Three Wicked Days (9 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Three Wicked Days
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“So what is the fantasy you had in mind for tonight?” she asked.

He just smiled. “All in due time. Right now I’d rather hear more about those threesomes
you’ve participated in.”

Her cheeks glowed with a tinge of pink as she made herself more comfortable on the
towel. Steve thought she looked adorable and tried his best to hide the grin. “Well?”

She frowned. “I’m getting to it.” She took a sip of her drink, then set it to the
side. Stalling, he was sure.

“The first time was when I was in college. You know the usual experimental stuff.”



His lips quirked. “Did you enjoy it?”

She eyed him through her lashes, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. “None of your

“Ah come on. Give a guy details,” he taunted, poking at her leg with his fingertip.

“Use your imagination,” she whispered, her eyes alight with mischief.

He snorted at that one. That was one thing he could definitely do. Just thinking about
her kissing another woman sent his cock into immediate stand at attention mode.

“What about the second time?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Well, I had a little too much to drink at a party, and a girl friend
of mine talked me into doing a threesome with some guy she was interested in. She
was upset for weeks after that because the guy never called her back.”

Steve grimaced. “Some guys are jerks.”

Her gaze locked with his, studying him. “So you’ve never slept with a girl and not
called her back?”

Damn, what had she heard about him? “I’ve never set out to deliberately hurt a woman.”

Her fingers sifted through the sand, and he wondered what she was thinking. What gave
her that faraway look in her eyes? “What about you?”

Her gaze met his, and she grinned. “No. I’ve never set out to deliberately hurt a
woman either.”

Steve leaned forward, moving to his hands and knees. His nose was within inches of
hers, the blue of her eyes so dark and deep like the ocean on a cloudy day. “Think
you’re cute, don’t you?” he snarled playfully.

“I think you’re cute.” She traced his jawline with her finger and a tremor ran through
him at her soft touch.

“Cute enough to join me in my hot tub?”

Her brow creased as she contemplated his question. “What hot tub?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Her eyes narrowed at his cryptic response. “I don’t know.”

“What would it take?” Her lips were so close, he could smell the strawberries from
her drink and knew that if he kissed her now he could taste them as well. And damn,
did he want to kiss her.

“What have you got?”

He smirked. “One very large piece of anatomy that’s dying to get you alone and naked.”

She giggled. “At least you don’t mince words.”

“Not when it comes to getting you.”

“And just what makes you think you’ll get me?” she asked haughtily.

His lips spread into a grin as he leaned forward and nipped at the sensitive spot
behind her ear. He didn’t miss the way her chest expanded on her sudden intake of

“Oh I have no doubt I’ll get you,” he whispered. “Right where I want you.”

“And just where is it you want me?” she sighed, tilting her head so he could reach
her neck better.

She smelled of sunscreen, vanilla, and the soft musky essence that was Kayla. He loved
the way she smelled and breathed deep of her intoxicating scent. “You’ll find out
tonight, my hot little minx. In the meantime,” he purred, standing and holding a hand
out to her, “let’s hit that hot tub.”

She placed her hand in his with a smile that stopped his heart. “Lead the way.”

Chapter 9

“So this is all we’re doing?” she asked, her brow drawn together in a frown. She really
thought they’d at the very least play a little, not just sit here naked and relax.
Although, she had to admit, the hot tub did feel good.

The warm water soothed her sore pussy muscles. Steve had fucked her raw earlier with
that huge cock of his. Just thinking about it made her body tingle again. She slanted
a glance in his direction. He had his head back, his eyes closed, the expression on
his face completely tranquil. She couldn’t help but smile at him. He was so gorgeous.

With a contented sigh, she looked around at the lovely patio. Steve had told her he’d
changed rooms just to get this hot tub. The patio was surrounded by white lattice
and tropical plants that created a completely private area. Smiling devilishly, she
raised to her knees and straddled Steve’s firm thighs.

“Steve,” she whispered against his lips.

“Hmmmm,” he moaned, a tiny grin tugging at the corner of his lips. His hands came
up to settle along her hips, lightly stroking her ass.

She placed soft kisses on his jawline and rubbed her pussy along his shaft, smiling
when she felt it harden against her. “You really shouldn’t sleep when you have a perfectly
willing girl in the hot tub with you.”

“Maybe I’m faking it,” he replied, his lips quirking just a little. “Maybe I’m waiting
on you to seduce me.”

“Is that what you want?” she whispered against his neck as she slid her hand down
his washboard abs and straight to the thatch of course hair at the base of his cock.
“For me to seduce you?”

He tilted his head and softly touched his lips to the corner of her mouth. “If I told
you what I really wanted you’d probably run screaming.”

“Why don’t you try me,” she whispered against his lips.

His strong hands framed her face as deep green eyes, the color of summer grass, searched
her face, scorching her with their intensity and tenderness. For a split second, uncertainty
shined in their depths before it disappeared and was replaced by sheer devilment.
What was he up to?

“Are you sure you’re up for this, my little minx?” he taunted.

She smiled sexily. “If I can handle your cock, I can handle most anything, I think.”

“We shall see,” he teased, trailing a finger gently down her neck to circle her sensitive

“You’re doing that deliberately.”

“This?” he asked with a grin as he palmed her breasts.

She moaned. “No. You’re being vague. Cryptic.” Her whole body burned from his touch,
his teasing nips at her mouth.

“Cryptic about what, my hot minx?” he asked innocently.

She pushed at his shoulders and sat straight. “You know what. Why are you being so
secretive about this fantasy of yours?”

“Maybe it’s better if you’re surprised.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “Okay, now you really have me curious.”

Steve laughed and the deep baritone of his voice sent shivers down her spine. “It’s
nothing bad, I promise. Just something I thought might be fun.”

“Fun, huh?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

“I told you. I like to experiment and play around.” He put his hand at the back of
her head and pulled her down to capture her lips in a quick, but hot kiss. “And later
we are definitely going to play.”

She grinned and ran her fingers over his smooth chest muscles. “Oooh, playing with
you is so much fun,” she purred.

He chuckled and pinched her ass. She squealed and slapped at his shoulder, making
him laugh harder. Being with him was so easy, so right. She was amazed at just how
perfect things seemed when he held her in his arms. She nuzzled his neck, inhaling
the salty, musky scent of his skin.

“Are you hungry?” he asked softly, his hands gently rubbing up and down her back.

“Actually, I am. How about room service?”

“I think that can be arranged,” he replied with a smile. “Something light or all out?”

“It’s our last night. All out.”

A shadow flashed across his face for a split second before he covered it up with a
grin and a soft pat to her hip. She moved off his lap allowing him to climb out of
the tub and saunter naked across the room. Biting on her lower lip, she admired the
way his muscles flexed as he moved, especially his butt cheeks. They were so firm,
so pinchable. He glanced over his shoulder and caught her staring. With mischief flashing
in his eyes, he stopped and shook his bare ass sexily.

Kayla smiled. “Oh, baby,” she drawled.

With a wink, he continued into the room, leaving Kayla to practically drool over the
picture he presented. Did the fact that tonight was their last night bother him as
much as it did her? The very thought of leaving him tore at her heart. She loved him,
but she doubted he loved her. Not really. He lusted after her, but Steve wasn’t the
marrying kind.

He was a womanizer, a bed-hopper as well as a pilot. The one career she swore she’d
stay away from.

“Stop frowning,” he demanded when he returned.

She raised her eyes to stare at him in question. “What?”

He’d placed a towel around his waist, hiding the large, thoroughly delectable package
he carried between his legs. She was just a tad disappointed. She liked looking at
him, watching it stretch and thicken beneath her gaze.

“You were frowning.” He stepped forward and grabbed her hand, lifting her to a standing
position. “There’ll be none of that, minx. Not tonight.”

He helped her step over the side of the tub and wrapped her in a terry cloth robe.
The material was soft against her skin and she snuggled deeper into the fluffy wrap.

“Dinner will be here in a few minutes. You want some wine?” he asked.

“I’d love some, thank you.”

As she followed him into the room, her mind wandered with images and ideas of what
he had planned for later. He’d refused to tell her anything other than little remarks
that had her raising her eyebrow in trepidation. Hopefully, he wasn’t into anything
too kinky.

With a sigh, she rolled her eyes at herself. Wasn’t she the one who wanted him to
fuck her in the pussy, while he also fucked her in the ass with the vibrator? Can’t
really get much kinkier than that. Well, you could, she just hoped Steve didn’t.

“Here you go. One glass of red wine,” he said as he handed her the glass over her

His lips grazed her neck, sending sharp tingles down her back.

“Thank you,” she whispered, moving her head to allow him better access.

He found the soft spot just below her ear and sucked. A sharp current ran through
her stomach and up her thighs.

She giggled and jerked her head away. “That tickles.”

His arm tightened around her waist, holding her closer. With a sigh, she sagged against
his chest, the heat of his skin seeping into hers. His lips and teeth continued their
teasing assault on the flesh of her neck, sending shots of white-hot desire to her
pussy, making her juices ooze from her core.

“The food will be here soon,” she mumbled.

“I know. And just think how much better it will taste when you’re turned on, burning
for me to take you.”

“Wow,” she sighed as he slipped his hand into her robe and squeezed her bare breast.
His fingers rolled her nipple, pulled at it until her breasts ached and swelled in
need. “You’re killing me.”

“This is only the beginning, my little minx. Before it’s over I’ll have you so hot
you’ll beg me to fuck you over and over.”

Kayla closed her eyes, letting his sexy words stroke the fire that quickly built in
her womb. One thing she knew about Steve was he could definitely make her beg. Just
like this morning on the boat. My God, she couldn’t remember ever being so turned
on. She couldn’t imagine getting any hotter than she was, but if anyone could do it,
Steve could.

A knock at the door startled her, and she scowled at the door while Steve adjusted
her robe with a smile.

“Don’t kill him, sweetheart. We have all night.”

“Rotten timing,” she grumbled.

The rich baritone of Steve’s laughter made her stomach tighten. He was still chuckling
when he opened the door, allowing room service to bring in the multitude of food.
Kayla could only gape at the over laden table full of shrimp, lobster, steamed vegetables,
and fruit.

“Wow, when you go all out, you really go all out,” she said, staring pointedly at

Steve smiled and handed the waiter a tip then shut the door. Turning, he took her
hand and led her to the table. “You’re going to need your strength. And I have a feeling,
so am I.”

Pulling on the belt, Steve undid her robe and tossed it to the floor. The cool air
of the room hit her flesh and she shivered. “We’re eating in the nude?”

“Yep,” he replied with a grin and tossed away the towel around his waist as well.

Holding onto her wrist, he moved behind her and held her hand at the small of her
back. She glanced questioningly at him over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Do you trust me?”


Without another word, he reached for her wine and set it on the table, then pulled
her other wrist and brought it behind her as well. Something satin wrapped around
her wrist and closed with a click. Startled, she realized her hands were bound behind
her. Interesting.

“You’re into dominance and submission?” she asked.

“Not really,” he whispered as he placed a kiss on her shoulder. “I just wanted to
try this bondage thing out.”

Kayla smiled, her heart hammering in her chest. The idea of being tied up intrigued
her, especially if the bondage master was Steve. “How am I supposed to eat?”

“I’ll feed you.”

she thought, her body coming alive with the images running through her mind. She
watched him slowly walk around her, his gaze taking in her hips and breasts, which
stood out thanks to her arms being held behind her. Moving her eyes down to his shaft,
she watched with a smile as it grew, coming to just under his naval. She licked her
lips in anticipation of wrapping them around his impressive cock.

“Later, my minx.” He trailed his finger along her jaw, making her tremble. “You can
lick it to your heart’s content.”

Grabbing a pillow, he tossed it to the floor. “On your knees,” he commanded and Kayla
immediately obeyed, her breathing anxious and excited.

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