The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism (49 page)

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52. “The Hidden Expense of Energy—Print Is Costly, Online Isn’t Free,”
Scholarly Kitchen,
January 19, 2012,
-print-is-costly-online-isnt-free/ (accessed August 21, 2013).

53. Jonathan Koomey, “Growth in Data Center Electricity Use 2005 to 2010,”
Analytics Press
(2011): iii; Gerad Hoyt, “The Power Hungry Internet,”
Energy Manager Today,
last modified November 21, 2012, (accessed October 4, 2013).

54. “The Hidden Expense of Energy.”

55. “Report to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR Program, August 2, 2007, 5,
ners/prod_development/downloads/EPA_Datacenter_Report_Congress_Final1.pdf (accessed October 16, 2013).

56. James Glanz, “Power, Pollution and the Internet,”
New York Times,
September 22, 2012,
-industry-image.html?pagewanted=all (accessed November 3, 2013).

57. Rich Miller, “How Many Data Centers? Emerson Says 500,000,”
Data Center Knowledge,
December 14, 2011,
-centers-emerson-says-500000/ (accessed November 3, 2013).

58. “Report to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency,” 7.

59. Glanz, “Power, Pollution and the Internet.”

60. Krishna Kant, “Challenges in Distributed Energy Adaptive Computing,”
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
37(3) (January 2010): 3–7.

61. “Apple Facilities: Environment Footprint Report,” Apple,
2012, 8,
/environment/reports/docs/Apple_Facilitates_Report_2013.pdf (accessed November 10, 2013).

62. “McGraw-Hill and NJR Clean Energy Ventures Announce Largest Solar Energy Site of Its Kind in the Western Hemisphere,”
McGraw-Hill Financial,
June 13, 2011, http://investor.mcgraw (accessed October 25, 2013).

63. “Apple Facilities Environment Footprint Report,” 7.

64. Nick Goldman, Paul Bertone, Siyuan Chen, Christophe Dessimoz, Emily M. LeProust, Botond Sipos, and Ewan Birney, “Towards Practical, High-Capacity, Low-Maintenance Information Storage in Synthesized DNA,”
494 (February 7, 2013): 77–80.

65. Malcolm Ritter, “Study: Digital Information can be Stored in DNA,”
Huffington Post,
January 23, 2013, (accessed November 6, 2013).

66. Derik Andreoli, “The Bakken Boom—A Modern-Day Gold Rush,” Oil Drum, December 12, 2011, (October 30, 2013); A. E. Berman, “After the
Gold Rush: A Perspective on Future U.S. Natural Gas Supply and Price,” Oil Drum, February 8, 2012, (accessed October 30, 2013).

67. Ajay Makan and Javier Blas, “Oil Guru Says US Shale Revolution is ‘Temporary,’”
Financial Times,
May 29, 2013,
.html#axzz2UbJC9Zz1 (accessed October 17, 2013).

68. Matthew L. Wald, “Shale’s Effect on Oil Supply Is Forecast to Be Brief,”
The New York Times,
November 12, 2013,
-effect-on-oil-supply-is-not-expected-to-last.html?_r=0, (accessed November 13, 2013).

Chapter 6

1. Mark Richardson and Bradley Haylock, “Designer/Maker: The Rise of Additive Manufacturing, Domestic-Scale: Production and the Possible Implications for the Automotive Industry,”
Computer Aided Design and Applications
(2012): 35.

2. Ashlee Vance, “3-D Printers: Make Whatever You Want,”
Bloomberg Businessweek,
April 26, 2012, (accessed August 23, 2013).

3. “Wohlers Associates Publishes 2012 Report on Additive Manufacturing and 3-D Printing: Industry Study Shows Annual Growth of Nearly 30%,” Wohlers Associates, May 15, 2012, (accessed August 16, 2013).

4. Richardson and Haylock, “Designer/Maker.”

5. Irene Chapple, “Dickerson: Etsy Is Disrupting Global Supply Chains,” CNN, June 5, 2013, (accessed June 28, 2013).

6. “A Brief History of 3D Printing,” T. Rowe Price, December 2011, http://individual.troweprice
.com/staticFiles/Retail/Shared/PDFs/3-D_Printing_Infographic_FINAL.pdf (accessed November 2, 2013).

7. “Definition: Hacker,” Search Security, October 2006,
/definition/hacker (accessed October 15, 2013).

8. Chris Anderson, “In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits,”
January 25, 2010, (accessed August 8, 2013).

9. J. M. Pearce, C. Morris Blair, K. J. Laciak, R. Andrews, A. Nosrat, and I. Zelenika-Zovko, “3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development,”
Journal of Sustainable Development
3(4) (2010): 18.

10. “Fab Lab FAQ,” MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, (accessed June 27, 2013).

11. “MIT Fab Lab: The New Technology Revolution,” Cardiff School of Art and Design, August 27, 2013,
olution/ (accessed November 14, 2013); Alison DeNisco, “Fab Lab Beginnings,” District Administration (December 2012), (accessed November 14, 2013); “FabLab,” Fab Education Bremen, http://www.fabeducation
.net/en/fablab-2.html (accessed November 14, 2013).

12. Katherine Ling, “‘Fab Labs’ Out Front in U.S. Push to Make Manufacturing Cool,” Environment & Energy Publishing, September 18, 2013, (accessed November 14, 2013).

13. Andy Greenberg, “The Fab Life,”
August 13, 2008,
/diy-innovation-gershenfeld-tech-egang08-cx_ag_0813gershenfeld.html (accessed April 1, 2013).

14. Cory Doctorow, story in
Over Clocked: Stories of the Future Present
(New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2007), 4.

15. Chris Waldo, “Will We 3-D Print Renewable Energy?,”
3d Printer,
June 5, 2012, (accessed July 30, 2013).

16. “Print Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia,”
August 10, 2013, http://www.econo
-head-alfredo-garcia (accessed August 18, 2013).

17. Markus Kayser, “Solar Sinter,” MarkusKayser, 2011,
/solarsinter/ (accessed January 11, 2013).

18. “Plastic, Fantastic! 3-D Printers Could Recycle Old Bottles,”
Tech News Daily,
January 18, 2012, (accessed February 2, 2013); “Filabot Wee Kit Order Form,” Filabot: the Personal Filament Maker, (accessed February 2, 2013).

19. David J. Hill, “3-D Printing Robot Produces Chairs and Tables from Recycled Waste,”
Singularity Hub,
April 23, 2012,
-chairs-and-tables-from-recycled-waste/ (accessed April 4, 2013).

20. Jason Dorrier, “3-D Printed Homes? Here’s the Scoop,” Singularity Hub, August 22, 2012,
-a-day/ (accessed April 30, 2013).

21. Jordan Cook, “The World’s First 3-D-Printed Building Will Arrive in 2014 (and It Looks Awesome),”
January 20, 2013,
-printed-building-will-arrive-in-2014-and-it-looks-awesome/ (accessed January 26, 2013).

22. “Dutch Architect to Build ‘Endless’ House With 3-D Printer,”
January 15, 2013, (accessed January 26, 2013).

23. “Foster + Partners Works with European Space Agency to 3-D Print Structures on the Moon,” Foster and Partners press release, January 31, 2013,
/foster-+-partners-works-with-european-space-agency-to-3d-print-structures-on-the-moon/ (accessed February 18, 2013).

24. Ibid.; “Building a Lunar Base with 3-D Printing,” European Space Agency, January 31, 2013, (accessed February 18, 2013).

25. Edwin Kee, “Urbee 2 to Cross Country on Just 10 Gallons of Ethanol,”
March 1 2013,
-ethanol/ (accessed September 4, 2013).

26. “Automotive Case Studies: Prototyping Is the Driving Force behind Great Cars,”
Stratasys, (accessed June 27, 2013).

27. Henry Ford and Samuel Crowther,
My Life and Work
(Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing, 1922), 72.

28. Alexander George, “3-D Printed Car Is as Strong as Steel, Half the Weight, and Nearing Production,”
February 27, 2013, (accessed June 2, 2013).

29. Mary Beth Griggs, “3-D Printers Spit Out Fancy Food, Green Cars, and Replacement Bones,”
Discover Magazine,
March 26, 2012,
-spit-out-fancy-food-and-green-cars#.UnvIBPmkoSU (accessed November 7, 2013).

30. “Manitoba’s Kor Ecologic Debuts Hybrid Urbee,”
Canadian Manufacturing,
November 2, 2012,
-debuts-hybrid-urbee-11992 (accessed November 1, 2013).

31. Stewart Brand and Matt Herron, “Keep Designing—How the Information Economy Is Being Created and Shaped by the Hacker Ethic,”
Whole Earth Review
(May, 1985): 44.

32. Deborah Desrochers-Jacques, “Green Energy Use Jumps in Germany,”
Der Spiegel,
August 30, 2011,
-jumps-in-germany-a-783314.html (accessed August 7, 2013); Berlin and Niebull, “Germany’s Energy Transformation: Eneriewende,”
July 28, 2012,
/node/21559667 (accessed October 1, 2013).

33. “The Strategic Cooperation between Daimler and the Renault-Nissan Alliance Forms Agreement with Ford,” Daimler, January 28, 2013,
569733-1-0-0-0-0-0-16694-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html (accessed March 31, 2013).

34. Marcel Rosenbach and Thomas Schulz, “3-D Printing: Technology May Bring New Industrial Revolution,”
Der Spiegel,
January 4, 2013,
-printing-technology-poised-for-new-industrial-revolution-a-874833.html (accessed August 5, 2013).

35. Goli Mohammadi, “Open Source Ecology: Interview with Founder Marcin Jakubowski,”
February 11, 2011,
-with-founder-marcin-jakubowski/ (accessed June 17, 2013).

36. Rohan Pearce, “Open Source Ecology: Can Open Source Save the Planet?,”
Computerworld Techworld,
December 15, 2011,
_ecology_can_open_source_save_planet_/ (accessed September 9, 2013).

37. “Marcin Jakubowski: Open-Sourced Blueprints For Civilization,”
Huffington Post,
December 19, 2011,
.html?view=print&comm_ref=false (accessed September 12, 2013).

38. Helen Pidd, “Indian Blackout Held No Fear for Small Hamlet Where the Power Stayed On,”
, September 10, 2012,
-where-power-stayed-on (accessed September 29, 2013).

39. Ibid.

40. Peerzada Abrar, “Gram Power: Yashraj Khaitan’s ‘Smart Microgrid’ Produces, Stores Renewable Energy on Location,”
Economic Times,
July 6, 2012, http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes
.com/2012-07-06/news/32566187_1_renewable-energy-innovation-pilferage (accessed September 29, 2013).

41. Pidd, “Indian Blackout Held No Fear.”

42. “From Micro-Grids to Smart Grids,”
November 20, 2012,
/resources/blackout-from-micro-grids-to-smart-grids/ (accessed September 30, 2013).

43. Ibid.

44. “Mahatma Gandhi on Mass Production,” interview, May 16, 1936, http://www.tinytechindia
.com/gandhiji2.html (accessed April 21, 2013).

45. Surur Hoda,
Gandhi and the Contemporary World
(Indo-British Historical Society, 1997).

46. “Mahatma Gandhi on Mass Production.”

47. Ibid.

48. Ibid.

49. Hoda,
Gandhi and the Contemporary World.

50. “Mahatma Gandhi on Mass Production.”

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