Their Runaway Mate (11 page)

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Authors: Lori Whyte

Tags: #dragon shifter romance, #dragons and romance, #bbw romance, #paranormal romance, #mfm triad romance, #menage romance, #action and adventure romance hea happy ending

BOOK: Their Runaway Mate
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Korwyn covered Kylan's body again and sat in a chair beside the bed. "We don't know exactly. The blood is only one component. It appears that even a small drop of a human female's blood can facilitate clotting and immune functions in dragons. It is also speculated that your stronger feminine energy can suppress the dragon's own aggressive and more masculine energy, from a molecular level up to a social one. Of course, the ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ are not entirely the correct terminology, but since dragons are always male and their human mates are traditionally and most typically female, the simplicity of the terms has stuck."

"So why don't you just put an ad in the paper? People will do all kinds of things for money."

Korwyn sighed. "It isn't so straightforward, even if the politics could be surmounted. You see, the energy around and in a human increases as the human goes through the bonding rituals. In return, the human also benefits from the situation. As their energy infuses their mates and the dragon clan, the reciprocal energy exchange equates to a much longer—think in terms of centuries—and healthier life for the human than would be possible otherwise. Did Kylan and Dillon not talk to you about this? I am surprised you would have volunteered to be a mate when you seem to know so little about our ways."

Jasmine crossed her arms. She wasn't sure how much of her situation she should explain, so she opted to end the conversation instead. "Thank you, Doctor. Is there anything else we should be doing for Kylan?"

Her abrupt change of topic didn't faze Korwyn. He just smiled again and shook his head. "All he needs is rest."

After the doctor left, anxiety itched at her. She had to do something. Like bake.

She checked Kylan one last time. He was peaceful. She kissed his forehead and told him that she would be in the kitchen. Not that he could probably hear or understand her, but she did it anyway.

Downstairs, she found a large, rather ostentatious dining room within a few minutes. The cut crystal chandelier was centered over a huge cherry dining table. Every surface gleamed. A long wall mirror with an ornate gilt frame spanned the length of the table. It was the first room she'd been in that suggested all those rumors about dragons and their treasure were true.

The kitchen was off the dining room.

Gleaming stainless steel counters, a walk-in refrigerator, commercial sized appliances, and a floor-to-ceiling pantry that covered the longest wall in the room had Jasmine gaping in delight. The bones of the room must have been a remnant from when this building was a ski lodge, but why would they have kept it? Some of the surfaces and finishes had been changed for aesthetics, but the bulk of the space still looked and functioned like a commercial restaurant. She was in heaven.

A massive piece of beef was turning on a huge, custom rotisserie along one wall. The scent of roasting meat was tantalizing, but what Jasmine really wanted was to play with flour and sugar. She found everything she needed in the exceptionally well-organized storage cabinets. Then she started to bake. It felt like she'd come home. Before she knew it, she had baked two cakes, cinnamon buns, and at least six dozen cookies.

Now, she was on to bread. It was her favorite. Jasmine dusted her fingers with flour and punched the dough. The sticky mess enveloped her hands. The process was a ritual for her. It was familiar and comfortable and her mind could drift as she did it. She'd first discovered baking after her mother died. It had been her escape and her salvation then, and now she needed baking in her life as much as she needed oxygen. It kept her level and balanced.

Which was what she needed right now.

She and Dillon had slept at Kylan's side all night.

During that time, she hadn't experienced any nightmares. It was the first night she'd been nightmare free for years. She wasn't sure if it was because she'd experienced a real attack now, so the dream one was booted out of her psyche, or if it had something to do with her dragons. Even though Kylan was injured and sleeping, when she was between the two of them she felt safe and protected.

It made no sense.

Her world had been turned on its end. How could she feel safer now than any other time in her life? People whose lives underwent big traumatic changes were supposed to feel stressed. Anxious. But in the darkness of the night, when she had woken to the presence of their deep slumberous breathing, their soothing heat, and the hard strong press of their bodies close to hers, she knew peace.

A peace she didn't want to let go.

As she kneaded the dough, she sifted through her feelings to find the anger and fear she'd felt when she'd been forced to flee from her home. It wasn't there. At least not as vivid as it had been.

Was she seriously considering mating with dragons?

That was crazy, wasn't it? She needed to talk to her aunt. Trixy was the one person she trusted more than anyone else. She had a way of saying things that put everything else into perspective. And that's what Jasmine needed right now. Perspective.

"What are you doing?"

Laughlin's voice had an imperious tone that surprised Jasmine out of her contemplation.

"Hello, Laughlin." An apology almost slipped over her tongue, but then she remembered his advice from the previous day. "I needed to bake."

The older man surveyed the array of baked goods strewn across the kitchen. "I thought you were meeting with Korwyn."

"I did. Then I came downstairs and found the kitchen." She smiled. "This place is amazing."

He looked around the room. Obviously he didn't see the room as particularly noteworthy. "You've been busy. What are we to do with all of this?"

She shrugged. That had been a recurring issue her whole life. That was why she started the bakery. "Give it away?"

He sighed. "I suppose we'll have to." Then his gaze landed on the chocolate cake. "Although perhaps we could save this for our own dinner."

"That one is always a hit."

"May I help package?"

"Of course," she said. "I've just formed the loaves, so they still need to rise. Then I should probably call it a day."

They worked in a comfortable silence. He wrapped the goods and she cleaned the kitchen. She'd even missed that. When the time was right, she slid the loaves into the oven. As she waited for the bread to bake, she dug through the other supplies and equipment, already planning what she would do next. She was elbow-deep in a cupboard when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. She stood to greet the newcomer.

"Ah, man, what is that smell?" Dillon's question preceded him by seconds. "Wow," he said as he looked around.

Then he crossed the room to her and drew her into his arms. "I missed you."

He kissed her before she realized his intent. She should have pushed him away—after all, Laughlin was standing just a few feet away—but she didn't. She leaned in to him and deepened their kiss.

Dillon's scent mingled with the aroma from the baking, and Jasmine wanted to roll around in it, coat herself with it. Her body tingled, begging for more, but Laughlin cleared his throat.

They broke the kiss slowly. Dillon's green eyes glowed. His breath was coming as hard and fast as hers.

"We brought your bag and van," he said softly between panting breaths.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Are the others still here?" Laughlin asked.

Dillon broke eye contact with Jasmine to glance at the older man. "Yes. They wanted to find out Kylan's status before leaving."

"Good," Laughlin said, then he left the room.

Jasmine wiggled away from Dillon and pulled the loaf pans from the oven. She turned off the oven seconds before half a dozen very large and muscular men entered the kitchen. Dillon rested his hand on her back, as if to calm her as she faced the troop of dragon shifters. But as she studied the group, and the appreciative gleam in their eyes as they caught sight of her baking, anger and fear were noticeably absent. They all just seemed so… normal.

"Help yourselves." Laughlin motioned to the table. "To anything but the chocolate cake."

The men each grabbed a package and murmured their thanks.

"I expect," Laughlin said as he eyed Jasmine, "there will be more available in the next day or two."

She laughed. "Yes, probably."

The men's eyes lit up and they dipped their heads in thanks as they shuffled out of the room. Laughlin joined them, filling them in on Kylan's condition as they walked.

Then she was alone with Dillon again.

"You are amazing," he said.

And in that moment she did feel a little amazing. She'd just stood in a room full of dragons and hadn't flipped out. And she'd even promised to bake for them again.

"Let's go upstairs and see if Kylan's awake yet. The doctor said he'd be healed when he woke, but refused to tell me how long he would be unconscious. He looked like he was almost mended, though, when we looked at his wounds."

She hoped he was awake. She wanted to talk to them about her decision to give this situation a try.


Chapter 12


illon's blood was still rushing through his veins from the kiss he'd shared with Jasmine in the kitchen. He wanted her, and if he wasn't mistaken, she wanted him too. Him and Kylan. Just as it should be. But they needed to take their time. Ease into this next step with her.

Her wide hips swayed in front of him, mesmerizing him as they climbed the stairs to the second floor. His fingers itched to feel her sweet cushioning curves again.

"Beautiful," he murmured.

"Hmm?" She stopped and turned toward him.

With her two steps above him, her breasts were tantalizing close to his mouth. All he'd have to do was lean forward a little and—

"Did you say something?"

He stared into her eyes. His eyes were probably glowing—his dragon always showed when he was emotional—but she didn't seem bothered. "You are beautiful."

She blushed and rolled her eyes. Then she continued up the steps.

As they walked down the hall to the bedroom, Dillon's arousal heightened. There were so many things he'd like to do with her in that room, on that big bed… but not now. Not until Kylan was healthy. If things worked out and Jasmine mated with them, they needed to have started this relationship right, with all three of them.

The bedroom door swung open, slamming against the wall and shuddering on its hinges. Kylan charged through the opening naked. His dark hair stood out in wild disarray, framing his intense face. His blue eyes burned like molten glass. His hands were clenched in fists so tight that his knuckles were turning white.

He trembled when he saw Jasmine. He crossed to her and dragged her roughly against his body. His mouth claimed hers in a desperate fierce kiss. Dillon tensed, worried about Jasmine's reaction to being seized by a possessive, reckless shifter.

When Kylan drew back, he stared into her eyes. "When I woke and you weren't there…"

She gently cradled his cheek against her palm. "I'm here. I'm safe."

Relief flowed over Dillon. She didn't panic. She didn't fight. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Kylan’s bared waist and rested her head on his chest as though she was equally happy to see him. Her hands trailed over his body, tracing the locations of his injuries. Nothing remained of the injuries that could have been fatal. She kissed the spot where he'd sustained the deepest gouge. Kylan inhaled sharply. He combed his fingers through her hair, but didn't brush her away impatiently, as he would have any other person. He gave her this moment to acknowledge his good health.

"Are you sure you are okay?" she asked.

"I wouldn't be awake if I wasn't healed."

"Yes, that's what Korwyn said… but I just can't believe how quickly it happened." She placed another light kiss on his chest, then reached around and hugged him closely again.

Kylan then looked at Dillon. "How long?"

"You were out for a day."

Kylan cursed, but his hand remained gentle as it caressed Jasmine's back. "Have there been more attacks?"

Dillon shook his head. "I've doubled the guards and the flight patrols, but things are quiet."

"Good." Kylan nodded quickly. He inhaled sharply and an unexpected smile broke over his face. "Have you been baking again?"

At Jasmine's laughter, Kylan visibly relaxed.

"Of course," she said. "Now, let's get you dressed. Then we'll go downstairs and get something to eat. You must be starving."

"I think we all are." Kylan glanced at Dillon, who nodded, then back at Jasmine. He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip, which was still glistening from his kiss. "But not for food."

Jasmine's tongue darted out and trailed along Kylan's thumb. "You taste pretty good."

Dillon groaned. Watching Kylan and Jasmine together for the last few minutes had been bad enough, but seeing Jasmine lick his partner punched through his crumbling resolve to take things slowly with her. He moved in behind her and nuzzled her neck.

"Are you sure?" he whispered. "You never really answered us in the cabin."

She leaned against him and tilted her head to the side to expose her creamy flesh to him. "I'm sure. I want to try this."

Kylan grabbed her, swinging her into his arms, and carried her into the bedroom. She squealed, but she didn't protest. Dillon stripped his clothes as he followed them and shut the door. They would show her, reassure her, that they were perfect for her.


Desire flooded Jasmine, making her body quiver. Kylan set her down with surprising gentleness after the thrilling way he'd hauled her into the room. She rested her hands on the expanse of his bare chest, which was taking on an iridescent quality similar to what his dragon looked like. The distinctive pattern of scales covered his skin, but he was still very much in his human form… Very much the Kylan that she wanted in her arms and between her thighs.

"Are you transitioning?"

"When we are with our mate—our
mate," he amended, "our dragon side surfaces, but we won't shift."

His eyes glowed like the finest cut sapphires. She ignored the way he stumbled over the word
. She knew he and Dillon viewed her as their mate, but that didn't worry her. They would never force her.

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