Thief of Mine (7 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Thief of Mine
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“In a photo booth?” Stella gasped, both at the thought of
how wrong it would be and yet how good it would feel to have him inside her
again. “Are you kidding me?” Though, the thought of having sex with Kit Kincaid
with people passing innocently by outside was actually getting less shocking by
the second. But did good girls do that sort of thing? There must be some sort of
rule on that? She would have to remember to ask when she next met a good girl
she could ask. Though good girls were few and far between these days.

“Why not?” Kit breathed softly into her ear.

Stella closed her eyes for a moment and savored the surge of
warmth shooting through her veins. She put her hands on his broad shoulders to
steady herself. The man was a drug. And it seemed like a shame to let that
long, hard cock prodding insistently into her ass go to waste.

“There’s no privacy and anyone could walk in.” If Stella
thought up enough good reasons it may just stop her from having sex with Kit
again. That or she would feel better for having at least made an attempt to be
good when Kit was once again hot and tight inside her.

“But what’s what makes it so excitingly, princess. It’s that
possibility of getting caught.” Kit felt Stella squirm against his lap. He held
his breath and counted backward. He wanted to be deep inside her when he came. “Besides,
the curtain goes to the floor.”

“Oh yeah, that makes a big difference—a flimsy barrier that
could be pulled aside easily.” Stella looked down as Kit searched his pockets.
Idly, for no real reason of course, she wondered if the Boy Scout had another
condom hidden away in one of those pockets. “What are you doing?”

“We might as well take a photo of us while we’re in here.”

“What for?” Strangely enough a photograph of Kit sounded
like a good idea. Stella knew she might never see him again after this night.
It would be nice to have proof that he had once existed. She could then pull
the photo out when her great-nieces and nephews came to visit Crazy Aunt Stella
and bore them with stories about a blond-haired thief she had once had a wild
night of passion with.

“I want to immortalize the moment so to speak.” Kit reached
forward and slid coins into the money slot. His hands then went back to Stella,
sliding up to her breast, flicking jacket buttons undone as he went.

“What are you doing?” Stella started swatting at his hands
as the jacket slid to the ground. He wanted to take a photo of her naked. She
knew she should object but the thought of her naked and being photographed on his
lap was way too thrilling to object to. She was officially becoming a total
slut and she didn’t care.

“Nothing that you don’t want me to do, princess,” Kit
promised as his hands ripped apart the torn pink fabric of what was left of the
bodice. He caressed her bare breasts eagerly. No other woman felt like Stella
Rowallan. She was all woman and she belonged to him.

Stella moaned softly. Why was it that some men knew how to
touch a woman in exactly the right way while others did not have a clue? Kit
Kincaid obviously had a lot of experience with women and it showed and Stella
had to admit experience was an excellent thing.

“You are not going to take of photo of me like this.” Her
words were only a token resistance. She watched as he reached over and pressed
the button. Both alarm and excitement surged through her. He was a stranger,
albeit a sexy one, but should she? Could she? Who did she have to account to
for her actions in life? Only herself and this felt right to her.

“Don’t you find this exciting? Don’t you want a photo to see
how you throw back your head and moan softly when I suck your breasts? I know
how much you like to have your breasts sucked.” Kit sucked down hard on one
taut pink nipple. The photo flash went off.

Stella had been wet with wanting before, but now she was
positively slippery and aching for action. Was it Kit’s words, the suction of
his mouth, the fact she was being the photographed or a combination of all of
them that had her thighs sweating? Whatever it was she grabbed his head and
held him to her. The flash continued to click several more times but Stella no
longer cared. All she cared about was having this man suck her breasts.

“Undo me,” Kit ordered softly as his mouth found hers and he
kissed her hungrily.

Stella decided to agonize later on over all the many reasons
not to have sex in public with only a curtain covering them. Later she would
drink white wine and eat Tim Tams and feel bad and good at the same time. But
right now she just needed this man inside her. She reached for his fly and
freed his cock. It sprang out ready for action. She caressed the tight skin
softly as she kissed him back with a wildness she wasn’t aware she possessed.

Kit pulled out his last condom and placed it into her hand.
He tensed as Stella slowly rolled it over his hot straining flesh, taking her
time and enjoying his impatience.

“Lift up,” Kit ordered as he maneuvered Stella so she was facing
away from him and facing the camera. “Slide on down me, princess. “ His cock
was ready to take her to the hilt.

Stella had never had sex like this before. She backed back
and slowly impaled herself on his cock.

“Oh my God,” Stella hissed out through clenched teeth. Her
first instinct had been to scream with relief but then she remembered where she
was. She arched her breasts forward and ground her ass down onto him. His cock
burned sweetly inside her.

“I want a photo of this.” Kit shoved the money into her

Stella no longer cared. She was no longer in control. Kit
was, and she was too blinded by her aching need to have him any way she could
to care. She leaned forward, keeping Kit inside her as she slipped the coins
into the machine and pressed the button.

Kit grabbed Stella’s rounded hips and helped her ride him
slowly. The camera flashed but neither cared. All they cared about was the
moment and each other. It was a slow, hot fuck suspended in time and driven on
by mutual need.

Stella panted as Kit’s pace increased. She had never felt so
womanly and sensual in her life. She felt the first spasm of pleasure shoot
through her body. She bit her lips to keep from screaming out loud. Kit turned
her head and kissed her hard, catching the scream in his mouth. She felt like
she was going to explode into a million pieces the pleasure was so intense. She
fell back against Kit and felt his body tense as he came hard within her.

Kit wrapped his arms around her tightly. He did not want the
moment to end.

“Bloody hell, princess, you are fabulous to make love to.”

Stella stiffened in his arms, as Kit’s words broke through
the sexual mist that clouded her mind. “Make love”? Did he actually believe
that was what they were doing? This was sex. Great sex, but just sex. There was
no love attached. They were strangers, for God’s sake. Stella swore softly at

“What’s wrong?” Kit watched as Stella stood up and off his
body. He had felt her stiffen up as if alarmed at something.

What the hell was she doing?
Stella was horrified to
think she was becoming like one of those women who took any man at random for
sexual gratification. She wasn’t a slut, so why was she suddenly acting like
one? She had never before behaved like this with any other man. Usually it was average
sex with a man she had dated for a while and then it all fizzled out. Stella
never felt anything much after having sex. But she was feeling a lot of stuff
now that was clouding her judgment. She was confused.

“Nothing,” Stella murmured pulling up the now useless bodice
and dragging on the jacket.

“Are you feeling guilty?

Kit had hit the nail on the head. Stella was not a
moralistic, bible bashing, granny knickered do-gooder who believed sex was only
for married people. But she was back to feeling bad that she had totally lost
control with a stranger so easily. What did that say about her? Was she
desperate or indeed a slut?

“Why would I feel guilty?” she asked. But she was feeling
guilty. Which was strange because it was not like she had to report to anyone.
She was her own boss. She could do dumb things if she wanted to.

“There’s no reason to. It was mutual and there’s nothing to
feel bad about.” Kit knew women processed things differently from men. It both
fascinated and frustrated him.

“Well, the thing is I don’t know you.” Stella wondered why
everything was so simple for men. They wanted you, they had sex with you and
they moved on to the next conquest. Men didn’t question things. They went with
the flow. And Stella didn’t want to be just anyone’s conquest.

“Well, you know me now, princess.” And the more he saw of
this complex woman, the more Kit knew that was not some one-off thing for him.

But what did Stella know? He was a thief who was an
excellent lover. Not resume material, there.

“I don’t normally act like this.” Stella was seriously
thinking of never having sex again. There must be a vow other than the nunnery
one she could take. She would have to look that up on the internet. There was
bound to be a site for that as there was for everything else. And sure, sex
with Kit was good, damn good but where did that get her?

Kit smiled softly at her. He didn’t need to be told that
Stella Rowallan was a lady with class and principles. That was just obvious by
her bearing.

“I know you don’t. But you enjoyed the moment and I enjoyed

“That’s not the point.” Stella wasn’t sure what the point
was but there had to be one somewhere. Mutual enjoyment seemed a fairly
reasonable excuse, but did she need or want an excuse?

“What is?” Kit really wanted to understand why Stella was
beating herself up.

Stella didn’t need rationality or understanding just now
because she felt neither of those emotions. She needed what? Maybe something reliable
like a carton of Sara Lee French Vanilla ice cream and a bottle of chocolate
fudge sauce while she told her best friend the dumb thing she just did. Another
woman would understand. But then her best friend was Simone who also had been
screwed by Kit and she had the morals of an alley cat so her objectivity would
therefore be screwed too. So maybe she would just stick to the ice cream and
fudge sauce and maybe get some rainbow sprinkles in lieu of a best friend. You
always knew where you stood with rainbow sprinkles.

“Let’s just get your damn idols.” Stella pushed her way out
of the photo booth not caring if one of the weird assed witch people was
hanging around. She was suddenly in the mood to take one of those freaks on.

Kit sighed and stood up. Something had happened between the
fabulous sex and now. But what?
Women, go figure
. He went outside the
booth and looked around him. He could see no one overly suspicious considering
it was a train station at night. Kit reached into the outside photo bin and
pulled out the rapidly processed photos. He smiled as he looked at them. Stella
Rowallan was stunning. Pure passion and raw emotion as she took what was
offered and gave so much more back.

“Where are you going, princess?” Kit watched Stella storming
off in the opposite direction from where they needed to go.

“To the lockers.” Duh. Wasn’t that why they were there?
Though really, what was she doing with this man anymore? Other than she wanted
to see what this idol thing looked like she was good to go home and eat her ice

“The lockers are this way.” Kit pointed to lockers in the
distance in the opposite direction to her.

“I knew that…” Stella muttered to herself as she turned
around and stomped off in search of the lockers. Two teenagers whistled at
Stella’s bare legs and started to approach her. “Back off or die.” She hissed
evilly at them. They backed off quickly. Freaking men and sex. She turned and
looked at Kit Kincaid. Was he laughing? Stella narrowed her eyes at him. It was
partly his damn fault she was half naked.

Kit swallowed any residual laughter, knowing the lady was in
a bad mood and that he didn’t want to be parting ways with her so soon. The
word “keeper” kept coming into his mind when he thought about Stella Rowallan.

“Which one?” Stella stopped at the generic, grey lockers.
They all looked the same to her. It was weird to think one of them held a
sought after ancient artifact.

“E2,” Kit replied as he walked over to it. He pulled off his
shoes and pulled back the lining to retrieve the key.

“Oh, you’re kidding me? In your shoe? That’s the first place
the bad guys look.” Would James Bond be that obvious? Though the new Bond was
blond, so maybe it was a blond thing. But then thieves probably worked
differently from spies. Coming after sex in a photo booth it was all too
confusing to work out.

“What do you know about bad guys, princess?”

“I know you.” Kit was bad in sinfully rich and exciting way.

“But I’m a good guy.” Sure, he stole stuff, but he never
went out of his way to harm anyone.

Stella snorted in derision.

Kit looked at her thoughtfully. What was going on in her
mind? He had known her for barely moments but he was fascinated.

“Do you always get this stroppy after making love?”

“We did not make love. We had sex!” Stella yelled at him,
not caring who else heard. She wasn’t planning on seeing any of these night
time travelers again so what did she care?

Kit got it. He understood why Stella’s mood had changed so
quickly. His words about making love had thrown her completely off balance. But
it had been more than just sex to Kit. He found it interesting that one simple
word had made her so angry. He had a feeling Stella Rowallan was fighting a
whole lot of feelings inside her. However he knew by the look in her eyes, now
was not the time to get into a deep and meaningful discussion with a pissed off

“And I’m not stroppy.” Well, if she was, she had every right
to be. It had been a trying couple of hours for her, what with sex and
explosions and being butt naked.

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