Three Made in Heaven [Made in Heaven] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: Three Made in Heaven [Made in Heaven] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“My turn,” Maddie said, her voice husky. She sat up, taking the whipped cream with her, and pressed the nozzle against Cole’s taut and deliciously defined eight-pack abdomen. She laved her tongue in slow circular motions and dipped into his belly button.

Cole moaned loudly and hoisted Maddie up off the table, her legs straddling his hips. The kiss he gave her was hot, deep, and very passionate, sending renewed stabs of desire to Maddie’s pulsing core. Charlie grabbed the chocolate syrup and whipped cream, forgoing the maple syrup, and the three of them somehow ended up on the floor, all three on their knees.

Charlie and Cole poured, smeared, licked, and sucked the syrup and cream off of whichever body part of Maddie’s they could reach from their crouched position. She eagerly reciprocated.

Maddie added whipped cream to Charlie’s tongue and greedily sucked it into her mouth after which he kissed her with such an impassioned frenzy. He must have really enjoyed that since he practically growled when she released him. With her back flush against his chest, Charlie lifted her by her hips and impaled her on his erection. Her legs were positioned on either side of Charlie, leaving her spread wide open for Cole’s viewing pleasure.


* * * *


Cole sat back on his heels and just enjoyed the hot coupling before him. He had the perfect view of his best friend’s shaft penetrating Maddie’s delicate folds. Her perfect round breasts bounced to the beat of their thrusts. Their tongues heatedly intertwined in tune with their movements.

Their moans grew louder with every thrust. Charlie reached around to stroke her clit and began to pump faster, deeper. She locked eyes with Cole as she rode Charlie harder, and Cole had to roughly grip his own cock to keep from blowing his load all over Maddie’s floor. That shared look between them was so intimate, so carnal. It took all he had to keep from going over the edge.


* * * *


Charlie’s vision blurred as Maddie’s pussy tightened around his cock, sucking him dry. He wrapped his arms around her middle, holding her close as they recovered from the aftershocks of their lovemaking. After spending time plunging in and out of Maddie for the past twenty four hours, he could finally relate to the figurative earth-shattering, earth-moving feeling.

Somewhat recovered, Charlie gently pulled out of Maddie, already missing her slick heat. She threw her head back against him for a passionate but brief kiss, and crawled over to Cole. Now it was Charlie’s turn to admire the view.

Maddie straddled Cole and took his erection fully inside of her. He lay back and pulled Maddie down against his chest. He set a slow pace, controlling both of their movements, thrusting up into her as she pushed back down on him.

“Shit!” Cole groaned. “Sweetheart, I’m so close.”

Charlie, sensing his friend’s need, circled his finger in Maddie’s juices and gently pushed his digit inside of Maddie’s other hole.
I need to pick up some lube
. When Maddie moaned her approval, Charlie added another finger, and when he scissored them both inside of her dark passage, Maddie screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm overtook her. Cole’s body trembled underneath her as he too came completely apart.

The three of them lay on their backs on the floor, laughing and panting in between. They were sticky and sweaty and wore identical goofy grins.

“I think we need another shower,” Maddie suggested.

Charlie wondered how many more showers they would need before the day was up and hoped for plenty.

Chapter 11


Maddie couldn’t keep the huge grin off her face as she strolled into work on Monday with Charlie and Cole beside her. They had spent the rest of their blissful weekend talking, cuddling, and making love on every available surface inside Maddie’s condo, soon to be officially Charlie and Cole’s place of residence as well. They would need a bigger place eventually, but they decided to wait until Charlie and Cole completely settled in to start looking for one.

Angela was sitting at her desk when Maddie walked into their office. Cole and Charlie had stayed behind in the main room to give them some time to talk.

“My, my,” Angela practically purred when Maddie entered the office. “I knew a weekend of incredible sex would do you some good. It
incredible, right? I mean look at you…you’re all radiant and stuff.”

Maddie was too giddy to be annoyed at her friend’s usual morning pestering, so she just nodded and smiled even wider.

“Awww yeah!” Angela said and then followed up with an awkward-looking, seated jig. “Speaking of sex, where are the two sex-on-legs hotties now?”

“They stayed behind in the main room, figuring we would want to talk.”

“Smart men,” Angela said approvingly. “That’s a point in their favor. Seriously though, Mads, who are they? It’s obvious you are crazy about them and they are definitely head over heels for you, so why didn’t you ever tell me about them?”

“It’s complicated, Ang,” Maddie began. She had promised Angela an explanation before she left on Friday, but now she wished she hadn’t promised to tell her everything. She didn’t want to lie to her friend, but sharing the whole truth of what she, Charlie, and Cole were to each other was something that she just couldn’t do. That was for the three of them. Their incredible bond and ability to share dreams with each other would be unbelievable to anyone who never experienced it anyway.

“I’m sorry, Angela,” Maddie continued. “It’s not like I wanted to keep things from you, I just didn’t know how to explain it right and I didn’t want to lie. Charlie, Cole, and I have sort of known each other for a really long time, but it was a long-distance thing.”

“So, you were…what…like pen pals?” Angela asked.

“Sort of, I guess. It just got really complicated when feelings came into play. I could never choose between them and they could never hurt each other or me by making me choose.”

“I totally get it,” Angela said with mischief in her voice. “Instead of being caught up in a love triangle, the three of you decided to form a

At that, they both cracked up and snorted. It was times like these that Maddie was even more grateful for having a friend like Angela in her life. Angela got what she needed from the conversation, some juicy details, but more importantly, the knowledge that her friend was finally happy. And just like that, without judgment, without any further prodding, she accepted Maddie’s explanation and her relationship with two men. That didn’t mean that Maddie’s boys were exempt from the Angela inquisition though. Maddie knew that Angela would want to look them in the eye as they proclaimed their intentions toward her best friend, and so help them if she didn’t like what she saw or heard.

“So what happens next?” Angela asked.

Maddie filled Angela in on Charlie and Cole’s plan to move to New York. Charlie would go back to San Francisco on the following Monday for a few days, to pack and ship his things. He was currently subletting a furnished apartment with only a few months left on his lease. With his high-paying management position, Charlie wasn’t hurting for money. He would pay the difference if he couldn’t get out of his lease early.

Cole, on the other hand, had a small two-bedroom house to pack up. Thankfully, his mother agreed to help deal with the sale of his house. He decided to fly home a few days after Charlie’s return and would be gone for nearly a week. Besides packing, he would need to sort out his furniture and say good-bye to everyone at work, maybe even follow up with a few furry patients.

Maddie thought about the conversation Cole had with his mom. He had relayed it to her and Charlie right after. It turned out that Adela Mercer wasn’t surprised when she received a phone call from her son on Sunday, informing her of his plans to move. For a long time, she had suspected that Cole was deeply in love and wondered why her son never talked about the girl and why their love was unrequited. What did surprise her was finding out the answer, that another man, a best friend she knew nothing about, was also involved with the girl, and that all three of them would be moving in together and entering a relationship headed toward permanence.

Ultimately, all Adela ever wanted for her only child was his happiness. Growing up without a father for most of his life had left a huge hole in him, one that despite all of her love and guidance, she could not fill. Hearing her son’s voice on the phone filled with so much happiness, so much hope for the future, brought tears to her eyes. She told him as much and she also let him know that she would not judge him, nor would she stack the morality cards against him, especially since she herself ignored the protestations of her family, followed her own heart, and married a man of a different nationality and faith. They agreed to discuss his relationship further upon his visit as well as the prospect of bringing Maddie and Charlie to meet her.

Maddie’s thoughts shifted to Charlie’s relationship with his parents which was strenuous at best. As soon as he graduated high school, he hightailed it out of his mother’s house and into a dorm, visiting both parents sparsely. He told Maddie that he refused to be a weapon his parents used against each other. He would eventually let his mother know that he was moving and about his relationship, perhaps when he went home to pack his things. Maybe he would even send his father an e-mail. He decided to keep his move and new relationship status to himself for now. It wasn’t because he was in any way ashamed. Rather, it was because if either parent had the audacity to pass any kind of judgment on him, he would snap. There was only so much he could handle at a time, and now all he wanted to focus on was his budding relationship with his two best friends and figuring out the threat to Maddie.

Maddie was still working up the courage to speak to her parents. She had no clue as to how they would react to her having a relationship with two men at the same time. Actually, she was mortified just thinking about the mental images such a relationship would project to her parents. Maddie just needed to suck it up and speak to them soon. She had to let them know that she was postponing her trip to see them as it would coincide with Cole being away. She wanted her next visit with her parents to include Charlie and Cole.

“So you don’t mind if they hang with us at work, do you?” Maddie asked. “They need something to do in between job hunting.”
Actually, it’s to keep a potential homicidal maniac from murdering me
But Angela definitely doesn’t need to know that.

“Hell no!” Angela exclaimed enthusiastically. “I can’t turn down free labor. Besides, having male models in the store may generate more business.”

“Male models…where?” Charlie asked with a wink as he and Cole strolled into the office.

Maddie was flabbergasted that he actually managed to make Angela blush. Barely anything or anyone ever made Angela blush. She wasn’t sure if the cause was due to being caught saying her comment or if Charlie and Cole just had that effect on the opposite sex. Maddie leaned more toward it being the latter, and that got her thinking about the possible extra clientele, and the green-eyed monster reared its head.
As long as said clientele keep their hands to themselves, we won’t have a problem

“We just wanted to see if you girls needed any help setting up,” Cole offered. “We know you have a large group of kids coming in today.”

“Sure,” Angela replied. She was at least partially composed now. “We’d love the extra help.”

“Can’t wait to see you in your element, sweetheart,” Cole said to Maddie. “I know how passionate you are about your work.”

“Among other things,” Charlie said, waggling his eyebrows. “Oooph,” he groaned as Maddie elbowed him.

“Come on there, big boy,” Maddie said to Charlie, linking her arm in his and leading him out of the room. Cole stole a kiss on the cheek from Maddie when he caught up with them in the party room. Angela appeared shortly after that and the four of them proceeded to set up all the paints, brushes, and aprons, placing them in the center of each of the two tables. They then arranged party plates, cups, and napkins the kids would need for the pizza and juice served as part of the party package.

An hour later, the raucous third graders, their teacher, and two chaperones piled in.

Maddie loved how easily her men fit into her life. It was natural, as if they had always been there, filling up all of her empty spaces. It had always been just the three of them in their dreams, so seeing them interact with others just solidified how real they were and how permanent their relationship was. They were easygoing and fun around the rowdy kids, and Maddie couldn’t help but envision them as dads someday.
Whoa! Where the heck did that come from? One step at a time, Maddie.

Unfortunately, the teacher and her chaperones took notice of Charlie and Cole, too.
Well too bad, ladies. They are all mine.

“As if, Maddie!” Cole said looking up from his pottery, narrowing his eyes at her. He had been helping a little girl fill in her tiny plaster kitty’s eyes with precision, but apparently had not missed Maddie’s look of consternation and could tell what she was thinking. “All yours, sweetheart.”

Maddie knew that, of course. Now if she could just stop acting like a jealous fool. She would just have to get used to the attention her men generated from the opposite sex. They were both quite gorgeous after all, and as Cole just lovingly pointed out, they were all hers. The best part would be getting to go home with them after work, instead of to an empty apartment.


* * * *


Over the next few days, Cole made sure that he and Charlie did not let Maddie out of their sight, but they were no closer to discovering the threat to her. They had both spent their days helping out at the studio while also using Maddie and Angela’s office, which they graciously offered, to settle their affairs.

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