The Wine Savant: A Guide to the New Wine Culture (5 page)

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Authors: Michael Steinberger

Tags: #Cooking, #Beverages, #Wine

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With regard to that other indispensable tool, the corkscrew, my advice is similar: the $3 variety available at your local package store is all you really need. Yes, there are much more elaborate corkscrews on the market, but unless you are regularly opening eighty-year-old wines, why bother? The simple waiter's corkscrew, as it is known, will do just fine. Unless money is no object, don't go crazy with wine accessories. Buy only what you really need, keep it inexpensive, and spend any extra money on wine.


It is normally the case that when a group that includes a wine enthusiast goes out to a restaurant, the wine guy will be asked to order the wines—and in truth most oenophiles want and expect to be handed the wine list (though it's best if they are polite and refrain from just grabbing it). But once the list is in hand, it can be a real burden, and not just because it might weigh a lot. If the wine guy isn't picking up the tab for the table, choosing the wines can be tricky. It's especially challenging if the oenophile is a guest. The desire to drink something compelling must be weighed against budgetary considerations and the need to be tactful. Sadly, being given the wine list does not usually give you carte blanche to order whatever you wish, and there is nothing that can spoil a good evening quite like an unexpected $1,500 wine bill. So how to negotiate this delicate matter? Matt Kramer of the
Wine Spectator
has what I think is a smart solution: he looks for inexpensive off-beat wines, pleasant obscurities that the rest of the table will probably be unfamiliar with, that might win a convert or two, and that won't cause any fainting spells when the check arrives.


Spend an evening with a group of wine obsessives and there's an excellent chance that at some point you will hear them assessing the strengths and weaknesses of other people's palates. It could be a major critic, a friend, a colleague, a family member.
is wine-geek shorthand for tasting chops—for the quality of one's judgments about wine. The ultimate tribute that can be paid an oenophile is to have it be said that he or she possesses a “great palate.” It is like telling an art enthusiast that he has an unerring eye or a music buff that she has a flawless ear.

But wait—isn't wine appreciation a completely subjective exercise, and if so, who's to say that someone has a superior or inferior palate? That's a good question, and the short, glib answer is that a good palate is one that you happen to agree with. The reality is that wine appreciation is to a large extent subjective. I'm stating the acutely obvious here, but taste is personal, determined both by one's biological attributes and by things such as experience, expectation, and culture, intangibles that obviously vary from individual to individual. You might love a robust, heady Australian Shiraz, while the same wine might strike me as a hot, syrupy mess. If I tasted the wine on your recommendation, I'd probably think less of your palate, and if I told you what I really thought of the wine, you'd probably think less of mine. Neither of us would necessarily be right or wrong; the difference of opinion would be at least partly rooted in personal taste, in factors beyond our control.

But wine appreciation is not wholly subjective. The British philosopher Barry C. Smith points out that wines have objective qualities that exist independent of our ability to discern them, and he boldly contends that “good tasters are those who get matters right . . . There are standards by which we can judge a wine, or musical score, or painting to be better than another, and these reflect discernible properties of those objects, though it may take practice and experience to recognize them.” Interestingly, researchers have found that in experienced tasters, such as sommeliers, more areas of the brain are activated when tasting than is the case in novices, which suggests that experience promotes greater discernment. The fact that major critics seem to agree about individual wines far more often than they disagree likewise suggests that qualitative differences between wines are at least partially rooted in objective properties—that quality isn't just a matter of personal taste.

Of those objective properties, the most important ones to be able to recognize are flaws. At the very least, you need to be able to tell when a wine is damaged (one thing that never fails to amaze me is how often I have seen wine journalists, some quite prominent, flunk this basic test). Easily the most common problem is cork taint, which affects anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of wines bottled under natural cork. If a wine smells like damp cardboard and tastes as if its flavors have been leached out, it is a corked bottle and should be returned to the store (assuming it was bought fairly recently; if it is a thirty-year-old wine, you are probably out of luck). If a wine smells like a particularly pungent barnyard or like vinegar, it is also an off bottle. There are also visual cues you should look for. If the cork on a relatively young bottle is soaked through with wine, or if the cork has clearly moved, the bottle has suffered heat damage and should be returned. If a young white wine shows a surprisingly deep, mature color and smells like Sherry, it has suffered oxidation and should be returned to the store or tossed. If a fairly young red wine looks oddly mature in color, it has probably suffered the same fate. It won't hurt you to drink wines with any of these defects; you just won't be drinking particularly pleasurable wines.

And who are these people referred to as
, and are they really superior tasters? The term
was coined in 1991 by Linda Bartoshuk, a professor of otolaryngology and psychology at the Yale School of Medicine.
ome sixty years earlier, Arthur L. Fox, a scientist for DuPont, had discovered that the chemical compound phenylthiocarbamide, or PTC, tasted oppressively bitter to some people but elicited no response in others; the former were dubbed tasters, the latter nontasters, and the differences were put down to genetic variation. In the 1970s, concerns about the toxicity of PTC led Bartoshuk and other scientists to begin using propylthiouracil, or PROP, instead to test for sensitivity to bitterness. During the course of her research, Bartoshuk noticed that not all tasters reacted the same way to PROP; all of them found it bitter, but a minority found it excruciatingly so. Intrigued, she began studying the tongue anatomy of these individuals and found that they tended to have much denser concentrations of fungiform papillae, the structures at the end of the tongue that house our taste buds. Nor were they sensitive only to bitterness; they seemed to experience much more heightened taste sensations in general. Bartoshuk and her Yale colleagues dubbed these individuals supertasters, a name that clearly implied that they possessed not just sensitive palates but superior ones.

But that just ain't so. The term
is really a misnomer —there is no evidence that these individuals are better tasters. In fact, when it comes to wine, being a supertaster is probably more of a liability than anything else. To begin with, supertasters do not particularly enjoy the flavor of alcohol and often complain that it leaves a burning sensation in their mouths. They are also sensitive to astringency and acidity, which can be equally problematic as wine goes. In his book
The Science of Wine
, the British wine writer Jamie Goode highlighted the work of Gary Pickering, a professor of oenology at Canada's Brock University. Pickering had been investigating the relationship between PROP sensitivity and wine appreciation and believed that being a supertaster was no blessing. “I would speculate that supertasters probably enjoy wine less than the rest of us,” Pickering told Goode. “They experience astringency, acidity, bitterness, and heat (from alcohol) more intensely, and this combination may make wine—or some wine styles—relatively unappealing.”

However, even engaging in this kind of speculation gives the supertaster idea more weight than it deserves. When it comes to understanding sensory perception, we are literally at the tip of the tongue. We know that fungiform papillae are a reliable indicator of sensitivity to the five basic taste sensations; people with very dense concentrations of these structures are more sensitive to bitter, sour, sweet, salty, and savory (umami) flavors than people with average or subaverage concentrations. But while fungiform papillae have been studied exhaustively, much less is known about the papillae on the side of the tongue (foliate papillae) and those toward the back of it (circumvallate papillae), except that we know they also affect how tastes and textures are perceived.

As for the genetic dimension, TAS2R38, the gene associated with being a supertaster, is one of thirty-five bitter receptor genes that have been identified thus far; there may be others. There appears to be little, if any, correlation between PROP/PTC sensitivity and sensitivity to other bitter compounds. Whether the TAS2R38 genotype is indicative of overall taste sensitivity has generated considerable debate; it might be, and it might not be. Most people who show extreme sensitivity to PROP have the two dominant alleles for TAS2R38, but that is not true in all cases. Meanwhile, scientists have identified receptors for sweetness and umami but have no idea which chemical stimuli, like PROP and PTC with bitterness, can reliably test these receptors. Sourness and saltiness are largely uncharted territory. For all these reasons, and also because the concept has been so often misunderstood and misrepresented in the media, many geneticists are reluctant even to use the term

Beyond all this, we know that the nose wields much more influence over our flavor perceptions than the tongue. And beyond all
, we know that our gustatory preferences are determined by a wide variety of factors, most of which have nothing to do with our physiological attributes. The key distinction here is between perceptions and preferences. We may be hardwired to receive flavor stimuli in a certain way, but that information is immediately relayed to the brain, where it is processed through a variety of filters unrelated to our biological dispositions. Our preferences are formed mostly by experience, expectations, culture, and other intangibles.


How to Buy Wine

few things that get oenophiles more jazzed than finding a seriously good wine shop, with an extensive, interesting selection and a passionate staff. An attractively designed, well-curated brick-and-mortar wine shop is bliss—a place to taste, to buy, and otherwise to indulge one's wine fanaticism. Although wine shops are nothing if not ubiquitous, really good ones are rare. The vast majority of stores have uninspired selections and personnel to match. And even shops with commendable offerings often lack spirited salesmanship. One of the biggest, and I think more unfortunate, stories of the past twenty-five years has been the effect that “professional” wine ratings have had on the retail sector. Many stores stopped selling wine and essentially just started selling scores given by Robert Parker and the
Wine Spectator
. Many people contend that these ratings are more reliable than anything merchants might have to say—that merchants can't be trusted to give good advice because they are chiefly interested in making the sale. I've never quite understood this argument. To begin with, a good retailer will not fill his store with wines that he doesn't like; if he tells you a wine is terrific, it's usually because he really feels that way. Also, most retailers depend on repeat business; foisting bad wines on customers is therefore not a particularly shrewd strategy. In any case, ratings and shelf talkers have become a crutch for the retail sector, and too many stores have taken the easy way out and relied on Parker and
points to make the sales for them.

But that is changing now, and I think a golden age of wine retailing may be on the horizon. For one thing, fewer and fewer wine enthusiasts are paying attention to the critics. They know what they like, or they are getting recommendations from other sources, or they no longer regard Parker and the
as particularly reliable. Whatever the reason or combination of reasons, ratings seem to matter a lot less than they did a decade ago. Also, competition is forcing smaller retailers to up their game. Big-box stores, supermarkets, and even drugstores are peddling wine these days, and while they sell a lot of plonk, they also sell some good wines. To survive, small retailers increasingly need to differentiate themselves, and creating a store with a well-defined point of view and an enthusiastic, knowledgeable staff is not only a smart survival strategy; in some markets, it may be the
survival strategy. A lot of really interesting wine stores are popping up in cities across America, and I expect that trend to continue.

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