This Republic of Suffering (49 page)

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Authors: Drew Gilpin Faust

BOOK: This Republic of Suffering
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Illustration Credits

Front Matter “The True Defenders of the Constitution.”
Harper's Weekly,
November 11, 1865. The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Front Matter “Confederate Dead at Antietam, September 1862.” Photograph by Alexander Gardner. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01090.

Chapter 1 Milton Wallen, Company C, First Kentucky Cavalry, in a prison hospital. “Dying of Gangrene.” Watercolor by Edward Stauch. Courtesy of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C., CWMI 98C.

Chapter 1 Amos Humiston dies holding an ambrotype of his three children. “An Incident at Gettysburg.”
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
January 2, 1864. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 1 “The Letter Home.” Charcoal and graphite drawing by Eastman Johnson, 1867. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The Julia B. Bigelow Fund.

Chapter 1 “The Execution of the Deserter William Johnson.”
Harper's Weekly,
December 28, 1861. The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 2 “The Sixth Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteers Firing into the People, Baltimore, April, 1861.”
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
April 30, 1861. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 2 “The Army of the Potomac—A Sharp-Shooter on Picket Duty.” Engraving from an oil painting by Winslow Homer.
Harper's Weekly,
November 15, 1862. The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 2 “The War in Tennessee—Rebel Massacre of the Union Troops After the Surrender at Fort Pillow, April 12.”
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
May 7, 1864. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 2 Image of an “Unidentified Sergeant, U.S. Colored Troops,” in the Picture File Collection (ID Number M1371) located in the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University.

Chapter 2 “Funeral of the Late Captain Cailloux.”
Harper's Weekly,
August 29, 1863. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, P 207.6 F.

Chapter 3 “Soldiers' Graves near General Hospital, City Point, Virginia.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01872.

Chapter 3 “A Burial Party After the Battle of Antietam.” Photograph by Alexander Gardner. Library of Congress. Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01098.

Chapter 3 “Antietam. Bodies of Confederate Dead Gathered for Burial.” Photograph by Alexander Gardner. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01094.

Chapter 3 “Burying the Dead Under a Flag of Truce, Petersburg, 1864.”
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
September 3, 1864. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 3 “Dead Confederate Soldiers Collected for Burial. Spotsylvania, May 1864.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-USZ62-104044.

Chapter 3 “A Burial Trench at Gettysburg.” Photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. Library of Congress. Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-00843.

Chapter 3 “Rebel Soldiers After Battle ‘Peeling' (i.e. Stripping) the Fallen Union Soldiers.”
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
February 13, 1864. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 3 “Burial of Federal Dead. Fredericksburg, 1864.” Photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01840.

Chapter 3 “A Contrast: Federal Buried, Confederate Unburied, Where They Fell on the Battlefield of Antietam.” Caption and photograph by Alexander Gardner. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01086.

Chapter 3 Sketch by Alfred R. Waud. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Drawing Collection, LC-USZ62-15118.

Chapter 3
The Burial of Latané,
1864. Painting by William D. Washington. Courtesy of The Johnson Collection.

Chapter 3 “Maryland and Pennsylvania Farmers Visiting the Battlefield of Antietam While the National Troops Were Burying the Dead and Carrying Off the Wounded.” From a sketch by F. H. Schell.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
October 18, 1862. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 3 “Transportation of the Dead!” Gettysburg: H. J. Stahle, 1863. Broadside. The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 3 Business card for undertaker Lewis Ernde, Hagerstown, Maryland. Civil War Miscellanies (McA 5786.F), McAllister Collection, The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 3 “Embalming Surgeon at Work on Soldier's Body.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs Division, LC-DIG-cwpb-01887.

Chapter 3 “Dr. Bunnell's Embalming Establishment in the Field (Army of the James).” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01886.

Chapter 4 Detail from “News of the War.”
Harper's Weekly,
June 14, 1862. The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 4 “The United States Christian Commission Office at 8th and H Streets, Washington, D.C., 1865.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-04165.

Chapter 4 “Nurses and Officers of the United States Sanitary Commission at Fredericksburg, Virginia, During the Wilderness Campaign, 1864.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-01196.

Chapter 4 Telegram from William Drayton Rutherford to Sallie Fair Rutherford, July 6, 1862. Manuscripts W. D. Rutherford Papers. Courtesy of South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia.

Chapter 4 Advertisement for soldiers' identification badges.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
September 10, 1864. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 4 “I am Capt O W Holmes, 20th Mass V, Son of Oliver Wendell Holmes, MD, Boston.” Note written by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Courtesy of Special Collections Department, Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University.

Chapter 4 Detail from “News of the War.”
Harper's Weekly,
June 14, 1862. The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 4 “Ward K at Armory Square Hospital in Washington, D.C.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-04246.

Chapter 4 “An Unknown Soldier.”
Harper's Weekly,
October 24, 1868. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, P 207.6 F.

Chapter 4 “Henry Clay Taylor.” Henry Clay Taylor Papers WHi-46641. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison.

Chapter 4 “Libby Prison, Richmond Virginia, April 1865.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-02898.

Chapter 5 “View of the Darlington Court-House and the Sycamore Tree Where Amy Spain, the Negro Slave, Was Hung.”
Harper's Weekly,
September 30, 1865. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, P 207.6 F.

Chapter 5 John Saunders Palmer Jr. with his wife, Alice Ann Gaillard Palmer. From a copy, courtesy of South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia.

Chapter 5 Half-mourning dress of Varina Howell Davis. The Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia. Photography by Katherine Wetzel.

Chapter 5 “Women in Mourning, Cemetery in New Orleans.”
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper,
April 25, 1863. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, XPS 527 PF.

Chapter 5 “View of the ‘Burnt District', Richmond, Va.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-USZC4-4593.

Chapter 5 “Godey's Fashions for June 1862.”
Godey's Lady's Book and Magazine,
June 1862. The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 5 “Women in Mourning at Stonewall Jackson's Grave, circa 1866.” Courtesy of Virginia Military Institute Archives, Lexington.

Chapter 5 “President Lincoln's Funeral—Citizens Viewing the Body at the City Hall, New York.”
Harper's Weekly,
May 6, 1865. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, P 207.6 F.

Chapter 5 Henry Ingersoll Bowditch at the time of the Civil War. Courtesy of Harvard University Archives, HUP Bowditch, Henry (1).

Chapter 6 “The Dying Soldier.” Song sheet (New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.), Wolf 5486, American Song Sheet Collection, The Library Company of Philadelphia.

Chapter 6 “Battle-field of Gaines Mill, Virginia.” Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-USZ62-106283.

Chapter 7 Clara Barton, circa 1865. Photograph by Mathew Brady. Clara Barton National Historic Site/National Park Service.

Chapter 7 “A Burial Party on the Battle-field of Cold Harbor, Virginia, April 1865.” Negative by John Reekie; print and caption by Alexander Gardner. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Civil War Photographs, LC-DIG-cwpb-04324.

Chapter 7 “Miss Clara Barton Raising the National Flag, August 17, 1865,” at Andersonville. Sketched by I. C. Schotel.
Harper's Weekly,
October 7, 1865. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, P 207.6 F.

Chapter 7 “The Soldier's Grave.” Lithograph by Currier and Ives. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Popular Graphic Art (Historical Print) Collection, LC-USZC2-3015.

Chapter 7 “Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia—Decorating the Graves of the Rebel Soldiers.”
Harper's Weekly,
August 17, 1867. Widener Library, Harvard College Library, P 207.6 F.

Chapter 7 “Confederate Cemetery of Vicksburg.” Photo by David Butow, 1997. © David Butow/CORBIS SABA.

Chapter 8 Walt Whitman. Photograph by Mathew Brady. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Brady-Handy Photograph Collection, LC-DIG-cwpbh-00752.

A Note About the Author

Drew Gilpin Faust, a 1968 graduate of Bryn Mawr College, took her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania and taught history and American civilization there from 1975, becoming a full professor in 1984 and Annenberg Professor of History in 1989. In 2001 she became Dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, where she also holds the Lincoln Professorship of History. On July 1, 2007, she became the twenty-eighth president of Harvard. She is the author of five previous books, including
Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slave-holding South in the American Civil War
(1996), which won the Francis Parkman Prize of the Society of American Historians and the Avery Craven Prize of the Organization of American Historians. She and her husband live in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Also by Drew Gilpin Faust

Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding
South in the American Civil War

Southern Stories: Slaveholders in Peace and War

The Creation of Confederate Nationalism: Ideology
and Identity in the Civil War South

James Henry Hammond and the Old South:
A Design for Mastery

A Sacred Circle: The Dilemma of the Intellectual
in the Old South, 1840–1860


A. K

Copyright © 2008 by Drew Gilpin Faust

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

Knopf, Borzoi Books, and the colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

Portions of this book originally appeared in
Civil War Times
Harvard Magazine.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Faust, Drew Gilpin.

This republic of suffering: death and the American Civil War / Drew Gilpin Faust.—1st ed.

p. cm.

1. United—States—History—Civil War, 1861–1865—Social aspects. 2. United States—History—Civil War, 1861–1865—Psychological aspects. 3. United States—History—Civil War, 1861–1865—Influence. 4. Death—Social aspects—United States—History—19th century. 5. Death—United States—Psychological aspects—History—19th century. 6. Burial—Social aspects—United States—History—19th century. 7. Burial—United States—Psychological aspects—History—19th century. I. Title.

E468.9.F385 2008

973.7'1—dc22                           2007014658

eISBN: 978-0-307-26858-7


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