Read Therian Prisoner: 3 (Therian Heat) Online

Authors: Cyndi Friberg Friberg

Tags: #Erotica

Therian Prisoner: 3 (Therian Heat) (24 page)

BOOK: Therian Prisoner: 3 (Therian Heat)
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Nehema was propped up in bed. A fringed shawl was wrapped around her shoulders and an open book rested on her lap. She looked so much like a sweet grandmother who baked cookies and sent handwritten invitations to bridge parties that Zophiel wanted to gag.

“I’ve thought of a way to rescue Devon without drawing Therian attention.” Subtleties were a waste of time and Zophiel refused to stand on ceremony with her sister. Either Nehema would help her or she wouldn’t. It was as simple as that.

“Are you sure Devon wants to be rescued?”

Now that was a frustrating question. The mindset of the “victim” had never bothered Nehema before. According to Nehema, Therian females were brainwashed from birth. They didn’t know what they wanted, which only made them more tragic and more in need of rescuing.

“We cannot allow them to create another Omni Prime. You heard what Carly said. Devon can continue to absorb animal natures until she’s given the counteragent.” She watched Nehema’s eyes, waiting for a spark of determination or hatred. “They’ll fill her with demonic spirits, one after another, until she is devoured by the evil.”

Nehema cocked her head and challenge erupted in her gaze. “You don’t believe Therians are evil. Why do you really want Devon?”

Now was not the time for Nehema to be rational. “I need a way into the new compound. The backers’ security is unbelievable.” That much was true, but Nehema didn’t need to know that Zophiel was planning a coup, not a rescue. Learning the details of the backers’ operation from Carly had ignited a fire in Zophiel’s blood. It was obvious they were too powerful to obliterate, so Zophiel would take control of them instead.

“What about Roberto? He comes and goes as he pleases.”

“I’m losing control over him. His mind was not as strong as I’d hoped.” She stuck to the truth as much as possible. Lies were always most believable when they were twisted around the truth.

“You want to rescue Devon from her family only to turn around and give her back to the backers?” Nehema shook her head. “She’s better off where she is.”

“You’re not seeing the big picture. Devon is a keycard, nothing more. I’ll use her to gain access to the backers and then we can destroy their operation once and for all.” Zophiel tucked her hair behind her ears, preparing for the performance of a lifetime. “The things Carly described gave me nightmares. I knew the backers were ruthless, but intentionally breeding an army of Therians is so… I can’t even think of a word profane enough to describe what they’re doing.”

Nehema closed her book and set it aside. “What’s your plan? After you’ve used Devon to gain access to the hospital, how are you going to dismantle a global network?”

Clenching her hands until her nails dug into her palms, Zophiel scrambled for a rational explanation. Usually a few comments about the degradation of children was enough to work Nehema into an irrational fit. Why was she being so cautious, so methodical?

“The backers have made one vital mistake. They’ve gathered the majority of their eggs into one basket.”

“Have you been able to confirm that fact?”

Screw the facts. It was time for some creative manipulation. “The hospital was meant to be a central hub, a headquarters from which the backers could operate all their other facilities.” She had no idea if that was true or not, but it sounded believable. “The success of Therian attacks, combined with your aggression, have forced the backers to consolidate. They’ve circled the wagons, so to speak. So we need to strike hard and strike now, before they regain their footing.”

“We’re powerful, but not that powerful.”

“I agree. That’s why I need a few of your Abolitionist soldiers.” Nehema didn’t immediately reject the idea, so Zophiel hurried on. “We take Devon tomorrow night and offer her to the backers. They’ll think they’ve won, that we’re desperate enough to cooperate. That will buy us enough time to recruit a larger army. Even your soldiers aren’t enough for what I have planned. Once we have a large enough strike force we’ll rescue all the captives, make the backers pay for their crimes, then burn the place to the ground.”

Silence descended and Zophiel held her breath. Had it been enough? It would be harder than hell to take Devon without Nehema’s help.

Zophiel was about to give up and devise another plan when a slow, cruel smile parted Nehema’s lips.

“I’m in.”

Chapter Twelve


Ian pressed his warm palm against the side of Devon’s face and her heart fluttered like a caged bird. “Why me? Why now?” she whispered, half afraid of the answers. Mating bonds were permanent. If they did this, there would be no turning back.

“When I failed Esmah so miserably, I thought my punishment was to never feel love again.” He moved his other hand to her face as well, surrounding her with warmth and affection. “I think that’s why I fought my feelings for you so hard and for so long. I couldn’t believe that I’d been given a second chance. I didn’t think I deserved one.”

She slid her hands up his chest and circled his neck. “Everyone deserves a second chance.”

His hand shifted and he traced her lower lip with his thumb. “I come with centuries of baggage, but I’ll love you until the day I die.”

Joy rolled through her like a summer wave and happy tears gathered behind her lashes. “I love you too. I think I always have.”

She tilted her head back and parted her lips as he leaned down and kissed her mouth. The past was forgotten and the future blurred. Whatever challenges awaited them, they would face together, united by an unbreakable bond.

His tongue circled her lips, teasing, encouraging her response. She touched her tongue tip to his then eased into his mouth, memorizing each shape and texture. He was warm, his taste familiar and exciting. She slid her tongue across his, bolder now, wanting more. His tongue curled around hers then guided the kiss into her mouth.

Without warning, he scooped her up and carried her toward the bed. Passing through the archway required some maneuvering, but he managed it without separating their mouths. She clung to him, secure in his arms, lost in their kiss.

He sat down on the side of the bed with her still cradled in his arms. The kiss went on and on, neither willing to lose the sweet intimacy. She touched his face and neck, addicted to the heat of his skin. He tugged her tank top upward and she raised her arms, their mouths separating just long enough for the shirt to pass between them.

His hand covered her breast and she moaned into his open mouth. His image had hovered in the back of her mind all day, keeping her body smoldering, aching for more of what they’d shared that morning.

She tugged his t-shirt free from his jeans, but he turned and laid her back across the bed before she could finish undressing him. He pulled off her socks and his boots then stood as he shed his t-shirt and jeans. He never wore underwear, a fact that thrilled and aroused her.

He placed his knee on the bed, obviously meaning to join her, but she held out her hand and said, “Stop. Let me look at you.” She’d seen him without a shirt countless times, but the rest of his body was still new and amazing.

“Take off your pants, so we can enjoy each other,” he countered.

A gentle smile curved her lips and she pushed her pants and panties down together. She raised her hips and he pulled her garments off, his gaze never leaving her face.

Unwilling to deprive herself a moment longer, she let her gaze wander at will. She was well acquainted with his handsome face and the dramatic tapering of his chest that naturally led her to his sculpted abs. She wanted to touch him, to trace each pronounced ridge with her fingers and then her tongue. But this was about looking, savoring the aesthetic perfection of his physical form.

His hips were lean and narrow. She skimmed over his groin and examined his long, muscular legs. Then her gaze drifted back up and focused on his sex. Long and thick, his shaft arched out from his flat belly, his balls already tight below. She reached for him, ready to explore with more than her appreciative gaze.

He caught her wrist and shook his head. “I wasn’t finished. Part your thighs.”

The command sent desire zinging through her body and her core clenched so hard she fought back a moan. She moved her legs apart and bent her knees, opening herself for him, offering her body for his pleasure, for

He licked his lips and crawled onto the bed, his intention obvious. “Why don’t we ‘enjoy each other’?”

She just smiled and scooted down, making room for his legs above her head. Why would she object to something she craved? Several things she craved, actually. She dreamed about having him over her, covering her, holding her. The patient stroke of his tongue and lips against her sex aroused her faster, and built the fires hotter, than anything else. And then there was his cock. She loved the feel of his shaft sliding against her lips and the plush softness of its tip against her tongue.

He carefully swung his leg over her, straddling her head. She reached up and grasped his hips as he arched over her body. Her legs were already parted, but he spread them even wider then lowered his head between her thighs.

The first brush of his tongue made her shiver and she answered by sucking his flared head into her mouth. Tingling desire flowed through her entire body, making her restless and hot. He circled her clit and she swirled her tongue around him. His hips began a slow rocking motion that moved his shaft in and out of her mouth. She maintained a firm grip with her lips, enjoying the sensual slide.

Their link vibrated and scalding heat flowed into her mind. She wasn’t sure if he’d activated the connection or if their combined desire had triggered the bond, but she welcomed the new level of intimacy.

I’ll never tire of your taste.

The throaty timbre of his voice sent a fresh surge of longing coursing through her.
And I’ll never tire of tasting you.

His emotions rolled like a stormy sea, showing her exactly how much he needed this joining, how long he’d been lonely. She opened for him, allowing him to feel the depth of her longing and her joy that they were finally together.

He focused on her clit, circling and sucking until she arched into each touch and pressed herself against his mouth. He knew just how to touch her to drive her absolutely insane. Holding her open with his fingers, he slowly pushed his tongue deep into her core. In her. He was in her mind and her mouth and her pussy. The realization was more than she could take.

Pleasure crashed over her and rushed through her, barreling across their link and slamming into him. His hips jerked and his cock twitched, but miraculously he held back his climax. She shuddered and moaned as her inner muscles caressed his tongue. He swirled inside her and rubbed her clit with his upper lip until she sprawled beneath him, limp and tingling.

He pulled out of her mouth and moved to her side, then sat up and scooted back against the headboard. “Come here.”

Still weak and shaky from her powerful orgasm, she sat then turned to face him. He held out his arms and she crawled on top of him, straddling his thighs. She balanced on her shins and steadied herself against his broad shoulders as he positioned his shaft against her opening.

His hands moved to her hips but he didn’t pull her down. “Last chance.” He looked into her eyes, the golden flecks in his gaze shimmering. “I’ve lived long enough to know what this is, but if you have any reservations, we should wait.”

“I knew you were my mate the first time I saw you.” She buried her fingers in his hair and claimed his mouth for a deep, intoxicating kiss. Her taste was still strong on his tongue which only added to the carnality of their joining.
I love you, Ian Douglas. And I always will.

He arched as she lowered her hips, and their bodies met in the middle. Her core opened and stretched as his shaft drove even deeper. She squeezed her knees against his hips and pressed her breasts against his chest. Their breath mingled as the kiss became a wild tangle of lips and tongues. He wrapped one arm around her hips and stroked her back with his other hand.

Their link expanded, drilling into her mind. For one instinctive moment she resisted the invasive pressure, but this was Ian, her champion, her mate. She concentrated on the complexity of his emotions. Through the inferno of his desire, she sensed tenderness and joy, soul-deep longing and hope. Her spirit responded to each with equal intensity until emotions rushed freely between them, binding them and empowering them as nothing else could.

With a fierce growl, he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her against him as he folded his legs beneath him. She clung to him with her arms and legs, not wanting to separate their bodies for even a moment. He helped support her with one arm as he used the other to lower them to the bed, her on the bottom now, his feet touching the headboard.

He pulled back slightly and she wrapped her legs around his hips, digging her heels into his ass. Their lips separated as he chuckled. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. Relax.”

She laughed and drew her legs up along his sides instead. “It’s hard to relax when you’re inside me.”

“Try.” He kissed his way down her neck and explored the indentation above her collarbone. “Concentrate on the fullness and let our emotions wash over you.”

Her eyes slowly closed as she focused inward, savoring the sweet rush of simmering need. His mouth teased and tickled, licking here, nipping there, but never staying in one place for long. He rocked back onto his knees, lifting his chest away from her breasts. She arched at the first featherlight brush of his lips, but he seemed determined to take his time.

So pretty.
His fingers pressed against the lower curve of her breast as his lips fastened onto her nipple. He drew with slow, deep suction and sensation cascaded from her chest to her groin. His tongue flicked over the tip while his lips continued to draw upon her and her clit seemed to echo each teasing stroke.

She tightened her inner muscles, accentuating the fullness as he moved his mouth to her other breast. It felt so good and yet she needed so much more. Why wouldn’t he move? Why was he just—

I want this to last and I’ve never wanted you more.

Though the reassurance soothed her restlessness, his effortless ability to read her mind gave her pause. She opened her eyes, needing to see his face.
Will you always be able to hear my thoughts

He lifted his head and looked at her. The golden flecks in his eyes had completely overtaken the blue. “I didn’t need our link to read your mind. Therian abilities grow stronger the longer we live. The struggle for me is keeping thoughts out.”

Awareness expanded within her, making her tense and hyperalert. “You can read anyone’s mind, anytime you want?” He was empowered with ancient dragon blood to protect the most important people in the Therian world. Why hadn’t she taken a moment away from his intoxicating presence to consider what that really meant?

He cupped the side of her face, his gaze warm and caressing. “You have no reason to fear me. You’re my mate. I will lay down my life before I harm you in any way.” He paused for a reassuring kiss then added, “And even if you weren’t my mate, a Guardian is bound by honor to protect and support those in need of his strength. If I abuse my power it will be taken from me.”

She searched his gaze and his emotions, testing the depths of his character. He held nothing back, opening even the darkest, most savage corners of his soul. His life had never been easy. He’d known great loss and debilitating sorrow, but through it all he’d remained true to his calling and always unleashed his wrath only after all other options had been exhausted.

“I trust you.” She kissed him and pushed affection across their link. “It’s just intimidating to really see you for the first time.”

“We could not take the next step until you did. There can be no secrets between mates.”

“I agree.”

They kissed and touched, hands gliding over warm skin. She wrapped one leg around him, resting her foot on the small of his back. Then she planted her other foot on the bed and pushed up against him, taking him as deep as possible.

After a long, tense moment, he drew his hips back, not stopping until only his tip remained inside her.
Do you accept me as your mate?

Trembling with the import of this moment, she replied,
I do.

He drove his entire length into her and she cried out against his lips, a spontaneous climax shuddering through her. She’d meant to say more, to express how much she loved him and how happy she was that they would spend the rest of their lives together. But the pleasure scattered her thoughts and burned away her surroundings until only Ian remained.

They moved together, the rolling motion smooth and deep. She clutched his shoulders and met each thrust, taking him as he took her. Their tongues played as their bodies joined, their emotions melding more completely with each rotation of their hips.

He extended his arms as his tempo sped, separating their mouths in the process. She gripped his upper arms, crying out sharply as his energy blazed into her mind. He flowed through her, inundating her with heat and emotion. She dug her fingers into the hard muscles and closed her eyes against the intensity.

Tension built, rapidly rushing them toward frenzy. He pounded into her, Therian light making his eyes glow. Then he struck with sudden aggression, his mouth claiming hers as he crushed her to his chest.

Reality shattered and she was flung beyond the physical realm. Light and color blended in a blinding kaleidoscope. Colors rushed past and shot through her, each triggering a different sensation. Then a vast, cloudless sky opened before her, blue consuming everything in its path.

BOOK: Therian Prisoner: 3 (Therian Heat)
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