Thief: Devil's Own MC (7 page)

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Authors: Heather West

BOOK: Thief: Devil's Own MC
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Chapter Eleven




I was getting dressed to go to the clubhouse when my phone rang.
, I thought, narrowing my eyes. It was the store number at Tinder’s.
What do they want?


“Yo,” I said, answering my phone. “What’s up?”


It wasn’t my manager, but Eddie, the guy who filled in for me sometimes. Lately, they’d hired him as a temp. Sometimes on busy days, we even worked together. “Yo, man,” he said after introducing himself. “So you wanted some intel on that redhead?”


My stomach sunk. As much as I’d been thinking Sarah was involved in something wrong, I didn’t want to be right. I was hoping that she’d wise up and never cross the threshold of Tinder’s again. But apparently I was wrong. Dread filled my stomach and I started to
wonder what was going on.


“The redhead?” I repeated dumbly. “What happened?”


Eddie laughed. “Nothing, man,” he said. “She just came in a little before noon. Walked around for a while, looked at a necklace.”


My heart started to thud in my chest like a caged animal. “Look at it?” I asked. “Like, did she take it out of the case and try it on?”


“No, man, she just glanced. She left a little after noon. Got into some guy’s car in the parking lot. I don’t know if she left with him or what.”


“Shit,” I muttered.


“What’s that?”


“Nothing,” I lied. “I gotta go. Thanks for the call, man. I owe you one.”


We hung up and I jammed my phone and my wallet in my pocket as I headed out to my bike. I had no idea what was going on, but I was about to find out. The whole drive over to Sarah’s, I kept thinking of what she could possibly have done to want to do this. She seemed like such a chill girl. Well, not chill exactly. I shuddered as I remembered how hot and responsive her curvy body had been. She had climbed me like a tree.


“Sarah!” I yelled as I pounded on her front door. “You better let me in right now! Or you’re gonna regret it!”


I heard small footsteps on the other side of the door. When it opened only a crack, I braced myself. “I can’t let you in,” she said in a small voice. “Go away, Blake. Go away and forget you ever met me.”


I pushed on the door but it caught on the chain. Wedging my toe in at the bottom, I glared into her snapping green eyes. “Let me in,” I growled. “Or I’m going to break your door.”


Fear flashed over her face and she shut it momentarily before opening it wider than before. Sighing, I pushed past her and sat down on her couch. Sarah stayed where she was, flashing me a guilty look.


“Sit down,” I commanded, pointing to the couch next to me. “We need to talk.”


Sarah shook her head. “No, we don’t,” she said. Her voice was quaking and I saw a blush rising up her neck and over her cheeks. “We don’t have anything to say to each other.”


“Sarah, come on,” I told her. “I know you’re up to no good. That security guard at Tinder’s called me and told me that you went back in there!”


She blushed. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I know I shouldn’t have done that.”


I glared at her. “You need to tell me what the fuck is going on, Sarah,” I hissed. “I’m going to make your life hell if you don’t.”


Sarah glanced at me. There were tears in her eyes. Suddenly, I felt myself softening towards her. She was obviously afraid of me, but more afraid of something else.


“I’m sorry,” she whispered.


“It’s okay,” I said, exhaling loudly. “I want to help you, okay? I know you must be in some kind of trouble. I can tell that you’re afraid of something, Sarah.” She bit her lip. I continued, “Wouldn’t it be better to tell me so that we can start to work through this together? Wouldn’t that be preferable to possibly committing a felony?”


Sarah nodded.


“So tell me,” I pleaded. “If you tell me now, I might be able to do something. But if you wait, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to step in. You got that?”


She nodded, looking closer to tears than ever before. “You promise that you’ll try to help me?”


I nodded. “I swear,” I told her. “No lie.”


Sarah took a deep breath. She folded her hands in her lap and I had to look away so I wouldn’t see how badly she was shaking. “Well, it started last Friday,” she said, biting her lip and looking into my eyes. “I was laid off.”


I nodded. “I know. Remember? I asked around the at the bar.”


She blushed. “I remember,” she said, looking away. “Unfortunately.”


“What happened next?”


Sarah swallowed hard. “I got home and there was an eviction notice on my front door,” she said quietly. I watched as a tear slipped from one of her eyes and trailed down her cheek. “Saying that if I don’t have the money by Wednesday, they’ll evict me.”


I stared at her. Under my gaze, I saw her shiver. “That’s tomorrow,” I said. “What are you going to do?”


Sarah looked away. “This is the part you don’t want to hear,” she said carefully. “Well, Saturday morning, I went to the bar and tried to beg Tony for my job back.” As she spoke, a bright red flush worked its way over her cheeks. “It didn’t work, obviously,” she said.


I could tell that verbalizing all of this was killing her. Reaching over, I took one of her small, soft hands in my own. Sarah looked up at me in surprise. Her green eyes were burning bright with tears and emotion. Keeping her gaze locked, I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb.


“It’s okay,” I told her. “We’ve gone this far.”


Sarah flicked her gaze to the floor, then back to my eyes. “I know,” she said softly. “And, Blake, I’m really sorry. I never wanted you to know any of this.”


I shook my head. “It’s fine,” I told her. I was getting anxious listening to her draw it out for as long as she could. “Just tell me.”


“So, Tony obviously said no,” Sarah said. She blew out a gust of air, sending her red strands flying into the air. “And then I ran into Roger on the way out. He told me that he had a job for me. He said it was nothing sexual or nothing weird, and told me to meet him Monday morning in the park to talk.”


My heart sunk. I didn’t like where this was going. Not at all. That scumbag Roger was obviously up to no good, I didn’t want him to drag her into whatever schemes he had going on. While he obviously wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, he didn’t seem stupid. I bet he’d come up with something really diabolical. “What next?”


Sarah eyed me. “I spent the whole weekend trying to find another job,” she told me. “I looked everywhere. I even thought about doing some bad stuff,” she added, blushing. Admittedly when she said the last two words, I pictured her naked in my mind. Delicious Sarah, trying to make money.
, I thought.
She doesn’t need this right now


“Did you find anything?”


Sarah shook her head tersely. “No, I didn’t. So I met Roger on Monday at the park. He didn’t exact tell me what he was planning, but he told me what he needed me to do. He wanted me to go to Tinder’s and tell him where certain things were in the store. And when the employees left and went to lunch. You know. Scope it out.”


I raked a hand through my hair and tried to take a deep breath, but anger was pulsing through me. I couldn’t believe that she’d kept it from me this long. “Jesus, Sarah!” I cried out. “Don’t you have any friends, or any family that could help you out? Isn’t there anyone?”


Sarah bit her lip. Tears spilled over the edges of her eyes and she blinked rapidly, trying to clear them. “No,” she whispered hoarsely. “I don’t. And I didn’t want to help him, Blake. But then he pulled out this envelope…and I knew I had to.”


My stomach turned to ice. “What was inside?”


Sarah looked away. “Some pictures,” she said softly, wiping at her eyes. The tears kept coming until she was sobbing. I pushed my anger aside and took her in my arms. In my arms, Sarah felt slight and delicate. “Some pictures I had taken when I was young and stupid for money,” she said. “And he promised me that he’d put them all up online and sell them and they’d be everywhere if I didn’t help him, Blake! He threatened me!”


“I know, I know,” I said mindlessly as I stroked her hair. “It’s okay. It’ll be alright.”


In my arms, she cried and cried. “I don’t know what to do,” she sobbed. “It feels like nothing is gonna be okay. I can’t go to jail, Blake! I can’t be homeless! I don’t know what I’m doing!” She snuffled and pulled her face back from my shirt, which was already damp with her tears. After she’d been crying, her green eyes looked even brighter than usual. Her eyelids were a delicate pink and I wanted to run my hand over her face. She looked so beautiful and vulnerable that I couldn’t stand it.


“I’m so scared,” she whispered, burying her face in my chest. “I’m so terrified, Blake.”


“I know,” I told her, stroking her back. “It’ll be okay. I promise.”


Chapter Twelve




As I curled up in his arms and pressed my teary face against Blake’s shirt, emotions ran through me. My whole body was tense and I felt everything at once: anger, fear, arousal, and desperation. I had no idea what I would gain from telling him; it wasn’t like he was going to be able to save me. Hell, it wasn’t like he was going to be able to do anything other than judge me for having nude photos taken of me when I was younger. I sighed in frustration.
, I thought to myself.
You should have just kept your resolve and not let him inside!


Blake murmured soothing, meaningless nonsense into my ear as he stroked my back. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered into my hair. The warmth from his breath tickled my scalp. It felt good, actually. To be honest, everything felt good except for the gaping wound of embarrassment in my chest. Being in his arms felt safe. It felt nice. It was maybe the most secure place I’d been in a very long time.


“I’m sorry,” I whispered. He patted my back and traced light patterns around on my skin through my shirt. As his touch slipped lower, I felt a pulse between my legs. Sex should have been the last thing on my mind, but I knew that I was feeling stressed enough to want it. I purred and moved closer to Blake, nuzzling at his chest. He reacted with surprise, pulling back and looking down at me with his steely blue eyes.


“Are you okay?”


I nodded. “I’m fine,” I lied. “Actually no. I’m not fine. But this feels so good right now,” I said with a deep breath, closing my eyes. “I don’t want it to stop.”


Blake wrapped his arms around me tighter. He planted a kiss on the top of my head and I felt my nerve endings flutter. When I wrapped my arms around him, I buried my face in his chest and inhaled deeply. He smelled strongly of musk, like he’d rolled out of bed and put on a shirt without showering. When I closed my eyes and focused on Blake’s manly scent, everything that was bothering me seemed to melt into the background. I dug my fingers into his back and scraped his skin lightly with my nails. My heart started to pound in my chest and I could feel the area between my legs growing warm and damp. Blake was so muscular that I could barely fit my arms around him comfortably. I hugged him tightly and then pulled my head back and looked into his eyes.


“I want you,” I whispered quietly.


Blake leaned close, bridging the distance between us. He was so near to me that his eyes merged into one giant Cyclops eye. Leaning closer, he pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, pulling him as close as I could. Blake’s mouth was warm and salty and I opened my lips, letting him slip his tongue inside of my mouth. He tasted a little like wood and tobacco and I eagerly slipped my tongue against his before pulling away and nibbling at his plump lower lip. For a man, Blake had incredibly sensual lips. They were full and lush, and kissing him was making my whole body feel hot. As our kiss deepened, Blake let his hand slip to my ass. The familiar feeling of him squeezing my flesh tightly made me cry out into his mouth. Blake chuckled and pulled away.


“Where’s your bedroom?”


“Find it,” I whispered into his neck. “Carry me.”


Without replying, Blake slipped his arms under my body and picked me up as though I weighed nothing at all. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling myself sway and dip dangerously close to the ground. Blake’s stride was so long that it was almost like being carried by a horse. As he walked through my apartment, he kicked my bedroom door open. It slammed against the wall and Blake strode inside, bearing me. When we got to my bed, I clung onto him as he lay me down. Blake crawled on top of me and resumed our kiss.


We kissed for so long that I felt like my lips were being flayed. As his tongue explored and caressed the inside of my mouth, I closed my eyes and moaned softly. “Blake,” I moaned. “Blake, that feels so good.” His bulky weight on top of me was both soothing and arousing, and as we kissed, he trailed his hands down the sides of my body. I shivered as his touch awakened every cell, every nerve. Being with Blake was like sensory overload; I couldn’t imagine how he would know how to please my body. His touch was perfect: not too heavy, and not too light. It was amazing and I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until Blake pulled away.


He got to his hands and knees and looked at me. “You sure this is okay?”


I nodded. “I want to,” I said. “Don’t you believe me?”


Blake nodded. “I just wanted to make sure,” he said, looking away.


I blushed. I realized that a guy like Blake probably didn’t put as much emphasis on consent as a lot of other people would, and it made me feel special that he was going out of his way to make sure that I was okay with what we were doing. It almost made him feel like a boyfriend, not just a random hookup.


Blake crossed his arms over his chest and lifted his shirt off. He was covered in tattoos; some old, some new, some so obscure I didn’t know what they meant. I watched as the muscles rippled across his back when he tossed his shirt on the floor. A shiver of desire went through me. Blake locked his gaze with me and crawled back over my body, nuzzling at my chin and neck. When I arched my back, he placed little kisses all over my exposed skin, biting at me with his teeth. Little shocks of pleasure and pain flooded me body and I closed my eyes and moaned softly, letting the sensations overtake me. For a moment, I wasn’t me. I wasn’t Sarah Graham. I was someone else; someone in control of her life. Someone who knew how to please a man like Blake.


“I want you,” Blake growled. He got to his hands and knees again and pulled me into a sitting position. Before I could resist, he tugged my shirt off and over my head. When he unclasped my bra with one hand and tossed it on the floor, I felt shivers. Blake stared at my naked chest for a few seconds before licking his lips and coming closer. He caressed my naked breasts with a gentle touch and then leaned in to suck on one of my nipples. The sensation was exquisitely intense and I cried out in pleasure. As Blake continued to lick and suck at my body, I moaned loudly and closed my eyes. Little bursts of electricity were shooting through my limbs and I had the incredible feeling that he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I could feel that my pussy was starting to get wet and I wriggled my hips around excitedly. When the damp fabric of my panties rubbed against me, I moaned. It felt
good. I hadn’t felt this good in a long, long time.


Blake bit me harder and I cried out as pain overtook me. But in a few seconds, the pain faded into the most delicious pleasure. I dug my fingers into Blake’s blond hair and tugged as he continued his ministrations on my nipples. When he pulled his head up and glanced at me, I gasped and begged and pleaded for him to start again. Instead, Blake shot me a wicked grin and trailed his mouth down my belly. I watched as he nuzzled and tugged at the waistband of my jeans with his teeth. Looking into his eyes, I nodded. Blake reached down and with deft fingers, undid the snap, and eased my jeans over my hips. When I was left clad in a pair of black cotton panties, I looked up at him. Blake was trailing his eyes over my body, drinking in every inch. I blushed; I hadn’t had someone inspect me this thoroughly in a long time. He slipped his hands between my legs and pushed them apart until I was almost spread-eagled on the bed. I moaned softly as Blake rubbed his face against the crotch of my panties, inhaling my scent with shameless admiration. I felt my blush deepen into a crimson red as he closed his eyes and moaned, nuzzling me through the damp fabric. Darts of pleasure swam through my whole body and it felt like a warm coil was starting to heat in my lower belly. I moaned and ground my hips against his face, desperate for more stimulation. The feel of his breath coming in through my panties was ticklish but pleasurable, and I wanted more. I wanted him to play me like an instrument, to make my body sing.


Blake pulled the material of my panties to the side. He licked his lips as he stared between my legs, and I lay back on the bed and tangled my hands in his hair. I felt his fingers gently tracing the seam between my leg and my body and I shivered, wriggling so his fingers would land closer to the mark. Anticipation and nervousness racked my frame as Blake slowly pushed a warm finger inside of me. I could feel how wet I was; there was a spot slowly growing beneath us on the bed. As he lowered his face to my pussy and gently began to lick, electricity shot through me in bolts. His mouth felt incredibly good, and he soon found my clit and began licking it in slow, torturous strokes. Every time his tongue touched my swollen flesh, I cried out and dug my fingers into his scalp. Blake blew cool air on my pussy and I shivered. As he pumped his finger in and out of me, he began to suck on my clit until I was howling with pleasure. Just as I felt my orgasm building, he stopped abruptly and pulled away. My heart was slamming against my chest and I felt my breath coming in damp bursts. Blake grinned when he saw how disheveled I was.


“You taste good,” he said in a gruff voice as he got to his hands and knees. I watched as he wiped the back of his mouth with a massive hand. “You’re delicious.”


I shivered. “Come here,” I whispered. Blake crawled over my body and kissed me savagely. I licked my scent and my taste off of his mouth until I could feel my wetness smeared across my chin. It was so raw, so intimate, that I thought I was going to come just from kissing. I trailed my hands down Blake’s body and fumbled at the snap of his jeans. A massive erection was sticking out in the front; I could feel it rubbing against my hip. It made me a little nervous to think about how Blake would feel when he first entered me. It had been a few months since I’d last had sex, and he felt absolutely massive. I wondered if it would hurt, then decided I didn’t care. I wanted him anyway. I wanted him so much that I thought I was going to burst.


Gently, I pushed Blake onto his back and got to my knees. Tugging off my panties, I tossed them onto the floor and got to work pulling down his jeans. When he was clad only in briefs, I rubbed the bulge straining the front of them. His cock was massive and so veiny, I could feel it through the fabric of his underwear. Blake groaned. He reached down to grab my hand and began stroking himself with it; I felt a little shiver of pleasure run through my body when I saw his eyes roll back in his head. Blake groaned and pulled his cock out of his briefs, sliding them down his legs and kicking then off. I had to stop and stare. Naked, he was so beautiful. The muscles of his body stood out and I flicked my gaze over the tattoos that covered his bare skin. His cock stood straight out from his body, and when I saw how thick it was, I gasped. Imagining him sliding inside of me was pleasurable, and I closed my eyes and savored the sensation.


Without warning, Blake grabbed my wrists and flipped me on my back. He crawled in between my legs and looked me in the eyes. I swallowed hard and blinked, meeting his gaze with intensity. I felt his cock brushing up against my labia and I shivered with anticipation. Blake stared at me in a way that made me feel completely naked, as if he could see my soul, or all of the organs in my body. He licked his lips and leaned down to kiss me, gently nudging my lips apart and slipping his tongue inside. As the kiss deepened, I felt his hands trace down my body. He spread my legs apart and lowered his hips until the fat head of his cock was pressing against the entrance to my pussy. Blake groaned softly and grabbed a hold of my hips. I braced myself for pain but feeling him push into me was incredibly amazing. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, relishing the feeling of his massive cock filling my body. Blake started to thrust in and out, hard, and he was grunting and gripping me so hard that I felt a bruise forming. As his cock moved in and out, I moaned and arched my back. Every time he slammed into me, I felt his pubic bone rub against my clit. It was heavenly; when I closed my eyes, stars and fireworks exploded across my vision. Blake used his other hand to grab my wrists and pin them above my head. I could feel the delicate bones grinding together as he pushed himself up and fucked me wildly. Every time he slammed inside of me, little explosions burst in my belly. I moaned his name loudly and bit my lip, thrashing my head to the side. For a moment, there was nothing. It was just us, us moving together, us fucking, and us as one.


When I opened my eyes, Blake was staring at me. I blushed and shivered and moaned loudly as he thrust in extra-hard. He grunted and I felt sweat drip from his forehead and land on my face. Together, we arched and screamed and came. As my orgasm ripped through me, I saw explosions of color flash across my line of sight. Every muscle in my body tensed painfully, and then released in a burst of ecstasy that hit me over and over until I was hoarse from crying out. Blake dug his fingers so hard into my skin that I felt his nails tear me open. He grunted and thrust so hard that I saw stars, before tensing and shaking. Inside of me, I felt his cock jerk and pulse, then gush into me.


Blake collapsed on top of me, exhausted. He let out a big breath before rolling over onto his side. The air between us suddenly felt awkward and heavy. I looked at the ceiling and waited for him to say something. The only sound in the room was that of our ragged breaths. I could smell our musk in the air: heady and potent. If Blake hadn’t been watching, I would have buried my face in the sheets just to smell us.

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