The Wrong Hostage (3 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lowell

BOOK: The Wrong Hostage
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ATURDAY, 12:12 P.M.


the front door of Tijuana Tuck & Roll carrying what looked like a two-foot-long section of vaguely curved abstract art carved from oak. The shop that had made the oak piece had been in the same location for more than forty years. It was a hangover from the days of gringo surfers and hot-rodders crossing the border for cheap custom car work. When angora dice and hand-stitched leather seats stopped being cool, the shop had chosen a different business model.

It made the best smuggler’s traps to be had in a city whose economy was based on smuggling.

The output of Tijuana Tuck & Roll was the kind of open secret Mexico thrived on. The shop was surrounded by a stout chain-link fence topped with lazy, deadly loops of razor wire, the kind that would cut a man to rags.

Joe Faroe knew about wire like that, just like he knew about the auto upholstery shop’s real business.

Been there.

Done that.

Burned the T-shirt.

Faroe glanced across the street. The man was still there, still leaning in the shadow of a doorway. The watcher looked away when Faroe stared at him, but he didn’t move from his post.

A cop,
Faroe decided.

The dude’s leather jacket and comfortable belly gave him away. For some cops, life was good.

Okay, is he a Mexican cop or an American working south of the line, trying to figure out the latest smuggling wrinkle?

Is he looking for an arrest or a shakedown?

Faroe closed the chain-link gate behind him and stared at the cop whose leather jacket was almost as expensive as Faroe’s.

The dude pretended he didn’t exist.

Faroe kept staring.

Finally the cop looked over casually and nodded. He was an old hand. He knew he’d been burned.

“Have a nice day,” Faroe called across the street.

The cop shrugged and turned away to light a cigarette.

Faroe strolled along the buckled, treacherous sidewalk toward La Revo. He’d parked in Chula Vista and walked across La Línea—the border. Now he needed a cab back to the U.S. port of entry. There were always cabs next to the zebra-striped burro on the corner of La Revo and Calle Cinco.

The cop stopped smoking long enough to talk into a cell phone or a radio. Faroe couldn’t tell which and didn’t care. For the first time in decades he had a squeaky-clean conscience.

Around him the air smelled of broken septic lines and tacos with claws in them. The sidewalks were dirty and cracked, cluttered with hunched
beggars, sidewalk souvenir sellers, and a timeless collection of hustlers, thieves, and ordinary people just trying to get by. They peddled leather boxes, brightly painted wooden toys, and T-shirts celebrating the joys of everything from drugs to anal sex. The shops were ramshackle and poorly stocked. The bars advertised lap dancers. Next door, phony pharmacists in white coats peddled cut-rate Viagra and knockoff cancer drugs.

The tourist district of Avenida Constitución tried to be respectable, but it reeked of shadowy bargains, furtive pleasures, and easy vice. Cheap smokes, cheap liquor, cheap sex; everything the bluenoses had squeezed out of San Diego had migrated a few miles south to Tijuana.

Faroe walked the block that had once held the infamous Blue Fox. Sidewalk bar barkers hailed him every few steps.

“Hey, mister, you want some pussy? How about a little fun? Preeeety girls, right here, come in.”

A thin man with a thinner black mustache had incorporated sound effects into his sales routine, pinching one side of his face between thumb and forefinger and jerking the flesh of his cheek juicily to suggest sex.

Faroe had heard all the come-ons since he was fifteen. Once he’d smiled at the grimy tricks. Then he’d become indifferent. Now he was disgusted.

He didn’t know if it was an improvement.

He flagged a passing yellow cab and climbed in the backseat with his parcel. Instantly the driver made eye contact in his rearview mirror and gave him a broad, practiced grin.

“I can find anything for you,
. Girls, mebbe? I know where the clean ones are.”

“La Línea,” Faroe said. “Go back through the Zona Río.”

The driver looked at Faroe’s eyes, shut up, and turned north.

In three minutes the taxi left the hustling, squalid streets of Old Town behind. Now Faroe looked out on the broad boulevards of Tijuana’s international district. When he’d first come to Tijuana, this river district had been an open sewer over a marshy land. It had been equal opportunity sewage—some stayed south of the border and some emptied with the Tía Juana River into the ocean at Imperial Beach, U.S. of A.

The river still carried sewage, but it was underground now. On top were streets like the Paseo de los Héroes, whose high-end international shopping rivaled that of any city on earth.

Stores. Discos. Nightclubs. Restaurants.


Lots and lots of banks.

Their business towers were modest compared to those in San Diego, but by the one- and two-story scale of the rest of Tijuana, the banks were giant, glistening, new. A mecca for money.

Just shows what thirty billion dollars a year in outside income can do for a city,
Faroe thought.
Too bad the billions came mostly from ghetto addicts and barrio hypes north of the line

But that wasn’t his problem anymore. Steele and St. Kilda Consulting
be damned, he was through with the crisscross, double-cross, black-is-white and white-is-black world he’d lived in all his adult life.

Let some other fool risk his butt to save a world that doesn’t want to be saved, fuck you very much

Yet Faroe still felt sorry for the poor citizens in TJ who weren’t in on the money game that was going on all around them. They scrambled for a lousy living while most everyone else fattened on the sugar teat of smuggling.

Too bad, how sad, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I’ve retired my broken lance and put poor old Rosinante out to pasture

And if Steele doesn’t understand, he can just shove it where the sun don’t shine

The cabbie dropped Faroe at the edge of the neutral zone called the port of entry. He walked along another street crammed with pharmacies and souvenir stands. A block south of the physical frontier, shops gave way to storefront travel agencies offering passage to Los Angeles and the Central Valley, Wenatchee and Burlington and Spokane, fifteen hundred miles away. Kansas, Chicago, New York, Colorado, the cotton fields of the South; any and all destinations welcoming cheap workers were represented by hawkers competing for warm bodies to fill their quotas.

Faroe passed the long, snaky line of visa seekers outside the administrative offices of the Border Protection Agency. Like someone who has done it many times before, he pushed through the swinging doors that led to the auditorium-sized processing center.

Last stop before American soil.

A customs inspector wearing a blue shirt and a sidearm spotted Faroe’s parcel and pointed to the X-ray scanner.

Faroe put the box on the conveyor belt and waited. A second inspector stared at the scanner screen, examining the contents of the parcels and bags on the belt.

Automatically Faroe stepped through the metal detector and wondered with professional interest what would happen. He might not be in the business anymore but was curious to know how his secret traveling safe stacked up against pros.

The scanner operator stopped the belt to look long and hard at the cleanly sawed oak timber. The outlines of a drawer were clear in the ghostly blue X-ray.

The inspector, whose name tag said “Davison,” backed the belt up and ran the oak timber through again. He stared some more, then touched a button at his elbow.

From the corner of his eye, Faroe saw two more blue shirts converge on the scanner.

“This yours, sir?” the scanner asked calmly.


A hand touched Faroe’s elbow as a neutral voice said, “Come with me, please.”

One of the converging inspectors stood close enough to block Faroe’s route back to Mexico. The other barred his path to the United States. Both men had their free hand on the butt of a service pistol.

“Sure,” Faroe said to the inspector at his elbow. “You want me to carry the box?”

“That’s okay. We’ll take care of it.”

A supervisory inspector grabbed the parcel off the belt and led the way. Faroe fell in behind, careful to keep his hands in plain sight. Obviously the official X-ray had found one of the compartments. The only real question was, had it found the other one as well?

The sign on the door said “Secondary Inspection.” Inside was an interrogation room, a government-issue table, and two battered, straight-backed chairs. The two escorts followed Faroe to the door and made sure he went through. Then they turned and went back to their former posts.

The supervisor, whose badge said “Jervis,” put the box on the table and faced Faroe coolly. “You look pretty calm for somebody in a lot of trouble.”

During his career, Faroe had made a study of ports of entry; he knew the game. Customs inspectors read body language for a living. Faroe’s expression, neck pulse, eyes, hands, and posture didn’t give the inspector anything to work with.

“I’m clean,” Faroe said, “therefore I’m calm. You saw yourself that the box was empty.”

Jervis pointed at the parcel, looked at Faroe’s passport, and said, “You want to think about that before you get yourself in any more trouble, Mr. Faroe?”

“Nothing to think about. I’m clean.”

“Empty your pockets on this table. Then stand over there and lean against the wall, hands up and flat, legs spread. Got that?”

Faroe could have argued but didn’t bother. Jervis was paid for an eight-hour shift. He could spend it on Faroe or he could share the wealth with the next hundred people in line.

“Yeah, I get it.” Faroe emptied his pockets, assumed the position, and waited while he was thoroughly, professionally patted down. “Relax, I’m not carrying.”

“I’m an old man, Mr. Faroe. I got that way by being careful.” Jervis checked for knife sheaths along the calves and ankles before he straightened. “Go back to the table and pick up your pocket stuff.”

Faroe went back to where his keys, change, passport, cash, and package waited. While he filled his pockets again, Jervis ripped through newsprint until he’d exposed the two-foot length of oak. In its own spare way, the wood was beautiful. Jervis shook it hard.

Nothing rattled.

Jervis grunted. “Looked like a hollow log on the scanner. Around here, we don’t like that. You’re in big trouble, mister.”

“Not unless they’ve changed the rules since I wore a blue shirt,” Faroe said. “The box is empty.”

“So it’s a trap. You admit that.”

“It’s just what the declarations form says—a jewelry box. A handsome piece of wood for the wife to put her rings in.”

Jervis eyed him. “You really were a blue shirt? Where? Here?”

“Yeah.” Faroe shrugged. “It’s been years, but I was.”

Jervis inspected the timber closely. After almost a minute, he pointed to one corner.

“There,” he said. “I can see the seam of the lid, barely. Nice work.”

Faroe wasn’t worried that the inspector had found the outline of part of the box. The whole thing would be installed in the bilge of his boat, which at the moment happened to be lacking a two-foot length of timber. Once Faroe was finished doctoring the oak, even someone who knew the trap was in the bilge would have one hell of a time finding it.

“Jewelry box, huh?” The inspector went over the board again carefully,
looking for the catch with his sensitive fingertips. “This is about the only place the catch could be.”


Jervis poked at a round one-inch knot, the only imperfection in the tight-grained oak. Nothing moved. “Huh.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Faroe said. “You’ve X-rayed it. It’s empty.”

Jervis sucked air through his front teeth. “I should confiscate this and burn it.”

“Not a good idea. There’s this thing called illegal seizure.”

Silence stretched while the customs inspector rocked on the heels of his leather boots and watched Faroe’s body language.

“Get out of here,” Jervis said finally, jerking his head toward the door to America. “But you can fire your proctologist, because if I put your smart ass in the computer, you’ll get a body cavity search every time you cross a border anywhere.”

Faroe nodded. “Have a nice day.”

He picked up the timber and headed out the door. With long strides he headed to his car and an appointment with his safe-deposit box in Oceanside Federal Bank. If his luck held, by the time Steele found another only-you-can-do-this lure to dangle under his ex-employee’s nose, said ex-employee would be headed out to sea with several million in D-flawless diamonds tucked in the bilge.

Faroe had earned his retirement the hard way. He planned on enjoying it.

And to hell with saving people from their own stupidity.

ATURDAY, 12:20 P.M.


the toll road had cost Grace ten minutes of anxiety while sweating
gripped their automatic weapons and peered into cars. Now she confronted another new security checkpoint on the well-maintained dirt road that led to All Saints.

A clean-shaven young man in Levi’s and a loose cotton guayabera stood in the center of the road. A lethal-looking black submachine gun hung across his shirt from a long leather shoulder strap. He supported his elbows on the weapon as he watched her SUV approach. Except for the casual shirt, he looked just like the dark, sweaty men on the toll road.

The gun was certainly the same.

Grace hated guns. She had one, knew how to use it, and hated it just the same, hated what it implied: law alone couldn’t protect everyone in all places, all of the time.

In addition to the armed man in the middle of the road, she noted a black Suburban with heavily tinted windows parked off to the side. The driver and passenger-side doors were open. There were two more guards in the vehicle. One wore Levi’s and a T-shirt, the other had on a black suit with a white shirt and tie.

Both men held assault rifles across their laps.

Uneasily Grace stopped and rolled down her window, holding out her passport. “I’m here to see my son.”

The guard’s eyes widened when he read her passport. His right hand dropped to the receiver of the submachine gun. His index finger curled around the trigger guard. He turned and whistled to the men in the Suburban. The man in the suit picked up a hand radio and started talking.

Face carefully blank, Grace waited. Card players weren’t the only people who needed poker faces; judges did too. Hers was as good as any and better than most.

Beneath it she was scared spitless.

It is not something to be discussed over the telephone

“Windows open,
por favor,
” the guard standing in the road said.

Despite the polite tone, it wasn’t a request.

Grace punched buttons until Ensenada’s hot, humid air filled the vehicle. The sun was hidden behind a gunmetal haze of monsoon moisture, and the temperature was hovering near one hundred.

That’s why I’m sweating. It’s hot

But her sweat was cold.

The young guard circled the Mercedes, peering carefully through the open windows, making sure the cargo space was empty.

The man in the suit continued to talk into the radio. Grace couldn’t hear him, but she knew from the way he watched her that he was talking about her.

The guard with the submachine gun completed his inspection and looked over his shoulder. The man in the Suburban listened to his radio, then nodded.

“Go ahead,
but drive immediately to the soccer field,” the guard ordered.

“Why? Is there something—?”

“Soccer field,” he cut in, curtly waving her forward. His right hand was still curled around the trigger guard of his weapon.

The implied threat turned Grace’s anxiety into anger. Just as she started to tell the guard what a rude jerk he was, she saw past his weapon to the square-cut tails of his loose shirt. The tails had caught at his
waistband, exposing a shiny badge on a leather holder tucked into his belt.

She recognized the badge. It was issued by the same agency that had provided her Mexican identity card—the Mexican Department of Justice.

“Are you a federal policeman?” she asked quickly.

The guard followed her glance. He yanked the shirttail over his badge.

“Go,” he said fiercely. “
Andale. Ahora
. Now, quick!”

When Grace hesitated, the guard shifted his weapon. The muzzle described an arc that came very close to her face. Close enough that she could see into the black eye of the barrel.

She punched the accelerator.

Grit and dust shot in all directions as the SUV’s big tires spun in response to the sudden power. The guard leaped back and shouted something Grace chose not to understand.

All she wanted was to see Lane, to hold him, to find out what was going on.

It took her less than a minute to reach the soccer field. It was just inside the school grounds on a shelf of land between the administration building and the sandy bluffs that fell down to the ocean. Large, energetic crowds were gathered along both sidelines of the well-groomed grass, shouting and hooting at the action on the field.

Grace shot into a vacant space behind one goal and shut off the engine. Her dark glance searched the field, frantic to see her son.

There! Thank God

To his mother, Lane blazed like a torch in the center of the field. He moved with such quickness and poise that he looked more like twenty years old than fifteen. Coolly he tap-tap-tapped the soccer ball between two converging defenders. At the last instant he leaped over their sliding tackles, made contact with the ball again, and headed for the goal.

Maybe it was the smell of the air, hot, humid, heavy with the coming storm. Maybe it was Lane himself, lean and fluid, confident in his own body. Maybe it was the time of the month. But suddenly Grace found herself remembering what she’d worked so hard to forget, the days sixteen years ago when she’d slipped her self-imposed leash and spent a long weekend with Joe Faroe, the only man she’d ever met who seemed worth any

The rhythms of the monsoon storm surge pounding on the shore, on her, through her, and Faroe’s long, lean body fitted so perfectly with hers, driving her, driving him, and the unleashed woman in her demanded more, gave more, took more…

Grace shook her head harshly, denying the memories. When she’d married Ted, she truly hadn’t known who was the father of the baby growing in her womb—Ted or Faroe. But she’d known that the odds were heavily with Ted.

And when she held the baby in her arms, she didn’t care who the father was. For the first time in her life she was completely in love. Lane’s tiny hands, perfect fingernails, and beautiful, blissful hazel eyes were her world.

He’d grown so fast.

Too fast.

She hadn’t wanted him to play soccer, but she’d given in, figuring it was safer than football. Now she was glad she’d allowed her son to compete head-to-head with other healthy young males. Like his biological father, Lane was a natural athlete.

Lane zigzagged deeper into the attacking zone, playing the ball like an extension of his body. Suddenly defenders raced at him from all directions.

My God. They’re so much bigger than Lane. Older, stronger

Even when his own teammates fell back, Lane pushed ahead. A defender wearing a red bandanna rolled into a sweatband threw himself in a sliding tackle that was clearly aimed at Lane, not the ball. Lane leaped, but the other “boy” stuck out his feet, tripping Lane in midair and slamming him to the ground.

Grace was reaching for the car door when the referee’s whistle sliced through the air. While his teammates gathered around Lane, the referee drew a yellow card from the hip pocket of his shorts and waved it at the tackler. The player came easily to his feet and loomed above Lane, daring him to get up.

Lane rolled over onto all fours, shook his head, and scrambled to his feet. He stepped around the referee, trying to get at his attacker. Standing face-to-face with Lane, the tackler was clearly older and bulkier. His red
bandanna held his black shoulder-length hair from his blunt, handsome
features. He could have been a warrior as easily as an athlete. His smile was calm and cold.

The referee stepped back between the two players, waving his arms and speaking quickly.

After a moment Lane turned and jogged away, joining his teammates to wait for the corner kick that had been called.

Grace felt herself begin to breathe again. Her son had a temper. It made him brave but not always smart.

Like Joe Faroe.

As play resumed she heard a gentle tap on the passenger-side window. She looked over and saw the genial brown face of Carlos Calderón. He grinned around his customary black Havana cigar and gestured for her to unlock the passenger door.

More men with more weapons—long guns slung over their shoulders or submachine guns held casually, muzzles toward the ground—flanked Calderón. They had the same easy insolence and edgy eyes as the gate guard.

Do they have federal police badges too?

But Grace didn’t say anything aloud. She touched the switch that unlocked the vehicle doors and picked up her purse from the passenger seat. When Calderón opened the door, she thought about asking him to leave his cigar outside. Then she decided to keep her mouth shut and be the deferential female Calderón expected in Mexico. It grated, but not nearly as much as seeing Lane illegally tackled, tripped, and slammed to the ground.

She extended a cool hand to prevent the more intimate Mexican greeting. “Hello, Carlos. How are you?”

“So nice to see you, Your Honor,” Calderón said in unaccented English.

With a nod of his head that was just short of a bow, he took her hand in his own soft, well-manicured one. He held on to her fingers moments longer than necessary. It could have been an accident. It could have been a silent reminder that he was a man of power.

He set the limits of politeness, not her.

“I’m very disappointed that you couldn’t persuade Ted to come with you,” Calderón said.

Grace withdrew her hand. “I told you that Ted is away.”

Calderón gave the graceful shrug that was the hallmark of the Mexican male. He lived freely on both sides of the border, but he’d been born in America. He and Grace had even gone to the same private high school in Santa Ana. Yet here, south of the line, he was
todo mexicano,
formal in the way a Mexican businessman might be.

Grace preferred the American version of Calderón.

“I’ve been very busy,” she said evenly. “I haven’t spoken to Ted in quite a while. I haven’t had any chance to pass on your message.”

Calderón puffed on his cigar. “How disappointing.”

“You’re a very important client of Edge City Investments,” Grace said. “Why don’t you just call the firm and ask for Ted?”

Why lean on me and make me afraid for my son?

But she didn’t say that aloud. Her Kazakh grandmother had been very clear on that point—never show fear.

“Oh, I’ve tried many times,” Calderón said with a rueful smile.

Thick blue smoke swirled around the interior of the vehicle.

Grace put on her courtroom face, the one that wouldn’t notice the smell of sewage if it was shoved up her nose.

Calderón glanced over toward a group of men who stood beyond his bodyguards. He took another deep puff on the cigar. The tip glowed hot and red.

She realized that he was nervous.

Not good. Not at all good. She didn’t want to know what it took to frighten a man of Calderón’s wealth and power.

“You called me down here to talk about Lane,” she said. “Ted isn’t necessary for that.”

Then she snapped on the ignition switch and ran down every window in the SUV. Cigar smoke had made her hurl when she was pregnant. She didn’t like it much better now.

Calderón drew hard on the cigar and blew a plume of smoke toward the windshield. “I’m sorry. I didn’t make myself clear. There are some aspects of your son’s welfare that only Ted can address.”

Grace’s heart hammered hard beneath her ribs. “Then speak clearly now. Why is one of Ted’s oldest friends and his most important business
associate threatening me?”

Calderón looked at her, surprised. “Threatening?”

She gestured toward the armed men. “Telling me to come here among all the men with guns. They weren’t here before.”

“The guards? They’re just a precaution. Some very wealthy people send their sons to All Saints. Unfortunately, in Mexico there are kidnapping and other security issues that rarely trouble American parents.”

“Interesting, I’m sure,” she said evenly, “but what does that have to do with Ted?”

And Lane

“Since Ted is the parent who signed Lane into All Saints,” Calderón said, “the people who run the school asked me to contact Ted.”

“I’m as much a custodial parent as Ted is. Either of us can speak for Lane’s welfare.”

“Custodial. Such a nice term, a legal term, one that sounds good in your American courtroom. But the legal system isn’t quite the same here in Mexico. Other, more realistic considerations hold here.”

“Are you saying that I can’t speak for my son’s interests in Mexico?”

Calderón blew smoke. “At this moment, no. Only Ted may do so.”

“In that case I’m taking Lane out of All Saints right now. When you find Ted, you can have a long talk with him about custodial parents.”

“Taking Lane with you isn’t possible,” Calderón said, refusing to meet her glance. “Because Ted signed the papers admitting Lane, only Ted can remove him.” Calderón threw her a quick, nervous smile. “So now you understand the importance of bringing Ted here, yes?”

Sweat gathered along Grace’s spine. She’d seen that kind of anxious smile before, in the barrio, when young
curried favor with gang leaders. At that instant she understood that Carlos Calderón, a very, very powerful man in Baja California and all of Mexico, was acting as someone else’s messenger boy.

Someone violent enough to make Calderón nervous.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Will I never get free of the gutter?
Grace asked silently.

She’d spent her adult life forgetting the gutter, ignoring it, not looking back, climbing high and fast to a place where the air was clean and the nights were safe and women didn’t have to be arm candy to be allowed
into the halls of power.

“Carlos.” Grace’s voice was quiet and calm, that of a judge presiding over her court. “Are you telling me that Lane is a prisoner here and only Ted can set him free?”

Calderón looked out at the field, where the referee had just blown the whistle, stopping play. Then he looked toward Grace without meeting her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “This isn’t the way I would prefer to do business.”

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