The World Ends In Hickory Hollow (24 page)

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Authors: Ardath Mayhar

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #armageddon

BOOK: The World Ends In Hickory Hollow
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Harley Schmidt came back once. He was much subdued, apologetic, and shocked. He asked us to take in a young man who had managed to make it all the way from Oklahoma City, afoot. He had avoided highways and towns and was all in, needing rest and food. But now he seems to be shaping up very well and I have my eye on him for

Carrie Jessup died in her sleep a week ago. Horace, though grief-stricken, is working like six men. He and Grace and Laura have asked La-
and Lillian to stay with them, and I think the youngsters will go. Little as they are, they feel the need that inspired the invitation.

are teaching Jim blacksmithing. They've jury-rigged an anvil, forge, and bellows. As long as we can scrounge iron, we'll be able to work it into useful items. And in my grandmother's girlhood there were iron mines in the northern part of this county. I've marked on a map, as nearly as I can determine, the places she named.

Lucas and Mom Allie have set up housekeeping together. At least as much as can be done now. And Lantana spent so much time nursing Skinny that they decided to comfort each other's old bones. At least, that's what they say. I catch them holding hands when nobody's looking.

Up and down the river we have our crops in, and our fuel and feed stored. Our hatches are battened down, once again, for November is upon us. One short year ago we lived in a world of politics and TV and instant communication. Now we live in a world bounded by the forest and the lake and the river.

We never knew – and likely never will – exactly what triggered the end of things. Neville, our new hand, says that there was no warning of any kind before and no explanation after the blowup. The country he came through was much like this, scantily populated by people who knew nothing. It may be just as well.

is teaching me what he knows of wounds and injuries. With my scrounged medical books and my steady fingers, I just may be able to cope with that hot appendix, if and when. Meanwhile, all work, visit back and forth when we can manage it, and read and read and read.

The world has ended, but we are just beginning.


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