Read Three Kings for Sarah Online

Authors: Noa Xireau

Three Kings for Sarah (7 page)

BOOK: Three Kings for Sarah
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“For five years?” Duncan asked quietly.

“In the beginning, the idea was to wait until you could
reinforce your place as alpha. But then the Elders Council contacted us again
and, following the counsel of one of their seers, asked us not to meet you
until the right time arrived.”

“And when was that supposed to be?”

Gedeon regarded Sarah’s still figure on the bed. “I suspect…
It’s now. Somehow, everything must be related to Sarah. I don’t think Samgar
called us both by pure chance. It wouldn’t even surprise me if the council’s
seer and the elderly woman were the same person.”

Duncan nodded slowly. “What’s my sister’s role in your

“She didn’t know anything at the beginning. Actually, she
only wanted to kick my hide for abandoning you without a word. You know how she
is when she puts her mind on something.” Gedeon shook his head and grimaced.
“She tracked me down, attacked me… And your mother came to my rescue before
Deborah staked me.”

Duncan stared at his hands. “If Deborah located you, I could
have done the same. I should have tried, at least,” he murmured.

Gedeon lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. That was
something he’d asked himself thousands of times. Why hadn’t Duncan searched for
Gedeon? He’d dreamed about it, expecting it, wishing his lover would appear at
his door and… It never happened. However, that was ancient history and he was
mature enough to leave the past where it belonged.

“When they overpowered you why didn’t you escape?”

“And leave behind your mother?” Gedeon raised his brows. “I
loved you and you adored her. There was no decision to be made.”

Their eyes connected. Gedeon’s stomach fluttered when he
noticed Duncan’s heart beating stronger. He wanted Duncan to confess his love,
to say that he had missed Gedeon. Duncan moistened his lips, glanced quickly
toward where Xiu was moving uneasily, gulped and passed his fingers through his
hair. Duncan wasn’t going to say anything. He could give his life for someone
without blinking but he would always avoid admitting out loud how much he loved
someone. Gedeon sighed softly. He supposed that it wasn’t the best moment to
make his lover speak. Or was it? He opened his mouth—

“Need you to…come back…things are…getting out of hand.”

Gedeon leaped to Xiu’s side. The man was staring straight
ahead, his eyes glazed over while he breathlessly and seemingly painfully
whispered the words.


Sarah smiled, snuggling closer to the warm, hard body behind
her. The arm surrounding her protectively wasn’t Ged’s anymore. This one was
warmer, his scent woodsier, spicier, with a slight hint of sweet red fruits.
His breath caressed her neck in long, steady intervals, betraying that he was
still asleep.

She opened an eye and almost jumped up. The sun’s
dark-orange glow indicated that it had to be late evening already. She’d slept
the whole day? No wonder Xiu was still out for the count! As a shadow-walker,
his biorhythm dictated he sleep during the day.

With a heavy sigh, she moved carefully away. Not that she
really wanted to get up right now. However, responsibilities were
responsibilities. The heavy, muscular arm didn’t let her go. Xiu pulled her
closer to his body—an extremely desirable body—that seemed to be awakening even
when his mumbled words still sounded as if he was speaking in dreams.

She had no idea if his mind was already working, but his
gently rasping teeth on her shoulder felt amazing, and when his hand traveled
down her stomach to press her against his morning woody—or evening woody, in
this case—well, what sane woman would have been able to repress a long, husky

At the sound, Xiu went rigid.

Okay, now he’s definitely awake!

Instead of letting her go, he began to drag his lips and
teeth along her neck and shoulders.

There! There! There!
Her fingers curled around the
sheets. How was it possible she’d never realized there was a point just between
her neck and her shoulders that made her want to squirm and cry out loud and…?

“The teeth, the teeth… Use the teeth! Ohhhh! Yessss…!” she

Good boy!
She had to admit he wasn’t one to waste
time. His teeth rasped, nipped, caressed, tortured… His rough hand slid lower,
straight over her pussy. He pressed her against his now obviously wide-awake
shaft. Meanwhile, his hips pushed toward her, making her conscious of the
growing wetness between her thighs and the need dropping its anchor deep in her
core. It was awesome to feel his hard cock against her butt and even better
when he applied pressure with his hand over her clit. She let another long
groan escape and then cried out as his fingers found a path into wet pussy. She
spread her legs to give him better access. Xiu took the hint without stopping
his nips, kisses and rasps on that wondrous place at her neck.

She came long and loud. Xiu didn’t seem satisfied, though.
Before she had time to catch her breath and before her body came down from the
roller-coaster experience, he had her pinned against the mattress and his
breath was scorching her wide-open folds.

Like a ravenous predator, he brought his mouth down on her
to plunder thoroughly the honey she was spilling generously, lapping it up inch
by delicious inch while his eyes glittered behind heavily lashed lids. His
fingers pushed into her tight, hot pussy while his lips enclosed her clit. Her
hips raised on their own, offering him everything he wanted. He sucked…hard.
Her inner muscles tightened around his fingers, drenching them further. Small,
breathless whimpers and groans surrounded them, accompanied by the wet sounds
his fingers made as they moved and circled and thrust inside her. Her legs
started to tremble and her muscles to spasm just before her hoarse, strangled
cry resounded in the cabin.

He crawled over her until his huge, muscular body covered
her and he could reach her open lips to pillage her mouth with his tongue,
letting her taste her own luscious cream. She reveled in the feeling of his
weight while his cock slid against her sensitive flesh. Pressing his hips
against her, he trapped her clit under his hard shaft and kept kissing her
until her body was nothing more than a dizzy, boneless mass. She felt like a
sex goddess being adored by one of her slaves.
More like conquered by him!
But hey, a sex goddess can enjoy that too, right?

She returned the kiss, letting him feel how much she wanted
him, how much she loved to be with him. Moving her hips, she tried to catch his
cock, to trap him inside her, but he shifted with her and she only managed to
rub herself against his imposing erection. She could feel the emptiness in her,
the clawing urge to be filled, stretched by him.

God! Xiu, I need you!”
She made another attempt.

Again Xiu escaped.

Want to play catch the mouse, darling? Then let’s do it!
Let’s play, but I’m not the mouse, baby,”
she promised, nipping at his
bottom lip, “
I prefer to be the cat.

She distracted him, using her teeth and everything she had
at her disposal. She enjoyed his shiver when her fingernails traced slowly
along his spine until they reached his hard-as-steel ass. His hips pressed
down, spurred on by her, increasing the friction between their bodies,
massaging and caressing as much of her sex as possible with his cock. She let
him, taking her pleasure, no longer moving… Not until
became almost frantic. The broad head of his cock searched for her clit, once
and once again. She only had to make one unexpected move and the tip slipped
inside her pussy. He shuddered. Her muscles clenched around…cold air? Her eyes
snapped open.

Xiu stood near the wall, gifting her with a dark look. His
face seemed flushed and his trembling body glistened in the last rays of sun
coming through the window. His fingers were cramped together in tight fists.
Sarah gaped at him, baffled by his reaction. What had just happened?

Her first emotion was to feel rejected. She tried to recall
what they were doing just before he left her bed. She hadn’t breathed in his
face—bad breath discarded. She’d been kissing his neck… Maybe she’d been a bit
too passionate with her teeth? She frowned. She couldn’t have been
She couldn’t recall anything strange happening between them.
They’d been playing… She’d been trying to lure him into her… He’d been trying
not to fuck…
Oh God!

“If you didn’t want to fuck with me, you just had to tell
me!” she snapped at him, more angry than embarrassed. After all, she hadn’t
been the one to begin the whole thing by rubbing herself against him, had she?

“I wanted and still want,” he grunted.

“Then why?”

“I can’t.”

She looked at his still straight and healthy boner and
cocked a brow. “Actually, it doesn’t seem as if you’re having a problem with

Xiu’s cheeks tinted hot red. “I
have a problem
with that!” he muttered between clenched teeth.

“Okay, then why are you standing there instead of fucking

He stared at her as if he was torn between fucking her and
strangling her. Annoyed with him or not, she still preferred the first option.

“If you tell me where you learned to be so at ease with sex,
I’ll tell you why he didn’t fuck you,” a very familiar voice interrupted them.

Sarah whirled, startled, to face the man who stood naked
upon the threshold.

“Ged! God! Are you always going to freak me out like this?”

She received a lazy smile as his only answer.

“Please, tell me they aren’t at it again!” Duncan groaned
from outside. “Thirty seconds here and I’ve already got a hard-on as colossal
as the Eiffel Tower!”

Ged shook his head with a low chuckle and stepped to the
side to let Duncan inside. Instead of the grumpy werewolf she expected to see,
the Duncan who entered was grinning. He greeted her with an amused wink and let
himself fall down at her side. Taking her in his arms, he stole her senses with
a long, intense kiss.

“Come on, little one, are you going to tell me or not?” Ged
asked, settling himself at the edge of the bed.

She could feel a warm glow expanding on her face.

“Ufff! I think our girl has a naughty secret.” Ged wiggled
his golden brows suggestively at her.

Duncan chuckled softly in her ear. “Mmhmm! I love to
discover naughty secrets.”

The temperature in the cabin seemed to be rising. She was
not only sweating but her face had to be glowing like an incandescent light
bulb. Everybody was watching her, even Xiu.

“Don’t even try to cheat. We’re three to one. Duncan isn’t
the only one who can smell a lie from miles around.”

Ged’s warning prevented her from embarrassing herself

Couldn’t I have found mates with an ordinary sense of
smell? This is going to be embarrassing.
“Okay…as you know, I can visit
your world…and…ah…I can enter people’s dreams…grown people’s dreams…” She
enunciated each word, hoping their imaginations would finish the rest.


She scowled at Ged. “I learned a lot in their dreams.”


Double crap!
“I’m also able to…” She hesitated. “To
take over their mind…and body…when they’re sleeping.”

All three gaped at her.

“You used the body of strangers to fuck?” Duncan’s voice
sounded strangled.

“Well, yes, but solely with their usual bed partners!” She
rushed to explain.
Oh God, I shouldn’t have told them!
She was aware she
shouldn’t have done this kind of thing but hey, she was human, after all! She
had her needs and before she found out about her mates there was no other way
to calm her raging hormones. Well, yes, she could have used her own hands but
what fun was there in satisfying her needs alone? Besides, she’d somehow felt
protected and free, taking over other people’s personalities in order to give
free rein to her fantasies. No, she shouldn’t have told her mates what she’d
done… They’d never be able to understand her! They’d despise her!

“Whoa! That’s amazing!”

Astonished, she looked at Duncan, who seemed distracted, as
if he was going over the whole array of kinky possibilities that ability could
have. At least his throbbing cock seemed to be taking it into account.

“And naughty!” Ged added with a satisfied grin.

Xiu didn’t say anything but his face was full of admiration.

“You don’t think I’m awful?”

“Nope,” Duncan answered.

“Awful? Baby, I consider you perfect, beautiful, powerful
and…hungry.” Ged finished with a chuckle when her gut rumbled. “But never
awful, babe. Never that.” He stood up and gave her a sweet kiss on the
forehead, as if to give credibility to his words, before he went to the kitchen
and checked its contents. “Is an omelet and some veggies okay with you? Or do
you prefer something else?”

“Um! No. It’s perfect!”

“And for you, Shadow?”

Xiu’s chiseled face showed merely a slight surprise but his
dark eyes were filled with wariness.

“I’ve asked you if you’d like an omelet and vegetables. If
you rather have some meat, Duncan can go hunt something for you but that could
take a bit longer,” Ged repeated patiently.

“Whatever you have at hand is fine with me.” The
shadow-walker shifted uncomfortably.

“Dunc, lay the table. Sarah, babe, you’ve got exactly ten
minutes to take a shower.”

Duncan gave her a light peck. “You heard him. Ten minutes or
I’m coming in to get you.”

* * * * *

Sarah came out of the small bathroom exactly nine minutes
and fifty seconds later, with her hair still wet. The delicious smell almost
made her float to the table, where Xiu was already eating, his expression
blissful. She curiously regarded the more or less domestic scene.

BOOK: Three Kings for Sarah
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