The Wolf of Winterthorne: Scandalous Secrets, Book 4 (32 page)

BOOK: The Wolf of Winterthorne: Scandalous Secrets, Book 4
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Both husband and wife laughed, their shoulders shaking with mirth.

Arabella squeezed Logan’s hand, her pace quickening until they were safely ensconced in their suite of rooms.

“What are we doing?” she beseeched him. “They are making quips while we are sending them into harm’s way.”

“They are well aware of the risks, my love,” Logan cupped her face in his palms.

Releasing an audible sigh, Bella fought to keep her rapid breathing steady. “That fails to ease my anxiety for them.”

“I know but we must remain positive. They need it, as do we. We cannot wallow in failure or we shall never succeed,” Logan kissed her hair.

It had become a habit.

One that she savored. Like his passionate kisses and his warm embraces. Like falling asleep with their fingers entwined. Their habits, intimate and comforting.

They filled her heart with joy.

“How do you always know what will calm me?” Bella pressed her forehead against her husband’s chin.

“Because it is my duty as your husband.” Logan splayed his palms on her hips.

Bella’s abdomen tightened. “I fear we are running out of time, Logan. With each day that passes, we must protect someone else. Arthur is an asset but Harry …”

Harry had become lazy, imbibing too much of Logan’s port.

“I have cut Harry off. I fear he is becoming a drunkard.” There was a hint of amusement in Logan’s baritone.

Arabella shot her husband a wry look. “He is long past becoming a drunkard. And – well, there is someone else now.”

Placing her hand on her abdomen, Bella inhaled a deep, cleansing breath and counted to ten. “We are expecting, Logan. This is such wonderful news, yet it worries me because he or she—

“Is safe,” Logan flattened his palm against her abdomen. “I will protect you and our child. Both of you. You must know that.”

“I do. On that I have no doubt,” she was quick to assure him. “It is just one more person to add to your list.”

“That baby has been on my list, since I conceived said list.” Logan’s obsidian gaze was gentle and knowing. “Whether he or she was already conceived, I know not, but I have always included our child on my list. That is why we are ensuring that we have anticipated every scenario. Because I am protecting my family, as are Colin and Tristan. And we are protecting each other.”

Bella smiled.

So did Logan. “You are glowing. Even more so than usual.”

“Because I adore you and our family.” Placing her palms atop his hands, Arabella added, “This child and I are both so fortunate for you are ours.”

“Now and always,” Logan kissed her lips. A gentle kiss that conveyed his devotion, his happiness and his strength.

“You should rest. You and our child have done much today.”

Though Arabella knew she should argue, she chose to rest. It was best. “Just this afternoon. I will return to work tomorrow.”

“Agreed,” Logan kissed her. “I love you.”

He closed the door behind him and Bella stared at the mahogany door for several long moments.

“We will be all right,” she said aloud, pressing her hand against her stomach. “Your father has promised us. He never breaks his promises.”

Yes, Logan would protect them.

Until his dying breath.

Such was her unspoken fear. One that she failed to share with Logan. Arabella was well aware that her husband would give his own life to protect her and now their child.

She prayed he would never be placed in that position.



“She is carrying our child,” Logan announced, pacing the span of his office.

Colin leaned against Logan’s desk. “Congratulations, mate.”

“Thank you,” Logan nodded. “It is wonderful news.”

“Why, pray tell, do you sound so morose?” Colin grimaced.

Logan threaded his fingers behind his neck. “Because this whole scheme centers on Arabella luring Sybil into the dark, winding tunnels hidden within Winterthorne and leading her to an underground theatre that hasn’t been used in decades and coercing a confession from her sister without Sybil realizing that her victims are secretly seated in the theatre listening to her every word.”

“It is a precarious proposition,” Colin stared at the wall. “What do you suggest?”

“A change of plans,” Victoria’s skirts rustled as she and Tristan entered the room.

Logan scratched his chin, now rough with stubble. “I thought we were meeting in the dining hall.”

“Neither my wife nor I are imprudent, Logan,” Tristan offered his wife a seat in one of the leather chairs. Once she had settled, he plopped in the empty chair beside her. “We both deduced that something was amiss and now you have confirmed our suspicions. Let us not feign ignorance.”

“What do you suggest?” Colin asked.

“You have several options,” Tristan spoke in a nonchalant tone of voice. A former barrister, no one could argue a case better than Tristan, nor could anyone lay out the facts with as little emotion as Tristan could when circumstances called for it.

This was such an occasion.

“Option one is that you run. It is not a viable option, really. You will have a baby and running with a babe is difficult to say the least.” Tristan leaned forward.

“Gentlemen, let us skip to the only viable option, shall we? We are all thinking precisely the same thing – that Arabella cannot lead Sybil into those tunnels.” Victoria stood, shaking her skirts in a most dramatic fashion.

Logan couldn’t discern whether it was intentional or she was formulating a plan before speaking.

Wringing her hands, she opened her mouth to speak then closed it. After a long pause, she proclaimed, “Yes, this could work.”

“Care to share, my darling?” Tristan drawled.

“We transform this event into a masquerade. I switch places with Arabella and lure Sybil through the tunnels. Arabella will wait for us inside the theatre downstairs, where we will discreetly switch places without Sybil being the wiser.”

“Like hell you will,” Tristan strode towards his wife. “That is lunacy and you know it. We have two children who need their mother safe. You cannot do this.”

Victoria wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck. “You and I both know what can happen when a pregnant woman faces a monster. Do we want to watch as someone else suffers like we did?”

Averting his eyes, Logan met his best friend’s gaze. Colin’s somber expression confirmed what Logan suspected. That Victoria and Tristan had lost a child. Though the miscarriage was never discussed with Logan present, he had been aware of their plight at the hands of their adopted daughter’s biological father. The man had kidnapped the little girl and wounded Victoria.

Now that Logan knew the particulars, it turned his stomach until bile rose in his throat. He would not allow his family to suffer like Victoria and Tristan’s.

However, he wouldn’t place Victoria in danger either.

“Victoria is correct. Arabella should not lead Sybil into the tunnels. We can come up with a scenario where neither Bella nor Victoria are at risk,” Logan interjected.

“This is our best chance and each of you knows it,” Victoria’s eyes locked with her husband’s.

Tristan’s rigid stance and unrelenting glare conveyed that he remained unconvinced. “You look nothing like her.”

“Hence the masquerade. On the other hand, perhaps it is best that no masks are worn. Arabella and I can wear cloaks and hoods that hide our faces. Yes, that is plausible.” Victoria stood her ground.

So did Tristan. “She is blonde.”

“Yet another reason I shall be wearing a cloak with a hood,” she kissed her husband’s cheek. “I know this isn’t ideal, but it is our best chance. Out of all the women in this room, each of you knows that none can take care of themselves better than me.”

“Damn it, Victoria, you are the only woman in this room,” Tristan growled, his baritone reverberating against the wood paneled walls.

She feigned surprise. “How fortuitous because no one can take care of herself like I can, and here I am, offering my services.”


“Of course, my husband will carefully and quietly follow me into the tunnels, behind Sybil, to ensure my safety.” Tori’s eyes still locked with Tristan’s as her lips upturned into a grin.

“Oh, thank God,” her husband muttered.

“What?” Victoria arched her auburn brow, “I may be courageous, but I am not insane, darling.”

“The sweetest words I have ever heard,” Tristan caressed her cheek.

His wife pressed her forehead against his. “I love you and I will be fine. Especially with you shadowing my every step.”

“It is the only way I would ever agree to such a thing.” Tristan sighed audibly.

“Which is why I made the suggestion in the first place.” Her fingers traced a path along his jawline. “Now please unclench your jaw because that vein is pulsating in your neck and you must relax. I need you to be clear headed. I will be fine. You shall ensure it.”

Colin leaned into his friend, his voice a low whisper. “She is only allowing this to make my brother feel better.”

That much was evident.

“Our wives protect us much more than we protect them, don’t they?” Logan mused, considering Arabella.

Clapping him on the shoulder, Colin scoffed. “Do not let anyone fool you. They are far more intelligent than we are.”

“And stronger,” Victoria turned towards Logan while Tristan stood behind her, his hands possessively resting on her waist. “For we endure childbirth. Congratulations, Logan.”

Logan mouthed, “Thank you.” Unable to find his voice, he stared out the windows.

Ominous clouds were swirling in the sky, patches of dark gray gaining momentum. He found himself praying that it wasn’t an omen of danger to come.

Please, God, protect my family and everyone I care about.

Arabella was right. The list had grown, making it hard for Logan to carry the heavy burden … so many people to keep safe, so many loved ones depending upon him.

Depending upon each other.

Logan must remind himself that he is no longer alone. They must rely on each other to survive and survive they would.

All of them.

He would make certain of it.

“A storm is approaching,” he announced. “Shall we call it a day and get back to work in the morning?”

Everyone seemed grateful for time alone.

Logan was, as well. He longed to spend the night with his wife, to wrap Arabella and their child safely in his warm embrace.

Worry tomorrow.

Feel joy tonight.

It was his silent mantra as he ascended the stairs and joined his wife in their suite.

Now and always, his family would be all he needed.



Logan and Arabella rang for dinner and ate in their suite. Afterwards, they lay beneath their heavy bedding, holding hands in the dim amber glow of the fire in the hearth.

Low rumbles of thunder shook the windows as the storm rolled in, Mother Nature’s fury battering the windows, as if the heavens themselves wept.

Bella’s father once told Logan that rain was God’s way of washing the earth, a way to begin a new, clean and fresh.

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