The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5 (22 page)

BOOK: The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5
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I laugh, “I am far from perfect, but I am glad you like my body because I want to spend the rest of my life exploring yours.”

I push him over onto his back and start moving down his body, kissing and licking as I go.  When I grasp his swelling cock he groans and says; “Baby, I haven’t washed since we made love.”

I look up at him and say; “I don’t care.  That’s my scent, your seed and my blood on that glorious cock.  I told you I wanted to do this again.”  I lean down and begin to lick the traces of our loving from his shaft and then I draw the swollen head into my mouth and suck hard, swirling around it with my tongue.  I am eager for more and relax as I take over half of him in my mouth.

“Fuck, baby!  How much can you take?” he growls.

I pull off and smirk, “Hell if I know, let’s find out.  I don’t seem to have much of gag reflex.  I bet I can take all of it with practice.”  I wag my eyebrows at him playfully.

Damian growls and pulls me into his arms and kisses me.  He trails kisses from my lips down my throat and onto my chest.  “Baby, I want you again.”  His hand moves down between my legs and he tenderly strokes my swollen flesh.  I gasp a little because I am quite tender there from making love earlier.  He lifts his mouth from my nipple and says, “Sorry, baby.  Sore?” 

All I can do is nod.  Sore is kind of an understatement.  I was planning on giving him some pleasure and then going to check on my sister and hoping some of the soreness clear up on its own.  I am also thinking about asking Rinda if she knows a spell for dealing with this little problem.

Damian starts trailing kisses down my body.  “I. Can. Fix. That.”  He punctuates each word with a kiss before he raises up to look up into my face.  “If you drop that spell for a minute, I can heal that tenderness right up.  It might sting a little bit, but it will feel much better down there very quickly and we can try to make you sore all over again.”  He wags his eyebrows wickedly at me and I laugh happily because his mood now seems as playful as mine.

I tap my forehead with the heel of my hand. “Why didn’t I think of that?  You have trace amounts of your venom in your saliva.  I should heal up in a matter of seconds.”

He smiles at me, “You know about that, huh?”

“Yeah, I told you, I know a lot about Stone Colds.”  I have always made it a point to know my enemy.  I find it odd that knowledge I acquired to help me defeat my foes will help me be closer to my beloved mate.  Morna is right, it is a weird

He shrugged, “I know my salvia heals minor skin irritations very quickly, I just assumed it work on your sweet pussy.”  I laugh and open my legs as I draw my knees up to fully expose my sex to his view.  He sighs happily and inhales deeply.  “Drop the spell, mon amour.”

“I dropped it right after we made love earlier,” I tell him.  “I haven’t woven it yet again.”

“Dammit Breena! I was counting on you to never make love with me without it.  I have to be able to trust you in this.”

I laugh, “It’s not like we were fucking yet.”

Damian is instantly in my face, brushing my cheek with his fingertips.  “I am not sure I like hearing you say that.  You know my whole heart and soul was in what we did before, right?  I wasn’t just fucking you.”

I nod and smile before I turn my head to nip his knuckle with my teeth.  “I am confident your whole heart and soul will be involved every time you ever touch me.  But at this moment, I am so impatient to have you inside of me, making me come and scream for you again that I guess that just sounds more like fucking than making love, and I am totally alright with that.”

My mate chuckles and says, “Yeah, I guess I am too, but I fully plan to do something about your impatience.  I will train you to accept delay in that gratification.  Anticipation and orgasm denial can be very heady stuff, very pleasurable.”

I snort, “Maybe for the one doing the denying…”

“Oh no, baby.  When I finally let you come after I have brought you to the brink a few times but denied you release… that orgasm will rock your world, totally fucking blow your mind.  You will be grateful for my control that allows me to deny you and help you learn mastery over your own body.”

I pull back a little.  “So, you do want a submissive?”

“Not really, Breena.  I will never, ever demand you kneel before me or call me master.” 

“Damn good thing, stud, because it so isn’t ever going to happen.”

He just smiles.  “Does anything rattle you, lady?”

“Damian, after living over eight hundred years one learns to take most things in stride,” I say gently.

He only nods and kisses me tenderly.  He’s moving down my body, kissing and licking.  Caressing, pinching and raking me with his nails until I am panting because I want to have him inside of me again.  “Amant, I need you,” I plead softly.

“I know, bébé, but you are sore.”

“Not that sore…”

He tsks me gently and says; “Patience, mon petit chat chaud.”

I giggle, “Did I translate that right?  Now I am your hot kitten? Or your hot cunt?”

“Definitely to both, but I was thinking kitten,” Damian growls before he parts my legs and reveals my center for his inspection.  “Translate this one, baby; J'adore votre chatte chaude.”

“Well thank you, leannan for loving my hot cunt.  And let me say; J'adore votre pénis en érection”

Damian laughs and leans forward to kiss my swollen external lips.  “Baby, I never thought I would enjoy speaking French again.  But with you it’s a lot of fun.”

I pick up on a fleeting negative emotion, deep, hidden pain.  I sit up and grasp his face gently. “Damian, look at me sweetheart.”  He does and I search his face, he’s way too good at hiding his emotions.  “Don’t hide from me.  Someday, when you are ready I hope you will tell my about the pain she inflicted on you.  I want to know because I need to be very sure that I never do anything that will hurt you like she did.”

“Fuck, baby, you don’t miss much, do you?”

“I have my oblivious moments, but being aware of people’s emotions and helping them deal with them is what I do.  And while I don’t want to be your therapist, because we are mates, equals, and lovers… I still want to help if I can.  And I really, really don’t want to unknowingly give you pain.”  I lean in and kiss him tenderly, trying to pour all of my love and empathy into that one kiss.

Damian pulls away from me and asks; “Do you know that song Monster by Skillet?”  I nod and my heart sinks.  That’s really how he sees himself. “Breena, that song could be my personal anthem.”

I push him over on his back and straddle his hips.  I lean down and tenderly kiss his lips and run my hands from his shoulders down his arms until I entwine my fingers with his.  “You might feel that way, but our feelings can be the worst liars we ever encounter.  And it in your situation it’s even more difficult to sort the truth from the lies because you have become a creature that craves blood for its very survival, and has learned to revel in violence and debauchery.” 

I withdraw my right hand from his left and place it over his heart.  “But there is so much more to the man before me than the ‘monster’ that you believe you are.  You are intelligent, protective, solicitous, loving, gentle, humble… fuck, Damian, you are amazing and just don’t realize it.  You may never fully grasp that truth, but luckily for both of us, I understand it and whatever power brought us together recognizes it.”

“Breena, if you were ever near me in a fight you would see what a monster I truly am.  I crave the pain I inflict and receive, I savor, no, I relish the defeat of my foe.  I glory in their pain, their blood, their annihilation.”  He reaches up and caresses my face, “There’s no way you can understand that.  You are too pure… too good.”

I laugh and close my eyes and recall a certain memory… I reach for Damian’s hand to place his palm on my forehead and share my memory, I allow him to relive the experience with me.  When the images, sensations and feelings begin to flood his mind and soul he tries to pull his hand away, but I force him to remain in contact.  I can feel his surprise at my strength and his absolute shock at what he is learning about me.

Once I have relived every single nuance of the memory I open my eyes and look at my beloved.  His eyes are wide and I can feel his horrified shock at what I revealed.  “Was that real?”  I nod.  “Holy shit!  Did I feel what I think I felt?  Did you get off while killing those three Ghouls?”

“Yeah, I did.  Kind of makes me one sick pup don’t it?”

He shakes his head no.  “They deserved to die. I am just surprised you enjoyed it so much.”

“I am too.  It took me a very long time to come to grips with that.  But I have because it’s only one part of me, it’s not who I am.”  I reach up and tug on a strand of my wild, tousled hair.  “Just like this bright red hair does not define me, it’s just a part of me… my enjoying the total obliteration of those three living beings doesn’t define me either, it’s just part of me.  Not a part that I am proud of, but part of me just the same.” 

I reach out and trace his lips, “That’s not the only memory I have like that I could share with you.  I am afraid I have had many similar experiences over the centuries and I suspect it will happen again because I am not the kind that will walk away from a fight.  In fact, if the bad guy is bad enough… I relish the fight.  Relish his or her defeat at my hands.”

“Thank you for sharing that with me, mon cher.  I am grateful for two reasons, I feel a little less like a monster to know that someone as good as you could revel in taking a life, but more importantly I now know I don’t have to be so very afraid for you around me.  You could actually defend yourself if I lost control.”

“I could,” I concede. “But it won’t ever be necessary.”

Damian laughs and rolls me over and begins to kiss my chest and knead my breasts.  “Fuck, baby, I want some of that confidence you have in me.”

“Well just stick with me, stud, it’s contagious,” I quip.

He flicks his tongue over my nipple and says, “Do me a favor, mon amour, don’t call me stud.”

“Okay.”  What the hell? I can sense his unease.  What did I do now?

He suckles hard at that nipple and moves to suckle the other while pressing against the apex of my thighs with his thigh causing me to arch my hips to meet him and savor the sweet friction.  This move successfully makes me forget that I said something to upset him.  “Leannan, I want you,” say in this breathy little voice that doesn’t even sound like my own voice.  I sound needy… hot and very needy.

Damian moves down my body with his talented mouth until he is laving my tender core.  I am moaning and arching up to experience more.  I am lost in the pleasure my mate is giving me. 

He moves his mouth and blows on my throbbing sex.  “She used to call me stud and mon petit cheval.”  Anger roils hotly inside at me at the thought of that predatory bitch calling my sweet Damian her little horse.  Obviously she picked that nickname and ‘stud’ because of how well he’s endowed.

I sit up and tilt his chin up to kiss his lips, I savor my scent on his mouth before I whisper; “She was a fucking fool as well as a predator.  Vous êtes un homme d'honneur avec le coeur plein d'amour.”

He meets my eyes and asks, “You really believe I am a man of honor with a heart full of love?”

I nod.  “I know it.”  I grin like a fool when he seems to accept my words.  “Your glorious cock doesn’t define you anymore than my bright red hair defines me.”

He reaches up and tugs on a lock of coppery colored tresses.  “Maybe not, but I love your bright red hair.”

I reach out and brush my hand over his soft, shiny black hair before quipping; “And I love your beautiful black hair and that glorious cock.”

He laughs and moves up to grasp my hands and pin them to the bed above my head, “Fuck, Breena, you are so baaaad!”

I moan because the aforementioned cock is pressed against the apex of my thighs.  “Oooo yeah I am very bad.  I simply refuse to behave, so why don’t you fuck your horny little mate into submission?”

“Be careful what you ask for, little girl,” he growls playfully.

I raise an eyebrow, “Sir? Was that a challenge?”

He pulls back and looks at me with candid appraisal.  “Do you want to play?”

I shrug, at least as much as I can with my arms pinned above my head.  “Let’s say I want to explore whether or not I want to play.   I don’t know how I would feel if you ever truly dominated me or punished me.  I know I would resent the hell out of you if you ever deliberately made me feel shame or humiliation… but… some of the other things, I am just not sure.” 

“Breena, I would like to show you so many things, amour.”  I shiver at his words wondering just what he is thinking about specifically.  “I have never enjoyed shame and humiliation, mine or anyone else’s.  Not even at my absolute lowest.  You don’t have to worry about that because I will never shame or humiliate you.”  He leans down and suckles one of my nipples very hard.  “But I would love to help you discover exactly what your body responds to, maybe explore your limits.”

I open my legs and wrap them around my lover’s waist and say, “I want you.  Inside of me.  Right now.”

He chuckles in that sexy gravelly way that makes my core quiver. “You are an impatient one, aren’t you, bébé?”  I nod because it’s true.

He smirks before he kisses me tenderly before he trails his lips around to my ear to murmur softly; “I can train some of that impatience out of you.  But I am not sure that I want to.  I like it.  You make me feel amazing, mon amour.  You are beautiful, sexy, powerful and strong… yet you are so eager for me. Only for me.”

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