Three (4 page)

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Authors: Twyla Turner

BOOK: Three
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“Well…give me details. Did you kiss her? Did you find out if she’s a virgin?” Xander asked impatiently.

“Yes, to all of the above. And life never tasted sweeter.” Jackson grinned.

“Shit! Really?! What else…what happened?” Xander wasn’t backing down.

“Well I kissed her. And not just a pussy brush of the lips either.” Jackson taunted Xander. “I could tell that she wasn’t experienced, so I asked her if she’d ever been kissed before, and she said ‘kind of, once in high school’. So she is definitely a virgin. Hell man, I had to teach her how to fucking breathe while kissing. She’s a complete innocent. And it’s sexy as hell.”

“Damn! You got more action than I did!” Xander punched Jackson in the arm, happy that things were working in their favor, but wanting more of a taste of her himself.

“Oh shit! And I almost forgot. She’s fucking twenty-nine!”

“No freakin’ way! And she’s still a virgin?! That’s gotta be some kind of record or something!” Xander shook his head in wonder.

“Yeah, how anyone can go that long is beyond me, especially with a body like that. What the hell is wrong with the guys down in the lower forty-eight?!” Jackson shook his head.

“Beats the hell outta me. But it worked out in our favor.” Xander replied.

“Anyway, I told her she needs to enjoy life every once in a while, and I think that helped her loosen up a bit. And we can definitely help her along with that.” Jackson said thoughtfully.

“It’s a dirty job but somebody’s got to do it.” Xander winked at Jackson, cracking his knuckles, more than willing to help “loosen” her up.

“You’re such a turd.” Jackson chuckled at Xander. “I just don’t know how to go about explaining our particular relationship preferences to her.” Jackson contemplated.

“Well buddy, it’s not always about words. We might just have to show her how it works. Once we get her engines revved up, in the heat of the moment she may not care. And then after when she’s on cloud nine from all the sweet lovin’ we’ll give her, we can explain how it all works.” Xander suggested eagerly.

“You know what Xander, I think for the first time you thinking with your ‘little’ head might be a good idea.” Jackson wrapped his arm around Xander’s shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze.

“Hey sometimes the big head and the little head have to come together and make really tough decisions.” Xander replied cheekily.

“Ha!” Jackson laughed, just as Simone walked out of the lodge towards them.

Both men held their breath as she walked timidly towards them. Her head was down in embarrassment, obviously not knowing how to act in front of the two men she had kissed. She was a breath of fresh air to both Xander and Jackson.

“Hey, Simone! Come on over. I want to teach you the ropes of working the dogsleds.” Xander called out to her, trying to break the ice, helping her ease into being comfortable around them by talking work instead of flirting.

It worked, because she finally looked up at them and smiled brightly. “Okay”, she replied softly.

“Alright, so I have you with Sampson and Delilah’s team. Their pros at this and will practically lead you.” Xander walked her over to the team of dogs that were waiting impatiently to be attached to the sled.

“They’re really excited aren’t they?” Simone said in wonder as they all sat obediently next to the spot on the gangline where they were normally positioned, wagging their tails in anticipation.

“Oh yeah, they love it.” Xander smiled fondly at the dogs. “So before we hook them on to the gangline, I’m going to teach you some basic commands.”

“Okay.” Simone said, ready to learn.

“To get them moving you’ll shout out ‘HIKE’. And to stop them you’ll say ‘WHOA’. Okay, repeat for me.” Xander instructed.

“To start: ‘HIKE’. To stop: ‘WHOA’.” Simone repeated.

“Good, now-”, Xander started before Simone chimed in again.

“Turn right, ‘GEE’. Turn left, ‘HAW’.” Simone said with a shy smile.

“Nice! So I see you’ve done some research.” Xander said impressed.

“Well, research and studying is a big part of what I’ve done for several years.” Simone said with a shrug.

“Alright then tell us what else you know.” Xander said looking back at Jackson, who had a front row view of the show leaning against the fence quietly observing.

“’EASY’: to slow down. ‘STRAIGHT AHEAD’: to keep straight on an intersecting trail. ‘ON BY’: to pass another team or distraction. And ‘LINE OUT’: to keep the lines from getting tangled when we’re stopped.” Simone easily rattled off.

“Wow! Good girl. There’s just a few other commands that might help you out in a pinch. ‘GEE OVER’: to move right past another team or to the right of a trail. ‘HAW OVER’: to move left to pass or left of a trail. As well as ‘GEE or HAW COME’: to have the leaders come to you and turn the team around.” Xander further instructed.

“Okay. I think I got it.” Simone said.

“Good, but just in case we’ll practice out front before we head out. I’m sure you’ll do fine. You seem to love animals and you’re smart, but you have to be confident in your commands. Let them know that you’re the boss.” Xander coached.

“Alright, I’ll try.” Simone said doubtfully, apparently not trusting her ability to be commanding.

“You’ll do fine, Simone.” Jackson finally said, straightening up from leaning on the fence and walked towards them. Once he stood in front of Simone he touched a finger under her chin and lifted her face to look up at him. “There’s some fire in there. I can see it and Xander can too. Just think of yourself as part of the team. You got this.” Jackson said, infusing confidence into Simone.

“Thank you, Jackson. I think you’re right.” She took a deep breath and stood up a little straighter.

“I know I am.” Jackson smiled down at her.

“Alright, now let’s get this party going!” Xander called out, ready to harness the dogs to the gangline.

Simone and Jackson walked over to the dogs. Xander instructed Simone on how to check to make sure the harnesses were on the dogs properly and then how to secure them on the gangline. Once the six dogs were attached and ready to go and her gear was loaded onto the sled, Xander stopped Simone in front of the dogs.

“Now I have a few other commands that you may need at a moment’s notice.” Xander whistled and the dogs stood at attention. “When things are going rough just say: ‘SMILE’.” And at that moment all of the dogs on the team pulled back their lips in a doggie version of a smile that looked more like an angry snarl. At which point Simone burst into unexpected laughter.

“When that’s not good enough to brighten a tough moment, then just say: ‘GOOFY FACE’.” All of the dogs hung their tongues out the side of their snouts in an impression of a goofy face. And Simone clapped with joy at their antics.

“And last but not least, for the finale just call out: ‘CONGA LINE’!” All of the dogs adjusted their position and when they were close enough to each other one by one except the two in the front, the dogs jumped up to put their front legs on the backs of the dogs in front of them, forming a doggie conga-line.

“Oh my goodness, how talented you all are! That was amazing Xander!” Simone wiped at the tears of laughter at the corners of her eyes. As her giggles calmed, she pulled out her cellphone. “So I was wondering if you two wouldn’t mind if I took a picture of you with my phone for the start of the trip?” Simone asked hesitantly.

“Sure! Wait, I’ll grab one of my staff and so that way you can be in the pic too.” Xander said excitedly.

“But how about a selfie first?” Jackson piped in, surprising Xander.

“Alright.” Simone said bashfully.

“You? A selfie? I didn’t even think you knew what that meant.” Xander teased Jackson.

“Just because I don’t take them or participate in social media doesn’t mean I’ve been hiding under a rock, dick!” Jackson shot back, while Simone’s head turned back and forth like at a tennis match, trying to keep up with their banter.

“Are all men that are friends, this mean to each other?” Simone asked perplexed.

“For the most part. It’s how we show we love each other. We can’t hug and say ‘I love you, BFF’, like you girls do. We’re too tough for all that.” Xander winked at Simone, as a boyish grin spread across his face and his dimples deepened, making her breath hitch.

“Alright ‘tough’ guy, enough flirting. Take the picture, so we can get on the road.” Jackson said as he reached for Simone’s phone and handed it to Xander.

Xander pulled Simone close into his side, wrapping one arm around her shoulders. Jackson stepped in close on her other side and wrapped his arm around them both, pulling them even tighter together, until Simone was sandwiched between them like a sardine. Xander held up her phone and they all smiled big as he snapped the picture. Xander flipped the phone around and brought up the picture to show Simone and Jackson.

“So what do you think? Good enough?” He asked Simone.

“Uh…yeah.” Simone ogled the picture on the screen, as the two men smiled knowingly over her head.

“Do you want one of my staff members to take a regular picture of us still?” Xander asked Simone.

“No, this one is perfect. Thanks guys.” Simone said as she sent the pic out to Amber.

Seconds later as Xander and Jackson readied the other dog teams and sleds, Simone’s phone chimed with a new text message.


HOLY SHIT!!! You lucky bitch! Those two are drop dead gorgeous!!! Good luck trying to choose! I can’t wait to get there to meet them in the flesh!


Simone just shook her head at Amber’s text and quickly responded before it was time to head out.


Thanks a lot! You’re no help, whatsoever. Anyway, I’ll text you in a day or two.


Simone shook her head as she shut off her phone and put it away in her back pack on the sled.


Chapter 4





After about thirty minutes of practice out front of the lodge, they were well on their way to another lodge that was about four hours away by sled. The Tanana Tribe’s village was spread out between the two lodges. Xander wanted Simone to become familiar with the area, so it would be easier for her to come and go as she pleased.

Simone was happy that she felt like she was getting the hang of commanding the dogs, though the dogs mainly just followed the sled in front of them, led by Xander. Jackson was following several yards behind her.

The temperature was a little chilly, but Simone enjoyed the landscape of the snowy white plains and the silhouette of the mostly white mountains in the semi-lightened sky. She found beauty even in the stark terrain and perpetual darkness. It was so quiet, peaceful and serene, especially with the sounds of rushing water in a nearby river. It was easy for her mind to drift off and wander. And her thoughts went straight to the men with her.

She thought of how Jackson was so rugged and handsome. So serious compared to Xander’s lighthearted demeanor. She could relate to him though, having lost both of her parents as well, but not in such a tragic way. Plus, losing a sibling had to be equally tough.
I wonder how close they were before his little brother died.
Jackson seemed like the protective sort, and if he had been like that with his little brother, then his death had to weigh on him. Yet Simone did see how Xander lightened Jackson up a bit. It seemed easy for him to joke around with his best friend.
A lot like Amber and I. She brings out the silliness in me.
But in all of his seriousness, it seemed easy for her to talk to him.
Like he understands me

Now Xander, his carefree easy-going ways, made her laugh. Half of the things he said were inappropriate, but it was hard to get mad at him. He just had a way of making weird situations bearable and fun.
And that face…God that face is beautiful!
Simone couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Most men were considered handsome, gorgeous, hot or sexy. But beautiful wasn’t an adjective she’d ever thought to use to describe a man, but use it she did.

Simone was so wrapped up in both men’s equally pleasing attributes that she barely noticed Xander slowing down and waving her over to pull up next to him.

“GEE OVER!” Simone shouted out to the dogs, commanding them to come up to the right of Xander’s sled and team. “WHOA!” They both called out as their dogs and sleds pulled up next to each other.

“Hey, I figured you’d need a little bit of a break. Dogsledding can be more tiring than you realize, especially at first and we’ve been going for about two hours now. I also wanted to show you some of your tribes land.” Xander said as the dogs came to a stop.

“We stopping for a break?” Jackson asked stopping on the right side of Simone’s sled, putting her in the middle.

Why does it always feel as if they are constantly putting me in the middle of them? What am I, the meat in the middle of a hot guy sandwich?! I’m already having a hard enough time choosing which one I want. Ha,
having a choice between to incredibly hot guys?! Inconceivable!

“Yeah, I figured Simone might be getting a little tired. And I wanted to show her part of the Tanana land.” Xander pointed to a group of small homes. The lights in the windows glowed and smoke from the chimney tops floated up from the roofs. “All of that is where many of the tribe still lives. A lot have moved into the city, but the diehards will never move. I don’t blame them.” Xander finished.

“Thank you for showing me.” Simone said shyly, looking at the outskirts of the village, wondering if her family was there.

“Oh, and I brought some energy bars to snack on. You need to keep up your energy while sledding. We don’t need you distracted from hunger.” Xander grinned at Simone.

I doubt it would be hunger that would distract me. More like two ridiculously sexy men. God, what is wrong with me. I have never ever been concerned with men and sex. Ever! School, yes. Nursing, yes. Work, yes. Men, never. Sex, I don’t think so. I always thought I was Asexual, because I had just as much sex drive as a freaking cactus. Now, it’s like the men turned on a light switch and now I can’t shut it back off. Ugh!

“Well, you’re the expert. I’ll listen to your judgment. I am a little hungry.” Simone admitted, slightly embarrassed by her appetite after the large breakfast they’d had, thinking that she probably shouldn’t be eating so much. And she was afraid that they’d think the same thing.

“Good. We can’t have you losing any of those curves. For one, you have to have meat on your bones around here or you’ll freeze to death. And two, they just look too good to change.” Jackson said, looking at her appreciatively, making her blush to her roots.

“I concur!” Xander cheered, sending the blush from her face to spread down her neck and chest.

“Um, guys…I…I uh, I’m not every comfortable with compliments. I don’t mean to be impolite, but…but could you please refrain from saying those kinds of things.” Simone said awkwardly, looking down at the snow.

“Um, yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” Jackson said matter-of-factly.

“Exactly. If anything I think you better get used to being complimented, because as long as you’re here around us, it’s inevitable.” Xander said as he handed her a protein bar. “We’ll have lunch once we get to Northern Lights Lodge.”

Simone took the bar, but remained quiet, contemplating how they could both be volleying for her attention and not get mad at each other for it.

“So Simone, if you don’t mind me asking what other nationality are you mixed with? You’re definitely not full-blooded Native American.” Xander asked curiously, while Jackson looked on equally interested.

“My father was black.” Simone said in between bites.

“Hmm…a lovely combination, especially where you’re concerned.” Jackson smiled approvingly.

“Why is it that you two find me so attractive when others have not? Were you dropped on your heads as children? Because I seriously don’t get it.” Simone said truly baffled by all the attention from the gorgeous men.

“We know a beautiful woman when we see her. But we see in the movies, TV and social media, what is considered beautiful down in the lower forty-eight. And women like that can’t make it up here. Like we said before, you have to have meat on your bones to survive Alaskan winters.” Jackson said.

“And you can’t look like you just stepped out of the salon or a fashion show. Heels, makeup and fancy clothes don’t work up here. So we’ve spent a lifetime seeing women for who and what they really are. How beautiful you look without all the camouflage.” Xander added as Jackson nodded his agreement.

“We just see
, Simone.” Jackson said her name quietly, almost seductively.

“Oh,” was Simone’s only response. The men had left her speechless.

“Are you satisfied now? Are we now free to compliment you and be attracted to you without you biting our heads off?” Xander teased her.

“Uh…well…I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just not used to men saying such things to me.” Simone blew out a huge breath. “You guys talk like you’re twins or like you’re one person or something. It’s weird.” Simone blurted out.

“Hahahaha!” Both men laughed.

“You have no idea sweetheart.” Xander winked at her, in his usual playful way.

Simone had no idea what their reaction or that statement meant. So she just shrugged it off as some other aspect of dating and men that she didn’t know about or pretend to understand.

“So, how are you feeling, Simone? Any aches and pains yet?” Jackson asked after Simone shifted trying to stretch her aching muscles without them noticing.
Apparently I’m Captain Obvious.

“I’m a little sore, but I’m okay. I can keep going.” Simone said putting up a brave front.

To be honest, my hips are aching from balancing on the sled. My shoulders and arms are throbbing from trying to hold on. But other than that, I’m peachy.
Simone said to herself, but not willing to admit that she couldn’t handle it. They had about two more hours to go and she didn’t want to look weak or incapable in front of the strong sturdy men.
I can hang with the boys, just you wait and see.

“I know you can do it. Plus, we’ve got a surprise for you at the lodge that will help you later too.” Xander smiled at her.

“Okay…thanks.” Simone said uncertainly.             






Jackson watched Simone appreciatively as he followed behind her sled. The mostly dark sky couldn’t hide that form.
Good lord, that ass and those hips can make a man parched! How in the hell did no guy notice those particular attributes before us? Or was she just too blind and focused on her studies to notice?

He was pretty sure that it was the latter, because there was no earthly reason otherwise and he was sure of it.
But she’s noticing now.
Jackson smiled to himself. He knew when a woman was attracted to them, and Simone definitely was. They just needed to make sure they approached her in the right way.

She was shy but spirited, and Jackson adored that about her. She was smart and goal-oriented, and had no thoughts of finding a man to take care of her, which made him want to take care of her all the more. For the first time in maybe ever, Jackson looked forward to the future.

He had been afraid to want or have his own family again, but now he was able to see it. As unconventional as his idea of family was, the meaning was still there and meant no less. And he was starting to want it really badly with the beautiful woman in front of him and his best friend.

Jackson could tell that this first novice run was wearing on Simone. She kept trying to adjust her position, to find a more comfortable stance. They only had about thirty minutes left before they got to Northern Lights Lodge. So Jackson pushed the dogs harder to catch up with Simone’s sled, just to keep her company and distract her from her aches.

“Hey stranger, come here often?” Jackson joked as he pulled up alongside of her, trying a classic cheesy Xander approach to make her laugh.

“Huh? Oh, you sound like Xander…though that kind of stuff sounds better coming out of his mouth, and barely even then.” Simone said seriously.

“Ow, burn!” Jackson said impressed.

“Ha! Psych!” Simone laughed at his shocked face. “You guys aren’t the only ones with jokes and surprises. I have a sense of humor too.” Simone smiled shyly at him, as he stared down at her intently. Her smile faltered a little. “You stare a lot don’t you?”
Must I really say nearly everything I’m thinking?

“You’re just stunning and I can’t stop staring at you.” Jackson said seriously.


“So, we’ve only got about a half hour left before we get to the other lodge. Do you have enough energy in you to make it a little longer? Otherwise, I can attach your dogs to my sled and you can ride with me.” Jackson offered.

“Oh no, I can make it. If I’ve made it this far, I can go another couple of minutes.” Simone said firmly.

“I’m impressed. Most girls from the lower forty-eight would be complaining or passed out by now.” Jackson said.

“Well, I’m not like most girls.” Simone shot back.

“There’s no doubt about that.” Jackson said still shocked by her determination.

“Plus, not all girls in the ‘lower forty-eight’ as you call it are spoiled brats. There are quite a few of us that have had to work hard. They just don’t happen to make a trip to Alaska, either from lack of interest or funds. Now if you had made the effort to go down there, maybe you would’ve been able to meet the tougher girls, and could’ve brought one of them back with you.” Simone said logically.

“Well, maybe I was just waiting for the right one to make her way up here.” Jackson fired back, looking at her with meaning.

“Oh. Well…uh…ah…I…um…oh nevermind!” Simone finally gave up trying to find a clever comeback.

Jackson just threw his head back and laughed at her discomfort. “You are a breath of fresh air, Ms. Staton. One minute, your sharp tongue cuts like a knife and the next minute, you’re all tongue tied. It’s adorable.” Jackson smiled down at her.

“I’m glad you find me amusing.” Simone said a little disgruntled.

“Oh, don’t be mad. You just keep me on my toes, and I like it.” Jackson tried to pacify her.

“Uh, huh,” was Simone’s only response. “Oh look! I see light up ahead!” Simone pointed in excitement.

“Good. Then we’re here. I’m sure you’ll definitely be ready for your surprise at this point.” Jackson said, noticing Simone’s shoulders slump in relief and fatigue.

“Whatever the surprise is, if it involves relaxing for a little bit, I’ll be overjoyed.” Simone replied. “God, how are the dogs still going like it’s nothing?” Simone said with wonder.

“They’re used to it. They can go all day and night.” Jackson said as they neared the lodge and Xander slowed his team to let them catch up to him.

“Hey guys! Ready to call it a day?” Xander shouted over to them, all smiles.

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