Thigh High (6 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

BOOK: Thigh High
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“Whatever is meant to happen.”

Maz caught her breath as he rammed harder as if sensing she was close to coming. “You’re not going to leave me alone until I agree are you.”
Maybe I should
. She was breathless from this fast fuck. “Well, regular exercise might be a good idea.”

“I am delighted to provide not only exercise for you but also gym work.”

“Yeah, we have German beer.” Merlene’s voice rang out loud and pointed. “Maz, will you get that for me?”

“Oh crap.” She had almost forgotten where they were. The last thing she needed was Blue or Dusty wandering in and seeing Joe buried balls-deep inside her. “Hurry up.”

“’Not the most romantic thing to say.”

“Maz?” Merlene called out.

“C-coming.” It wasn’t a lie. Maz came so hard and fast that she would have fallen to the ground if Joe did not have an arm securely around her waist.

“See how much fun we’re having already?” He pulled her back in his arms and growled low and huskily as his body jerked against hers.

Maz licked her lips and leaned back into him. “We smell of sex.”

“Yeah, but luckily Dusty and Blue haven’t had sex in so long they’ll think it’s sheep dip they’re smelling.”

Chapter Five

Sweat was dripping from Maz as she jogged on the moving path of the treadmill. “I cannot believe I allowed you to talk me into this.” Her clothes were clinging to her, wet with perspiration, as she swiped her sweaty fringe from her eyes. One minute she had been saying no and the next she was moaning
yes, oh god yes, anything.
Maz squinted at Joe. “Are you looking at my ass?” She could feel it wobbling like jelly in her navy blue track pants.

“Only in a professional way,” Joe responded with a grin.

Thankfully she was already red in the face so her blush went unnoticed. “How long do I have to do this? I’m not built for running.” Her breasts were bouncing and her thighs were killing her, and all in all, Maz would have preferred to sit on an ants’ nest naked than run.

“It’s fun to watch,” Joe move around and slowed down the pace of the treadmill with the push of a button. “It’s good cardio exercise.”

“It’s frigging torture.” Maz was breathless and out of shape and yes, maybe it was good for her, but still she would have preferred to be anywhere else.

“Stop whining and keeping breathing.”

“I’m not whining and of course I’m bloody breathing. Why do people always say, ‘remember to breathe’? It’s not like I’m going to forget or refuse to, is it?”

“You’re cute when you’re angry and sweaty.”

“You’re cute when you’re in Sydney.”

Joe clutched his heart in mock dramatics. “So wounded.” He pressed the button to decrease her pace further until Maz was walking. He handed her a water bottle.

Maz look a long, unladylike slurp. “Bloody hell.”


“Do I look okay?” She was a lather of sweat.

“You always look great.”

“I thought exercise was supposed to make you feel better.” Her legs were starting to wobble and she had a feeling she was going to trip ungracefully from the treadmill.

Joe took her hand and helped her down. “You’ll like the next thing I have planned—no not sex, but now you mention it…”

“I didn’t.” The last thing she felt like was sex. His hand clasping hers made her heart beat a little faster but then Joe had always had the ability to make the simplest touch intimate and exciting.

“Later then.”

Maz pulled her hand from his. “No, this has to be strictly business.” Even as she said the words Maz knew how crazy they were. It was madness to even allow him one second in her life as she knew when Joe left—and he would, for Amberwarra Falls would not be able to hold an adventurer such as himself—she would once more miss what might have been and be annoyed at herself for letting him in.

“Okay.” Joe handed her a towel.

“I mean it.” Maz mopped her face.
Crap, I am so out of condition.
Her upper left thigh was throbbing and she knew she had pulled a muscle. But there was no way she was going to admit any weakness to Joe.

“I mean it too.” Joe took her hand once more, refusing to let go.

“Oh shut up.” Maz found herself following him as he pulled her along. “Where are we going?”

Joe pushed open a door and switched on the lights to a small room. “I am going to give you the chance to hit me.”

Maz smiled. “Okay so this hasn’t been a complete waste of a day.”

“You’re so cute.” Joe left her for a moment and found some boxing gloves.

She held out her hands as directed and soon both fists were incased in red padded leather. “Kinky,” she murmured, her stomach clenching as Joe smiled at her. Oh what that man could to do her with the simplest, sweetest look.

“And it gets even better.” Joe picked up two pads that covered his own hands. He explained how he wanted her to punch, jab and uppercut against the protective covering.

Maz found that she enjoyed belting the hell of Joe. Not that she was actually doing any damage to him, nor did she want to. It was just so cathartic letting out the long-held anger she’d had toward him. Even though her thigh was beginning to ache viciously as she pummeled Joe, she didn’t want to stop. “I like this a lot.”

Joe laughed at her words, delight shining in his eyes as he easily deflected her blows. “I thought you might. So tell me, why there is no man in your life. Maz? Been pining for me?”

Maz slammed her fist hard against the pad. “No. As if.”
Sort of
. Anyway, he didn’t need to know that. She hit out hard once more. “You know most women are capable of being without a man.”

“Ah, got a vibrator then?” Joe ducked as she aimed at his face. “You’re going red in the cheeks. Embarrassed?”

Like she could get a vibrator in Amberwarra or one sent through the post without everyone wanting to know what it was. “No, I’m just hot from boxing.”

“Yeah, you are.”

Maz hit him hard. She knew he was teasing her, making her want to lose control and she knew it was in her power to ignore him.
But damn it I can’t.

In one quick move Joe caught Maz to him and faked a dive, dropping to the ground with her in his arms.

“We can’t do this here.” Maz could feel his cock already hard and insistent through the fabric of his sweatpants. She had actually been trying to avoid looking at his groin during training as in one quick glance she had seen the noticeable bulge.
Or maybe we could
. They had before.

“Good point.” Joe rolled them so she was lying on top of him. “But you do want to do it.”

“No, I never said that.”
Lord, it’s hot in here
How can a woman concentrate?

“Here’s the thing, Maz. I came back to Amberwarra Falls for you.” Joe’s hands moved down to her butt, making sure she stayed where she was.

She froze. It was everything Maz wanted to hear but it was not something she could believe in. “No you didn’t, Joseph.” There was no way that could be possible. If Joe had really wanted her he would have come back years ago. Maz didn’t want to be wanted just because she was available.

Maz always made him smile. He loved the way she called him Joseph. It was normally when she was out of her depth and unsure of herself. “Yeah, I did, Marilyn. “I was an idiot to leave.” The feel of Maz against his body as she squirmed to free herself from his embrace was making his cock jump with excitement. The thing was he had no hold over her. Maz could easily break away but she didn’t. That in itself told Joe that he was not the only one craving this contact. “I have been keeping tabs on you and I know there has never been anyone else for you but me.”

At first he could not believe someone as sexy as Maz had no lover but then on reflection he knew. She was the only one for him as he was for her. Yes, he had indulged in liaisons with other women but in the back of his mind there was always the girl back home. The one he would go back to because to do anything else would have been crazy.

“Okay, so there have been no other men.” Maz bit her lower lip and looked at him in defiance. “So the town grapevine knows every damn thing about me. But it doesn’t mean I want you back in my life.” She struggled to free herself.

She was so beautiful that for a moment Joe almost forgot to breathe. Joe took his hands from her body. “What does it mean to you, Maz?”

“What about Cheryl?” She pushed up from him and stood.

Joe knew that question had to come up. He had hurt Maz badly. He had no defense other than youth and stupidity. “I was idiot.”

“Yeah, you were.”

Before Joe could respond, Maz’s legs buckled and she started to fall. Joe sat up quickly and made a grab for her, catching her in his arms and cushioning her body with his. “What’s wrong?”

“Thigh cramp,” Maz gritted out between clenched teeth.

Joe got up and pulled her with him. “You should have told me you were in pain, you stubborn woman.” He wanted to shake her, instead picked her up in his arms and carried her.

“I didn’t want to be a wuss.”

“You are obstinate.” Joe loved that about her. She did things for a reason and once her mind was settled she rarely changed it. However Joe planned on making a lot of changes in this lady’s life. He was going to become so indispensible to Maz that being without him would be impossible.

“Hey, don’t pick on me, I’m in pain.” She wound her arms around his neck.

“Let me kiss it better.” Holding Maz at any time was dangerous as he wanted to touch and taste and feel. His cock jerked at any contact with her. The problem was she was injured and sex was not an option—at the moment. Joe carried her over to the massage room and laid her on the table. He turned and kicked the door shut. Relieve the pain first then work on other tensions.

“Only a kiss on the forehead,” Maz responded as she winced in pain.

“Yeah, right. I’ll hold out for something better.” He went to the table and looked down at her. Even hot and flushed and sweaty, Maz was the most beautiful woman he had ever held in his arms and he wanted more with her. Joe ran his hands up her legs to her waistband. That she shivered under his touch delighted him. It was a true, real reaction that could not be faked or hidden.

“Hey!” Maz clutched at the fabric Joe started to pull down.

“I want to massage your thigh.”
Then make love to you until all you can say is, “Yes Joe, anything you want.”
He smiled at that thought.

“So do it.” Her hands covered his.

“It’s better to massage without your track pants on.” He lifted his hands up and hers followed. “Come on, I’ve seen you naked before. It’s burned on my memory.” It would be damn hard to massage and not want more but Joe was a professional.

“What are you scared of?”

Was he kidding? Maz was more in love with this man than she ever planned to be and being naked with him, even for medicinal reasons, was a really bad thing to do.

“Everything.” Maz blurted the word out without thinking.

“Really? I would never hurt you.”

The soft look in his eyes underscored that. The problem was she would hurt herself. Maz winced at the pain in her thigh. It was silly to act so wary over something like this. “Just a massage, okay?” Even as the words tumbled out of her mouth, Maz knew there was never a “just anything” situation with them.

“Whatever makes you feel better.” Joe’s hands made short worked of stripping off her track pants. “White granny panties.” He smiled and ran a lazy finger over her mound.

Maz clutched the sides of the table. “I wasn’t expecting you to…well you know.”

“I do know.” Joe’s fingers trailed to her thigh and began a gentle massage on the sore, stiff flesh.

Maz felt the muscle loosening up. His hands felt amazing but then there was no surprised in that. Any time Joe touched her she felt good. She jumped as his hands moved to her other thigh. “The other one is fine.”

“I wouldn’t want it to tense up as well.”

When he leaned down and kissed the skin of her thigh, Maz choked. “J-Joe?” His lips were so soft yet hungry as they covered her flesh in sucking wet kisses. “O-oh boy,” she stammered, her hands moving down to thread her fingers through his hair. There were so many reasons to stop Joe and yet none of them were valid enough to give the command. When his tongue slid into the crevice where her skin met white cotton, Maz’s legs opened without hesitation.

Joe’s head lifted and his eyes met hers. “I’m hungry.”

Maz’s breath came out short and sharp. She knew what Joe wanted. Her need matched his. “So eat.” She lifted her hips and allowed the white cotton to be peeled down her thighs. When his tongue touched her clit, Maz bit her lip to stop herself from crying out loud at the exquisite sensation that gripped her body. She was on fire with need and the tongue that lapped at her pink inner folds was exactly what she needed. Her stomach clenched and her thighs widened to give Joe more access. If anyone walked in right now, Maz would not have given a damn.

“Delicious,” he murmured between placing wet open-mouth kisses on the fleshy lips of her vagina.

When his tongue slid inside, nothing on the planet could have stopped the cry that tore from her mouth. Maz panted weakly and pushed her pussy into his face. “Joe, I need—”

“What?” He looked up eyes bright with lust, his fingers pushing inside her body.

While that felt excellent, Maz needed more. “I need cock.”

Joe smiled. “I don’t have a condom on me.”

“God damn it.” The words came out hard and loud.

“Do you really need me?”

“Fuck, yes I do.” The pressure of his fingers was nice but not enough.

“How badly?”

“Real bad.” Maz ground her pussy against his hand.

“Marry me.”

“What?” Maz arched up at his words. “Are you kidding me?” Joe leaned down and kissed her clit, his fingers still pumping away inside. “Oh lord, I am going to explode.” As if by magic, both his mouth and his fingers left her body before she did. “What? Why? No!”

“Marry me, Marilyn, and I’ll be delighted to help you explode.”

“This is blackmail.”

“Yep.” Joe made no effort to deny it.


“Because I love you and I want you forever and I believe you’re too damn stubborn to accept an on the knee proposal so I thought I’d get you in a weak moment.”

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