Thor (Recherché #1) (5 page)

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Authors: L.P. Lovell

BOOK: Thor (Recherché #1)
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Poppy’s sister makes her way up the aisle and women start dabbing at tears. It’s enough to make me roll my eyes, but I restrain myself.

“We are gathered here today…” I zone out completely. God, this shit is so dragged out.

When it’s over, everyone stands and claps as the bride and groom make their way out of the room.

“What now?” I ask over the applause.

“Now I have to go and acknowledge my sister.” She says unenthusiastically. “Come on.” I follow her down the aisle and outside the room. Down the hall is another room where apparently the reception is being held. Violet and her husband, Matthew, are standing just inside the doors to the room, being congratulated by friends and family. I feel Poppy tense up and watch as she takes a deep breath before stepping towards her sister. The moment Violet’s eyes land on her sister her smile fades just a little. She drags her gaze over the length of Poppy’s small frame, sneering at her.

“Poppy, how nice of you to come.” The girl couldn’t be any faker if she tried.

“Yes, well, even
wouldn’t miss your big day.” She replies acerbically. Violet's attention shifts to me, standing off to the side of Poppy. The second she looks at me I can see the want in her eyes. Ten grand says that in a few years’ time she’ll be on Recherchés client list. Poppy follows her sisters gaze to me and a smug smile pulls at her lips. “Oh, how rude of me. This is my date, Thor.”

She holds her hand out to me and I shake it. It’s at that moment when the husband finishes talking to whoever it was he was talking to and focuses back on his wife. I pry my hand from hers and wrap an arm around Poppy’s waist.

“Hi, I’m Matthew.” He holds his hand out to Poppy and I raise my eyebrows. Poppy’s never even met the groom. Well, this is awkward. The dude looks like an accountant, skinny, with glasses and thinning mousy brown hair.

“I’m Poppy. Violet's sister.” He frowns. Yeah, super awkward. 

“Thor.” I introduce myself, trying to break up the tension.

He chuckles. “Oh well, you do look rather godly.” He slaps my arm, and I’m honestly not sure what I’m supposed to do with that.

“Uh, congratulations.” I offer, and then we’re walking away.

Poppy blows out a long breath. “You look rather godly. Jesus.”

I laugh. “Hey, I didn’t say it.”

She shakes her head. “I need the bar.” I’m not going to lie, I was expecting more of a showdown. I’m kind of disappointed, but then it’s still early, we have at least another eight hours.

A couple of guys linger at the bar, casting glances Poppy’s way. There are a hundred reasons why I shouldn’t give a shit, the fact that I don’t know her, and that she’s a job being at the top of the list. And yet I find myself getting annoyed and shifting my body between them and her, blocking their view.

The barman approaches her and she orders six tequila shots.

“I feel obliged to make you aware of the fact that it’s three in the afternoon.” I tap my watch.

She releases a heavy breath. “It’s six o’ clock somewhere.”

I shrug one shoulder. “This is true.”

“And you vowed to get drunk with me, so suck it up, princess.” She tells me. I smile. I’m used to champagne sipping women who are all about their appearances. Poppy doesn’t give a shit. If she wants to neck tequila in the middle of the afternoon she will. I like it.

The barman places the shot glasses on the bar, each one with a lemon slice rested atop the glass. Poppy picks one up and throws it straight back, wincing as she swallows.

“Come on.” She waves her hand at me.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware this was a frat party.”

She taps a silver painted finger nail on the bar top. “Drink.”

“As you wish…” I pick up one of the shots and down it. It’s disgusting. I can’t remember the last time I had a tequila shot. Maybe when I was eighteen. I was right, I should have sent Kaden for this. Kid might stand a chance of keeping up with her. Damn.

She downs the next two, so I throw the shots back and order a beer. This is going to go downhill fast, but I did promise her I’d get drunk with her. Like I said, I’m all about client satisfaction. I pick up the beer from the bar and turn around, coming to an abrupt halt. A few feet away from me is April Harley. She’s standing next to an older guy, with silver grey hair and a gut that’s threatening to pop a button or two. Her husband I would guess. I should have known she might be here, she’s one of those women whose sole focus is her ever growing social standing. Her eyes move to Poppy beside me and I can practically see the hatred on her face.

I lower my lips to Poppy’s ear. “I have to step out for a second. I’ll be back.” She nods and I slip away from her, making my way out of the room. There’s a sign for a smoking area and I follow it until I’m standing on a balcony at the rear of the hotel. I take a cigar from the inside pocket of my jacket and place it between my lips. The smell of tobacco hits me. I don’t smoke regularly, but I’m partial to a cigar, usually when I’m stressed. This is a pretty stressful moment right here. I light the cigar and inhale the thick smoke, allowing to fill my lungs completely. As predicted, a few minutes later the door to the balcony opens.

“Are you mocking me?” April's voice is shrill and demanding.

I laugh. “I’m working, April.”

Her heels click over the floor before she grabs my arm and tries to force me to look at her. I straighten and tip my head back, taking another long drag on the cigar. “Why would you do this to me? You come here with
.” She spits the last word and I narrow my eyes at her.

I straighten to my full height and she backs away as I tower over her. “April, I owe you nothing but the time you pay for. Remember that. If that upset’s you then I suggest we terminate our arrangement.”

Her eyes go wide and I can see the hint of panic on her face. “No! No, it’s…I was just shocked. Are you…Will you fuck her?”

I raise an eyebrow. “Client confidentiality.” If the woman wasn’t paying so much fucking money, I’d drop her like the crazy bitch she is. I take one long drag on the cigar and put it out on the stone balcony ledge. “Have a good evening, Mrs Farley.” I turn away from her and go back inside.

Eleven years. I’ve managed to go eleven years with a strict set of rules. Of course once or twice I’ve been with a client and bumped into another client. But I’ve never had one quite so obsessive and possessive as April. Of all the people to run into… A few years back though, I would have cut her lose and replaced her. I’ve got lazy, wanting to make the same money I made out of fifteen clients a week, seeing only four. I also never would have agreed to come to a wedding with a girl who doesn’t even know she’s a client.
. I’m getting old and losing my touch.

When I get back into the reception, Poppy is sitting at a table, talking to an old woman. Her zimmer frame rests next to her. The woman says something to her and she laughs, the tinkling sound making its way across the room to me as I approach.

“Oh, you’re back. Thor this is my great aunt June. June, this is Thor.” She eyes me up and down before clutching Poppy’s arm.

“A man like him will give an old woman a heart attack.” She fans herself dramatically and Poppy smiles, turning her gaze to me.

“Aunt June’s invite got lost in the post so she thought she’d crash.”

I take a seat next to Poppy. “Rebellious. I like it.”

“Someone has to be in this family. Anyway, I need a Sherry and then I’m going to go wind up my sister. Her husband always did have a thing for me.”

“Oh my god.” Poppy snorts, shaking her head.

I get up and help June with her zimmer frame because the woman looks like a stiff wind might blow her over. “Thank you.” She eyes me up and down with a glimmer in her eye. “Oh, if I were twenty years younger.” She totters off, and Poppy bursts out laughing.

“Just so you know, she’s eighty-five.”

I shrug. “I’ve been known to like an older woman.”

“Well, if wrinkles are your thing.” She smirks and picks up her glass of champagne, taking a sip.

“Surgery works wonders nowadays.”

She slaps my arm. “Gross.”

I chuckle. “So, is she the only member of your family you like?”

“She’s the only one I really talk to. My mother fully blames her for my corruption of course.” She rolls her eyes and takes another sip of her drink.

“Well, that’s harsh. I mean, you are a ginger. It’s a known fact your kind are difficult and temperamental.”





Dinner is awkward. The only saving grace is that Aunt June got put on our table because they hadn’t set out a space for her…seeing as she wasn’t
invited. She then proceeded to introduce Thor to the rest of the table as her boy toy, and the best part is he went with it. Aside from the obvious, there’s something about him, this energy that I can’t help but gravitate towards. I barely know him, but already, I think my family like him more than me.

I smother a laugh as Thor helps Aunt June into the back of her driver’s car. It’s eight o’ clock and he had to all but carry her out here. She’s that shit faced. Her driver takes the zimmer frame off me and puts it in the boot. The electric window winds down and she grins at Thor.

“We should do this again, darling.” She winks at him.
Oh my god.

“You call me, June.” He tells her.

The car pulls away with her giggling like a school girl. “Well, you’ve certainly made an impression on her.” I say.

He places his arm around my waist and leads me back towards the hotel. “I always make an impression. Now, I believe you promised me some dancing.”

“I can’t dance.” I tell him.

“I can.”

I throw my head back and laugh as he moves me across the dance floor. He spins me away from him until our arms are outstretched and I’m clinging to his hand, then he pulls me back. I collide with his body and my breath leaves in a rush as my palm lands flush against his chest. I can feel his steady heartbeat through the thin material of his shirt and my own heartbeat skitters in response. His face is so close to mine, his breaths blowing over my lips. I flick my eyes up to his and a moment of clarity parts the hazy drunken cloud surrounding me. Those green eyes drop to my lips and my breath hitches, an irrational urge taking me over. There’s a heartbeat, a pregnant pause, and then his lips are on mine, or mine are on his. I’m not sure which. It takes a moment for my drunken brain to catch up, to realise that the beautiful man who has made this day bearable is kissing me. My fingers trail over the back of his neck and my lips part, kissing him back. What starts out as something soft and sweet quickly shifts to something demanding and animalistic. Heat rips over my skin, searing me from the inside. His tongue teases mine until I’m desperate and needy in ways that are downright shameless. I’m not that girl that kisses a guy she doesn’t know in front of a room full of people. But somehow he makes forget about everything and anything that isn’t him, his sexy smile, his infectious laugh. I have to focus all my energy to break the kiss. I press my lips together, trying hard to regulate my breathing.

“Wow, you’re good.” I say. His fingertips skate over the skin of my cheek and I drag my eyes open to find him staring at me, that sexy smirk on his lips.

“Oh, you have no idea.” His voice is low and husky and it makes me tremble. My throat goes dry and I struggle to hold his gaze.

“I need a drink.” I blurt out. Jesus, he’s going to think I’m a complete idiot.

That cocky smile plays across his lips and my heart misses a beat. I stagger away from him and head to the bar. I’m already drunk, but what can I say? Being around him pushes me to drink. Before I can reach the bar a strong arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back against a solid chest.

“I think you’ve had enough.” He rumbles against my ear, steering me towards the door. 

“Hold on. Are you cutting me off?” We’re in the corridor before he releases his grip on me and I pitch sideways into the wall. He crosses his arms over his chest and cocks an eyebrow at me. Damn, he’s so fucking hot.

“You were saying…” Smug bastard.

“You’d be drunk if you were me, having to hang around you.”

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