Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (28 page)

BOOK: Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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It wasn’t what she wanted. It wasn’t what was important to her. She left her hands where they were, grasping the fingers of two of the men who
important to her.

Chase looked at Briggs, then back at her. “Are you saying you wouldn’t love the ring we give you, a symbol of our love for you?”

She sighed, entirely defeated. “Of course I will love it. It’s just—you sent him.” She tilted her head toward Briggs. “And I want you to know—all of you—that I love you. Not—”

Giovanni broke in. “We know, babe. You don’t care that Briggs has more money than God, and that Chase is pretty well set, too.” He looked at Chase. “It never crossed our minds.”

Evangeline caught the slight blush on Chase’s cheeks and knew there’d been some conflict she’d missed.

Gio went on. “Still, if you don’t open that box and ooh and ahh a lot, we’re going to be offended.”

She laughed, grateful for the way he had of grounding her. With a little production about it, she freed her hands and untied the ribbon. When she opened the box, her oohs and ahhs were entirely spontaneous and totally sincere.

It was more over the top than she could have imagined.

The ring was white gold or platinum—she wouldn’t know the difference by looking. The band was embedded with small, glittering diamonds, so it formed nothing but a circle of light. Raised, pronged settings held three—three!—large—large!—diamonds.

She had been exactly right—it was too much. And Chase had been exactly right—she loved it.

Briggs held her hand as Chase slid it onto her finger.

“Oh,” she said again, and had to tug her hand free from Giovanni to thumb tears away. “It’s beautiful. I do love it. It’s too much.”

Gio’s eyes sparkled. “Shall we take it back, get you something that won’t require you to do daily upper body workouts in order to lug it around?”

She fisted her hand closed. “Take it back? Only when you pry it from my cold, dead finger.”

Briggs grinned. “Yeah, that will happen. Eighty years from now. It’ll be our great, great grandson. He’ll have been waiting for you to kick it so he could grab your ring and propose to his woman.”

“Done,” she said quickly, as though saying so could make that very sweet image come true. “I love it. I love you, Briggs.”

She leaned toward him, and he met her, more than halfway. He kissed her, warmly, lingering over it.

“I love you, Evangeline.”

She turned to Giovanni, and they exchanged the same words, the same sort of kiss. Then Chase came up a bit out of his chair, cupped the back of her head, and they shared the same ritual.

“I’m so happy,” she said, looking around the table. “So very, very happy.”


* * * *


Chase was very, very happy, too. He had all of them in his home—the two best friends a man ever had and one hell of a woman. They sat, all mellow and quietly content, in his bedroom. The candles—those and the excess of flowers had been Gio’s quirky, romantic and entirely just right idea—made a little nest of soft light for them. Otherwise, they were surrounded by dark, could even see stars outside the glass of the cupola.

He liked the look of that ring on her finger, sparkling a little even in candlelight. Briggs had nailed it—the symbolism of those three rocks, the statement made by their size.

Chase had laughed at Briggs’s frustration as he’d worked with the jeweler. Two carats per stone, he’d been told. Any more for such a small hand and she’d have to wear a splint between her fingers to make room for it.

Briggs had grudgingly settled for it, but the jeweler had been exactly right. It was perfect for her. And for them, to communicate their commitment to her.

It shone on her hand now, resting on Briggs’s shoulder. They were in the sitting area of his bedroom, another thing that had worked out perfectly. Three big chairs for the men and, by necessity, their woman finding a place with one of them. She had her head leaned against Briggs’s chest while he gently stroked her.

The scene was remarkably satisfying.

With interest, he watched as Gio rose. He went to Evvie and put out his hand for her. “Darling,” he drawled. “I’d like a few moment of your time. Then I think I’ll go off to my own bed.”

Silently, Evvie let him pull her to her feet and followed as he led her to Chase’s bed. Chase met Briggs’s gaze, then they both turned to watch.

Gio had a little romance in him. He held Evvie against him and kissed her gently. Things heated up and got more and more interesting. Gio’s hands stroked her, lifting her skirt so he could touch—and Chase and Briggs could see—the long line of her legs, the curve of her hips.

They made love, standing there kissing and touching, removing each other’s clothing and tasting and stroking every bit of skin revealed. Soon Chase could see Gio’s cock hard and thrusting out, and so easily imagine the bloody relief of it pressing into Evvie’s belly.

Finally Gio lifted her and laid her on the bed. Unashamedly, Chase put his hand on his own cock, letting his erection find a comfortable position within the confines of his slacks. It was a wicked turn-on, watching as Gio took her, beginning in that soft, sweet romantic way. Then falling into the hot, needy sex of it.

They both spoke, gentle loving words at first, whispers he couldn’t always hear, then harsh, rough sounds of desire and need. Gio’s athletic body pumped gracefully into Evvie’s hot little pussy, and Chase had no difficulty recalling the feel of it.

They came to orgasm together, urgent and loving at the same time, and Chase just barely held back his own groan of satisfaction. Gio loved on Evvie some more as they settled. Finally, he told her good night and lifted off the bed. He bent to gather his clothing, picking up Evvie’s dress, too. He laid it gently over the chair where he’d sat and then nodded to Briggs and Chase before he left by the stairs.

Evvie watched him go. When he was out of sight, she turned her gaze back to the two men still present. After a moment when they all looked at each other, Briggs rose. He undressed as he walked to the bed. When he got there, he went up onto the bed on his knees. He held his cock, hard and big.

“Suck me, Ev.”

Jesus. It was, like, the best porn on earth. Evvie readily came to her knees in front of Briggs. Briggs used his hands on her, everywhere. He palmed her tits and squeezed her nipples. He went down between her legs, chafing his wrist over her clit, shoving his fingers God knew where—in her pussy, Chase was sure, and then up her ass by the sound of it.

Briggs got her good and hot so that, by the time he cupped her head and brought her down, she wanted it. Greedily she opened her mouth and took him in, sucking on that cock like it was the best treat ever. Briggs was groaning and praising her, and he fucking had the right of it. She was wildly seductive, erotic, and willing—eager—to please.

Chase didn’t know how Briggs held back, but he must have wanted to fuck her even more than he wanted to blast his cum down her throat. He arched back, thrusting deep a couple of times, then pulled out. He turned her, pushing her up the bed and taking her legs up straight, veeing them out. He captured them, her calves in the crook of his elbows as he pressed his hands against the glass block behind the bed. He leaned in, bringing her pussy up, until it was just where he needed it. Just where his cock was.

He speared her, and Chase got a wicked view of it. He knew his anatomy and physiology, but there was no way a little girl like Evvie should be able to take that much cock. But she did, and it was clearly pure bliss for Briggs. He settled himself in, stuffing her with every last millimeter, and growled out his pleasure. “Fuck.
Fuck me
. Fuck.”

Chase had to grin—the master of words had been brought low. That was good to see, but his pleasure in that didn’t keep him from unzipping and rubbing his own dick in appreciation.

It was a hell of a fuck to watch. Briggs drew his boner out and then filled her again, slowly, and time after time. He watched their girl, deliberately driving her higher as though he had hours to do it, as though he wasn’t sweating and tensing with the strain of holding back.

He pushed her hard, until she was whimpering her need and then bitching at him. “Briggs. Briggs. Dammit. Let me. Let me come.”

Chase considered heading over to lend her a helping hand, but it was too freaking hot just watching. In a few more moments Evvie started to struggle, making every effort she could to rock up and find her own satisfaction on that big, controlled cock. Briggs held back until she bucked in frustration and cursed him with words Chase wouldn’t have figured she knew.

Finally with a triumphant laugh, Briggs gave over. He pounded into her, and it was a pleasure to watch that ass rise and fall, to see Brigg’s cock piercing her, sinking into her depths. He’d saved it for so long that they both went over immediately, howling out in pleasure.

Briggs slammed into her and roared. Chase could hear the grinding power of it, could imagine as though it was happening to him, the heady sensation of hot cum tearing through Briggs’s cock and spasming into that hot cunt. He had to hold himself back from jerking his own cum out with it.

Spent, Briggs collapsed down on Ev. There were long minutes of harsh breathing before the two of them settled. Then there were soft words that Chase couldn’t hear and probably didn’t want to. He didn’t mind—
at all
—watching his buddy fuck the hell out of their woman, but he didn’t have to be privy to the afterglow mush.

He had his own hell fucking in mind, and, luckily, Briggs didn’t make him wait long for it. He kissed Evvie and then stood, making no effort to cover himself as he looked at Chase before he walked out of the room. The ass was proud of himself. As he fucking should be.

Too proud, Chase noticed, to even bother with picking up his clothes.

Well, that little housekeeping detail wasn’t going to distract him now.

He watched Evvie from where he stood, keeping his gaze on her as he lost his clothes. She’d curled over a little to her side, watching him back. When he was naked, he grasped the head of his cock, milking it a little as he walked toward her. He didn’t want her to be mistaken about what was coming.

He stopped at the bedside table and drew a tube of lube from the drawer. Looking into her eyes, he threw it onto the bed next to her. Then he watched her and waited.


* * * *


Evangeline shuddered, knowing right away what Chase wanted.

She wanted it, too, wanted anything he wanted to do to her.

It was a binding kind of night. She wore a ring on her finger, and they’d exchanged words of love that contained promises.

And then this—this procession of fucks, as each of them bound her to him with his body.

Evangeline had given up herself with it, given her body to them, her privacy, her soul. She’d let herself fly, letting Giovanni take her to heaven while Briggs and Chase watched. Then again, with Briggs, while Chase watched.

That bit of voyeurism was both incredibly erotic and taking at the same time. She was sure they understood it, too—that almost nothing said she belonged to them more than her willingness, her
, to give herself to one of them while the others watched.

It said something to her, too, that they could do it. She knew it aroused them, watching one of their buddies fuck her lights out. But more, it satisfied them. For her, it affirmed in her mind that they could be happy in this shared relationship. Each seemed to be able to accept that sharing her love with the others didn’t detract from what she was able to give him, but added to it.

There was unbelievable pleasure to be had for them all.

And the next bit of pleasure was going to happen in the form of an ass fucking. Chase didn’t need to use words to let her know what was coming.

He waited, one brow raised impatiently.

Evangeline played with him. She turned a little to her back, lolling against a pillow. She bent her top knee, then let it fall open, exposing her pussy. It was moist, she knew, glistening with her desire and the smears that evidenced the culmination of pleasure for his friends before him. She let Chase look a bit there, then stole his attention elsewhere by cupping a hand around one breast. She lifted herself, caressing but also subtly tendering.

He recognized the offer. He eyes blazed, sharpening as she took her nipple between thumb and finger, rolling then squeezing.

“You bitch.” He breathed the words, curse and praise, tribute and devotion all at once. “You fucking bitch, Ev. You think you can distract me from what I want? From what I’m going to give you? Go ahead.” He nodded her on. “See what it gains you.”

His gaze was hot, burning where it touched her body, driving her on. She took her other hand—the left, the one with that bedazzling ring on it—and covered her other breast. Slowly, she slid it down her body. Very slowly, over her breast, lingering long before revealing that second, turgid nipple. Then lower, along her abdomen, letting her pinkie play for a moment at her navel.

Lower still, and she rubbed her finger over one of the sucking bruises above her mons. The center one, the first. The one Chase had left there.

He cursed again, under his breath, words he probably didn’t mean for her to hear. But he got louder when she touched her clit. When she started stroking herself there.

BOOK: Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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