Theodore Rex (132 page)

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Authors: Edmund Morris

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The following published sources are referred to in more than one chapter. Other sources are cited in passing.

The standard bibliographies of Theodore Roosevelt are: Dewey W. Grantham, Jr., “Theodore Roosevelt in American Historical Writing, 1945–1960,”
43.1 (1961); Richard H. Collin, “The Image of Theodore Roosevelt in American History and Thought, 1885–1965” (Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1966); Gregory C. Wilson, comp.,
Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Dictionary Catalogue and Shelflist
, 5 vols., with an important one-volume
, Wallace Finley Dailey, comp. (Cambridge, Mass., 1970, 1986); and John Allen Gable, “Theodore Roosevelt: A Selected Annotated Bibliography,” in Natalie A. Naylor, Douglas Brinkley, and John Allen Gable,
Theodore Roosevelt: Many-Sided American
(Interlaken, N.Y., 1992).


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59 Cong., sess. 1, H. doc. 873. 1906.

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Berlin, 1922-1927.

Documents diplomatiques français (1871-1914).
Paris, 1929-1959.

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The Story of Panama: Hearings on the Rainey Resolution Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives
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Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of the Modern Navy
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With My Own Eyes
. Indianapolis, 1932.

Parsons, Frances Theodora (Smith).
Perchance Some Day
. Privately printed, New York, 1951 (copy in TRC).

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Gifford Pinchot: Public and Private Forester
. Urbana, 1970.

Powers, Samuel Leland.
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. Boston, 1925.

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Putnam, Carleton.
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. New York, 1958.

Putnam, George Haven.
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. New York, 1915.

Richardson, James D., ed.
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents
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Rippy, J. Fred.
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. New York, 1940.

Rixey, Lilian.
Bamie: Theodore Roosevelt’s Remarkable Sister
. New York, 1963.

Robbins, Roy M.
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. Princeton, N.J., 1942.

Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt.
My Brother, Theodore Roosevelt
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Röhl, John C. G., ed.
Kaiser Wilhelm II: New Interpretations—The Corfu Papers
. Cambridge, 1982.

Roosevelt, Kermit.
The Happy Hunting-Grounds
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Roosevelt, Theodore.
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———. California Addresses, by President Roosevelt
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———. The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt
. Ed. Elting E. Morison. Cambridge, Mass., 1951.

———. Letters to Kermit from Theodore Roosevelt, 1902–1908
. New York, 1946.

———. Presidential Addresses and State Papers
. New York, 1910.

———. The Works of Theodore Roosevelt
. Memorial Edition. New York, 1923–1926. [On rare occasions, the National Edition (New York, 1926) is necessarily cited.]

Rothman, David J.
Politics and Power: The Senate, 1869–1901
. Cambridge, Mass., 1966.

Satterlee, Herbert L.
J. Pierpont Morgan
. New York, 1975.

Schirmer, Daniel B.
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Scott, James Brown.
Robert Bacon: Life and Letters
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Simkins, Francis B.
Pitchfork Ben Tillman
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Slayden, Ellen Maury.
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