The Wide Receiver's Baby (25 page)

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Authors: Jessica Evans

BOOK: The Wide Receiver's Baby
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Chapter Thirty One




It was almost time to get up.  The night had been spent with me wrapping myself around Kayla.  I just couldn’t let go of her.

“You awake?” I whispered in her ear.  She was naked, and my dick was hard just resting next to her butt.

“I can tell you are,” she replied, and I turned her head to face me.  “You want some more?”

She had to be kidding me. 

I’d spent three long years hating her every minute and the next pining after her.

Of course I wanted more.  I couldn’t get enough of her.

I slowly moved my hips back and forth, subtly putting my dick between her legs.  She didn’t need me to put it inside.  She happily did that herself.  She was moist, ready for me to pump her.  I held on to her small breasts.  They filled my hands, whereas before they used to spill over.  That was just a sign of the amount of weight that she had lost.  I knew in time she would fill up and be as big and strong on the inside as she was on the outside. 

Kayla was broken.

I intended to fix her.

No longer would she cry at night.

No longer would she feel insecure.

I continued to hold on to her breasts.  The harder my dick penetrated her, the louder she moaned and the more I wanted to come inside her like I had done so many times already that night.  I didn’t care about the consequences of our carelessness.  I would look after her.

“This feels so good, Kayla.”

“Don’t stop,” she yelled.  “Keep it coming, baby.  Keep on coming.”

I started to suck on her neck, but then I turned her face around.  I wanted to kiss her.  Her lips were next to mine, our tongues lost in each other’s as I started to climax.  My hands travelled up and down her body, exploring her as if it was for the first time.  I could never get enough of her. 

I was hungry for her body, but I wanted to face her properly, see her eyes as they lit up when she came.

I turned her around and faced her as I had during the night.

“No, I want to be on top.”

She stopped me, then stroked my erect dick while looking at me lying on the bed helpless, needing release that only she could bring.  Shit, my cock was throbbing like mad as she hovered above me slowly. 

Kayla had me under a spell as she slowly pressed her lips against mine.  All the time, she stared directly into my eyes.  It was almost as if she was trying to make sure that I was with her.  Wanting her.  Lusting after her.

She bit my lip slowly and traced a finger over my nipple.  Then she licked it carefully, around the areole.  I selfishly grabbed her butt, trying to make her sit on top of me.

“We’re not in a hurry, Chase.  Let me enjoy you at my pace.”  Her finger was delicately going up and down my cock.  It was pleasure, but pain at the same time.  I felt like a hungry wolf being led into a cage full of food.  I wanted to eat now, but I took a deep breath and closed my eyes whilst curling my toes.

I let her do what she wanted to do.

I wasn’t used to that.

She had always made me lead in the bedroom; it was no secret that she was a virgin until the night we’d gotten together.  It was no secret that she had never been touched.

I was her first, and I wanted to be the last.

No other man would ever touch her, or ever come close.

I would make sure of that.  I had failed up until now, but that was coming to an end.

Her lips engaged with the head of my cock ever so lightly and then she opened her mouth while rubbing my balls.

She wanted to give me head.

I wouldn't deny her.  I looked up, and her head was going up and down while her tongue and mouth simultaneously tasted my cock.

“Hmm,” she purred as she started to put my cock deep in her mouth.

I picked up the rhythm by lifting up my cock and helping her take more of it.  She used to love giving me surprises once in a while.  We would go to the bathroom in college and she would get down on her knees, surrendering herself to me, and I would completely let go.

I held on to the back of her head while lifting my butt up.  I was so fucking close.

“Hmm,” she hungrily said as she went deeper on my cock.  I couldn’t hold on any longer, and my sperm shot down her throat.  She got up suddenly as my dick went limp. 

She choked and then held her head back.

“That tastes so good,” she sighed after I saw her swallow it whole. 

I held out my hand.  “Come lie with me.  We have only a little while until we need to get ready and go.”  Those were my last words, as there was an abrupt knock at the front door.  We thought it was room service until the knock got louder, no longer on the living room door, but the bedroom’s.  Then, I heard words I never expected to hear.

“Open up, Chase.  It’s me.  Your Dad!”








Chapter Thirty Two




“Chase, what are we going to do?” I whispered as we sat up and looked at each other.

His dad was here, and I wondered if my mom was too, but that was answered by the next voice that we heard.  “Kayla, we know you are there too.”

Great, now both of them were here.

But the question was how did they find out?  I was so fucking sad.  I started panicking and ran to the closet.

“Dad, Mary, just wait.  We are coming out, okay, so just wait,” Chase said, all calm and collected.  I hated him for not panicking and not being scared.  Now everyone was in fucking danger, and it was doing my head in.

“Reg must have called him,” Chase said as he put his hand on my back.  “Do you want to shower first?  Or just change and see them?”

He had no idea what was going on in my head. 



I was scared for our baby girl.  If Reg had told them, that meant she was in danger too.   They all were. I had spent three years on the run trying to avoid this situation, yet here it was in my face and the only thing I could think to do was run.

I think when you have been broken so many times, the only thing you can think about is doom.  I had trusted Mom.  Now, talking to Chase and confronting the fact that my dad was not dead, I wondered if she knew. 

I mean, did she even try looking for me?

“Don’t you dare,” Chase commanded as he turned me to face him.  “We are not going through this.  We are going to sit with them.  Talk to them.  And figure out what to do next.  With or without them.  You got that clear?”

He was demanding that I stay to face my troubles and promising that we’d work through them together.  I felt ashamed by the fact that he had known exactly what I was thinking.

Running away was the only way I could see to escape my demons.

He held me in his arms and said, “Kayla, you need to stop this.  Running away doesn’t solve anything.  Has it before?  What did you solve from having Sydney without me?  What did you get out of keeping away all this time?”

I started to cry, like he knew I would.  He didn’t let go.  Instead, he just held me tighter.

“Let’s put it all to rest.  Please.”

His tone was gentler as he stroked my back, and I felt the comfort, the love that I’d felt before we’d heard the knock at the door.  I took deep breaths.  I could let him help me, and maybe I’d end up like Mom, who was safe in the arms of the one she loved.

Maybe that was what I had to do.

Let go.

Let someone decide what was best for me because they loved me.

Not because I was their daughter, or because they could control me.

But simply because they loved me.

I reached up and kissed him and said, “Okay.”





Mom was sitting next to Stephen, holding his hand.  She avoided looking at me and I did the same.  Part of me felt disgusted by seeing her.  It was weird; she was the one who had saved me from Dad, but her reaction to seeing her own daughter was cold.  That was when Chase broke the ice. 

“Dad, I need to go to class in about twenty minutes.  Can we do this later?”

It was casual, and I stood next to him, by the door.  I had followed him in there like a little lamb.  Stephen was the one who came over and hugged me, saying that he was happy I was safe.  Mom simply kissed me on the cheek and said, “Hello.”

Your daughter has been missing for three years.  Then she turns up and the only thing you can say is, ‘hello’?  It just felt surreal.  I kept waiting for someone to pinch me, for her to tell me that she had been concerned.  You are her only daughter, I told myself, of course she loves you.

“Son, we just flew here when we got the call from Reg.”  Stephen paused as he looked at Mom, and then his eyes focused on me.  Mom was busy looking at the hand that he was holding as they sat on the sofa.

“Maybe it would be good.  We could catch up with Kayla—”

Before he even finished speaking, I was shaking my head.  “No, I need to go with Chase.”

I had to go back to Sydney.  I shouldn’t have let her spend the night with Reg.  I didn’t even know where they went or anything.  I’d just let him take her.  

I took a deep breath again, something that I had learned from Willy.  How to focus.  How to capture all my energy in a bottle and store my fears away.  The crazy part was that being in the ring with Natalie had felt more comforting than standing here with my family all in one room.  At least that was a battle I had a chance to win.  It had been a fight that I thought I had to overcome for freedom.  This one felt like a trap.  I squeezed Chase’s hand again as he said, “Dad, I’ll finish in about three hours, and then we can meet up for lunch.” 

That was when Mom broke the ice that we were standing on and said, “Fine, but I really need to talk to my daughter first.”








Chapter Thirty Three




The room was suffocating me.  Stephen and Chase had left.  Chase told me that Stephen could look after Sydney today.  He had convinced me that handing Sydney over to Stephen was a good idea, so I could spend time with Mom.  Any other time I would have agreed right away, but our daughter was in another state, with people she didn’t know.  I had to remind myself that she was with people I could trust, so I had to stop being so damn paranoid.

But I couldn’t help it.  I had put myself and, even worse, my daughter through so much.

I went back to the bedroom with Chase.  He said that he needed to leave and agreed for Stephen to go with him.  

I gave him a kiss.  “Until three hours,” I whispered like a frightened mouse.

“It’s only three hours,” he reassured me, and kissed me on the forehead.  Then he left.  He’d been gone about ten minutes.

Chase had assured me that anything we wanted we could easily charge to the room.  But there was only one thing that I needed; us and our daughter away from this madness, and money couldn’t buy that.

But running away and trying to survive was what I was good at.  I had been doing it for so long that it felt like a second skin.  

“You can’t avoid me forever, Sadie.”  Mom sighed as she patted the seat next to her on the sofa.  She’d been sitting there since she came in.

I didn’t feel like being in the same room with her, let alone on the sofa.

I hated the fact that she’d called me by my real name.  It was almost as if she was making a point of telling me who I really was.  She knew nothing about me, or what I had been through, and what she had put me through by marrying that man in the first place!

My Dad.

“Really, you expect us to sit and talk as if nothing has happened?” I questioned.  My hips were still sore from the fight, and with the sexual tension that Chase and I released last night and early this morning, they were hurting a bit more.

“No, I expect you to listen.  I should have been honest with you.  I should have told you the truth from the start.”

Her dark eyes were fixed on mine.  That was when I noticed that she didn’t have any makeup on; seeing her natural for the first time made her look old.  Or maybe she was tired?  Maybe she had been affected by my disappearance, and I was being too harsh.

I moved towards her, and she sighed out in relief.  But I still felt uncomfortable.  She was right though.  I had to listen.  I got up just as quickly as I sat down and, for some reason, the restaurant felt like a better place to listen to this story.  Or whatever she had to say.

I needed coffee to feel a bit alert in order to listen.

Most of all, I needed food.





“I’ll have a full study breakfast.”  I handed back the menu to the waiter.

“How would you like your eggs?” he asked, but he didn’t have to wait long for the reply.  I needed some fat on me.  Something for Chase to grab.  Last night I felt as if he was just grabbing skin and bone.  I wanted to put on a few pounds, but up until now, all I could do was fight.

And eat for fighting.

And drink for fighting, and do nothing that I wanted to do.  I was starting to live a bit, but as Mom just handed back her menu and said she wanted the same, I wondered how long that would last.

“I tried looking for you,” she spat out.  As if that justified anything that had happened to date.

“Dad found me.  He came looking for me.  I don’t care what you said you did.  As far as I’m concerned, you didn’t look hard enough!” I shouted.  Onlookers turned around as I started to get emotional.

I took a deep breath, looking at the view, trying to take in the beauty of the trees glistening in the sun and the passers by enjoying the hot weather.  The restaurant felt warm, and I remembered the reason I’d wanted to come here in the first place.

To not cause a scene.

To not get emotional, but I was failing miserably.

“Yes, I know.  We saw him on the security cameras.  We know why you left.  The problem was you were like a ghost.  You did a good job of hiding.  Maybe I taught you a bit too well,” she said slowly.  Mom was shaking as she spoke.  “He can’t hurt us anymore,” she said with relief.

I couldn’t believe it.  That was her justification for everything; that he couldn’t hurt us anymore?  She seemed to be missing one minor detail.

One thing that she seemed to not realize at all was that the man wasn’t fucking dead.

I’d thought he was buried.

That was what the news article said…

‘Lieutenant Paul Nelson died on March 11, 2008 in a horrific car accident.  Cause of death was a head-on collision with a tree while trying to avoid a jaywalker.  Witnesses saw the accident.  His wife and loving daughter, Sadie, were killed as the car exploded on collision with the tree.’

We didn’t speak as our waiter gave us both our plates and coffee, and I didn’t stop looking out of the window and devouring the food the same way I had last night.  The smell and the tantalizing taste of bacon and fried eggs made me close my eyes and hum.

“Well, someone was hungry.”

Her words annoyed me. 

“Yes, Mom.  When you haven’t had a good meal for the last three years, that tends to happen.  You see food, you get hungry.  You enjoy it.”

She slammed down her cutlery and said harshly, “What do you want from me?”

Oh, she had no idea what I wanted to do to her right now.  After all I had been through, she was turning this around on me.

“Well,”I wiped my mouth, ready to listen as she had delicately put it earlier, “let’s start with how is Dad alive!”

She cleared her throat and said, “Oh.”

Mom seemed to have forgotten that detail.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t.

“The whole thing was staged.  The idea was to threaten your Dad.  Make it known that he wasn’t welcome on the force, and that he had to move.  We all got new identities.  Some people on the force knew what he was doing…”

What the hell did that mean?

“People?” I interrupted her quickly.  How could people do it?  It must have been other investigators.

“Okay, not so much people, but Internal Affairs.  You see, your dad wasn’t only brutal to us.  Remember I told you a while ago that the bills were going through the roof when I left my job after he accused me of having an affair with my boss?”

I just stared at her.  She knew the answer to that question.

“Anyway, he was a dirty cop.  Taking money, turning a blind eye to certain things.  Even the bust that went wrong with his partner, Zack.  That could have been something to do with your dad.  Anyway, I never knew the specific details of the case.”

She paused, but I didn’t like her choice of words, ‘brutal to us’.  How could she describe being beaten like crazy every single fucking week as being brutal?  Fucking cruel.  Treating us like shit.  That would have been a better choice of words, but brutal, I couldn’t get my head around.

I started to drink my coffee.  I didn’t want her to stop talking, and drinking meant I couldn’t interrupt.

She kept staring at my plate, at other diners, or out of the window.

I hated that.

She was avoiding looking at me as she spoke.

Part of me wondered if it was because she was lying.  Or maybe it was out of guilt.

She stopped eating and placed her food to the side.  “I don’t feel hungry anymore,” she sighed. “We got out of Ohio, one way or another.  We were part of the protection program.  Your dad got sent away and got a new job in Boston.  This was part of the deal, as long as he gave up some names.  Other cops, criminals he was working with and things like that.  He did it in the end in exchange to come out early.  Not only did he get that, but he got a job set up for him as a security guard, and an apartment too.”

It was all starting to fall into place.  I had a feeling that the short sentence was just shy of two years.  Which made sense, why he was at Stanford at that time.

“Was it for two years, by any chance?”

She nodded.  What was the fucking point?  Two fucking years, for making my whole life a misery.  Stealing money.  Being the man that he was.

The penny had finally dropped, but a couple of things didn’t make sense.

“What about the poisoning?”

She started to cry.  “I didn’t want you scared any more.  I wanted you to feel safe, as if he couldn’t come after us again, so I made up that story.  The day that we left the house, he just passed out.  I just gave him sleeping pills.”

Holy fuck!

This woman was unbelievable.  All those nights of pretending she was slowly poisoning him.  It was all a lie.

So, I had one parent who wanted to beat me every time I so much as took a breath of fresh air, and the other was a compulsive liar.

“You knew all this and all those nights I had sleepless nights, worrying that he was coming after me, you knew why!”

I was fucking mad.  I was out of my seat.  I needed to get away from this woman.

“No, not until you ran away.  Not until we saw the cameras did we know he was after you.  We thought…”

Seriously, this woman was deluded. 

“You sent the man to jail.  Made him work as some security guy and then you expected him to come out and do what exactly?”

Mom couldn’t answer.  I just knew that I never wanted to see her again.

Never ever.


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