Authors: Fran Lee
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"How many males do we have on patrol?" Vincent glanced up from the papers on his desk at the big assassin standing watch over the sleeping bitch.
"Three patrols of five each, my lord."
Vincent sighed as he drew a small bag of money from the drawer beside him and tossed it to the wolf. "You have served me well, Gunter. Get yourself a bitch and something to eat. She will sleep for some time. I will rest, too. It won't be long before any remaining mates try to come for her. We'll be ready for the bastards."
His eyes slid over the sleeping form of the Dumont bitch, and his lips curled back from his teeth. He would teach her who her master was. Soon she would beg for his cock. He pressed his palm down over his eager shaft. Unzipping, he pulled it from his pants and roughly squeezed and stroked it, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. Soon she would be sucking him. Soon she would be rolling onto her hands and knees begging him to fuck her. The images made him breathless with lust as he applied harder pressure with each stroke of his hand. Yes, soon she would pleasure him while his lieutenant watched...perhaps joined in...
Kenna heard the soft grunts of a male pleasuring himself, and she stealthily lifted her head to see Draga writhing and groaning in his seat as he masturbated hard. She had managed to loosen the ropes on her wrists a little, but not enough to get a hand free. Blood circulation was returning, thank God, but she was still helpless. He'd sent his goon away to get laid. If luck was with her, the son-of-a-bitch would sleep after jacking off. She moved very little, not wanting him to see movement. His noises grew louder until with a shout of pleasure, he jetted his cum onto the thick Persian rug in front of his chair, and with a deep groan, he laid his head back and closed his eyes.
Kenna pictured her three mates in her mind, and closing her eyes, she called out mentally to them, praying they would be close enough to hear her this time. Concentrating on reaching out to them, she bit back a sob of utter relief when Mace's deep voice filled her thoughts.
Keep talking to us. We're inside so guide us to you, love.
Vincent's in here with me. His bed chamber is very deep in the caves. There's a central walkway, but I was out when they brought me in, so I can't be sure where I am.
Be careful...he has nearly sixty men. He is asleep in his chair. I don't know how long he'll...
She gasped as a big hand closed around her throat, and her eyes jerked up to find Gunter snarling down at her,
"I can sense you speaking with someone, bitch. Not another word or thought, or I swear I will snap your neck."
Vincent roused at the rough sound of his lieutenant's voice, rising and zipping his pants irritably. "How can she possibly communicate with them from here? That's impossible."
"If she is as powerful as the legends say, not for this one. She could lead them right to us." Gunter's rumbling tones sent chills through Kenna. There was such hate there, it almost choked her. She prayed that her mates would reach her quickly. She wasn't sure she could hold off the inevitable much longer. If Draga chose to get rid of her quickly to prevent them from reaching her, she wouldn't stand a chance trussed up like this.
Or worse, he and his monstrous lieutenant were going to share her...
She stopped struggling and went limp in the wolf's grip, calming her mind and sending out one last desperate call.
I love matter what happens, know that...
Gant jerked his head toward a heavy door to their right, and three panicked wolves leapt without further thought, hitting the massive panel all at once. As the hinges ripped off the frame, they burst into a large bedroom to see Draga and an even bigger lobo lying on top of a smaller body on the massive canopied bed. The smaller form didn't move. Nor did the bigger forms...
Fury and pain tore through the brothers, and one thought filled their minds as they leapt toward the bloody, deathly still body of the woman they loved more than their own lives...
Draga will die the most agonizing
She floated in a silent place that held no light. The pain that had been constant since her capture was gone. There was no sound. No movement. Was she dead at last? Had they taken her life and those of her pups? There were no tears. No feeling. Just emptiness. No regrets. No anger. Nothing but a peaceful void that sifted around her floating body. Was this what Aunt Maggie had felt when she passed? This total lack of stimuli? She lifted her hands, surprised that the thick ropes were gone. Reaching for the silver collar around her neck, she felt for its cold hardness. But it, too, was gone. Did death free everyone this way? Her eyes moved over her hands and wrists, and the blood that dripped from her partially exposed claws made her blink. She had killed them. She felt no remorse for the lives she had taken...and she sensed that she had taken them violently.
She only wished that she had lived to see her their fathers cuddle and love them. Such a waste...
Such a horrific waste.
* * * * *
Helen Reynard stood beside the bed, giving Kenna a bed bath. The pups were currently safely cradled in their fathers' arms as the men fed them from bottles provided by several pack wet nurses. It was hard to believe that all three pups had survived the massive trauma that had left their mother in a coma.
The babies had been born human, and they had quickly found wet nurses to feed the healthy, squirming offspring. It had been three weeks since Kenna had been carried back to the compound on a litter, carefully borne by six silent and distraught males. Over those weeks, her mates had kept constant vigil, praying for the moment she would open her eyes and smile at them.
She slept like the dead, but her vital signs were strong. Dr. Harris had done blood work, EEGs, EKGs and every test he was able to. Nothing was physically wrong with Kenna. It had to be her mind trying to recover from what had happened in Draga's chambers...
The entire pack knew that when her mates and the others had arrived to rescue her, Kenna had already dispatched her kidnappers in one of the most bloody, grisly scenes the wolves had ever seen. There were whispers about the legend. About the massive burst of power that had scorched half the things in the bedchamber. About how Kenna had not only saved herself, but had saved her pups. The babies were born an hour after she had been carried home and had been laid on the massive bed in the alpha's bed chamber.
An easy birth, even though the pups had been quite large. Yes, Kenna
to be the legend come to life. A legend come to life...and perhaps lost in the same breath.
The midwife finished washing her mistress's face and tossed the washcloth into the basin of warm water. Her eyes slipped over the men who cuddled their sons, and she whispered to no one in particular, "I would give anything if she could wake to see this..."
She heard a voice close by. Familiar, but she had to fight to place it. The midwife. Her babies! Kenna listened to the quiet sounds in the place where she found herself...the soft sounds of suckling and the soft murmurs of masculine voices. Her heart began to beat faster. Her babies...her mates? Struggling to force her eyes open, she blinked a few times at the vaulted ceiling of the bed chamber she had shared so happily with her mates. Was this heaven?
A sharp gasp brought her blurred vision to the side where the midwife stood gaping down at her. The murmur of male voices became a sudden cacophony, and three men were suddenly vying for her attention. In their arms were three babies. Her babies.
Gant's deep tones nudged at her as she sank back toward the void. "Kenna, sweet thing...please don't leave us again. Look at what we have here. Your sons need their mom."
Her eyes fluttered open once again, and blurred with tears as Dune held his son close to her so she could see the dark, thick mop of hair and the blue eyes. "We haven't named them have to come back...please, love?"
A strong hand curved around her cheek as Mace crouched beside her, cradling his son in one arm as he let the tears flow freely down his handsome face. "The pups need you...but we need you even more, baby. We thought we'd lost you. Please stay with us...we're a hopeless mess without our mate."
Murmurs of agreement came from all three of them. Kenna let her eyes drift shut for a long moment, then opened them, a tear-stained smile touching her lips. "I'm alive?"
Mace grinned down at her. "You're alive. This isn't a dream, baby. You're back with us. God, I want to kiss you..."
"Back off, bro...we all want to kiss her. But all that matters is that she's back...awake...alive. Gant's gruff voice interrupted Mace's words. "Let's give her some time..."
It seemed as if she'd been gone forever. She reached shakily for the child in Mace's arms, and cuddled it against her. Her son tried to turn his head to root for a nipple, and she laughed in delight. "Let me have them all..."
"Peter Dumont! I said get in the house and wash up for!" Dune growled in mock ferocity at his son, who darted past him and up the steps to the wide porch. Mace chuckled as the one-year-old scurried up the curved stairs to the bathroom to wash up.
"You've almost got him trained. I wish that Crane would jump like that when I tell him to do something."
Gant tossed Devon over one shoulder and carried the squirming youngster up the porch steps before setting him on his feet and shooing him after his sibling. Turning his dark gaze to Mace, he grinned. "I want them in bed right after supper. I called Sharlene to come sit with them while we take Kenna up to the cabin."
Mace wasn't paying attention to Gant. His eyes were glued to the distracting sight of Kenna walking seductively out of the trees, naked as the day she was born. Dune's low growl told him he was not the only one who wanted alone time with their mate.
Gant inhaled deeply, and his eyes locked on their mate's swaying hips as she approached, finger-combing her hair out of the snarls the wind had given her. Kenna grinned as she saw the three wolves and noted their swollen groins. "Are the kids with Sharlene?"
"She will feed them supper and get them into bed. And then we'll tuck you into bed, sweet thing..." Mace's voice lowered as the brothers stepped into a tight circle around their mate.
"Damn...and here I was hoping for some wild and hot sex with three hot guys."
"Right here? Right now?" Dune asked eagerly.
"I'm naked and willing. Why are all of you still dressed?"
The sound of boots hitting the porch and the sound of zippers being opened made her smile widely. She felt like the luckiest bitch in the world as three pairs of calloused hands reached for her, lifting her and caressing her as her three mates filled every desire...and every orifice she possessed, until the first rays of dawn lightened the sky. And then she let them take her up to tuck her into bed.
About the author
Fran Lee began writing romances when she was fourteen, tucking each story lovingly away in a cardboard box under her bed. It was
only many years later than she decided it was high time to pull that box out and dust off a few stories and see if she could find a publisher.
Swallowing her fears, she took the step of submitting a manuscript,
getting rejected, and rewriting and resubmitting. That was nearly seven years ago.
Since that
first submission, Fran has seen twenty three of her romances in e-books and print. You can find Fran's books on her website at:
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