Then Came You (2 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Then Came You
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"A couple of hours, but she seemed fussy this time around. That's why I thought I'd fetch you to look at her."

"I think she'll do just fine but keep your eye on her and call me again if there's any sign of her or the foal being in trouble."

He patted the horse's nose then made his way out of the stables and back to the house.

One problem quickly taken care of. Next thing to deal with... How to get together with Gillian as soon as possible.

* * * *

Gillian closed her appointment book and looked out of her office window. It had started to snow while she'd been talking to Connor. The weatherman had predicted no precipitation until the weekend. She no longer trusted those guys and had thrown her boots into her tote bag when she'd left her apartment that morning.

She took off her dress shoes, threw them into the bag then slipped on the boots. Gillian glanced at the clock on her desk. If she got a move on she could reach her yoga class before the snow got too heavy.

Heading out of the office, she nodded to a couple of her co-workers then made her way to the elevator.

As Gillian stepped outside the building, she pulled up the hood on her jacket and headed down the road, slipping a few times on the now slick sidewalk. Falling snow hit her in the face as she turned the corner and approached the old brick building where her yoga class was taught every Thursday night. She put her hand on the knob to pull the glass door open when her cell phone rang. She rushed inside the lobby as the wind picked up, removed her gloves, dug into her bag and pulled out the phone.

"Gillian Matthews,” she said.

"You sound out of breath.” It was Connor...again. She smiled.

"I am. I've been hurrying to get to my yoga class because it's started to snow here."

"So this is a bad time for us to chat?"

Gillian slipped off her coat while balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder. “There's never a bad time where my customers are concerned. Every call's important to me."

"Problem is I'm not calling you as a customer."

You're not?
Her heart beat faster.

"I'm phoning you as just a regular guy who'd like to invite you to spend Thanksgiving at my ranch."

Her heart raced now and, despite the chilly lobby with its concrete floors and walls, she felt a warm rush throughout her body.

Connor...Wyoming...Thanksgiving...has a very nice sound to it.

She'd been so busy thinking about him and the invitation that she hadn't realised she hadn't even responded to his suggestion until he spoke again.

"You still there, Gillian?"

"I'm sorry, the connection was hazy there for a minute or two.” She didn't want him to think she was either ignoring him—or, for that matter, lost for words.

"So what do you think?” he asked.

"Are you sure you want me visiting during a holiday celebration? I mean, don't you have family coming for Thanksgiving or anything?"

"Sure I do. My brothers and their families, one of my cousins and his family, plus the guys who work on the ranch and their families will all be here for the big meal."

"Connor, I don't think you need me imposing on that."

"Bullshit. I hold it in the barn, not the house, it's just for a few hours and then they all leave and I'm on my lonesome. Now, you wouldn't want to see me in that state, would you?"

She laughed. A lady from her yoga glass walked into the lobby, tapped the snow off her shoes and nodded to Gillian as she walked by and up the stairs to the yoga studio.

"Now, if you're worried about being alone with a strange cowboy, I can get some people to vouch for me."

Alone with a strange cowboy...a hunky, that has a nice sound to it too.

"No need for that. I've known you for two years,” she said.

"So you're accepting my invitation?"

Gillian swallowed. Would this be okay with her company? She hadn't read any rules where it said an employee couldn't stay with a customer. Okay, she and Connor probably weren't going to play Monopoly or cards while she was there. Shit, the thought of what they might and probably would get up to made her stomach quiver and her pussy pulsate.

"All right, yes, I accept."

Gillian was sure her panties were already growing damp with just the thought of being all alone with Connor. And she was going to make it a mini vacation. After all, why go all that way just for a few days?

"And, Connor, if it's okay with you, I have a few days’ vacation due me so I'll arrive on the Tuesday evening and leave on Sunday, but if that seems too long to have me as a guest, you just tell me, okay?"

"Nope, that sounds perfect. Now, I did some checking on flights..."

Gillian smiled. She'd only got off the phone with him less than an hour ago and he'd obviously done his homework. Hopefully, he was just as eager as she was for the two of them to finally get together socially.

"If you can get to Minneapolis, a couple of airlines have direct flights from there to Casper."

"That shouldn't be a problem because I know most of the airlines fly from Chicago to the Twin Cities."

"Then that's all worked out. So just let me know what time you'll be arriving and I'll be at the airport to pick you up."

"I don't want to put you out in any way. I mean, I can rent a car like I always do. It's not as if I don't know how to get to your ranch from the airport."

"Hell, no, you're my guest this time around. So there's to be no talking business, vaccines, animals. And I have to insist I'm at the airport to greet you too."

She grinned. This guy made her smile a lot and now she was psyched about her trip to see him.

"Will do. And, Connor, even though I'd love to stand here and talk some more I've got to go or I'll be late for my yoga class.” Gillian looked at her watch. Already too late. It had started ten minutes ago. Never mind, she'd just creep in quietly and hope she didn't disturb anyone.

"You do yoga?” asked Connor.

"Yep, been coming to this class for over a year now."

"Just proves there's so much I don't know about you. Still, I'll have lots of time to get caught up when you visit. Hell, maybe you can teach me yoga. I can start a whole new trend here—cowboy yoga."

Gillian burst out laughing this time. He was such a character.

"I'll call you tomorrow with the time of my flight,” she told him.

"I'll be waiting."

"Oh, and was it a boy or girl?"

"A what?” asked Connor.

"The horse that was in labour."

"She had a boy about fifteen minutes ago."

"I can't wait to see him."

"You'll love him. He's one hell of a fine-looking foal."

* * * *

Connor pumped his fist in the air before realising one of his workers was standing directly behind him.

"Someone's happy and I don't think it's just because we have a new horse in the family."

"You ever have your heart set on a lady for so long that you thought she'd never be yours?” asked Connor.

"Nope, my wife and I were high school sweethearts so she's always been mine."

"Then you won't understand when I tell you that the stars must be lined up right or something because someone I've wanted...hell, lusted after for so long is coming to stay with me over Thanksgiving."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Two
* * * *

Gillian spotted Connor as soon as she headed down the stairs into the baggage claim at Casper Airport. He was wearing his cowboy hat, a light brown sheepskin jacket, jeans, and in his hand he held a bunch of flowers. Holy shit, he'd got more gorgeous. The last time she'd seen him was late summer and he'd looked fantastic then with his tanned face that made his baby blue eyes stand out but now as she approached him, he was borderline irresistible. How was she going to keep her hands off him?

He smiled as soon as he noticed her heading his way.

"Gillian, it's so great to see you. And here's a little something,” he said, handing her the mixed bouquet of daisies, roses and baby's breath.

They hugged before he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Hey, maybe she had this all wrong. Shouldn't the kiss have been on the lips? Perhaps this was just a free vacation he was giving her. She hoped he didn't see the disappointment on her face.

"You have luggage to collect?” he asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm a typical woman when it comes to packing even just for five days."

She wouldn't let him know that she'd been on a whirlwind shopping spree, first to buy some new jeans and sweaters, second to Victoria's Secret for some sexy bras and thongs and equally seductive sleep wear...the latter she hoped she wouldn't really need on this particular trip. Her last stop on her shopping expedition had been to the drugstore. She was sure Connor was well prepared, but just in case he wasn't or it had slipped his mind, she'd purchased a box of condoms for them. She knew from past visits here that his ranch was miles from the nearest store and she'd hate to think they'd get caught in a moment's passion without one and be forced to delay gratification.

"The wind's been picking up today but it still might be warmer here than Chicago,” he said.

"Either way I packed lots of warm clothing."

The bell sounded and the luggage began sliding down the shoot onto the carousel.

She smelt the rose in the middle of the bouquet while they waited then saw her bag heading their way. She reached out to grab it but Connor stopped her and lifted it off the conveyer belt.

"You ready to head out of here?” he asked her.

"More than ready."

She walked beside him as he pulled her bag along by its wheels.

"It's great to have you come and stay over the holiday,” he said as the sliding glass door swished open and they stepped outside. When the plane had landed it was close to dusk and now it was dark outside.

He'd been right about the wind. Gillian's hair flipped across her face the minute she stepped on to the sidewalk. She pushed it to the side but had to put her hand on her head to prevent it from swishing across her cheeks and eyes.

"Thanks for inviting me. I don't think I've stayed at a working ranch before."

"Then it will be my pleasure to teach you the ropes. Hell, by the time Sunday rolls around, I'll have you up at the crack of dawn feeding the horses."

They crossed the road, entered the parking lot and Connor set her bag down behind a huge black pick-up truck. She was glad she'd worn some pants because getting up into that thing was going to be tough and it wasn't the time to be wearing a skirt or dress.

He placed her bag in the back then opened the passenger's door for her.

"Here, hold my hand, because it's a long way up into the truck."

Gillian put her foot on the running board, held Connor's hand then raised herself up and slid into the seat. One skill mastered...getting into a cowboy's truck. The thing was so huge it felt like she was sitting in a bus.

Connor got in beside her and rubbed his hands together before starting the ignition.

Country music suddenly filled the air. She'd never listened to that sort of music so she had no idea who was singing. He reached for the knob on the radio and turned it down so low she could barely hear it. Next he turned the heat up and started to head out of the lot.

Gillian snuggled back in the seat. Now the truck was warming up she could smell his cologne, or was it aftershave? It was spicy and had a little woodsy undertone—like the heat that surrounded her, it felt oh so relaxing. She was really happy she'd said yes to his invitation. Gillian hadn't realised she'd closed her eyes until he spoke. Obviously, she'd got a bit too relaxed and comfortable or maybe the two flights to get here from Chicago had worn her out more than she'd thought.

"You tired?” he asked.

He must have seen her eyes getting heavy.

"What? Oh, no, just relaxing."

"You can sleep if you want. I mean, you probably know it's a good hour's ride to my ranch."

"No, I'm fine. I've never driven directly from the airport to your place. I always check into the hotel first and Bob Haskell's ranch is usually my first stop in the area."

"You still like your job?"

"Yeah, it's great. I keep waiting for an opening in the human pharmaceutical division but it seems like no one wants to leave,” said Gillian.

"Hell, I hope no one ever does. Not that I don't want to see you get what you really want, but it would mean you wouldn't be my sales rep and I'd probably end up with some old fat guy making calls to my ranch."

Gillian laughed. She loved the way Connor didn't hold back what he thought. A straight-shooter, that was for sure.

"Then that's good enough reason to stay with the animal side of the business. I mean, I'd hate to see you landed with an old fat guy."

They both burst out laughing this time.

Some light snow circled in front of the windshield and headlights.

"Hey, you brought the snow with you or what?” he asked her while flicking on the windscreen wipers.

"Nope, it hasn't snowed in Chicago since I spoke with you last week."

"I'm only kidding with you. We've had some snow every day. The top of the mountain by the ranch looks real pretty now. One of my favourite things to look at when I'm done with all my work for the day."

"It must be great at Christmas to see the snow up there."

"Oh, yeah, no place I'd rather be than at my home during the holidays. You warm enough in the truck?"

"I'm perfect. In fact, now I'm toasty warm and I might not want to get out of here."

"Hey, if you're not too tired I was thinking about stopping somewhere to eat before we head home. Not anywhere fancy, but the local diner offering real home-cooked Wyoming food for you to sample."

"Sounds great, because I only had a sandwich at the airport in Minneapolis and have to say I'm starving."

* * * *

Connor held Gillian's hand as she slid down from the truck. A snowflake or two stuck to her hair and nose and he was tempted to flick them away, hell, even kiss them away. His heart had skipped a beat when he'd spotted her heading towards him at the baggage claim. She was even prettier than he'd remembered. He held the door of the diner open for Gillian and saw a couple of guys turn to look at her as she stepped inside.

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