” I started to pick out my clothes from the suitcase on my side of the bed, but stopped. “Ben, do you really think we can convince her to get the treatment?” I watched his face closely as he responded. I’d know if he were lying to me.

He tilted his head as he considered it then nodded. “Yeah, I really do.”

By the time we arrived at Gymboree for Ollie’s party, the funk had been lifted and all I could concentrate on was the excitement. Sure, Ben had tried to comfort us into thinking she’d always had a party, but we all knew this was the first real one. Her life had grown so much bigger since Ben had become a part of it. Mine had too. I glanced down at my tummy. Before long, that would be bigger as well. I rolled my eyes and walked into the party room.

“Whoa! What’s this?” I looked at the girl who was setting up the room. “Is this standard?”

There were balloon bouquets and streamers all around the otherwise relatively bland room. On the counter that lined the wall there were multiple chafing dishes. In the center of the table were three different Edible Arrangements, two with chocolate covered strawberries and one giant mixed fruit bouquet. On the cake table was a magnificent sheet cake designed to look like the garden from Ollie’s favorite book. And the table for the presents was absolutely loaded with boxes and bags of varying shapes and sizes.

The girl smiled. “We provided the plates, cups, and silverware.”

“So no then.” I could feel my heart racing. “I’ll be back.” Then I went racing to find Ben as fast as my boot would let me. He and Gabriel were deep in thought. “Ben.” I tugged on his sleeve. “The party room.” I pointed.

He wrapped an arm around me. “What about it?”

“There’s a ton of food and a million presents.” I threw my hands up in the air. “I let you do this because I couldn’t handle one more thing, but this is too much.”

Gabriel clapped Ben on the shoulder. “I’ve been here.” He grinned at me. “This is fine. Ask Bella about Konnor’s last birthday.” He chuckled and walked off.

“Calm down,” he urged. “Let’s go look.”

Together we walked into the party room and I gestured about. “I mean…so much food! And the cake must’ve cost a fortune.” I turned then held a hand to my head. “Oh my Lord…the presents.”

“Okay, I wrote another blog post when I was planning the party. So many people are invested in Ollie, I thought they might like helping me plan a party. Tons of people reached out.” He laughed as he glanced about the room. “Obviously. I thought a brunch menu would be good. I talked about the caterer I found because we would need the food and cake delivered. And when I went to pay for everything…a lot of other people had paid for it. They bought the balloons and fancy decorations. They even had presents shipped here.” Ben swallowed hard. “Sorry. It’s just incredible. We have so many people who love Ollie. She needs to know this.”

I looked up at him and realized how emotional he looked. “This is incredible. You…are incredible. It’s just like in
The Little Princess
.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed. “Think her benefactors would mind if I stole a chocolate covered strawberry? I’m starving.” I released him and pretended to sneak over to the table.

“Actually, I bought those.” He shrugged. “I knew my girls liked chocolate covered strawberries and I wanted to contribute something to the party.” Ben laughed. “So yeah, have some strawberries.” He grinned. “Are you mad?”

“Mad? No. I’m so happy, I could cry.” I giggled. “But I won’t.” I winked at him and took a huge bite of my strawberry.

The day passed in a blur. I wish I knew which part of the party was my favorite, but it all seemed so special and magical. Gymboree had been transformed into a secret garden. Ollie was in her glory. I think I should also be commended because I only freaked out once…when Ollie commented her face hurt.

Ben saw my reaction and held me back. “Babe, it hurts because she’s smiling so much. Look at her.”

I heaved a sigh of relief and nodded. “Okay then. I’m just gonna sit here and eat.”

“I think you should. You’re baking my baby.” He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. “Oh, and if she complains her sides are killing her later, watch.”

I stuffed a piece of bacon in my mouth and observed. “Laughter. Gotcha.” I grinned.

When it was over, and our bellies were near bursting, we walked around Toronto and explored for a few hours before we went to lunch. Apparently we had reservations at 360 Restaurant in the top of the CN Tower.

“I can’t believe we’re eating again,” I moaned.

“Amateur,” Isabella muttered under her breath.

I smirked at her. “I didn’t quite catch that.”

“Give it a couple of months. You won’t be able to stop eating. It’s awesome.” She sighed happily and leaned against Gabriel who cupped her slightly blossoming belly.

“Will I feel kicks soon?” Gabriel stared at her earnestly.

She sighed. “What did I tell you last time?”

“A few more weeks.” He smiled lovingly at her.

Isabella licked her lips. “And when did you ask me?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Yesterday.” He chuckled.

“Thank you.” She looked at me and rolled her eyes. “Men.”

I glanced up at Ben who had been watching with a look of amusement on his face. “You’re not going to be like that, are you?” I raised a brow.

“Never.” He shook his head, but I’m pretty sure I saw him wink at Gabriel.

We sat in a huge oval booth and stared out the windows. The restaurant slowly circled so we would eventually see the entire skyline. The waitress brought our drinks and I had only taken a sip or two when Ben grabbed my hand. “What’s up?” I smiled, feeling more peaceful than I had in a long time.

“I wanted to talk to you for a minute. Please come with me.” He tugged me up out of my seat.

“This better be good. I’m tired. And after sniffing the food, I’m also hungry.” I stuck out my lower lip in a pout.

“Well, I don’t know how good it is yet, but it’s important.” Ben stared at me and I could tell this meant a lot to him.

“Okay.” I shrugged and dutifully followed him. “Wait. What about Ollie?”

Ben looked to Isabella and Gabriel. “Do you mind if Ollie stays with you?”

They shook their heads and Gabriel added, “The more, the merrier!”

We ended up at Edge Walk. I stared a moment, realizing I’d be harnessed in and walking around on the glass walkway. Immediately, I hugged my body. Heights weren’t really my thing.

When I looked at Ben, I discovered he already had his harness on. “I asked you before and I’m going to ask you again.” He held out a hand. “Do you trust me?”

For once, I didn’t really have to think about it. Look at everything he’d done for me, for Ollie, the way he was always there for us. With a smile, I nodded. “Yeah. I do.”

Soon I was strapped into my harness. Ben grinned as he checked my straps. “This should be cake for you. After all, you’ve been living life on the edge for some time.”

I laughed, but realized he was serious. I frowned. “I don’t get it. My life is boring.”

His eyes widened. “Are you kidding? Being a single mom, raising a child who’s medically fragile is the biggest, scariest challenge ever.”

I cocked my head to the side and chewed on my cheek while I considered his words. “I can think of scarier.”

His brow furrowed. “Like what?”

I spoke without hesitation. “Marriage.”

“That’s only scary if you marry the wrong person.” He leaned over and kissed my temple. “I don’t plan to do that.”

My head hung. Wasn’t it too early to know if we were wrong or right for each other? Before I could reason through it, Ben had started speaking again.

“My mom married the wrong person. It killed her.” He swallowed hard.

Then it was our turn and I followed him outside of the building. “I’ve never told anyone this story,” he murmured as we moved around on the glass. “She had cancer. My father all but abandoned her, started going out, chasing younger women.”

“Mandy,” I grumbled.

Ben nodded sadly. “Especially Mandy. My mother was the one with the money. She left the estate to my father and the bulk of her wealth, but she left me an inheritance to claim when I graduate with my Master’s.” He reached out and held my hand. “I don’t even know how much until I present the lawyer with my diploma. She said it was the degree that would take me places, not the money.” He chuckled at the memory. “Anyway, my senior year of high school, she killed herself. I couldn’t save her. And six weeks later my father married a 19 year old. He waited just long enough for the estate to be settled.”

I could see his back tensing as he spoke and I reached out to rub his shoulders. “You feel a lot of guilt about your mom, don’t you?” I asked as I massaged him.

“Of course. I loved her. She was the first and practically only lady in my life. Then you came along.” Ben smiled at me, the lopsided grin that always melted me, but I had other things on my mind.

I pulled my hand back and stared while I asked what really bothered me. “How do you know you don’t just want to save me?”

Ben took my face in his hands, then pressed his lips to mine. “Because you don’t need saving,” he murmured against my lips. Then he leaned back and looked at me. “Don’t you get it? You don’t really need me. Through the years you’ve proven you don’t need anyone.” For a minute, it felt like a dig. Then I realized this time, he meant it as a compliment, a commentary on my strength. “Charlie, being with you is all about the pure joy of spending time together, building a life together, and now, raising two children together.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. “My mother also left me this.” Ben popped the lid back to reveal the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. “It was made for you.”

“Because it’s a giant tear drop?” Even as I spoke, my eyes had begun to water.

“See, others would call that pear shaped,” he teased. “The band is an infinity band of diamonds,” Ben explained lovingly. “And I want forever with you.”

I stared at it for a moment, filled with longing. I really wanted the life he had to offer, especially when he understood me so well, but I understood him too.

I shook my head. “You wanted to travel the world. That was your wish.”

“Silly Charlie,” Ben teased. “I know what I said, but it’s what I thought I could have. This…has always been my wish.” He pulled the ring out of the box and carefully slid it onto my finger. “You are my wish come true. I love you, Charlie. Now make it complete by agreeing to be my wife. I want you and Ollie and our new baby to be my family.”

For a moment, I stared at the ring on my finger, expecting it to feel foreign and constrictive. It didn’t. Instead, it felt like it was supposed to be there. It really did fit me, just like the man who gave it to me. I gazed up at him, my heart full of hope. “I love you, too, Ben.”

“Is that a ‘yes’?” His eyes widened and I could already feel his excitement.

“It’s a yes.” I beamed. Compared to Edge Walk, this didn’t feel scary at all. “Now let’s go tell Ollie and get the hell off this roof.”

Our late lunch lasted so long it became more of an early dinner. Finally, Isabella yawned and Gabriel rushed to action. “Bella’s getting tired. I think maybe we should call it.” He turned to Ollie. “This was the best birthday ever. Thank you for inviting us, Olivia.”

She blushed. “You’re welcome. It was my best birthday ever too.”

“Well, we’ll drop you and your family off at the hospital so you can get well and come home for more fun.” Gabriel looked at us. “Ready?”

I held my breath and for good reason. Ollie’s face scrunched up and turned red. I started to open my mouth, but Ben squeezed my hand and leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Let her speak,” he reminded me. “We don’t know how to counter her arguments until we hear them.” I nodded and sat back.

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