Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Please, spank me again. I’m going to come, Steven.”

“No. I want you to come around my cock. Let me inside.” He pressed against her weeping slit.

He slid in just a short ways before he had to pull out and push forward again. It took him several tries before he finally made it all the way inside of her. Her pussy wept around him as he began pumping her full of his cock. He held her hips in a tight grip as he tunneled in and out of her.

Janet looked up to find Greg stroking his cock with his hand. She licked her lips and watched him watch where Steven’s cock disappeared inside her pussy. She wanted to taste him so badly.

“Greg. I want your cock in my mouth. Please?”

“You want to suck my cock, baby? Beg me.”

“Please, Greg. Let me taste you. I want your cock all the way down my throat.”

Greg growled before moving close to her. She opened her mouth and allowed him to feed his cock to her. He pulled out then pressed back in a little deeper. Then she pulled back enough to get to his cockhead. She licked her tongue around the spongy head and over the slit. He hissed when she slid her tongue along the slit.


“She’s going to blow your mind, Greg.”

“You just make sure not to do anything different so that she bites me.”

Janet grinned around Greg’s cock as she sucked on just the head. Then she took him to the back of her throat and swallowed around him.

“Hell yeah, baby. Just like that.”

She did it again, then slowly pulled back to the tip where she ran her tongue around it again. Then she nibbled her way down his cock and back up. He grabbed her hair and held her still.

“I’m going to fuck this pretty mouth. Hold still for me, baby.”

Janet concentrated on holding still for both men. Steven continued to plunge in and out of her pussy, and then Greg was pumping his long cock deep into her throat. He hit the back of her throat and she swallowed around him again and again. He cursed, and sweat rolled down his arms. She wanted to lick the beads that she could see on his forearms. Instead, she took him as far down her throat as she could without choking. He pulled at her hair with each thrust of his dick. It tingled nicely and together with his mastering her, shot her closer to orgasm with each pull.

“Hell, Greg. I’m not going to last. She’s squeezing her cunt muscles around my cock like a vise. Hurry up, man.”

“Fuck! She’s going to suck me dry. I’m close, too.”

Janet redoubled her efforts to make both men come. Yet all it did was shoot her closer to her own climax.

“Here I go, baby. I’m going to come in your throat.”

She felt him pulse in her throat and streams of his cum coated her mouth. She swallowed as fast as she could so she didn’t spill any of it. He pulled out and massaged her scalp where he’d been pulling on it.

“God, that was so good, baby.” He left her there with Steven to clean up.

Steven began losing his rhythm as he plunged in and out of her tight pussy over and over. When he reached around and plucked at her clit, she lost it and screamed out his name as sparks sent her flying into orgasm. She clamped down on his dick until he roared and shot his cum deep into her cunt. She felt its warm splash against her womb. She collapsed on the bed as Steven rested his body over hers.

Finally, Steven stood up and helped her to as well. She felt his seed run down her leg when he pulled out.

“Let’s get cleaned up, love. We need to get in the bed.”

Greg passed them on the way to the bathroom. He slapped her ass as he passed with a smile.

“What was that for?”

“For being so damn sexy.” He climbed into bed.

Janet grinned. She’d enjoyed her early night. Maybe things would get back to normal now that Carmen was going to be okay. Everyone had been on edge while she had been sick.

They snuggled close with Janet thinking about the garden and how much work she had ahead of her over the next several weeks. It was about time to harvest. She would be very busy and wouldn’t feel as eager for sex, she was sure. When she was overly tired, she tended to fall asleep as soon as she got out of the tub.

“What are you thinking about, love?”

“Just that it is going to be a lot of work dealing with the garden this month. Everything is beginning to get ripe and ready for picking now.”

“Yeah, winter will be here before we know it. They say that they can be harsh here. We’re going to have to be sure we are ready for it.”

“I think we’ll have plenty of vegetables to eat, but I don’t know about meat. We might need to make a run to the city to stock up on frozen meat before it starts snowing.”

“Well, we’ve got a month or six weeks before we have to worry about that.”

“I guess so. I sure don’t need to wish the time away. I need it to tend to the garden.”

“Hey, you two! Come on to bed and stop talking. I’m tired.” Greg’s voice carried into the bathroom.

Janet giggled and climbed out of the tub. She and Steven dried off then padded into the bedroom to get into bed. She couldn’t wait to see Carmen again to see how she was doing. Maybe they could still have that harvest dinner they had been talking about before she had gotten sick. In the meantime, she would work to get the harvest done.

Chapter Fifteen


Janet had almost finished harvesting their garden. She was exhausted and had little appetite. She’d lost some weight and Greg had been all over her to eat more. She tried. She honestly did, but the food didn’t settle well in her stomach. She had even gotten sick one day when she’d managed to eat some.

“Here’s the bath cloth. Run it around her forehead.” Steven handed the cloth to Greg who wiped her brow with it.

“Baby, do you think you’re pregnant?”

“Ah, hell. I hadn’t thought about that.” Steven’s voice reached her where she knelt over the toilet.

“I don’t know. God, my stomach is rolling.”

“Sit back and let me wipe your face, baby.”

Janet sat back and Greg ran the cloth around her face before handing it back to Steven to rinse again.

“Think about it. You haven’t had a period in a long time. I know it’s been at least six weeks.” Greg squeezed her hand.

“I–I guess so. I really hadn’t paid any attention because I’m never regular.”

“I think we need to go to the doctor and see if you are. You probably need to be on vitamins as well.” Steven handed the cloth back to Greg.

“I guess you’re right. I hate going to the doctor. He’s going to want to take my blood.”

“Don’t worry, he’ll get ours, too,” Steven reminded her.

“The cell, that mutated thing that’s in everyone’s body. What if it’s in my body, too?”

“Don’t worry about it, now, Janet. We’ll talk to the doctor about it. He said that there were other women with children on the planet, so don’t worry about it.” Greg bent down and kissed her forehead.

“I think I can get up now.”

They helped her to her feet then Greg picked her up and carried her to the bed.

“Go back to sleep, baby. I’m going to call the others and let them know we’re going to the city.”

“I’ll stay with her,” Steven said.

Greg nodded and smiled at her before heading downstairs.

Janet relaxed but couldn’t go back to sleep. Too much was circling around in her head to sleep. What if she was pregnant? What would she do with a baby? She knew that it had always been a possibility, but she had hoped to have a little more time to prepare. She still didn’t have all the harvest in and would need to be able to finish that. Then there was the wintertime coming up. They had never been through a winter on the planet yet.

“You’re awful quiet to not be sleeping, love. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“Just wondering if now is a good time for me to be pregnant. I mean, we’ve only been on the planet a short time. We don’t know about what the winter will bring or about this stupid cell in our bodies, for that matter.”

“Everything will be fine, Janet. Don’t borrow trouble. Just relax and try to rest until we get ready to go to the city. I think I heard Greg go outside to pull up the transport.”

“I’m sorry you’re missing work. I know it’s hard to keep on track when you miss a workday.”

“It will be fine.”

A few minutes later, Greg returned. She turned her head toward the door as he walked through.

“I have the transport out by the front door. Brad and Kirk aren’t working today, either. It seems they think that Carmen is pregnant, too. They’re getting ready to take her to the doctor as well.”

“Well, can you believe that? Both of them pregnant at the same time. That’s almost spooky,” Steven said.

“Let’s get her dressed and into the transport.” Greg pulled out her jeans and a top.

They helped her dress then Steven carried her downstairs to the transport. They headed for town with her strapped in between them. When they finally arrived, it was to find the others already there.

She walked into the office and prepared herself for whatever she might find out. She wanted to see Carmen, but the other woman was already in a room with her husbands. They sat out in the waiting area for nearly thirty minutes before a man greeted them and introduced himself as Scott, the doctor’s nurse.

“Let’s get you set up in the other exam room.”

They followed him into the room. He handed her a gown and told her to strip and put it on and then climb up on the exam table.

“I’m going to draw some blood from each of you while you’re here,” he said.

They all suffered through the brief stick and watched as Scott labeled each vial with their names and the date. Then he left them to get Janet ready for the doctor.

“I don’t like doing this. It reminds me of all the exams we had back on Earth.” Janet pulled on the oversized gown.

“I can agree with you there, baby. I didn’t like giving blood all the time.”

Steven helped her back up on the exam table once again. They waited another twenty minutes before the doctor walked in.

“Hello everyone. I’m Doctor Jeff Davis. Let’s see how you’re doing, young lady.”

“I’m doing fine, Doctor. I really don’t think it’s necessary to go to so much trouble.”

“I know you are tired of being poked and prodded, but it’s necessary in this case. Lie back for me.”

After twenty minutes of enduring the doctor’s exam, he finally stepped back and told them she could get dressed now.

“I’m going to go check on the test results then we’ll talk again.”

As soon as he walked out, Janet jumped off the exam table and grabbed at her clothes.

“Easy, baby. You don’t want to fall and hurt yourself. We’ll get you dressed.” Greg held her arm as Steven held out her panties.

Once she was fully clothed again, Janet felt a little better. She hated doctors and hated their exams even more. Dr. Davis was nice enough, but he was a doctor.

When he returned sometime later, he was smiling. Janet was sure by the smile that she was pregnant. She had mixed feelings. She was glad that everything must be okay for him to be smiling and worried about having the baby on the strange planet to begin with. Never mind that it was one of the main reasons she had been selected. It was still a viable worry for her. There were so many dangerous things they didn’t really know about on the planet.

“I’ve got good news for you. You’re pregnant, Janet. Congratulations!”

“Is everything okay with her?” Greg asked.

“She’s fairly healthy. She’s obviously lost some weight judging by how big her clothes are on her, but it seems to be the norm on this planet. Some women always do lose weight during the first few weeks of pregnancy. The trick is to stop and turn it around to where you are gaining weight.”

“What about the cell you were telling the others about? Do we have it? Does she?” Greg asked.

The doctor’s face changed to a more serious expression. Janet didn’t like the change.

“Yes, you all have the cell inside of you. Janet’s is more pronounced than yours. I can only surmise it’s either because she is a female or because she is pregnant. I’ve had the same results in most of the women here.”

“Has anyone had anything bad happen because of this cell that’s in us?”

“No, to my knowledge, nothing bad has happened to anyone as a result of the cell. Several of the women who have been bitten or had the acid-like stuff on them have actually appeared to be healthier than the others. I can’t prove anything by it, but it does appear that way so far.”

“So what do we do from here?” Steven spoke up.

“I’ll give her some prenatal vitamins, and she needs to eat better. She is one of the few women I’ve had who became pregnant that didn’t need iron pills as well. That’s a very good thing.”

“What about Carmen? How is she?”

“She’s doing well. I can’t tell you anything more. You’ll have to talk to her yourself. She’s outside waiting to see you.”

Janet didn’t wait any longer. She threw open the door and hurried outside.

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