The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5 (11 page)

BOOK: The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5
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I gasp and then chuckle.  “And why is that, Fionn?”

Because I can read him like a book and he’s loyal, and dedicated to protecting innocents.”  I smile happily at this news.  “And best part, baby, he thinks of you as his goddess.”


“Yeah, he’s been having dreams about you too.  He calls you his goddess in his head and he’s already more than half in love with you.”

“He told you this?”

“Hell no!  Men don’t talk to other men about their feelings, but I showed him that picture we took of us at Burning Man… that got his brain focused squarely on you.  But he’s not too sure about me, he doesn’t know if I am competition or an ally.”

I chuckle and ask, “So which are you?  Competition or ally?”

“Fuck, baby, I guess I gotta be ally cause if I act like competition I will just hurt you.  And I would never do anything to hurt you, Breena, never.”

Tears are running down my face when I tell Fionn how much I love him.  I am also thanking God for my friend.  “Fionn, I would never do anything to hurt you either.”

“I know, baby.  That’s why you have been gradually pushing me away for a while now.  You knew deep in your heart that I was becoming too dependent on you and that you were destined for another.”

“Oh Fionn, you are such a good man.  When you find your true mate she’s gonna be one of the luckiest women alive.

Fionn laughs and mutters something about from my lips to God’s ear.  I hear Morna and Luca come back.  They are all planning on flying back to OKC tonight.  I guess I better get a move on and go pack.  Great!  Another sleepless night on a plane. I reluctantly end the call with Fionn.  I would love to pump him for information about Damian, but it wouldn’t be fair to Fionn to do that.  So I remind myself to be patient and go to pack for the flight to Oklahoma.





When Morna and Luca join the rest of us in the lobby it is so freaking obvious that something really amazing has happened between them.  Their love for each other has always been something to behold, but now I can feel the power of it.  It’s like their love has taken on a life of its own.  The bitterness and frustration I feel wafting off of my niece is so strong it almost makes me physically ill. 

She cuts her eyes my way and must realize that I am picking up on it because she quickly reins it in and puts forth a really good impression for being happy for them.  I am left to wonder if it’s an act or if her mind is somehow split on the subject.  My concern over Aideen increases exponentially.  Something is not right with Aideen!  It’s almost like she’s two completely different people.

We are leaving the lobby when Morna’s phone rings.  It’s the young seer, Samantha, warning us not to get on the plane.  It seems that the witch Kyera is indeed in Chicago and she is planning to curse the pilot of whatever plane we board so that it will crash. 

We are making arrangements to drive back to Oklahoma when Samantha calls again and warns that Brigid and Aideen should come with us because the rest of that vampire army will attack them if they stay behind.  Aideen thinks we should weave finding spells and join our friends at Morna’s halfway house, but I explain to her that we would leave too clear of trail for Kyera to follow if we do that.  Traveling by car or Gateway is much safer, even if it is slower.

In the end we decide to drive to Kankakee, Illinois in George’s pickup truck where will ship our luggage and simply run to the Gateway in Oklahoma via the ley lines between the realms.  It’s a dangerous way to travel because trolls, ghosts and shades frequently use them as well, but it’s our best option.  It would be hard for the witch to sneak up behind us inside the gateway and even harder to get ahead of us to set up an ambush, but both contingencies are something we have to be prepared for.  We are in a fight for our very lives and we don’t even have a clear idea who our enemies are.  This really sucks!

I am very pleased and very relieved when George contacts a fellow Stone Breaker to make arrangements for them to deal with the vampire army.  Fionn also calls to tell me that he has contacted a couple of his Shape Shifter friends that are enforcers and they too are on their way.  Shape Shifters can teleport and should get there much quicker than the Stone Breakers.  I ask Fionn who’s coming and I am relieved when I learn that Fintan Dragomir and Fenris Lidskjalf.  I know they are both tough and very good at what they do.  I can actually rest a little easier knowing that we are not leaving a problem behind for mere mortals to deal with on their own.  I know that Morna and Luca are also similarly relieved.

After we enter the Gateway we are all surprised by the welcoming committee.  Morna’s father is waiting to greet us.  The Norse demigod, Valliant of Asgard, is truly a sight to behold.  He’s probably close to eight feet tall and I can’t even guess how much he weighs, surely well over three hundred pounds because his muscles are massive.  But what really strikes me is how much Morna looks like him, not the original Morna… but the current incarnation. 

We are all feeling pretty confused and somewhat melancholy because Morna’s physical appearance has reverted back to her ascended form… the one she was originally born to in 1170.  My sister again looks like me.                Poor George is more confused than any of us, but he’s hangin in there.  He’s actually a very remarkable man and I find that I am very happy for Brigid to have found such a man.  It’s obvious that he loves Brigid with all of his heart.

I am confused by the parallels in the appearance of Morna’s current incarnation and her father.  The latest incarnation looks like one would expect the daughter of Valliant of Asgard to appear.  They have the same hair color, the same eyes, they are both tall and obviously warriors.  Their facial structures are very similar, even though Morna’s face is much more feminine.  They even share some mannerisms.  I find it all very freaky.  I look over at Luca and I can tell that he has picked up on it too.  This must be her true form, her eternal form.    

Valliant greets us all like we are old friends or long lost family.  Which in a way, some of us are.  Aideen, as his granddaughter certainly is long lost family.  I can tell that he is especially happy to meet his granddaughter.  But Aideen is holding back.  I can tell she’s not too sure about all of this.  I can feel jealousy raging through her heart and soul and I want to smack her and tell her snap out of it, but I doubt that it would do any good so I remain quiet.

I am watching Morna with Valliant when I chuckle and Brigid asks me what’s so funny.  “I just realized my sister is a goddess.”  I hear Morna snort derisively and I know she must have heard my comment.  Morna’s not big on calling the more powerful Immortals gods and goddesses.  She’s firmly of the mindset that there is only one God and he doesn’t dwell in Asgard, Olympus nor any of the other so called god realms.  While there are those rare beings that seem as though they can’t be killed, we call them Eternals.  Most of the so called Immortals can and usually do, eventually die.  Usually from horrific injuries because we generally seem to be impervious to the effects of illness or old age.  But for most of us, separating our heads from our bodies always does the trick.

I smile wryly at myself because of the dark turn my thoughts have taken.  I am on my way to get my first real glimpse of the man that I will probably spend the rest of my life with and I am contemplating death.  I am fairly confident of Morna’s and my own survival as we face whatever challenges are ahead of us because of various prophesies and the visions that Ari and Almeda shared with me. But I also know that free will can subvert any prophesy or vision.  All it would take is one bad decision made by the right person and any of us could end up dead.

Brigid gives my hand a little reassuring squeeze.  She is probably picking up on the dark turn my thoughts have taken.  She is a tiny bit empathic.  Most really good healers are, unfortunately for them.  It’s a real bitch to live the pain of those you are trying to heal, but that’s just the way it is.  Power and the ability to live a long time does come with a price and a lot of responsibility. 

The cost each so called Immortal must pay and his or her own burdens may vary.  None get off scot free and that’s probably a very good thing.  As Morna used to say, “God’s rain and sunshine fall on all… you just have to accept the bad with the good and be grateful.”  I snort because she was every bit of thirteen when she said that the first time.  Even as snot nosed little kid she was wise as hell. 

My thoughts quickly go back to Damian and I become impatient to be underway.  I know Damian is going to meet us at one of the Gateways in Oklahoma.  My heart is racing wondering how our first meeting will unfold.  I see Luca watching me curiously and I wonder if he has guessed the reason for my elevated heart rate.  At one point when we stop to rest he squeezes my hand and smiles at me.  Yep, he gets it.  God, I love my brother in law!

We arrive at the Oklahoma Gateway and Luca smells trouble up top.  Something called blood boars are running free up there.  Apparently even animals can be infected by the venom of Stone Cold vamps.  Who knew?  I certainly didn’t.  I feel a cold shiver of fear for mortals when I think of a human encountering a beast infected with vampirism.

I stay below with Brigid and Aideen.  But I admit to myself that being ordered to remain behind chafes a little bit.  Actually, more than a little.  But I guess Morna doesn’t realize how many raiding parties I have been a part over the centuries living among the Cuchiyoga and the Chitimacha peoples.  Nor does she have any way of knowing that I have been raiding nests of Stone Cold vamps, covens of renegade witches or dealing with other deadly immortal beings like demons, daemons, hunters sent by Artemis herself, and even Nyx’s most recent creations; Ghouls. 

I know several Ghouls who make New Orleans their home.  In fact, their so called Queen or at least one of them, lives there.  Most of them are good people, but there are those who are not content to live off raw meat obtained from livestock and the occasional human remains… No, some of those bastards decide they want to kill and eat humans at their pleasure.  I have killed hundreds of them over the centuries.  So while I am not a trained Warrior of Airendell, I can damned sure hold my own in a fight against most creatures.

Morna is grinning when she comes back to get us.  She looks at me and says, “I am sorry, Breena.  I should have asked if you wanted to come with us instead of ordering you to stay here.  I know you are very capable of defending yourself, more so than Aideen and Brigid.  I am just overly protective when it comes to you.  I finally have you back and don’t want to risk your wellbeing.” 

I smile at my sister but I have to ask her how she knows I can take care of myself.  She grins and says, “Believe it or not, there is a Gateway near your house.  Word of your exploits has reached me as I performed my duties as Gateway protector.  I suspect that you could tell me some tales that would curl my hair.” 

I laugh that off, but in my heart I know it might not be too far from the truth.  Some really strange things have been known to go down around New Orleans.  I notice Aideen and Brigid looking at me differently and I rush through the Gateway to avoid their scrutiny or a barrage of questions.  But mostly, I am impatient to meet Damian.

I come up short when my eyes take in Damian Summers in the flesh.  Holy cow!  What flesh indeed!  He’s tall and so damned beautiful it literally makes my heart ache.  His fine features and brilliant blue eyes are almost too beautiful for a man.  He’s wearing a worn black leather jacket, a tight black tee shirt, old faded and ripped 501’s and motorcycle boots. 

I chuckle to myself; that’s pretty much standard dress for most Immortal men.  They just don’t quite fit in with typical humans.  They are typically cut above normal with a definite air of danger and mystery.  I shiver when everything south of my waist clenches and heats.  Jeez, get a grip, Breena!  He can smell you!

Damian is talking to Valliant and George and he looks a little sheepish.  I see him furtively glance my way several times and I can feel that he too feels our connection.  I draw closer to the trio and realize they are teasing him because he was treed by those blood boars.  He isn’t armed with a sword like Valliant and the others.  Personally, I feel it’s only prudent that he went up the tree. 

I listen to the good natured ribbing for a while and then I decide I have had enough of the ‘older boys’ picking on the ‘new kid’, even though he is taking it with a great deal of humor and grace.  I still want to let him know he’s not the only one who’s found himself, literally up a tree with an enemy below wanting to rip him from limb to limb. 

I sidle up to Valliant and smile my sweetest, most innocent smile before I say; “That reminds me of the story I heard about you, Lord Valliant.  You had a nice little dalliance going with that Taggart girl, Colleen, the Shape Shifter from down around Kenmare.  Sadly, her brothers didn’t approve of your interest in their little sister.  I heard they kept you treed for six days before you swore to leave the lass alone.”  Valliant raises an eyebrow and then smirks because I have slipped back into my heavy Gaelic accent that I had as a child and young woman when I dwelt near Dungarvan, Ireland. 

George is laughing pitilessly at Valliant until I say; “Now, Stone Breaker, I don’t know any stories on you personally, but I do of a similar fate that befell one of your kind.  About a hundred and fifty years ago I was chasing a murderous Stone Cold through the swamps near New Orleans.  He had been on one hell of a killing spree around my beloved city.  It turns out that I wasn’t the only one hunting him… one of your brethren had trailed him out into the swamp, but fell for a very old trick of evading pursuers in the swamp and ended up being treed in the bleached limbs of long dead cypress by a dozen hungry gators.  I sent the gators away and helped that Stone Breaker hunt down hunt down the murdering vamp.

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