The World of Cherry

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Authors: Kay Brandt

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Lesbian Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Lesbian Fiction

BOOK: The World of Cherry
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eXcessica publishing


The World of Cherry
© November 2014 by Kay Brandt


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The World of Cherry





To the wonderful and talented women who shared my creative path 2009-2014. You opened my mind and heart to the wonders of erotica and changed me forever. To each and every one of you, I am eternally grateful. Thank you for taking part in my visions, and challenging me to dig deeper into my own fantasies. Together, we gave them life.

CHAPTER 1 – The Lady and her Club

Only a special and specific type of woman do I hire. I look for women who have substanc
a story to tel
and not just with their beautiful bodies, but also with their intelligence. Women desire women who can pleasure their minds as well as their pussies, and the girls I recruit need to be the best at both. They must also present themselves in a professional manner and be willing to do whatever the job entails. I never try to hide my own desires eithe
I let every new hire know they must service me first. Their skills have to be assessed before I place them in my company and like any other business owner would, I take it upon myself to be the judge of how qualified they are. Some are utterly gifted, and they naturally become the most requested items on the menu in my stable. The Cherry Club, a private oasis for the most discerning ladies who want their affairs with other women to be totally discreet as well as deeply, romantically, wonderfully sexy, is my namesak
my baby. For the past three years I've run my operation from very secret locations. Not one soul, outside of my dedicated personal assistant, Dusty, and the paying members, know where the club will be located until the day of their visits, as the venue moves and changes as needed, and that is how it must stay, no exceptions. I've learned far too well how dangerous it is to expose yourself, even to those you think you can trust. Losing the Cherry Club would be devastatin
it is my life's blood, the reason I'm alive and without it I would lose my mind. Within the club, my members are completely free to be who they truly are.

And so am I.


CHAPTER 2 – Nude Auditions

The Cherry Club opens at seven in the evening three nights a week with no defined closing time. Affairs shouldn't be rushed and I never want the members to feel that there is a clock ticking over their heads. Friday and Saturday evenings are always full and lively but the most popular night is Wednesday. My members demand a midweek evening to recharge their batteries and blow off steam. Wednesdays fill to capacity with mostly diamond-level member
the women who pay annually for unlimited visits and benefits. I won't reveal the price of any membership level, but the costs are somewhere between a luxury penthouse and a private plane. The women who frequent my club have the wherewithal to own both. There are no hesitations for renewing and I have never had a membership canceled. The members who prefer the platinum or gold levels are mostly busy executives with travel commitments, and the club is thei
” destination, a special treat they indulge in when time permits. All the members are treated exactly the same regardless of level, and the experiences they have once inside this private oasis of female flesh is unlike any other. 

Exotic female dancers occupy the stage for several hours a night while brilliant aerial artists perform from the trapeze and ropes. Whether the performers wear lingerie, costumes or are fully nude depends on the member RSVP list. The beautiful club cast is for both visual pleasure, and for physical. They are available to the members by request, and must be booked several week
sometimes month
in advance. Requests for fresh, new talent are frequent, and I interview daily.

What type of special skills do you possess
” I asked Winterlynn, the hot young brunette I interviewed earlier. She smiled so shyly that I almost wanted to excuse her lack of experience with a playful spanking, but business is business.

With a shaking hand she clicked on the music before starting her routine. She had talent and was pleasant to watch, yet her dancing was too modest for performing at the club. When she was done I ran my hands over every inch of her vinyl covered body, feeling lean muscles and feminine curves
Are you comfortable dancing fully nude

I've never danced nude before, but I am happy to try it out
” was Winterlynn's attempt to conceal her modesty, averting her hazel eyes from looking into mine
I don't allow 'trying out' at my club. You must be polished from the start
” Her disappointment prompted me to give another opportunity
Why don't you see how comfortable you are with it now

She agreed, removing her clothes, skin reacting to the cool air with nipples puckering
Should I do my routine again
” I settled back in my seat

Winterlynn mounted the stage, nervous at first, not relaxed enough to bask in her bareness
Your body has a wonderful silhouette, but I need to see everything if you truly want to work for me
” To my wonderment, her love for dancing eased the tension of being nude in front of a stranger. As her motions freed up, she opened her leg
even bending over to show off her as
satisfying my request.

I wanted to hire her. Sh
s not as top shelf as the others, but there's a prominent member who likes them rather inexperienced. Being a teacher of making love to another woman is what turns her on, and it's my pleasure to supply hers to the fullest
Are you able to start tonight

I am
” she replied, with the excitement of a child. I still needed further convincing, even though my instincts told me she would do fine after receiving mentoring from my best girls.

Come here
” Her quivering made me suddenly wet and rather hungry
You are quite lovely
” I cupped her tender breasts, enjoying how they fit lightly in my hands, so young and supple
Are you willing to do whatever working for me requires? I only place the most dedicated and qualified girls at the club

” she smiled sincerely and I could feel her gentle breaths as I placed my lips on hers. She knew how to kiss me back, obviously having experienced other girls
Your lips are so yummy
” she whispered in between offering me her tongue and taking in mine
Undress me, slowly
” She obeyed my command, unbuttoning my silk blouse, hands sliding down the curve of my hip as she pulled down my skirt. I led her face across the lace of my bra, and let her suckle on my tits for a nice, long while, and I enjoyed the intense sensations. I watch her sweetly travel towards my thighs. There she let her tongue playfully lick me over my panties before moving them to the side for direct contact, making my knees buckle with unexpected pleasure. Winterlynn had me in the palm of her hand, plunging her fingers into my juicy hole, which I rarely let new girls do. She had the skill to penetrate just the right spot inside me. Her pace was perfect and I quickly lost control, releasing on her face, legs shaking with each peaking and passing wave. If this is how she introduces herself, I can only imagine how fantastic she'll be as the main attraction. I stroked her head, letting her tongue flicker on my sensitive and spent clit, until I couldn't take another second. She stands, showing off how wet her face is, cleaning my juices from her fingers.

Very nice
” With a kiss on the cheek and a swift pat on her round ass, I closed the deal
You're hired
” This girl knows how to get the job done and I'm not afraid to use her for it. 


CHAPTER 3 – The Plan Comes Together

Dusty greets me at the door of my home, dressed in a finely tailored masculine suit, with good news regarding tonight's location for the club. Sh
s secured a full staff and made assignments. A case of my favorite champagne arrived and she has a bottle chilling and ready to pour as we look over the RSVP list. Dusty and I have a long established tradition to share a glass or two of champagne on the nights the club is open to get us in the mood for the evening's events. Two birthday celebrations will take place and one is especially intriguin
a married, older woman named Veronica, who was one of my first members, is bringing the daughter of her latest husband for her 18

I can see your wicked wheels turning, Cherish
” Dusty teases, anticipating details. She's one of the few people who call me by my full first name, and loves me for my madness
What do you have in mind

Something wonderful and perfect for a young woman's first time at the club. What is Veronica's step-daughter's name

Allison. I checked her I.D. and everything's cool. Her birthday was on Wednesday and Veronica wanted to book that night originally before changing her mind

Why did she change dates

Dusty adds a bit more champagne to my glass
It was a school night and apparently Allison doesn't graduate high school for another two weeks. So, she moved the party to Friday

Veronica put responsibility over playtime? She's usually so carefree, not at all conflicted when bending the rules
” I remember fondly the decadent parties I've thrown for Veronica in the past
She obviously has special feelings for this one. We need to make it perfect. What girls are performing tonight

Dusty checks the staff list
Eternity, Nixie, Delilah, Remy, Kristin, and Harlow

Take Harlow off the list
” I insist.

Is she sick

No. I'm taking her off availability for a while

This news isn't a surprise for Dusty, just delayed
Finally, yo
ve made a decision! I was getting nervous not knowing which one you were going to pick.  You drew this out much longer than usual. I figured with all the auditioning of new talent you've been doing you lost track of time

Have I ever lost track of anything

Dusty bites her tongu
there's a speech lying dormant inside her waiting to be said. I look at her curiously
What did you think I was going to do

I was starting to think you wouldn't pick either one
” Dusty admits.

With a sigh, I show my cards
It was a difficult decision. As a pair they go so well together, but having two live-ins is too much. I simply don't have the time

Dusty nods, understanding the situation
Exactly. If it was my choice, I...I don't think I could make one. I would suffer with double duty

I roll my eyes at her humor saying
You don't have to stress any longer. I came to my senses. Get back to focusing on tonight

Dusty contemplates offering another opinion, and gives it
s different than the past few

Harlow? In what way

She seems sincere


I've always loved Dusty's honest
she has no need to mindlessly toy with me, knowing direct is best. My straight-forward business practices suit her, and I take good care of her because she is so loyal to me and the club. I affectionately smooth out a ruffled patch of Dust
s very short black hair
She does have a rare innocence

And she's gorgeous

You noticed
” I give a sarcastic smile to Dusty. Yo
d have to be bordering total insanity to not notice Harlo
s perfection. 

Please, do
t I always

The mere thought of Harlow's profound physical attributes makes me swoon, but I stay professional
She will be at the club tonight, but off limits, for the most part

Fine. Should I keep her on the schedule for aerial

For tonight, yes, and book Eternity for Allison

Veronica hasn't requested arrangements

Dusty, you're not questioning me, are you

Dusty loves the naughtiness brewing
Never. I'll handle it. The pink lounge is available from 10pm to 11:30 and I'll move dance sets so that Eternity is available

Perfect. Set it up for them, please
” Having other things on my mind, like what is waiting for me in the master suite, I excuse myself from the organizing.

My two latest live-in girls, Kristin and Harlow, sleep naked in my bed. It's silent, and I remove my heels, not wanting to wake them. They've been living with me for three weeks now and as Dusty implied, that's far longer than I normally let girls stay. Others that I've invited stayed less than eight days, which is about as long as I like to keep a private party going. I've known after one night whether my live-in choices are best suited for the club only or have dual purposes. My home is an extension of my business. Regardless of having six bedrooms, the only other permanent resident besides me is Dusty, and the housekeeper who lives in a separate guest suite. However, I love having pets, and that's what my live-in choices ar
pretty things for me to touch and play with. Inviting special new hires to live at my home for undefined periods gives me the opportunity to explore the possibilities of a domestic position. My pet choices are spoiled with their own rooms, expensive wardrobes so I can dress them up when I want, spa treatments, and access to my bed. A paid vacation from the normal routine is what it's like for them, and for me it's a survival mechanism.  Having live-ins keeps me sane, for a time, until I opt to change the scenery.

At auditions, only I am serviced. In my home as a live-in, there's a chance I might want to give service back. Getting my full attention means you've caught my interest on a higher level. It can also mean a domestic position might be extended and during that time, availability to the club members is restricted. The members respect this rule, understanding another woman's needs, without judgment or demands to have for themselves. In many ways my unavailable girls are the wild teases on display at the clu
look but don't touc
as they belong to the owner for now. My choices are admired, and members wait patiently for the date when they come available. Live-ins are expected to give their dedication, without any ties, commitments, or promised outcome, while under my roof. So far, none have met my own personal criteria for the long term, which is why Dusty was surprised with my choice of Harlow. I did come close to releasing them bot
Kristin is a darling young woman and I adore how she entertains me, and Harlow has a unique quality that can't be put into words. Having them lay on either side of me as I sleep is a slice of absolute heaven, yet with a negative effect of making me quite lazy. It was one or the other or neither, as the tempting threesome had to end or else my business would suffer. Tonight is bittersweet, the last time with both girls in my bed. In the morning, Kristin will be dismissed and Harlow will be the only live-in until I say further. For now, they are like two blonde star-kissed angels draped in silky sheets, leaving room for me to slide in between them, as I've done for the past twenty-one days, in hopes of the three of us making love. Together they undo my robe and fondle my breasts, having never been allowed to go past this point before, and the three of us kiss fully. I let Kristin wrap her mouth on my nipples and nurse while Harlow kisses my neck. I drift into bliss, where nothing else exists but this horny

nage-a-trois. Stimulating their precious clits with my fingers, I dip inside their wet little holes, moving in and out, making them both moan with heightened desire. This is what they've been waiting for, and Kristin quite aggressively lifts her leg to mount my face. I take my hands back and look at their panting faces.

I want to watch you two play first
” I tell them, leaving the bed for the chaise, where I can voyeur in on the lusty scene. I'm not giving in that eas
the naughtiness of their act is heightened by witnessing, not partaking, for me. There are women who pay top dollar for this level of closeness, and I take nothing for granted. These two are at my command
Show me

Harlow obeys as she straddles Kristin
Only for a few minutes, though, and then you need to let us have you
” Kristin rubs Harlow's sweet juices on her sculpted belly before stating
I want you first, Cherry

Show me what you want to do to her, to me, Kristin
” They quickly get to fulfilling my fantasy. Now that my wants are exposed, I can relax, robe dangling from my shoulders while I play with my sensitive parts. Last night I listened from my bed as they made love to each other for the first time, surrounded by lit candles and lavender flower petals floating in a bubbly tub. Their orgasmic sighs echoed in my thoughts all day and all I could think of was coming home to see it for myself, even while being sucked upon by Winterlynn. Although I invited Harlow and Kristin into my bed weeks ago, not once have I let them have sex with each other or with me, until yesterday. They've tried their best to get me in a compromised position, but the goal was
t achieved. Tonight I still have the mouth of another lingering on my thighs, and I'm not ready for a second dose, but I am all about being visually stimulated to the fullest.

Kristin takes hold of Harlow's sumptuous thighs, bringing her golden patch to her mouth. Harlow spreads across her chin, giving Kristin little clit lashings, waiting for her teasing tongue to flicker. Delicate pink on pink swelling as Harlow is devoured by Kristin's oral presentation.

I run my fingers in tickling circles over my body, breath matching that of Harlow's as she rotates her hips in a rhythmic pattern with Kristin's deep tonguing. She is glorious to watch, losing herself to the throws of an orgasm, looking right into my eyes from across the room
I want you
” she cries out to me and I nearly take her, wanting to taste her dripping snatch, but I stay back
Come for me, baby. Let her make you. I want to see how pretty you are when you come

Please, touch me, Cherry
” Harlow pleads with me, and I smile, continuing to breathe with her quickened pace, hips rotating faster and faster, juice pouring down Kristin's neck
Baby, do it for me. I'm coming with you
” I say, feeling my own rush of wild sensations escalating, blowing up as she does. She and I wail as our pussies clench, squirting out female ejaculations, unable to speak a word. Kristin is covered in Harlow's explosion, and my pussy pours down my legs, tainting the expensive French threads on the chaise. I need to see more
Lick your sweetness off of her
” And Harlow does, as my pussy still comes. The naughty girls roll around on the bed, mouth on mouth.  Harlow cleans Kristin's face and neck of herself, and prepares to reciprocate, opening Kristin's legs, descending into her tightness. I can take no more of masturbating from the sidelines, and decide to join in.

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