The Wrath of Silver Wolf (22 page)

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Authors: Simon Higgins

BOOK: The Wrath of Silver Wolf
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In traditional Japanese ghost stories, a witch,
living in mountains, who lures men into her hut
or cave and eats them. Naturally, Yamamba can
disguise themselves but their real appearance is
generally terrifying.

Pronounced '

Apparitions, spirits, imps and demons of Japanese
folklore. They vary from terrifying ghostly monsters
to cute and amusing sprites who want to
be friends or offer help to humans. Most yokai
were originally specific to regions, landmarks or
particular activities. They are often depicted in
art, songs, folk festivals and plays.

Pronounced '

still learned by many schools of Iaido,
designed to enable a swordsman to overcome two
simultaneous attackers, one coming at him from
the front, the other from behind. Though this
technique was actually devised and spread much
later in Japanese history than the Tokugawa era of
Moonshadow, in the story Mantis is identified as
the originator of the waza and author of a duelling
manual. Zengogiri is regularly displayed in modern
Iaido competitions, and author Simon Higgins has
performed it in the art's 'world titles' in Japan.

Author's note and

stories are fantasy tales set in
a romanticised historical Japan. Though they
reflect certain key events of the early Tokugawa
era, and include many facts and details about the
sword art of Iaido and Japanese warrior culture
in general, they remain adventure yarns, not
histories. Despite the many liberties I have taken,
I hope these stories inspire readers of all ages to
investigate the saga and customs of fascinating
Old Japan, a world which still has so much to
teach us.

My heartfelt thanks to my multi-talented wife
Annie, for her great ideas and fantastic support in
developing the
tales. My gratitude
also to Anita Bell, another creative polymath,
for her guidance, business savvy and insight. A
very special thanks to the team at Random House
Australia, especially Linsay Knight for instantly
believing in
, Kimberley Bennett for
her fabulous, inventive editing, and to Nerrilee
Weir for all her hard work. Moon and I are in
your debt. My thanks also to Catherine Drayton
for her brilliant representation and astute ideas.
A warm thanks to my kind friends 'Iron Chef'
Hibiki Ito, and to tea person and tokonoma
advocate Margaret Price, for all their wonderful
support and knowledge. A special tribute to resident
of Japan, Doctor Glenn Stockwell, Kancho
(Chief Instructor) of Seishinkan Iaido Dojo, for his
expert coaching and for so devotedly preserving
the beautiful Iaido of his teacher, Kimura-Kancho,
in the twenty-first century. My personal gratitude
also to Yasuhisa Watanabe, Fuku-Kancho (Deputy
Chief Instructor) of Seishinkan Iaido Dojo, for
translating the furube sutra and leading me to sites
of historical significance to shinobi culture while
in Japan. My thanks also to Yasu and to instructors
Matt Andrew and Nathan Nilsen, and to my friend
Nobutaka Tezuka of our Tokyo dojo, for training
me in Iaido. To any readers wishing to learn or
know more about this graceful five hundred-year-old
art, please visit:

About the Author

Simon Higgins's employment history reads
like a novel. He's worked as a disc jockey,
laboratory assistant, marketing manager and even
as a monster on a ghost train. He also spent a
decade in law enforcement; as a police officer, state
prosecutor and as a licensed private investigator.

Simon is proudly a student of Eishin-Ryu Iaido,
a 470-year-old style of swordsmanship which
prizes traditional techniques and medieval samurai
etiquette and courtesy. He has trained in Japan
and participated in Taikai (contests) before His
Imperial Highness Prince Munenori Kaya. Simon
placed fifth in the 2008 Iaido World Titles and in
2009 he was awarded a black belt by masters from
the All Japan Iaido Federation.

As well as conducting professional development
sessions for educators, Simon runs writing
workshops for kids and adults, in Australia and

To read more about Simon and
, go to:

The Twilight War

Attacked by the powerful Fuma clan, young
Moonshadow and the agents of the Grey Light
Order fight for their lives. In the heat of battle,
Moon's friend Snowhawk, herself once a Fuma
ninja, disappears.

Was Snowhawk abducted or did she leave
willingly? Was she really a defector to the Shogun's
side, or a double agent?

Moonshadow and Groundspider are ordered
to the Fuma's mountain fortress, said to be
impregnable. Their mission: discover the truth,
then act accordingly.

Will their dangerous quest end in
Snowhawk's rescue?
Or will Moonshadow be forced to destroy
his best friend?

Coming soon!

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